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En48 thực tập dịch education – economy – modern lifestyle

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Supervisor: Student: Date of birth:Group:

Major:At: Course: Duration:

Hanoi, May 2024



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I, An Mong Linh, hereby declare that this report of the translation internship titled“EDUCATION - ECONOMY - MODERN LIFESTYLE” at Công ty Cổ phần Đào TạoE-connect Quảng Ninh (E-connect Quang Ninh Training Joint Stock Company) isoriginally prepared and written by me under the strict guidance of my supervisor, MA.Nguyen The Hoa.

I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement at HanoiOpen University, not for any other purposes

Hanoi, May 2024


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CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW 10 CHAPTER 2: THE TRANSLATED TEXTS 121.The translated texts of the two articles (From English into Vietnamese)……… 12

1.1 Article 1 121.1 Article 1 translation 12 1.2 Article 1 Analysis 161.3 Article 2 171.3 Article 2 translation 171.4 Article 2 Analysis 212The translated texts of the two articles (From Vietnamese into English)……….22

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2.4 Article 4 Analysis 30


1 Article 1 about economy 32

2 Article 2 about education and mordern life style (violence)34



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Economy, education, and modern lifestyle are topics which interconnected andcritically influence our society's present and future trajectory

The economy is a fundamental aspect of any society It affects everyone, fromindividuals to businesses to governments Understanding economic trends, policies,and challenges provides insight into broader societal dynamics By examining factorssuch as employment rates, inflation, GDP growth, and income distribution, we canassess the overall health of the economy and its impact on people's lives Additionally,exploring economic issues like globalization, technological advancements, andsustainability allows us to anticipate future developments and adapt accordingly.

The Covid-19 pandemic affects every country in the world In Vietnam, itseriously affects all socio-economic fields, especially labor and employment Statisticalresults show that the second quarter of 2020 marked a decrease in the labor force ofmore than 2 million people - an unprecedented decrease in the past decade, the laborforce decreased mainly in rural areas and female workers The second quarter of 2020also witnessed a sharp decrease in employed workers aged 15 and older and a sharpincrease in the rate of underemployed workers, the highest unemployment rate in thepast 10 years, of which The unemployment rate increased the most among workerswith low technical and professional qualifications

The world is developing rapidly, and the challenges of climate change andenvironmental destruction are becoming more apparent Accordingly, sustainablebusiness models have emerged as an important approach to solve these problems whilepromoting economic growth in countries in particular and globally in general Sustainablebusiness is a concept that combines innovation, business acumen and environmentalstewardship, thereby creating a positive impact on society and our planet Within the

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framework of Global Pathways, a project on entrepreneurship education integratingsustainable business entrepreneurship education (funded by the European Union), Mr.Asser Mortensen, Founder, CEO of Social Enterprise InterCollege (Denmark) had aworking program with the Academy of Policy and Development (Ministry of Planningand Investment), sharing at the seminar on "Startup and sustainable business -Experiences and teaching methods" Sustainable business start-up education fromDenmark and lessons for Vietnam.”

Education plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals and societies It is thecornerstone of personal development, social mobility, and economic prosperity Byinvestigating educational systems, policies, and outcomes, we can identify areas forimprovement and ensure equitable access to quality education for all Moreover,analyzing topics such as educational attainment, skill gaps, and lifelong learning shedslight on the evolving demands of the workforce and the need for continuous educationin a rapidly changing world.

School violence in recent years has become a hotter issue than ever whenscrolling through social networks and electronic newspapers are filled with informationabout school violence Students gather factions to fight (both boys and girls) and evenassault teachers Public opinion is extremely sad and frightened by the increasingsituation of school violence among Vietnamese female students, which is continuouslyreflected in the media Even more alarming, the phenomenon of students hittingteachers is also increasing There were teachers who were giving a lesson whensuddenly a student took a machete from their bag and rushed to the podium andseriously injured them The objective reason is due to the loose management offamilies and schools, not orienting children to the right thinking, leading to deviantactions School violence creates aggressive habits and bad personalities for those whocommit acts of violence; causing harm and affecting the health and psychology of theperson being assaulted and creating bad images for students, teachers, schools and

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families Each student needs to actively study, improve himself, make usefulcontributions to the school, help the pedagogical environment develop sustainably, livewith dreams, aspirations, ideals, and know how to rise their dreams and ambitions.

Modern lifestyle encompasses various aspects of contemporary society,including cultural norms, technological advancements, and societal values Examininglifestyle trends, consumption patterns, and societal attitudes allows us to understandhow people live, work, and interact in today's world Moreover, exploring topics suchas digitalization, urbanization, and sustainability provides insights into theopportunities and challenges associated with modern living By critically evaluatingour lifestyle choices and their implications, we can make informed decisions to fosterindividual well-being and collective progress.

Popular in the West for quite some time, the concept of a "gap year" has graduallyspread worldwide and has significantly influenced Vietnamese youth It provides youngpeople with an opportunity to explore more and indulge in activities they desire The "gapyear" model is particularly prevalent in countries with advanced education systems, suchas the US or Europe In Vietnam, this trend has gained increasing popularity amongyoung individuals in recent years Planning for a "gap year" can occur in the short or longterm, spanning from a few weeks to several months or even the entire year It involvesstudying and experiencing life in another country, making it a valuable asset in the lifejourney of many young Vietnamese individuals today.

During the internship at E-Connect Quang Ninh, I chose the topics of economy,education, and modern lifestyle for translation because these topics are interconnectedand essential for understanding the dynamics of contemporary society By examiningthese areas in-depth, I would like to gain valuable insights for my future career anddevelop my ambition It is the encouragement for me to doing in-depth reading andtranslation in those topics in this translation internship report.

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2 About the company

2.1 Brief information



2.2 Company organisation chart

2.3 The Introduction of E-connect Quang Ninh’s English Center

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E-connect Quang Ninh’s English Center belongs to was allowed to be establishedby the Department of Education and Training of Quang Ninh Province on May 19, 2017,at the address block 1,2, lot B14, urban area column 5-column 8, Hong Ha ward, HaLong City The center has an area of over 2,000 square meters, with a system ofclassrooms, a modern library, a standard cafeteria, nearly 20 comfortable rooms, and anoutdoor art space close to nature, creating learning and working inspiration for studentsas well as officials and employees

Core value – mission and visions

The core value of E-connect Quang Ninh (ECQN) is that if you want to developquickly and sustainably, there is one path only - to make education "dedication, goodquality, and constant improvement of quality " To promote that value, ECQN invests inthree factors:

 First, the human factor: This is considered the key step that determines success.ECQN spends the greatest investment in a team of managers and native teachers Fornative teachers: all have international English teaching certificates; have at least 2years of teaching experience; Graduated from top universities in the UK, US, andCanada For project managers and teaching assistants: Vietnamese, universitygraduates in foreign language pedagogy, with foreign language proficiency of IELTS6.5 or higher.

 The second factor is the management and quality assurance process: ECQN builds amanagement process according to ISO 9001: 2013 and 5S standards.

 Third, a friendly and professional living and working environment: ECQN has madelong-term investments in complete and modern facilities at all branches.

Successful initial steps with impressive results.

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ECQN has created a new vitality in learning English at schools, contributing toschools sending messages about the role and importance of learning English in the era ofintegration.

The curricula standardized internationally are designed for students from elementaryto high school and are aimed at studying abroad, students planning to study abroad, through classes: English for Science, English for communication, soft skills in English In addition to the main curricular programs, ECQN also organizes extracurricularactivities and summer programs with diverse forms such as Summer Camp, EnglishClubs at the school…

ECQN also focuses on implementing output commitment standards at affiliatedschools Currently, E-connect is teaching from secondary school level, committed toachieving at least 6.0 IELTS at the end of secondary school.

Gradually build ECQN's own identity.

After 5 years of construction and development, up to now, ECQN has graduallyasserted its own identity Understand that a good foreign language center not only hasmodern facilities, but that center must also have teachers who understand their students(from personality, ability to absorb lectures, etc.) That is called the dedication ofteachers and educational managers.

ECQN aims to cooperate with schools to incorporate English programs withforeign elements into teaching in the regular schedule In addition, ECQN not onlyfocuses on teaching English but also focuses on sharing culture, training more skills suchas Communication Skills, Critical Thinking, Creativity (Creativity) and Collaborationskills (Collaboration),…

At ECQN, there is also a close connection and camaraderie between foreign staffand teachers As both colleagues and friends, ECQN staff at all branches always

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accompany and devote themselves to their work, to together create a strong ECQN team,contributing to the development of the country's education system.

With that enthusiasm, ECQN hopes to bring opportunities for students to access anadvanced international education, firmly on the path to becoming a global citizen


The first below article about the economy relevant to the wave of layoffs informsreaders about the potential consequences of higher interest rates on the job market and theeconomy as a whole By citing economists and providing analysis, the article aims toraise awareness about the potential for layoffs and job losses shortly Additionally, it mayserve to educate readers about the role of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy inshaping economic conditions and the challenges facing businesses and workers innavigating a changing financial landscape Overall, the article seeks to provide valuableinsights into current economic trends and their potential implications for employment.

The second article aims to shed light on the prevalent issue of cyberbullying facedby teachers from both students and parents It provides statistics, quotes from relevantindividuals and organizations, and examples of cyberbullying incidents to illustrate theseverity of the problem Additionally, it emphasizes the need for schools to implementeffective policies to prevent and address cyberbullying, while also calling for moresupport and guidance for teachers dealing with such harassment Overall, the articleserves to raise awareness about cyberbullying in the educational sector and advocate formeasures to combat it.

The third article is relevant to modern lifestyle and the trend among young people.Gap year is a concept that is no longer strange to many young people around the worldtoday The number of Vietnamese young people taking "gap year" is increasing This isconsidered a bold trend for brave and dynamic youth The right way to "gap year" will

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help young people open their eyes When entering a foreign country, they will see thatthe laws, customs and culture are very different from their own country If they go to abetter country, young people will learn to improve their country If unfortunately they goto a country with a "worse" side, young people will learn to love their country Inaddition, "gap year" also helps young people form knowledge about life skills andimportant social practice skills in life: communication, persuasion, orientation (the abilityto observe, feel ), decision making, teamwork, escape through real-life situations.Adults and parents' understanding of the modern lifestyle of today's youth helps them liveand express themselves in a positive way, inspire others and spread positive things tosociety; stay away from bad habits Let's each join hands to build a healthy and beautifullifestyle for young people and for future generations to follow.

Sustainable business is a concept that combines innovation, business acumen andenvironmental stewardship, thereby creating a positive impact on society and our planet.Within the framework of Global Pathways, a project on entrepreneurship educationintegrating sustainable business entrepreneurship education (funded by the EuropeanUnion), Mr Asser Mortensen, Founder, CEO of Social Enterprise InterCollege(Denmark) had a working program with the Academy of Policy and Development(Ministry of Planning and Investment), sharing at the seminar on "Startup and sustainablebusiness - Experiences and teaching methods" Sustainable business start-up educationfrom Denmark and lessons for Vietnam.” The last article effectively addresses the urgentneed for sustainable business practices in light of environmental challenges such asglobal warming By providing statistics and examples, the author strengthens theirargument and demonstrates the growing trend of sustainability in entrepreneurship Thediscussion of how sustainable entrepreneurship encompasses environmental, social, andeconomic aspects adds depth to the topic and highlights its broader implications forsociety Overall, the article successfully educates readers about the importance ofsustainable business practices in ensuring a better future for future generations.

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CHAPTER 2: THE TRANSLATED TEXTS1 - The translations of two articles from English into Vietnamese

1.1 Article 1

Title: Layoffs could be coming as laden firms navigate the pain of higherrates, economists say

debt-Tiêu đề: Các nhà kinh tế cho biết việc sa thải có thể xảy ra khi các công ty đang nặng gánh nợ nần phải đối mặt với nỗi đau từ lãi suất cao hơn.

A wave of layoffs could be coming ascompanies deal with the reality of higherinterest rates, economists say

The economy could be primed for asurge in layoffs by the end of 2024,economic experts say.

That's because aggressive Fed ratehikes haven't been fully felt across theeconomy.

Unemployment could rise to around5% by year-end, according to economistDavid Rosenberg.

While the job market still looks strong onpaper, hiring conditions are set for a

Các nhà kinh tế cho biết, làn sóng sa thảinhân viên có thể xảy ra khi các công typhải đối mặt với thực tế lãi suất cao hơn.

• Các chuyên gia kinh tế cho biết nền kinhtế có thể phải đối mặt với tình trạng sa thảinhân viên tăng vọt vào cuối năm 2024.• Đó là do việc Fed tăng lãi suất mạnh mẽvẫn chưa được cảm nhận đầy đủ trên toànbộ nền kinh tế.

• Theo chuyên gia kinh tế DavidRosenberg, tỷ lệ thất nghiệp có thể tăng lênkhoảng 5% vào cuối năm.\

Theo David Rosenberg, nhà kinh tế vàngười sáng lập Rosenberg Research, trong

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slowdown later this year, according toDavid Rosenberg, economist and thefounder of Rosenberg Research That'sbecause the economy — and what's beentouted as a surprisingly strong job market— are actually weaker than they appear,he told Business Insider, predicting thatunemployment could jump to 5% by theend of the year.

Steve Briggs, the CEO of BriggsFinancial, is also calling for dismal joblosses to begin next year In the worst-case scenario, unemployment could soarup to 10%-15% in 2025 and into 2026,Briggs predicted, though that view is verymuch an outlier among other Wall Streetforecasters, and would be generallyunprecedented outside of a majorrecession The peak unemployment rateduring the Great Recession was 10% in2009

Behind the dire predictions for the USlabor market is the Fed's aggressivemonetary policy tightening to controlinflation, Briggs said, referring to thecurrent economic environment as the "tip

khi thị trường việc làm trên giấy tờ vẫn cóvẻ mạnh mẽ, điều kiện tuyển dụng có thểsẽ chậm lại vào cuối năm nay Đó là bởi vìnền kinh tế - và những gì được coi là thịtrường việc làm mạnh mẽ đáng ngạc nhiên- thực sự yếu hơn so với những gì chúngthể hiện, ông nói với Business Insider, dựđoán rằng tỷ lệ thất nghiệp có thể tăng lên5% vào cuối năm nay.

Steve Briggs, Giám đốc điều hành củaBriggs Financial, cũng dự đoán tình trạngmất việc làm ảm đạm sẽ bắt đầu vào nămtới Briggs dự đoán trong trường hợp xấunhất, tỷ lệ thất nghiệp có thể tăng vọt lêntới 10% -15% vào năm 2025 và đến năm2026, mặc dù quan điểm đó rất khác biệt sovới các nhà dự báo khác của Phố Wall vànói chung sẽ là điều chưa từng có ngoàimột cuộc suy thoái lớn Tỷ lệ thất nghiệpcao nhất trong cuộc Đại suy thoái là 10%vào năm 2009.

Briggs cho biết đằng sau những dự đoánkhủng khiếp đối với thị trường lao độngMỹ là việc thắt chặt chính sách tiền tệ tíchcực của Fed nhằm kiểm soát lạm phát,

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of the iceberg."

Signs of weakness have been flashing inseveral under-the-radar indicators Whilethe economy added 275,000 jobs inFebruary, which was more than expected,continuing unemployment claims haveticked higher for most of the last year,suggesting that it's becoming harder forout-of-work Americans to land a new gig.Following revisions to the prior twomonths' figures, the unemployment ratealso rose to 3.9% in February, its highestlevel in two years.

Debt deluge

The shaky labor outlook is largely thefault of the Fed's aggressive interest-ratehikes in 2022 and 2023, with higherborrowing costs posing a big risk for theeconomy and debt-straddled firms overthe coming year.

Central bankers raised interest rates totheir highest levels since 2001 in order totame inflation Prices have cooledsignificantly, but high rates are still

đồng thời coi môi trường kinh tế hiện tại là“phần nổi của tảng băng chìm”.

Dấu hiệu suy yếu đã xuất hiện ở một số dấuhiệu chưa được phát hiện Trong khi nềnkinh tế tạo thêm 275.000 việc làm trongtháng 2, nhiều hơn dự kiến, số đơn xin trợcấp thất nghiệp tiếp tục tăng cao trong hầuhết năm ngoái, cho thấy rằng những ngườiMỹ thất nghiệp ngày càng khó kiếm đượcviệc làm mới.

Sau khi điều chỉnh số liệu của hai thángtrước, tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cũng tăng lên 3,9%trong tháng 2, mức cao nhất trong hai năm.

Nợ nần chồng chất

Triển vọng lao động không ổn định phầnlớn là do lỗi của việc Fed tăng mạnh lãisuất vào năm 2022 và 2023, cùng với chiphí đi vay cao hơn gây ra rủi ro lớn cho nềnkinh tế và các công ty đang mắc nợ trongnăm tới.

Các ngân hàng trung ương đã tăng lãi suấtlên mức cao nhất kể từ năm 2001 nhằmkiềm chế lạm phát Giá cả đã hạ nhiệt đángkể, nhưng lãi suất cao vẫn đe dọa đẩy nền

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threatening to tip the economy into arecession.

While the US is not in a recession andgrowth remains strong, the full impact ofFed rate hikes likely hasn't been fully feltin the economy, economic experts havesaid

Higher rates spell trouble for UScompanies with near-term debtmaturities Non-financial corporationshad a near-record $13.6 trillion debtoutstanding in the last quarter of 2023,according to Fed data Heavily indebtedbusinesses risk defaulting as debt maturesand has to be refinanced at higher interestrates That could result in a wave ofbankruptcies and restructurings starting inthe second half 2024, Briggs predicted.Even for firms that can navigate thedifficulties of higher rates, steeperborrowing costs are a strain on balancesheets, which could prompt businessleaders to reorganize their workforces,Briggs and Rosenberg said.

"You're shielded to some extent from thedamage the Fed has done, but that just

kinh tế vào suy thoái.

Các chuyên gia kinh tế cho biết, mặc dùMỹ không rơi vào suy thoái và tăng trưởngvẫn mạnh nhưng tác động đầy đủ của việctăng lãi suất của Fed có thể chưa được cảmnhận đầy đủ đối với nền kinh tế.

Lãi suất cao hơn gây rắc rối cho các côngty Mỹ có kỳ hạn nợ ngắn hạn Theo dữ liệucủa Fed, các tập đoàn phi tài chính cókhoản nợ gần kỷ lục 13,6 nghìn tỷ USDtrong quý cuối cùng của năm 2023 Cácdoanh nghiệp mắc nợ nhiều có nguy cơ vỡnợ khi nợ đáo hạn và phải tái cấp vốn vớilãi suất cao hơn Briggs dự đoán điều đó cóthể dẫn đến một làn sóng phá sản và tái cơcấu bắt đầu từ nửa cuối năm 2024

Briggs và Rosenberg cho biết, ngay cả đốivới những công ty có thể vượt qua nhữngkhó khăn do lãi suất cao hơn, chi phí đi vaycao hơn vẫn gây căng thẳng cho bảng cânđối kế toán, điều này có thể khiến các nhàlãnh đạo doanh nghiệp phải tổ chức lại lựclượng lao động của họ.

Rosenberg nói: “Ở một mức độ nào đó, bạn

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buys you time It doesn't get you a get outof jail free card," Rosenberg said.

Layoffs and debt defaults have been onrise The default rate for leveraged loansrose to 3.3% in the 12 months leading upto January, and is expected to climb toaround 4% this year, according to FitchRatings.

Meanwhile, layoff announcements surged410% year-over-year in February — theworst February recorded since 2009,according to an analysis from Challenger,Gray & Christmas 60% of states havealready seen unemployment levels climbto recessionary levels, Rosenberg noted.

được bảo vệ khỏi những thiệt hại mà Fedđã gây ra, nhưng điều đó chỉ giúp bạn câuthêm thời gian Nó không giúp bạn có đượcthẻ miễn phí khỏi tù”.

Tình trạng sa thải nhân viên và vỡ nợ đanggia tăng Tỷ lệ vỡ nợ đối với các khoản vaycó đòn bẩy đã tăng lên 3,3% trong 12 thángtính đến tháng 1 và dự kiến sẽ tăng lênkhoảng 4% trong năm nay, theo FitchRatings.

Trong khi đó, thông báo sa thải đã tăng410% so với cùng kỳ trong tháng 2 - tháng2 tồi tệ nhất được ghi nhận kể từ năm 2009,theo phân tích từ Challenger, Grey &Christmas Rosenberg lưu ý rằng 60% cácbang đã chứng kiến mức thất nghiệp tănglên mức suy thoái.

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Grammatical cohesion:

The grammar in the article is clear and coherent overall

- There are minor grammatical issues such as missing articles ("the") in phrases like"behind the dire predictions for the US labor market is the Fed's aggressivemonetary policy tightening."

- The sentence structure is varied, with a mix of complex and simple sentencescontributing to readability.

Writing Style Analysis:

The writing style is informative and straightforward, conveying complex economicconcepts in an accessible manner

- The article includes quotes from experts to support its claims, adding credibility tothe analysis

- It uses descriptive language to paint a picture of the current economic landscape,such as referring to the economic environment as the "tip of the iceberg" anddescribing the labor outlook as "shaky."

- The writing style maintains a neutral tone, presenting facts and expert opinionswithout overt bias or sensationalism.

Overall, the article effectively analyzes the potential impact of higher interest rates on thejob market, supported by expert opinions and relevant data The writing is clear,grammatically correct, and maintains a balanced tone throughout.

More than one in seven teachers hasbeen the victim of cyberbullying by

Hơn một phần bảy giáo viên là nạn nhân, hộinghị thường niên của Hiệp hội Giáo viên vàGiảng viên cho biết.

Theo một cuộc khảo sát được công bố hômnay, hơn một phần bảy giáo viên đã từng lànạn nhân của bắt nạt trực tuyến bởi học sinh

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pupils or parents, and almost half knowa colleague who has been targeted,according to a survey published today.Students have set up "hate" groups onsocial networking sites calling forspecific teachers to be sacked and haveeven created fake profiles in their namescontaining defamatory information.Schools must make clear to pupils thatsuch behaviour will lead to punishment,the Association of Teachers andLecturers (ATL) said.

One delegate at the union's annualconference told of a teacher who hadbeen called to the head's office to beinformed that a Facebook page in hisname listed interests that included"underage sex with both boys andgirls" It was removed after he toldpupils police were investigating.

Nick Clayton, of ATL's Wirral branch,told the audience in Manchester of"sinister" groups on Facebook and Bebo"aggressively calling for the heads ofperfectly competent, yet firm, teachers".

"If Ofsted can give you goosebumps, a

hoặc phụ huynh và gần một nửa biết mộtđồng nghiệp đã trở thành mục tiêu.

Học sinh đã thành lập các nhóm "ghét" trêncác trang mạng xã hội kêu gọi sa thải một sốgiáo viên cụ thể và thậm chí còn tạo hồ sơgiả mang tên họ chứa thông tin phỉ báng.

Hiệp hội Giáo viên và Giảng viên (ATL) chobiết, các trường học phải nói rõ với học sinhrằng hành vi như vậy sẽ dẫn đến hình phạt.

Một đại biểu tại hội nghị thường niên củacông đoàn kể về một giáo viên được gọi đếnvăn phòng hiệu trưởng để được thông báorằng một trang Facebook mang tên ông liệtkê các sở thích bao gồm "quan hệ tình dụctuổi vị thành niên với cả nam và nữ" Nó đãđược gỡ bỏ sau khi anh ấy nói với học sinhrằng cảnh sát đang điều tra.

Nick Clayton, thuộc chi nhánh Wirral củaATL, nói với khán giả ở Manchester về cácnhóm "nham hiểm" trên Facebook và Bebo"mạnh mẽ kêu gọi những người đứng đầu lànhững giáo viên hoàn toàn có năng lựcnhưng kiên quyết".

Ông nói: “Nếu Ofsted có thể khiến bạn nổida gà thì một lời phê bình trên Facebook có

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Facebook critique can bring you to tearsas a teacher," he said.

One head of department at anindependent school told the study byATL that his experience ofcyberbullying was the worst week of hiscareer.

A secondary school teacher said he hadbeen upset and worried about being asource of ridicule among students aftera video of him in the classroom wasposted on YouTube.

The survey of 630 teachers and supportstaff found that 15% had been bulliedonline – with tactics ranging fromabusive messages to hate sites andphotographs or videos being posted.Some 45% knew a colleague who hadbeen a victim, and 17% were aware ofhate groups being set up to target others.ATL's executive committee is todevelop advice on the dangers of socialnetworking for its members, afterdelegates voted for a resolution callingfor more help.

Several teachers also raised concernsabout the number of pupils aged nine or

thể khiến bạn rơi nước mắt với tư cách làmột giáo viên”.

Một trưởng khoa tại một trường độc lập nóivới nghiên cứu của ATL rằng trải nghiệmbắt nạt trên mạng là tuần tồi tệ nhất trong sựnghiệp của anh ấy.

Một giáo viên trung học cho biết anh rấtbuồn và lo lắng về việc trở thành nguồn chếgiễu của học sinh sau khi đoạn video quaycảnh anh trong lớp học được đăng lênYouTube.

Cuộc khảo sát với 630 giáo viên và nhânviên hỗ trợ cho thấy 15% đã bị bắt nạt trựctuyến – với các chiến thuật khác nhau, từ tinnhắn lăng mạ đến các trang web thù địch vàđăng ảnh hoặc video.

Khoảng 45% biết một đồng nghiệp từng lànạn nhân và 17% biết về các nhóm thù hậnđược thành lập để nhắm vào người khác.Ủy ban điều hành của ATL sẽ đưa ra lờikhuyên về sự nguy hiểm của mạng xã hộicho các thành viên của mình, sau khi các đạibiểu bỏ phiếu cho một nghị quyết kêu gọithêm trợ giúp.

Một số giáo viên cũng bày tỏ lo ngại về sốlượng học sinh từ 9 đến 10 tuổi và một sốthậm chí còn nhỏ hơn đã nói dối về tuổi của

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2024, 10:08

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