B GIÁO D O I H C KINH T TP.HCM PH M TH THU HÒA NG C A CÁC Y U T NS - CH NG D CH V IH C TRUY N MI NG C A SINH VIÊN NG H LU TP H Chí Minh - LU T - C S KINH T B GIÁO D O I H C KINH T TP.HCM PH M TH THU HÒA NG C A CÁC Y U T NS - CH NG D CH V IH C TRUY N MI NG C A SINH VIÊN NG H - LU T - Chuyên ngành : Kinh doanh th Mã s : 60340121 LU C S KINH T NG D N KHOA H C: GS.TS NGUY TP H Chí Minh i i iên - q trình thu Tơi nghi Tơi xin cho tơi T online - ,n ii , trình ,n iii Trang i ii iii vi vii viii ix 01 1.1 01 1.2 08 1.3 08 1.4 09 1.5 09 1.6 09 11 2.1 11 2.1.1 11 2.1 12 2.2 13 2.2.1 13 2.2.2 14 2.2.3 15 2.3 17 18 19 2.3.1 19 2.3.2 20 iv 2.4 20 2.5 22 25 3.1 25 3.2 25 3.3 26 3.3.1 26 3.3.2 27 3.3.3 28 3.4 28 3.4.1 28 3.4.2 32 35 4.1 35 4.2 K 37 4.3 39 4.3.1 40 4.3.2 Phân tích EFA 44 4.3.3 44 4.3.4 45 4.4 47 4.4.1 48 4.4.2 48 my 48 dummy 50 4.5 52 4.5.1 52 v 4.5.2 53 4.5.3 53 4.6 54 58 5.1 58 5.2 59 5.2.1 59 5.2.2 60 5.2.3 61 5.2.4 63 5.2.5 63 5.2.6 64 5.4 66 67 .73 - .73 78 79 .80 Danh sách sinh 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phamnguyenphuongnam@gmail.com 99 28/06/13 7:25:14 144 30/06/13 22:06:16 tuyethanh103@gmail.com 100 28/06/13 8:08:22 tranlinh1806@gmail.com 145 01/07/13 0:24:32 101 28/06/13 8:17:13 lehoak09@gmail.com 146 01/07/13 8:52:52 102 28/06/13 9:17:37 147 01/07/13 9:28:59 gthanh135@gmail.com 103 28/06/13 11:03:23 148 01/07/13 9:38:55 thuytt10402b@st.uel.edu.vn 104 28/06/13 12:57:06 149 01/07/13 9:42:28 105 28/06/13 15:09:53 150 01/07/13 14:55:16 106 28/06/13 15:36:45 151 01/07/13 18:42:17 107 28/06/13 15:41:37 152 01/07/13 21:39:25 108 28/06/13 16:14:45 153 01/07/13 21:47:56 109 28/06/13 16:17:58 154 01/07/13 21:50:56 110 28/06/13 16:54:50 155 01/07/13 21:52:21 111 28/06/13 17:11:56 156 01/07/13 21:58:16 hangltt10402a@st.uel.edu.vn 112 28/06/13 18:13:14 chauhn09404a@st.uel.edu.vn 157 01/07/13 23:09:25 andp10501@st.uel.edu.vn 113 28/06/13 18:36:00 hahtt10404a@st.uel.edu.vn 158 01/07/13 23:09:55 114 28/06/13 18:57:33 anhptp10402t@st.uel.edu.vn 159 02/07/13 3:28:02 115 28/06/13 20:28:18 annahoangthi@gmail.com 160 02/07/13 6:16:56 116 28/06/13 20:49:20 161 03/07/13 3:26:02 117 28/06/13 20:50:42 trquangduc@gmail.com 162 03/07/13 9:19:30 118 28/06/13 21:03:56 minusaka@gmail.com 163 03/07/13 9:44:39 phuong.cass@gmail.com 119 28/06/13 21:07:15 lynty10405a@st.uel.edu.vn 164 03/07/13 9:47:18 habtt10502@st.uel.edu.vn 120 28/06/13 21:22:52 minhthu.uel@gmail.com 165 03/07/13 10:06:47 nttd85@gmail.com 121 28/06/13 21:56:25 166 03/07/13 11:12:06 122 28/06/13 22:31:08 kimdong1203@gmail.com 167 03/07/13 12:11:49 123 28/06/13 22:46:39 shining_star_H2M@yahoo.com 168 03/07/13 21:37:52 124 29/06/13 0:28:06 169 03/07/13 21:45:09 cos_baby2000@yahoo.com 125 29/06/13 8:50:05 170 04/07/13 10:37:02 tamtran1003@gmail.com 126 29/06/13 9:52:40 171 04/07/13 15:25:08 allen_walker36@yahoo.com 127 29/06/13 11:24:17 172 04/07/13 22:33:11 128 29/06/13 12:33:20 173 05/07/13 14:01:14 129 29/06/13 14:52:19 174 08/07/13 11:13:20 130 29/06/13 17:11:57 175 08/07/13 11:43:22 131 29/06/13 18:23:50 176 10/07/13 17:46:49 132 29/06/13 18:53:58 177 11/07/13 16:46:59 133 29/06/13 19:44:11 178 11/07/13 18:25:02 134 29/06/13 19:53:14 maint10402t@st.uel.edu.vn 179 12/07/13 19:02:42 135 29/06/13 20:36:33 nguyenthiuyenchi91@gmail.com 180 13/07/13 12:22:04 duyphuong403@gmail.com dnv10502@st.uel.edu.vn hoangan.lha@gmail.com hoantl10504@uel.edu.vn luuhuyentrang2003@gmail.co m anhnq10503@st.uel.edu.vn huytn09504@st.uel.edu.vn chungk095031664@gmail.com anhphuong902008@gmail.com thuhale5291@gmail.com dongltpyen@gmaill.com myntk10405a@st.uel.edu.vn 92 TT Thông tin sinh viê TT Ngày Ngày 181 13/07/13 12:52:26 198 30/07/13 20:14:45 182 14/07/13 14:30:26 199 30/07/13 22:41:02 183 14/07/13 17:09:35 dieunt09406@st.uel.edu.vn 200 31/07/13 8:13:50 184 15/07/13 11:32:24 huonghtx10501@gmail.com 201 31/07/13 9:30:55 ainhi.92@gmail.com 185 15/07/13 23:07:13 huyk09406@gmail.com 202 03/08/13 22:33:28 duonghien1811@gmail.com 186 16/07/13 12:09:24 203 05/08/13 23:10:49 camgiang381@gmail.com 187 16/07/13 12:10:20 204 05/08/13 23:16:59 188 16/07/13 12:10:38 205 10/08/13 21:21:42 189 18/07/13 12:22:04 206 11/08/13 21:38:18 190 18/07/13 21:38:18 207 13/08/13 22:18:17 191 19/07/13 21:14:40 208 14/08/13 14:10:17 192 19/07/13 21:14:48 209 23/08/13 6:50:32 193 20/07/13 0:14:06 210 24/08/13 8:05:44 194 20/07/13 18:54:11 khuyentran74@gmail.com 211 25/08/13 10:24:38 195 20/07/13 20:45:55 ttang96@gmail.com 212 26/08/13 9:18:57 196 25/07/13 14:05:14 213 27/08/13 12:34:59 197 30/07/13 18:06:47 pdolananh@gmail.com anhvnp10502@st.uel.edu.vn thuhuynhbig0@gmail.com phanthanhhoi559@gmail.com 93 Descriptive Statistics Mean Std Deviation Analysis N HT1 4.12 673 202 HT2 3.40 693 202 HT3 3.57 913 202 HT4 3.79 832 202 HT5 3.89 754 202 HT6 3.54 753 202 HT7 3.42 783 202 HT8 3.27 940 202 CT1 3.65 858 202 CT2 3.37 861 202 CT3 3.30 881 202 CT4 3.59 866 202 CS1 3.67 994 202 CS2 2.83 1.172 202 CS3 3.25 1.031 202 CS4 3.00 1.005 202 CS5 2.27 977 202 TC1 3.02 1.007 202 TC2 3.29 816 202 TC3 3.30 909 202 TC4 3.10 995 202 TC5 3.52 761 202 TC6 3.12 1.063 202 NH1 3.81 833 202 NH3 3.24 917 202 NH4 3.65 892 202 NH5 3.82 835 202 NH6 3.31 889 202 NH7 3.41 922 202 NH8 3.22 774 202 DT1 3.77 870 202 DT2 3.09 764 202 94 Correlations WOM WOM Pearson Correlation TC HT CT DT NH 294** 402** 454** 592** 423** 0.09 0 0 0.202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 294** 352** 416** 433** 324** 223** 325** 0 0 0.001 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 402** 352** 370** 348** 175* 181** 298** Sig (2-tailed) N TC Pearson Correlation Sig (2-tailed) N HT Pearson Correlation Sig (2-tailed) N CT Pearson Correlation Sig (2-tailed) N DT Pearson Correlation Sig (2-tailed) N NH Pearson Correlation Sig (2-tailed) NL TL 311** 0 0 0.013 0.01 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 454** 416** 370** 456** 352** 309** 436** 0 0 0 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 592** 433** 348** 456** 336** 263** 296** 0 0 0 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 423** 324** 175* 352** 336** 229** 261** NL 0 0.013 0 0.001 N 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 Pearson Correlation 0.09 223** 181** 309** 263** 229** 344** 0.202 0.001 0.01 0 0.001 Sig (2-tailed) N 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 202 311** 325** 298** 436** 296** 261** 344** 0 0 0 N 202 202 ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) 202 202 202 202 202 TL Pearson Correlation Sig (2-tailed) 202 95 KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Arox Chi-Square 880 3.084E3 df 496 Sig .000 96 Rotated Component Matrixa Component TC4 860 160 030 -.014 160 055 185 066 TC6 848 073 012 -.017 192 037 146 044 TC1 799 167 287 -.016 -.087 068 -.032 118 TC3 785 -.005 087 120 025 -.056 167 082 TC2 704 154 267 338 -.010 197 -.042 097 TC5 652 242 095 339 187 067 061 056 NH7 514 125 369 218 -.005 230 223 154 HT3 011 799 129 087 -.184 -.021 -.058 037 HT4 145 772 082 235 -.082 -.022 -.017 037 HT5 149 760 104 113 076 150 -.095 107 HT7 060 648 147 -.047 -.018 -.086 319 052 HT2 218 627 023 -.167 293 090 299 -.104 HT1 134 594 140 119 302 170 137 -.222 HT6 096 580 114 -.090 205 -.047 355 220 HT8 079 540 -.012 -.059 185 112 -.014 274 CT1 172 092 736 042 296 -.050 196 064 NH2 126 210 674 078 -.050 206 143 157 CT2 176 191 653 024 314 173 068 192 NH6 334 115 475 414 185 039 088 083 NH3 271 089 384 273 -.041 358 257 156 NH5 133 095 208 732 254 -.053 029 107 NH4 094 -.021 -.082 687 -.008 202 238 131 NH1 397 116 273 444 217 077 142 -.167 CT3 077 099 074 194 711 199 062 236 CT4 134 061 318 089 708 -.031 137 -.008 CS4 024 095 056 220 114 811 083 043 CS5 128 018 171 -.073 070 783 025 180 DT2 251 122 169 152 119 103 739 106 DT1 203 127 280 241 070 080 683 024 CS2 161 078 295 -.031 -.048 230 064 739 CS1 098 191 115 218 217 039 155 695 CS3 224 041 068 285 424 135 -.086 478 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in iterations 97 KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Arox Chi-Square 867 2.632E3 df 378 Sig .000 98 Rotated Component Matrixa Component TC4 862 172 017 126 172 -.023 064 TC6 850 088 -.007 068 211 -.050 057 TC1 800 164 278 109 -.081 -.039 024 TC3 792 -.005 077 164 045 137 -.045 TC2 716 145 236 145 -.027 333 137 TC5 666 246 055 087 190 328 051 NH7 524 134 297 374 010 165 206 HT3 007 785 148 041 -.217 107 -.049 HT4 147 765 086 039 -.117 229 -.015 HT5 152 758 155 -.052 050 099 147 HT7 062 664 085 253 036 -.075 -.082 HT2 215 644 -.121 213 311 -.148 078 HT6 103 604 137 242 263 -.074 -.037 HT1 136 602 -.132 234 275 108 139 HT8 079 547 207 -.126 185 -.052 142 CS2 174 084 744 -.011 035 008 257 NH2 131 204 558 450 -.010 063 114 CS1 119 200 549 -.032 298 305 087 CT2 191 192 536 298 391 040 101 DT1 211 151 043 754 089 197 105 DT2 253 151 046 683 148 118 159 CT1 181 100 454 520 351 008 -.142 CT4 144 076 118 220 736 076 -.036 CT3 090 107 163 014 706 253 233 NH4 123 -.019 004 127 037 738 183 NH5 158 093 154 154 250 721 -.077 CS4 034 093 085 130 088 243 797 CS5 130 022 262 091 057 -.082 787 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in iterations 99 KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx Chi-Square 853 2.385E3 df 325 Sig .000 100 Rotated Component Matrixa Component TC4 859 162 154 149 -.016 066 004 TC6 840 077 181 092 -.044 053 -.009 TC1 817 175 009 058 -.036 046 204 TC3 791 -.009 044 199 139 -.043 091 TC2 730 159 071 062 340 164 145 TC5 667 242 194 080 332 065 025 HT3 021 797 -.143 013 101 -.040 105 HT4 148 770 -.085 048 221 -.017 080 HT5 158 762 076 -.066 095 159 112 HT7 052 664 059 294 -.086 -.101 103 HT2 216 630 303 193 -.139 089 -.191 HT6 098 599 278 257 -.075 -.044 107 HT1 145 594 306 165 116 172 -.232 HT8 078 547 170 -.105 -.056 140 192 CT4 135 070 786 122 077 -.008 014 CT3 082 098 684 -.024 256 253 097 CT1 216 113 537 378 010 -.076 277 CT2 218 204 529 204 033 164 407 DT1 202 147 140 785 195 093 056 DT2 241 140 144 767 117 137 090 NH4 114 -.021 007 162 741 170 041 NH5 162 100 312 083 724 -.057 092 CS4 032 096 091 108 246 808 056 CS5 136 030 082 068 -.080 801 217 CS2 171 100 055 096 -.018 240 821 CS1 104 204 273 070 284 061 623 101 Descriptive Statistics Mean Std Deviation Analysis N W1 4.05 761 202 W2 3.92 880 202 W3 4.15 765 202 Correlations W1 Pearson Correlation W2 W3 W1 1.000 691 439 W2 691 1.000 448 W3 439 448 1.000 KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity 650 Arox Chi-Square 181.786 df Sig .000 Total Variance Explained Initial Eigenvalues Compon ent Total % of Variance Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Cumulative % 2.061 68.702 68.702 630 20.986 89.688 309 10.312 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Component Matrixa Component W2 876 W1 872 W3 730 Total 2.061 % of Variance 68.702 Cumulative % 68.702 102 PHÂN TÍCH CRONB : Ng Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 557 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted NH4 3.82 698 387 a NH5 3.65 796 387 a Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 646 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted CS4 2.27 955 477 a CS5 3.00 1.010 477 a Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 659 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Cronbach's Alpha Item Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation if Item Deleted CS1 2.83 1.375 498 a CS2 3.67 989 498 a 103 Model Summaryb Std Error of the Model R R Square 696a Adjusted R Square 485 Estimate 460 73460385 ANOVAb Sum of Model Squares Regression df Mean Square F 97.389 10.821 Residual 103.611 192 201.000 000a 540 Total Sig 20.052 201 Coefficientsa Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients Model B -.008 100 104 052 293 (Constant) REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis GIOITINHMH CHUYENNGANHMH Std Error t Sig Tolerance VIF -.081 936 104 1.987 048 982 1.018 052 293 5.587 000 978 1.022 278 052 278 5.339 000 987 1.013 424 052 424 8.132 000 985 1.015 325 053 325 6.173 000 970 1.031 -.040 052 -.040 -.770 442 997 1.003 124 052 124 2.381 018 995 1.005 -.071 110 -.035 -.647 518 941 1.062 127 109 062 1.157 249 921 1.086 a Dependent Variable: REGR factor score for analysis Beta Collinearity Statistics 104 Model Summaryb Std Error of the Model R R Square 692a Adjusted R Square 479 Estimate 460 73455966 ANOVAb Sum of Model Squares Regression df Mean Square 96.322 13.760 Residual 104.678 194 201.000 Sig .000a 540 Total F 25.502 201 Coefficientsa Unstandardized Coefficients Model (Constant) REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis REGR factor score for analysis Standardized Coefficients B Std Error t Sig .000 Tolerance VIF 1.000 4.391E-18 052 114 052 114 2.193 030 1.000 1.000 282 052 282 5.440 000 1.000 1.000 272 052 272 5.241 000 1.000 1.000 428 052 428 8.263 000 1.000 1.000 337 052 337 6.502 000 1.000 1.000 -.044 052 -.044 -.847 398 1.000 1.000 120 052 120 2.321 021 1.000 1.000 a Dependent Variable: REGR factor score for analysis Beta Collinearity Statistics 105 ... Smith th gian - 1.2 sinh viên - c 1.3 sinh viên sinh viên - 1.4 ý phân khám phá EFA, phân tích 1.5 - N ; - WOM, 1.6 quy trình 10 sinh viên nhà tài và c 11 gi sinh viên 2.1 2.1.1 nhân - hàng Theo... 2.3.2 sinh viên (Naik , 2010; hi (Angela, 2012) 2.4 c hài lòng 21 gi khóa, n , sinh viên da H6: D 22 Ngồi ra, góc thơng sinh viên thích ; sinh viên nam Do là: sinh viên s trên, là: H8: Sinh. .. GIÁO D O I H C KINH T TP.HCM PH M TH THU HÒA NG C A CÁC Y U T NS - CH NG D CH V IH C TRUY N MI NG C A SINH VIÊN NG H - LU T - Chuyên ngành : Kinh doanh th Mã s : 60340121 LU C S KINH T NG D N