1. Knowledge
By the end of the lesson, sts are able to:
- review words/phrases about your body and you
- consolidate the grammar points of the unit: will and be going to - exchange opinions about some habits
2. Competence
- Students are able to improve self- study skills, critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, creativeness and IT skills
3. Qualifications
- The unit aims to enhance students’ diligence, honesty, responsibility, kindness and decency.
1. Equipments: computer, projector.
2. Learning materials: textbook, pictures, videos.
III. TEACHING PROCEDURE 1. Class organization
Class Date of teaching Attendance
10A3 10A4 10A5
2. Checking: During the lesson 3. New lesson
ACTIVITY 1: INTRODUCTION a) Objectives Looking back b) Content
Listen and repeat the following sentences.
c) Products Suggested answers
1. The prince plays a prime role in producing the special food.
2. Alice glances through the window and prays for magic.
3. The Grimm brothers' fairy tales have their grounding in the fairy world.
4. The growth of the grass in the ground is carefully monitored.
d) Organization Elicit students’ answers.
Give feedback.
Lead into new lesson.
b) Content Complete the following sentences with a word or phrase about the body.
c) Products Suggested answers
1 . bra in
lung/hea rt
3 . dige stiv e 4
. ske leta l
respirato ry (system)
6 . sto mac h 7
. ner vou s
1. The part that leads the controlling of the body is the brain.
(Phần dẫn dắt sự kiểm soát của cơ thể là bộ não.)
2. Blood is pumped through the lung/heart to bring oxygen to all parts of the body.
(Máu được bơm qua phổi / tim để mang oxy tới tất cả các bộ phận của cơ thể.)
3. Food is broken down and converted into energy in the digestive system.
(Thức ăn bị phá vỡ và biến thành năng lượng trong hệ thống tiêu hóa.)
4. The bones inthe skeletal system help support our body and protect the organs.
(Các xương trong hệ thống xương hỗ trợ cơ thể của chúng tôi và bảo vệ các cơ quan.)
5. The system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide is called respiratory (system) .
(Hệ thống có trong oxy và giải phóng carbon dioxide được gọi là hệ hô hấp.)
6. The place that food is first stored in the body is the stomach.
(Nơi mà thức ăn được lưu trữ lần đầu tiên trong cơ thể là dạ dày.) 7. The system which works as the control panel of the body is the nervous system.
(Hệ thống hoạt động như bảng điều khiển của cơ thể là hệ thống thần kinh.)
d) Organization Assign tasks; explain Monitor; help; tutorial
Review; Commendation Reported results
Conclusion; emphasize knowledge to remember ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE
a) Objectives Grammar
b) Content Underline the word in italics that best completes the sentence.
c) Products Suggested answers
Phương pháp giải:
- will + V: thì tương lai đơn dùng để chỉ về những việc có khả năng xảy ra trong tương lai nhưng không có gì là chắc chắn và suy nghĩ đó vừa mới xuất hiện
- be going to + V: chỉ 1 sự việc/hành động đã được lên kế hoạch từ trước.
- Cấu trúc câu bị động: S + to be + VpII Lời giải chi tiết:
1. I will become an engineer one day if I can.
(Một ngày nào đó tôi sẽ trở thành một kỹ sư.)
2. Foods are broken down and converted into energy in the digestive system.
(Thức ăn bị phá vỡ và chuyển hóa thành năng lượng trong hệ thống tiêu hóa.)
3. Jane is going to the dentist's tomorrow as planned.
(Jane sẽ đến nha sĩ vào ngày mai theo kế hoạch.)
4. The acupoints are stimulated to enhance the healing capability of the body itself.
(Châm cứu để kích thích để tăng cường khả năng chữa bệnh của cơ thể.)
5. Besides acupuncture, acupressure is used to help treat ailments without any medicine.
(Bên cạnh châm cứu, bấm huyệt được sử dụng để giúp điều trị bệnh không dùng thuốc.)
6. Although I have taken some aspirin, the headache won't go away.
(Mặc dù tôi đã dùng một ít thuốc kháng viêm, nhưng cơn đau đầu sẽ không biến mất.)
7. All the body organs are supported by the bones in the skeletal system.
(Tất cả các cơ quan đều được xương hỗ trợ trong hệ thống xương.)
8. Look at the dark clouds. I’m sure it is going to rain soon.
(Nhìn đám mây đen. Tôi chắc chắn rằng trời sắp mưa sớm.) d) Organization - Step 1- Assigning
State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task.
- Step 2- Performing
Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of
performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary.
- Step 3- Reporting and discussing
Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments.
- Step 4: Concluding
Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.
ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION a) Objectives Project
b) Content 1. Your doctor would like some information about your usual food habits to help plan the best possible health care for you and your friends. Conduct the survey, using the questions below and compile the findings into a report.
2. Present your findings to the class.
c) Products Suggested answers
All of my family's food is bought by my mother. She is also the one who prepares almost all of our meals every day. On weekdays, I always drink two liters of pure water and milk as it is good for my body. I love eating pork but sometimes, I have some chicken and fish for lunch. Normally, I don't have many vegetables for lunch although they are good for my health. I always have 3 meals a day and all of my meals are added salt.
d) Organization - Step 1- Assigning
State the requirements for each activity for the students. Make sure the students have a clear understanding of the task for each activity before performing the task.
- Step 2- Performing
Students work individually, in pairs, or in groups in the process of performing tasks. Teachers do general observations and help if necessary.
- Step 3- Reporting and discussing
Ask a few students or group representatives to present their answers. Other groups comment. Teacher general comments.
- Step 4: Concluding
Teacher presents specific learning products that the student must complete as required and clarify the problem to be resolved / explained; Learning tasks must be performed next.
- Summarize the main point of the lesson.
- Prepare for Unit 2: Your body and you: Looking back and Project Date of preparation: