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En48 thực tập dịch translation in fire prevention and fighting

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Thông tin cơ bản

Tiêu đề Dịch Chuyển Tiêu Chuẩn Phòng Cháy Và Chữa Cháy
Tác giả Sinh viên thực hiện
Người hướng dẫn Giáo viên hướng dẫn
Chuyên ngành Dịch thuật
Thể loại Báo cáo thực tập
Năm xuất bản 2023
Thành phố Gia Lai
Định dạng
Số trang 51
Dung lượng 141,11 KB

Cấu trúc

  • I. Rationale (6)
  • II. About the Organization (6)
  • A. Introduce (6)
  • B. About the company (7)
    • 2. Aim and purposes of the assignment (9)
    • 3. Scope of the assignment (10)
    • 4. Methods of the assignment (10)
    • 5. Design of the assignment (10)
    • I. The translated texts of the two articles(From English into Vietnamese) (11)
    • II. The translated texts of the two articles(From Vietnamese intoEnglish) (26)
    • 1. Comments (41)
    • 2. Difficulties in translation (43)
    • 1. Comment (44)
    • I. Comment (45)
    • II. Difficulties in translation (46)

Nội dung



As everyone knows, fire prevention and fighting is a very important job, because fire prevention and fighting helps minimize the risks that fire and explosion cause to workers' lives and property , collectives and the State Fires and explosions in everyday life are very likely to occur If timely measures are not taken, they will cause serious consequences, damage to people and property, and can especially affect neighboring areas

To improve effectiveness in fire prevention and fighting, we need to raise awareness and responsibility of all people Localities need to organize demonstrations to help people understand the serious harmful effects of fire and explosion as well as how to prevent fire and explosion Besides, equip people with basic knowledge when a fire or explosion occurs To minimize fires and explosions in factories, enterprises, companies, or households, it is necessary to: Equip equipment to help prevent fires such as fire extinguishers, install fire extinguishing systems, and fire alarms; Check for flammable points such as circuit breakers, electrical sockets, etc.; Always be vigilant in all situations when there is a fire or explosion; Take the time to organize training sessions to help improve your knowledge of fire prevention and fighting.

The purpose of fire prevention and fighting is to help prevent and minimize the occurrence of fires and explosions; Early detection of the causes of fires and explosions helps avoid bad situations that cause damage to people and property of individuals and the community In addition, fire prevention and fighting helps prevent people with bad intentions from taking advantage of fires and explosions to do things that are against the law and affect human lives When we discover such cases, we need to immediately report them to the police so they can be resolved quickly.

Current fire prevention and fighting work needs to be further promoted to help the country become more civilized and modern There are no more fire and explosion phenomena that affect health, property, as well as the natural environment.


Vietnamese name: CÔNG TY TNHH THƯƠNG MẠI & DỊCH VỤ TRẦN VŨExternal name: TRAN VU Investment and Construction Company Limited

Abbreviated trading name: TRAN VU Co., Ltd.

Address: 190A Phan Dinh Phung - Pleiku City - Gia Lai.

Issued by: Gia Lai Department of Planning and Investment on: October 27, 2015 (6th change)

Transaction bank: Gia Lai Foreign Trade Bank BIDV Gia Lai Bank

Legal Representative: Tran Canh Luong - Position: Director

About the company

- Tran Vu Trading & Services Company Limited is a company limited with 2 or more members.

- Members are responsible for debts and property obligations of the Company within the amount of capital committed to contribute to the Company

- Supply, installation and maintenance of camera equipment and security systems anti-theft, fire suppression system, fire alarm, fire extinguisher, lightning protection system, system security, office equipment, cash registers, magnetic cards, magnetic locks.

- Supply and installation of civil electrical systems, refrigeration systems, and drinking water systems

Operate all types of water pipes and electric pumps.

- Construction and installation of network systems, internal switchboards, and walkie-talkies.

- Buy and sell machinery, electrical equipment, and electrical supplies.

- Buying and selling materials and other installation equipment in construction.

- Buy and sell iron and steel, steel pipes, corrugated iron, purlins

3 Company organizational structure and management:

Total number of current employees: 32 people signed long-term contracts at the company, 15 people seasonal worker (current)

*In the field of engineering and construction:

* In the financial sector: 03 people


Aim and purposes of the assignment

Every organization and individual needs to be clearly aware of the importance of fire prevention and fighting in daily life, not just leaving responsibility to the Fire Police force Specifically, the fire prevention and fighting responsibilities of each subject are as follows:

For the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police force: Propagate and disseminate fire prevention and fighting knowledge to the people, guide and inspect the compliance with fire prevention and fighting regulations by organizations and households in the area Operate and handle fires quickly, promptly and effectively upon receiving a fire alarm.

For agencies and organizations: Managers must be responsible for disseminating knowledge about fire prevention and fighting to officials and workers in the agency, organizing and maintaining the activities of fire prevention and fighting teams according to regulations law, regularly inspect and supervise compliance with fire prevention and fighting regulations, ensure sufficient funding to meet fire prevention and fighting work with the highest efficiency.

For households: Each household needs to know what fire prevention and fighting is, proactively minimize the risk of fire and explosion, fully equip specialized fire prevention equipment in the house and coordinate effectively with others fire prevention force fire department when an incident occurs.

Scope of the assignment

The graduation paper will translate and analyze translation theory issues related to the articles, including:

- Then come the Conclusion and Recommendation.

Methods of the assignment

The graduation paper uses semantic translation because this method most closely reproduces the original text in a foreign language while maintaining context and culture Furthermore, semantic translation puts greater emphasis on the aesthetic value of the source text, is more flexible, and gives the translator more freedom for creativity.

The semantic method emphasizes the content of the message rather than the effect There is more emphasis on naturalness than in faithful translation, and translation of certain cultural words into neutral equivalents in the Target Language.

Design of the assignment

This assignment consists of the following parts:

1 The translated texts of the two articles (From English into Vietnamese)

2 The translated texts of the two articles (From Vietnamese into English)

Chapter 2: Comment on the translation


The translated texts of the two articles(From English into Vietnamese)


Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Contracts for new installations or changes in existing systems should be subject to FM Global’s acceptance of plans, materials, and the completed installation. Submit final plans and calculations of new or modified systems to FM Global for review and acceptance before installation is started.

Final plans should be to scale or fully dimensioned, with sufficient detail to define clearly both the hazard and the proposed system Clearly indicate the location and sizes of piping and nozzles together with the location of the extinguishing agent supply, fire- detecting units and all auxiliary equipment Show dampers, conveyor equipment, doors and other features in any way related to the protection of the hazard Submit a wiring diagram if fire-detection or system operations are electric All components should be FM

Approved for the particular application and identified by part or model number.

FM toàn cầu Bảng dữ liệu ngăn ngừa mất mát tài sản

2.1.1 Kế hoạch và thông số kỹ thuật Hợp đồng lắp đặt mới hoặc thay đổi hệ thống hiện có phải tuân theo các quy định của FM Global chấp nhận kế hoạch, vật liệu và lắp đặt hoàn chỉnh. Gửi kế hoạch và tính toán cuối cùng của hệ thống mới hoặc hệ thống đã sửa đổi cho FM Global để xem xét và chấp nhận trước khi bắt đầu cài đặt.

Các kế hoạch cuối cùng phải có quy mô hoặc kích thước đầy đủ, với đủ chi tiết để xác định rõ ràng cả mối nguy hiểm vàhệ thống được đề xuất Chỉ rõ vị trí và kích thước của đường ống và vòi phun cùng với vị trí của nguồn cung cấp chất chữa cháy, thiết bị phát hiện cháy và tất cả các thiết bị phụ trợ Hiển thị các bộ giảm chấn, thiết bị băng tải, cửa và các tính năng khác theo bất kỳ cách nào liên quan đến việc bảo vệ khỏi mối nguy hiểm Gửi một hệ thống dây điện sơ đồ nếu hệ thống phát hiện cháy hoặc hoạt động bằng điện Tất cả các thành phần phải được

FM phê duyệt cho ứng dụng cụ thể và được xác định bằng số bộ phận hoặc kiểu máy.

2.1.2 Phê duyệt lắp đặt (Kiểm tra chấp nhận) representative should make turnover tests of the completed installation and provide appropriate documentation of the test results to the purchaser (e.g., test certificate or form).

These tests should be witnessed by the purchaser and can be used to train selected plant personnel. Turnover tests should determine that the system has been properly installed and will operate as intended Specifically, the tests should check tightness of piping, flow from nozzles or discharge devices, and the operation of all components. Where possible, the system should be discharged, but where such action would cause damage, alternate means are acceptable.

For further guidance, refer to the specific protection system data sheet and appropriate hazard or occupancy data sheet, as applicable.

Note: Do not discharge test Halon 1301 extinguishing systems due to the ozone layer concern. Properly identify all controls as to function, area controlled, and operating instructions. Use FM Approved automatic detection devices actuated by heat, smoke, flames, or flammable vapors, as needed for the particular hazard. Người lắp đặt hoặc đại diện của nhà sản xuất phải thực hiện các cuộc kiểm tra doanh thu của hệ thống lắp đặt đã hoàn thiện và cung cấp tài liệu thích hợp về kết quả kiểm tra cho người mua (ví dụ: chứng chỉ hoặc biểu mẫu kiểm tra).

Những thử nghiệm này phải được người mua chứng kiến và có thể được sử dụng để đào tạo nhân viên nhà máy được lựa chọn. Kiểm tra doanh thu cần xác định rằng hệ thống đã được lắp đặt đúng cách và sẽ hoạt động như dự định Cụ thể, các thử nghiệm cần kiểm tra độ kín của đường ống, dòng chảy từ vòi phun hoặc thiết bị xả, và hoạt động của tất cả các bộ phận. Nếu có thể, nên xả hệ thống, nhưng nếu hành động đó có thể gây hư hỏng thì có thể chấp nhận các biện pháp thay thế. Để được hướng dẫn thêm, hãy tham khảo bảng dữ liệu hệ thống bảo vệ cụ thể và bảng dữ liệu về mối nguy hiểm hoặc chiếm dụng thích hợp, nếu có.

Lưu ý: Không thử xả khí hệ thống chữa cháy Halon 1301 do lo ngại về tầng ozone. Xác định chính xác tất cả các biện pháp kiểm soát về chức năng, khu vực được kiểm soát và hướng dẫn vận hành.

2.1.3 Lắp đặt và thiết kế Phát hiện và kích hoạt Sử dụng các thiết bị phát hiện tự động được FM phê duyệt được kích hoạt bằng nhiệt, khói, ngọn lửa hoặc chất dễ cháy hơi, khi cần thiết cho mối nguy hiểm The power supply for electrical detection and release devices should be independent of the supply for the hazard area Where this is not practical, use pneumatic or mechanical devices or provide an emergency minimum 24-hour standby capacity, battery-powered supply with automatic switchover if the primary supply fails.

Where a special protection system is the sole or recommended protection for valuable and important occupancies, provide an alternative power supply for any electrically operated detection and actuation system.

An emergency battery-powered supply, with automatic switchover if the primary supply fails, as required for an FM Approved control panel is an acceptable alternate power supply The electric power supply should not be exposed by the protected area. Locate and protect wiring, cables, and tubing to avoid mechanical damage Wires and cables should be in conduit Tubing in vulnerable locations should also be in conduit or equivalent Conduit is not needed for short lengths of cables or tubing near detectors and controls Wiring or tubing used as detectors should not be in conduit. Heat detectors may be used for most installations Locate heat detectors for room-flooding systems at the ceiling and not more than 15 ft (4.5 cụ thể. Nguồn điện cho các thiết bị phát hiện và giải phóng điện phải độc lập với nguồn cung cấp cho khu vực nguy hiểm Trong trường hợp điều này không thực tế, hãy sử dụng các thiết bị khí nén hoặc cơ khí hoặc cung cấp khả năng dự phòng tối thiểu 24 giờ trong trường hợp khẩn cấp, nguồn điện chạy bằng pin có khả năng tự động chuyển đổi nếu nguồn điện chính nguồn cung cấp không thành công.

Trong trường hợp hệ thống bảo vệ đặc biệt là biện pháp bảo vệ duy nhất hoặc được khuyến nghị cho các hoạt động chiếm dụng có giá trị và quan trọng, hãy cung cấp nguồn điện thay thế cho bất kỳ hệ thống phát hiện và kích hoạt hoạt động bằng điện nào.



Quy định về trang bị, bố trí phương tiện, hệ thống phòng cháy và chữa cháy.

1 Trang bị, bố trí bình chữa cháy.

1.1 Trang bị, bố trí bình chữa cháy xách tay và bình chữa cháy có bánh xe.

1.1.1 Tất cả các khu vực trong nhà và công trình kể cả những nơi đã được trang bị hệ thống chữa cháy phải trang bị bình chữa cháy xách tay hoặc bình chữa cháy có bánh xe

1.1.2 Lựa chọn, tính toán trang bị và bố trí bình chữa cháy thực hiện theo quy định tại điều 6 và điều 7 TCVN

1.1.3 Đối với khu vực có diện tích hẹp và dài hoặc khu vực có nhiều cấp sàn khác nhau, gần kề nhau thì việc trang bị bình chữa cháy vẫn phải đảm bảo khoảng cách di chuyển từ vị trí để bình chữa cháy đến điểm xa nhất cần bảo vệ của một bình không vượt quá quy định tại 1.1.2.

1.1.4 Trên cùng một sàn hoặc tầng

Regulations on Equipment and Arrangement of Firefighting Equipment and Systems

1 Fire Extinguisher Equipment and Arrangement

1.1 Handheld Fire Extinguisher Equipment and Arrangement

1.1.1 All areas indoors and in structures, including those equipped with firefighting systems, must be equipped with handheld fire extinguishers or wheeled fire extinguishers.

1.1.2 The selection, calculation, equipment, and arrangement of fire extinguishers shall comply with the provisions in Sections 6 and 7 of TCVN 7435-1.

1.1.3 For narrow and long areas or areas with different levels in close proximity, the arrangement of fire extinguishers must ensure that the distance from the location of the fire extinguisher to the farthest point to be protected does not exceed the regulations in 1.1.2.

1.1.4 On the same floor or level, if nhà, nếu mặt bằng được ngăn thành các khu vực khác nhau bởi tường, vách, rào hoặc các vật cản khác không có lối đi qua lại thì việc trang bị bình chữa cháy phải riêng biệt và đảm bảo theo quy định tại 1.1.2 và 1.1.3.

1.1.5 Phải có số lượng bình chữa cháy dự trữ không ít hơn 10% tổng số bình theo tính toán để trang bị thay thế khi cần thiết (cho phép không quá 100 bình mỗi loại)

1.1.6 Bình chữa cháy được bố trí theo thiết kế, ở vị trí dễ thấy, dễ lấy và nên có màu đỏ, trường hợp khó nhận biết có thể sử dụng các chỉ dẫn vị trí và theo các quy định tại Điều 5

TCVN 7435-1 Không được để bình chữa cháy tập trung một chỗ trừ trường hợp để trong kho dự trữ theo quy định tại 1.1.5.

Bình chữa cháy phải luôn sẵn sàng để sử dụng ngay lập tức và được bố trí tại: a) Nơi mà những người theo đường thoát nạn sẽ dễ dàng nhìn thấy chúng; b) Phù hợp nhất, gần lối ra vào phòng, cầu thang, hành lang và lối đi; c) Ở các vị trí tương tự trên mỗi tầng, nơi các tầng có cấu trúc giống nhau.

Không đặt các bình chữa cháy ở các khu vực, vị trí sau: the floor area is divided into different areas by walls, partitions, barriers, or other obstructions with no passage, the arrangement of fire extinguishers must be separate and comply with the provisions in 1.1.2 and 1.1.3.

1.1.5 A reserve of fire extinguishers not less than 10% of the total number calculated for equipment must be available for replacement when necessary (not exceeding 100 units per type).

1.1.6 Fire extinguishers must be arranged according to the design, in visible locations, easy to access, and preferably in red color In cases where they are difficult to identify, location indicators and the provisions in Section 5 of TCVN 7435-1 may be used Fire extinguishers should not be concentrated in one place except as required for reserve storage according to the regulations in 1.1.5.

Fire extinguishers must always be ready for immediate use and should be arranged at: a) Locations easily visible to evacuees; b) The most appropriate locations, near entrances to rooms, staircases, corridors, and pathways; c) Similar positions on each floor where floors have a similar structure.

Fire extinguishers should not be placed in the following areas or positions: a) Khi đám cháy tiềm ẩn có thể ngăn cản việc tiếp cận chúng; b) Gần các thiết bị sinh nhiệt mà có thể làm ảnh hưởng chất lượng, hiệu quả của bình chữa cháy; c) Ở những vị trí khuất sau cửa ra vào, trong tủ không quan sát được bình chữa cháy hoặc hốc sâu; d) Nơi chúng có thể gây cản trở lối thoát nạn; e) Ở các vị trí trong phòng hoặc hành lang cách xa lối ra trừ trường hợp cần thiết đối với nguy hiểm cháy; f) Nơi chúng có thể bị hỏng do các hoạt động thường ngày a) Where hidden fires can obstruct access to them; b) Near heat-generating equipment that could affect the quality and effectiveness of the fire extinguisher; c) In concealed locations behind exit doors, in cabinets where fire extinguishers cannot be observed, or in deep recesses; d) Where they could obstruct escape routes; e) In positions within rooms or hallways far from exits, except when necessary for fire hazards; f) Where they could be damaged due to daily activities.

1 Mandatory Installation of Fire Extinguishers: The regulations require that all indoor areas and buildings, including those equipped with fire extinguishing systems, must be equipped with either portable fire extinguishers or wheeled fire extinguishers This is a fundamental requirement for fire safety.

2 Compliance with Standards: The selection, calculation, and arrangement of fire extinguishers must comply with the provisions outlined in Articles 6 and 7 of TCVN 7435-1 This indicates that there are specific standards and guidelines for determining the appropriate number and type of fire extinguishers.

3 Consideration for Layout and Travel Distance: In areas with narrow or long layouts, or areas with different floor levels close to each other, the placement of fire extinguishers must ensure that the travel distance to the farthest point to be protected does not exceed the specified limits mentioned in 1.1.2 This ensures that fire extinguishers are strategically placed for effective use.

4 Divided Premises: If premises are divided into different areas by walls or obstacles without passageways, separate fire extinguishers must be provided for each section, following the provisions of 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 This ensures that fire extinguishers are easily accessible in different areas.



The main comments and guidelines outlined in the FM Global Property Loss

Prevention Data Sheets regarding fire protection system planning, installation, and design can be summarized as follows:

- Contracts for new installations or system changes should be subject to FM

Global's acceptance of plans, materials, and completed installations.

- Final plans and calculations of new or modified systems should be submitted for review and acceptance before installation begins.

- Plans should be detailed, to scale, and clearly define the hazard and the proposed system.

- The location and sizes of piping, nozzles, extinguishing agent supply, and other equipment should be clearly indicated.

- Wiring diagrams should be submitted for electric fire detection or system operations.

- All components must be FM Approved for the specific application and identified by part or model number.

2 Approval of Installations (Acceptance Testing) (2.1.2):

- Installers or manufacturer's representatives should conduct turnover tests of completed installations and provide documentation of test results to the purchaser.

- These tests should ensure that the system has been properly installed and will operate as intended.

- Tests should check the tightness of piping, flow from nozzles, and the operation of all components.

- If possible, the system should be discharged during testing, but alternate means are acceptable where discharge could cause damage.

- Proper identification of controls, their function, area controlled, and operating instructions is essential.

- Use FM Approved automatic detection devices actuated by heat, smoke, flames, or flammable vapors as needed for the specific hazard.

- The power supply for electrical detection and release devices should be independent of the supply for the hazard area Alternatively, provide a battery- powered supply with automatic switchover in case of a primary supply failure.

- When a special protection system is recommended for valuable occupancies, provide an alternative power supply for electrically operated detection and actuation systems.

- Properly locate and protect wiring, cables, and tubing to avoid mechanical damage Conduit may be necessary in vulnerable areas.

- For heat detectors, locate them at the ceiling, not more than 15 ft above the hazard, and ensure they are shielded from sprinkler discharge for room-flooding systems.

- Outdoor heat detectors should be positioned above and around the hazard to ensure detection regardless of wind conditions.

These comments and guidelines provide comprehensive instructions for ensuring the safe and effective installation of fire protection systems, emphasizing the importance of planning, testing, and compliance with FM Global's standards for components and procedures.


This program is to aid in the prevention of and protection against fires at all jobsites.

This program covers all our field projects, offices, and warehouse and mechanic shop The HTS AmeriTek supervision, safety personnel, and employees are charged with implementing and enforcing this program.

The prevention of fires is of utmost

MỤC ĐÍCH Chương trình này được thiết lập để hỗ trợ trong việc ngăn ngừa và bảo vệ khỏi hỏa hoạn tại tất cả các công trình.

PHẠM VI Chương trình này bao gồm tất cả các dự án tại hiện trường, văn phòng và nhà kho cũng như cơ sở sửa chữa máy móc Các nhân viên quản lý, nhân viên an toàn và nhân viên được giao trách nhiệm thực hiện và thực thi chương trình này.

GIỚI THIỆUViệc ngăn ngừa hỏa hoạn là vô cùng importance Good housekeeping and equipment maintenance must be maintained to keep fire hazards at a minimum All fires shall be reported immediately to your supervisor

HTS AmeriTek employees will be trained to recognize hazardous conditions and take appropriate actions to prevent a fire Employees shall exercise extreme caution so that none of our work activities results in a situation that could cause a fire or explosion All leaks should be reported and repaired immediately, if practicable If immediate repair is not possible, adequate warning signs must be posted and extra precaution against fires instituted In the event of a gas leak, all fires and engines should be shut down immediately Oil or gasoline from leaks should be cleaned up and disposed of in a prescribed manner

HTS AmeriTek employees will be trained annually in the use of hand- held portable fire extinguishers Fire extinguishers are used only in the incipient stage of a fire

HTS AmeriTek employees are not to engage in any other type of fire- fighting activity If the fire cannot be extinguished using a hand-held fire extinguisher, the employee is to follow the emergency procedures for that facility Supervisors must ensure that their personnel are properly instructed regarding potential fire hazards involved in their work and around their quan trọng Việc duy trì việc dọn dẹp sạch sẽ và bảo trì thiết bị cần được thực hiện để giữ cho nguy cơ hỏa hoạn ở mức tối thiểu Mọi vụ cháy cần phải được báo cáo ngay lập tức cho cấp trên của bạn.

Các nhân viên của HTS AmeriTek sẽ được đào tạo để nhận biết các điều kiện nguy hiểm và thực hiện các biện pháp phù hợp để ngăn cháy Các nhân viên phải cẩn trọng tối đa để không tạo ra tình huống có thể gây cháy hoặc nổ trong quá trình làm việc Tất cả sự rò rỉ cần phải được báo cáo và sửa chữa ngay lập tức, nếu có thể Nếu không thể sửa chữa ngay lập tức, cần phải đặt biển cảnh báo đủ và thực hiện biện pháp phòng ngừa cháy Trong trường hợp có rò rỉ khí, tất cả nguồn lửa và động cơ cần phải tắt ngay lập tức Dầu hoặc xăng từ vụ rò rỉ cần phải được dọn dẹp và tiêu hủy theo cách quy định

Các nhân viên của HTS AmeriTek sẽ được đào tạo hàng năm về cách sử dụng bình chữa cháy cầm tay Bình chữa cháy cầm tay chỉ được sử dụng ở giai đoạn ban đầu của vụ cháy Các nhân viên của HTS AmeriTek không được tham gia vào bất kỳ hoạt động chữa cháy nào khác Nếu không thể dập tắt được đám cháy bằng bình chữa cháy cầm tay, nhân viên cần phải tuân theo các thủ tục khẩn cấp của cơ sở đó. workplaces, the proper precautions to minimize fires, and the procedures in case of fire.

All employees shall be properly trained in the use of portable hand held fire extinguishers in accordance with 1910.156(c) (1) Employees will also participate in fire drills that will be held at regular intervals to familiarize employees with the emergency/fire response procedures for the work site as well as the location and operation of fire extinguishing equipment

When a heat cycle begins is the time most likely to start a fire Up to but not limited to 500 degrees of a heat treating cycle, the wrap must be frequently monitored for possible fire issues All heat treating wraps shall be inspected periodically for:

Cam lock closure — Tape or wire binding

- Excessive thermal buildup in leads

Storage shall not obstruct, or adversely affect, means of exit All materials shall be stored, handled, and piled with due regard to their fire characteristics A barrier having a fire resistance of at least 1 hour shall segregate noncompatible materials, ĐÀO TẠO Tất cả nhân viên phải được đào tạo đúng cách về cách sử dụng bình chữa cháy cầm tay theo quy định của 1910.156(c) (1) Các nhân viên cũng sẽ tham gia vào các cuộc diễn tập chữa cháy sẽ được tổ chức định kỳ để làm quen với các quy trình ứng phó khẩn cấp/chữa cháy tại hiện trường làm việc cũng như vị trí và cách hoạt động của thiết bị chữa cháy

BẮT ĐẦU MỘT VÒNG NHIỆT Khi một vòng nhiệt bắt đầu là lúc có thể xảy ra cháy Từ nhiệt độ bắt đầu đến giới hạn tối đa 500 độ trong quá trình xử lý nhiệt, việc kiểm tra tần suất vật liệu bọc nhiệt là cần thiết để ngăn ngừa khả năng cháy Tất cả các bọc nhiệt cần được kiểm tra định kỳ về:

- Khóa cam — Dây bọc hoặc buộc dây

- Sự tích nhiệt quá mức trong dây dẫn

- Sự cố của bộ sưởi ấm

- Tính toàn vẹn của cặp nhiệt độ

- Sự thất thoát nhiệtLƯU TRỮ TRONG NHÀViệc lưu trữ không được cản trở hoặc ảnh hưởng xấu đến cách thoát hiểm Tất cả các vật liệu cần phải được lưu trữ, xử lý và xếp chồng một cách cân nhắc đối với đặc tính về cháy nổ của chúng Một rào cản có which may create a fire hazard

Material shall be piled to minimize the spread of fire internally and to permit convenient access for firefighting Stable piling shall be maintained at all times Aisle space shall be maintained to accommodate safely the widest vehicle that may be used within the building for firefighting purposes. khả năng chịu lửa ít nhất 1 giờ phải được sử dụng để phân chia vật liệu không tương thích với nhau có thể tạo ra nguy cơ cháy nổ Vật liệu cần phải được xếp chồng sao cho tối thiểu hóa khả năng lan truyền của lửa bên trong và để cho phép tiếp cận thuận tiện cho công tác chữa cháy Việc xếp chồng ổn định cần phải được duy trì trong suốt thời gian Khoảng cách hành lang cần phải được bảo quản để có thể an toàn phục vụ phương tiện rộng nhất có thể sử dụng trong tòa nhà cho mục đích chữa cháy

This document outlines a Fire Protection and Prevention Program for HTS

AmeriTek, with a focus on preventing and protecting against fires in various settings, including field projects, offices, warehouses, and mechanic shops

1 Purpose: The purpose of this program is to prevent and protect against fires in all jobsites affiliated with HTS AmeriTek.

2 Scope: The program applies to all aspects of HTS AmeriTek's operations, including field projects, offices, warehouses, and mechanic shops It is the responsibility of HTS AmeriTek's supervision, safety personnel, and employees to implement and enforce this program.

3 Introduction: The document emphasizes the importance of fire prevention, highlighting the need for good housekeeping and equipment maintenance to minimize fire hazards It instructs employees to report all fires immediately to their supervisors and emphasizes that employees should be trained to recognize hazardous conditions and take necessary actions to prevent fires.

4 Leak Reporting: In the case of leaks, employees are expected to report them promptly If immediate repairs are not possible, appropriate warning signs should be used, and extra precautions against fires should be taken Specific instructions are provided in the event of a gas leak or oil/gasoline leak


The purpose of the program is to prevent and protect against fires at various job sites

It covers field projects, offices, warehouses, and mechanic shops, and it is the responsibility of HTS AmeriTek's supervision, safety personnel, and employees to implement and enforce the program.

1 Purpose: The program aims to prevent and protect against fires at all job sites.

2 Scope: The program covers all field projects, offices, warehouses, and mechanic shops, and it is the responsibility of HTS AmeriTek's personnel to enforce it.

3 Introduction: Emphasizes the importance of fire prevention, good housekeeping, and equipment maintenance Reporting all fires immediately to supervisors is crucial.

4 Employee Training: Employees will receive training to recognize hazardous conditions and take actions to prevent fires They should exercise caution to avoid situations that could cause fires or explosions Gas leaks and other hazards must be reported and addressed promptly Employees will also receive annual training in the use of handheld portable fire extinguishers.

5 Fire Extinguishers: Fire extinguishers are to be used only in the initial stages of a fire Employees are not to engage in other firefighting activities If a fire cannot be extinguished with a handheld extinguisher, they should follow emergency procedures for the facility.

6 Training: All employees will be trained in the use of portable handheld fire extinguishers, and regular fire drills will be conducted to familiarize them with emergency response procedures and fire extinguishing equipment.

7 Beginning a Heat Cycle: Special attention is given to the start of heat cycles, which is a high-risk time for fires Heat treating wraps must be closely monitored for potential fire issues during the initial 500 degrees of the cycle Inspections for various factors like closure integrity, thermal buildup, and insulation function are required.

8 Indoor Storage: Indoor storage guidelines ensure that storage does not obstruct exits and that materials are stored with regard to their fire characteristics

Noncompatible materials are segregated, and stable piling is maintained to prevent fire spread Adequate aisle space is provided for firefighting access.

The program is designed to promote fire safety and minimize fire hazards across HTS AmeriTek's various facilities and work sites.

The provided paragraph indeed contains several technical and specialized terms related to fire prevention and safety procedures Translating these concepts accurately into Vietnamese can be challenging, as it requires a deep understanding of safety protocols and terminology Additionally, the clarity and effectiveness of the translation are important to ensure that the instructions are correctly understood.


This document outlines regulations regarding the equipment and arrangement of firefighting equipment and systems It specifically addresses the placement and specifications of handheld fire extinguishers

1 All indoor areas, including structures with firefighting systems, must be equipped with either handheld or wheeled fire extinguishers.

2 The selection, calculation, equipment, and arrangement of fire extinguishers should adhere to the guidelines provided in Sections 6 and 7 of TCVN 7435-1.

3 In narrow or long areas, or areas with varying levels in close proximity, fire extinguisher placement should ensure that the distance from a fire extinguisher to the farthest point to be protected complies with the regulations specified in 1.1.2.

4 On the same floor or level, when areas are divided by walls or barriers without passages, fire extinguisher placement should be separate and in line with the provisions in 1.1.2 and 1.1.3.

5 A reserve of fire extinguishers, not less than 10% of the total number calculated for equipment, should be available for replacement when needed, with a maximum of

6 Fire extinguishers should be arranged according to the design, visible, easily accessible, preferably in red, and identifiable Location indicators and provisions in Section 5 of TCVN 7435-1 may be used when identification is difficult Fire extinguishers should not be concentrated in one place, except as required for reserve storage per the regulations in 1.1.5.

7 Fire extinguishers must always be ready for immediate use and should be placed where they are easily visible to evacuees and in suitable locations near entrances, staircases, corridors, and pathways Similar positions on each floor with a similar structure are recommended.

8 Fire extinguishers should not be placed in areas where hidden fires could obstruct access, near heat-generating equipment that might affect their functionality, in concealed locations behind exit doors, in cabinets where they cannot be observed, in deep recesses, in positions that could obstruct escape routes, in areas within rooms or hallways far from exits unless necessary for fire hazards, or in locations where they could be damaged due to daily activities.

Difficulties in translation

Converting this paragraph from Vietnamese to English presents some challenges due to the technical and specific nature of the content The content discusses fire extinguisher regulations and their placement, which requires careful translation to maintain accuracy and clarity Additionally, there are several sub-points and references to specific regulations that need to be preserved in the translation The technical terminology related to fire safety and regulations adds complexity to the conversion

Furthermore, the translation must ensure that the instructions and requirements are accurately conveyed to maintain the intended safety standards Specific guidelines for the arrangement and placement of fire extinguishers are outlined, and these details must be accurately translated to maintain their meaning and effectiveness.

The technical nature of this content makes it essential to use precise terminology and ensure that the translated text is clear and unambiguous to meet the intended safety standards.


The provided text outlines the operation procedure for fire protection and prevention systems, with a focus on the operation of the fire pump system and the use of portable fire extinguishers Here's a summary of the key points in the text:

- The fire pump system must be ready for efficient firefighting, and safety is a top priority during its operation.

- The fire water supply system includes components like fire pump stations, firewater piping, and specialized firefighting equipment.

- In case of a fire, those involved in firefighting should go to the fire cabinet, use hoses, and open fire hydrant valves.

- The operation of the fire pump system involves checking switches in the electrical panel, ensuring valve equipment readiness, and starting or stopping the pump as needed.

- The system can operate manually or automatically, depending on the mode.

- CO2 fire extinguishers are used to extinguish fires with compressed CO2 gas They are effective for enclosed spaces and electrical equipment, leaving no residue.

- The operation involves approaching the fire, pointing the discharge horn at the base of the flames, and using the cylinder valve to release CO2 gas to cool and dilute the fire.

- Safety precautions include not discharging CO2 gas towards people, holding the discharge horn correctly, and storing CO2 fire extinguishers in cool, accessible locations.

- Dry powder fire extinguishers of the MFZ series use compressed nitrogen to discharge dry powder to extinguish fires, especially those involving flammable liquids, gases, or electrical equipment.

- To use them, the cylinder is flipped, safety pin removed, and the nozzle is pointed at the base of the flames to discharge the powder.

- Safety precautions include aiming the discharge nozzle in the direction of the wind, storing the cylinder in a cool, accessible location, and checking it regularly.

The text provides clear instructions and guidance for operating both the fire pump system and portable fire extinguishers, emphasizing safety and effectiveness in firefighting procedures.

Converting the provided paragraph from Vietnamese to English presents several challenges, primarily related to technical terminology, punctuation, and the need for clarity in conveying the intended meaning.

The difference of vocabulary system sometimes creates many confusing for translators A word in the source language has many meanings, and so choosing suitable and approriate words for the target language text can be hard work

Translation isn’t a natural process, so any languages that need to be translated should be undertaken by experienced translators who know both the source and targeted languages well One of the common challenges in translation is having a deep understanding of not just the language but also the culture of the two languages that need to be translated Translators need to be completely familiar with both language rules and the speaker’s habits in order to be able to do an effective translation between two languages.

In the end the translator has to strike a deal with the client when translating text which is loaded with word combinations that aren’t easy to translate If an idiom used in the source language isn’t easy to translate the client will need to negotiate with the translator an appropriate word or cluster of words best represents the message he or she wants to put across One of the chief problems that need to be ironed out before releasing a translation to another culture is that no offensive words are mistakenly used in the translation.

Problems in translation of language have been around for several centuries and sometimes a translation could become Chinese whispers as its meaning seems to change slightly as each translation of a text takes place After several translations the meaning may not seem anything like the original message This may not matter overall depending on who the translation is targeting But if it was a translation for a court room hearing a mistranslation could result in the wrong outcome for a defendant Witness reports may use idiomatic language that the interpreter or translator finds difficulty in find the precise translation.

In conclusion, translation is, in fact, an incredibly sophisticated task Translation into a second language is more difficult than translation into the mother tongue. Translation is a kind of activity, which inevitably involves at least two languages and and two cultural traditions Therefore, vocabulary, grammar, and cultural differences have appeared as barriers for translators when translating texts from Vietnamese into English Translators are permanently faced with the problem of how to treat the cultural aspects implicit in a source text and of finding the most appropriate technique successfully conveying these aspects in the target language These problems may vary from country to country depending on the cultural and linguistic gap between the two(or more) languages being concerned It is suggested that before beginning the translation work, it is essential for the translators to do some researches on the lexical content and syntax of the target language along with the ideologies, value systems, and ways of life in a given culture This process can partly help the translators to have an idea and knowledge about the readers in both languages As consequence, it helps avoid grammatical errors and cultural misunderstanding in doing translation work.

REFFERENCES https://pcccdongnam.vn/y-nghia-va-tam-quan-trong-cua-cong-tac-phong-chay-chua- chay#:~:text=M%E1%BB%A5c%20%C4%91%C3%ADch%20c%E1%BB%A7ag

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2024, 10:12

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
1. Plan and Specifications (2.1.1):- Contracts for new installations or system changes should be subject to FM Global's acceptance of plans, materials, and completed installations.- Final plans and calculations of new or modified systems should be submitted for review and acceptance before installation begins.- Plans should be detailed, to scale, and clearly define the hazard and the proposed system.- The location and sizes of piping, nozzles, extinguishing agent supply, and other equipment should be clearly indicated Khác
3. Installation and Design (2.1.3):- Use FM Approved automatic detection devices actuated by heat, smoke, flames, or flammable vapors as needed for the specific hazard Khác
1. Technical Jargon: Technical documents often contain specialized terminology that may not have direct equivalents in the target language. Translators may need to use descriptive phrases or find suitable terms that convey the intended meaning Khác
2. Lack of Context: Technical documents may lack context or background information, making it challenging to understand the specific use of certain terms or concepts. Translators may need to seek additional information to provide accurate translations Khác
3. Complex Sentence Structures: Technical content may have complex sentence structures with multiple clauses, which can be difficult to convey accurately in the target language without losing clarity Khác
4. Cultural Differences: Some technical terms or concepts may not be relevant or well-understood in the target culture, requiring adaptations or explanations Khác
5. Acronyms and Abbreviations: Technical documents often use acronyms and abbreviations, which may not be recognizable in the target language. Translators need to ensure that these are correctly expanded or explained Khác
6. Precision and Accuracy: Technical translations must maintain a high level of precision and accuracy to ensure that the information is correctly conveyed and understood by the target audience Khác
7. Variations in Industry Standards: Different countries or regions may have variations in industry standards and regulations, requiring translators to be familiar with local norms Khác
2. ARTICLE 2: FIRE PROTECTION AND PREVENTION PROGRAM 1. Comment:The purpose of the program is to prevent and protect against fires at various job sites.It covers field projects, offices, warehouses, and mechanic shops, and it is the responsibility of HTS AmeriTek's supervision, safety personnel, and employees to implement and enforce the program.Key Points Khác
2. Scope: The program covers all field projects, offices, warehouses, and mechanic shops, and it is the responsibility of HTS AmeriTek's personnel to enforce it Khác
3. Introduction: Emphasizes the importance of fire prevention, good housekeeping, and equipment maintenance. Reporting all fires immediately to supervisors is crucial Khác
4. Employee Training: Employees will receive training to recognize hazardous conditions and take actions to prevent fires. They should exercise caution to avoid situations that could cause fires or explosions. Gas leaks and other hazards must be reported and addressed promptly. Employees will also receive annual training in the use of handheld portable fire extinguishers Khác
5. Fire Extinguishers: Fire extinguishers are to be used only in the initial stages of a fire. Employees are not to engage in other firefighting activities. If a fire cannot be extinguished with a handheld extinguisher, they should follow emergency procedures for the facility Khác
6. Training: All employees will be trained in the use of portable handheld fire extinguishers, and regular fire drills will be conducted to familiarize them with emergency response procedures and fire extinguishing equipment Khác