Every comprehensive study of Chinese grammar inevitably addresses adverbial phrases Throughout its long evolution, the adverbial structure in Chinese has undergone significant changes This article will provide a brief overview of these developments in chronological order.
Lü Shuxiang (1979), Zhu Dexi (1982), and Liu Yuehua (1983) defined adverbials based on the nature of the headword They argue that adverbials are modifying words typically positioned before the verb, primarily serving to modify the verb's headword In addition to their modifying function, adverbials also have a relational aspect, as they can modify entire sentences with words such as "first," "last," and "furthermore."
Renowned scholar Zhu Dexi (1985) emphasizes that defining adverbials in Chinese requires consideration of three key factors: the nature of the modifier itself, the characteristics of the entire modifying structure, and the properties of the headword He argues that a comprehensive understanding of adverbials should take into account the nature of the entire modifying structure, or alternatively, define adverbials based on the attributes of the modifier itself.
Huang Borong and Liao Xudong (1990) emphasize that the order of multiple adverbials is closely linked to the internal logical and semantic relationships within a sentence The preferred sequence is: condition > time > place > mood > scope or negation > degree > modality > object Changes in the position of these adverbials can significantly affect their meaning For instance, the phrases "We are not going" and "Not all of us are going" convey different meanings, as do variations like "It is not good to do this."
Huang Borong and Liao Xudong (1991) classify adverbials into restrictive and descriptive categories from both pragmatic and semantic perspectives in their work, "Modern Chinese Grammar."
Liu Yuehua (2006) provides a detailed description in her work "Modern Chinese Grammar," stating that adverbials in Chinese serve to modify verbs or adjectives Examples include phrases like "very beautiful," "study hard," "actively participate," and "very happy." In Chinese sentences, adverbials function as modifiers within the predicate, encompassing verb predicates, adjective predicates, subject-predicate structures, and noun predicates.
In example (3), the adverb "actively" modifies the verb "participate," indicating a passionate and enthusiastic involvement In example (4), the adverb "very" modifies the verb "happy," conveying an intense and special level of happiness.
From a structural perspective, adverbials typically modify the elements that follow them in a sentence For instance, when an adverbial is placed at the beginning of a sentence, it modifies the entire subsequent clause.
例如:(5)5.月.1.0.号.,我从法国乘飞机来到中国。(刘月华《现代汉语语 法》)
例(5)和(6)的状语“5月10 号” 、“对于这个问题”都放在句首,修饰 后边整个句子。
Research on multiple adverbials in modern Chinese has yielded fifty-eight results on China National Knowledge Infrastructure, comprising fifty-three master's theses and five doctoral dissertations These studies cover various topics, including the usage of adverbials in Chinese, the word order of multiple adverbials in modern Chinese, the causes and analysis of errors, the translation of multiple adverbials, and the impact of native language interference on students' acquisition of the word order of multiple adverbials in Chinese.
Despite differing opinions among various writers, there are notable similarities in their perspectives Both Zhu Dexi (1985) and Liu Yuehua (2006) agree on the defining criteria used in the study of Chinese grammar history This article will summarize and analyze their viewpoints.
1.2.1 现代汉语状语的定义
In modern Chinese, adverbials are defined as elements that modify verbs or adjectives within phrases In sentences, adverbials serve as modifiers for the predicate, and some adverbials can also modify the entire sentence.
(9)她每天下午... .5.点.准时带狗狗外出兜风。
1.2.2 现代汉语状语的构成成分
In Chinese sentences, adverbials convey a wide range of meanings, leading to a rich variety of words that can function as adverbials The components that make up modern Chinese adverbials include different parts of speech and phrases These parts of speech encompass adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs, and numerals, while the phrases consist of adjective phrases, verb phrases, adverb phrases, prepositional phrases, and quantifier phrases. 形容词(短语)作状语
Adjectives (or adjective phrases) used as adverbials typically describe the subject's condition, state, or quality Generally, monosyllabic adjectives function as adverbials without the addition of "ly."
(“正确”描写行为动作“理解”) 副词作状语
Adverbs typically function as adverbials to indicate scope or frequency Most adverbs cannot be modified when serving as adverbials.
(21)我非常..(地)...怕爸爸。 动词(短语)作状语
In modern Chinese sentences, it is not uncommon for verbs (or verb phrases) to function as adverbials These adverbials primarily express psychological activities and are as natural as adverbs or adjectives used in this role Typically, verbs (or verb phrases) serving as adverbials are accompanied by the particle "地."
(24)小王走来走去地.....背着台词。 数量词(短语)作状语
Quantifiers (phrases) used as adverbials typically indicate the manner of an action Generally, quantifiers do not require the addition of "ly" when functioning as adverbials.
(29)老师一句一句....(地)...讲解着。 代词作状语
(32)你为什么...还没上班? 象声词作状语
Onomatopoeic words can function as adverbials, with some requiring the addition of "地" while others can be used with or without it When onomatopoeic words serve as descriptive adverbials, both disyllabic forms and their reduplicated variations may include "地" optionally, whereas monosyllabic onomatopoeic words must always include "地."
(35)钟表滴答滴答(地).......走着。 介词短语作状语
(37) 我已经把衣服...洗干净了。
1.2.3 现代汉语状语的分类
In Chinese, adverbials can be categorized into two main types based on their functions: descriptive adverbials and restrictive adverbials Each of these categories can be further divided into several subcategories, providing a nuanced understanding of their roles in sentence structure. 限制性的状语
Restrictive adverbials, also known as "non-descriptive adverbials," refer to adverbial phrases that limit the meaning of the central verb in a predicate structure These adverbials primarily restrict the subsequent predicates in terms of time, place, degree, negation, manner, mood, scope, object, purpose, and quantity Unlike descriptive adverbials, restrictive adverbials do not provide descriptive details and typically cannot be followed by "ly."
限制性状语根据语义方面可以分成以下几个小类: a 表示时间
(43)现在..,我们班共有33 学生。
副词:已经、曾经、就、从来、就、才、一直、始终、永远、然后、 正在、在、终于、马上等。
(49)从.她结婚以来,我和她就没有联系过。 b 表示语气、频率、范围
语气、估计:当然、依然、果然、根本、到底、可能、也许、难道、 几乎、差不多等。
(57)在这个世界上只.有你能理解我。 c 表示目的、依据、协同
(63)爸爸同老朋友....一起去钓鱼。 d 表示处所、空间、路线、方向
(69)越往.高处走,空气越稀薄。 e 表示对象
(71)我对汉语语法.....没有兴趣。 f 表示否定、程度、重复
(74)他今天又.来了。 描写性的状语
Descriptive adverbials primarily depict the attributes, conditions, modalities, and characteristics of the elements they refer to They can be categorized into two types: those that describe the doer of the action and those that describe the action itself Typically, descriptive adverbials are followed by "地," which enhances their descriptive quality and focuses the cognitive attention on the specific content being depicted.
This type of adverbial phrase is used to describe the emotions, attitudes, states, and expressions of the subject while performing an action It primarily consists of several categories of words that fulfill this role.
➢ 形容词(短语):高兴、兴奋、热情、愉快、幸福、激动、十分自然、美滋滋等。例如:
➢ 动词(短语):抱歉、吃惊、犹豫、有把握等。
➢ 副词:偷偷、公然、暗暗、自私等。
➢ 固定短语:目不转眼、七扭八歪、高兴彩烈、热情洋溢、粗声粗气等。
例如:(81)她抓起了电话,粗声粗气地.....说:“你打电话给我干什 么?”
➢ 主谓短语:精神焕发、容光焕发、信心十足、脸色阴沉等。
Based on the analysis above, it is evident that this type of adverbial clause serves to modify and describe the manner in which the subject performs an action Specifically, it focuses on depicting the actions through adverbial phrases.
此类状语是描写动作进行的方式或情况,主要由下列的词语充 任:
➢ 形容词(短语):快、慢慢、仔细、积极、非常热烈、十分详细等。
The term "simple" is semantically related to "introduction," allowing for phrases like "simply introduce" or "simple introduction." However, "simple" cannot directly modify "tour guide," making phrases like "simple tour guide" incorrect.
➢ 动词(短语):来回、来往、不停、重复、有计划、有目的等。
➢ 数量(短语):一把、一口、一趟一趟、一次一次等。
➢ 象声词:哗哗、呜呜、呼呼、咯咯、哇哇、滴答滴答、淅淅沥沥等。
➢ 固定短语:滔滔不色、斩钉截铁等。
➢ 表示情态方式的副词:一直、一起、渐渐、亲自、互相、忽然、随便、偶 尔等。
Overall, both types of adverbials—those describing the doer and those depicting the action—incorporate adjectives or descriptive elements.
In predicate-based modifying phrases, two or more words or phrases that do not have a combinatory relationship surround a central word for modification and limitation This creates a hierarchical relationship of successive modification and limitation, resulting in what is known as a multi-attribute adverbial phrase.
Multiple adverbials differ significantly from single adverbials, as the syntax and semantic relationships of single adverbials are relatively straightforward In contrast, multiple adverbials are intertwined, resulting in a more complex structural and semantic hierarchy The relationships between multiple adverbials and the main verb, as well as the intricate connections among the adverbials themselves, warrant further investigation Additionally, the order of adverbials of the same type and the sequencing of adverbials of different types are important areas of study.
1.3.1 多项状语与复杂状语的区别
To differentiate between multiple adverbials and complex adverbials, we first need to understand their definitions Multiple adverbials refer to adverbials in a sentence that modify or restrict the central term with two or more distinct grammatical meanings For example:
(126)他们 昨天.. 在.教室..里. 都. 真诚..地. 同这位英模..... 交心。
时间 处所 范围 状态 对象
Considering a different perspective, we can understand multi-layered adverbials as phrases consisting of a central word and an adverbial, which can be further modified by another adverbial to form a larger phrase This hierarchical structure of adverbials is referred to as multi-layered adverbials.
(126) 他们 昨天.. 在教室里.... 都. 真诚地... 同这位英模..... 交心。
Complex adverbials refer to instances where multiple adverbials precede a verb or adjective, or when there is a single adverbial that contains a complicated internal structure.
例如:(127)玛丽 非常.. 认真.. 地 学习。
The phrase consists of a single adverbial component, "very serious," which encompasses two levels of meaning The subordinate element is the adverb "very," while the main term is "serious."
(128)他们 手. 挽. 手. 地前进。
The phrase "hand in hand" serves as a single adverbial, yet it encompasses three levels of meaning Its components include the subject "hand" and the verb "to hold," along with the action "to hold" and the object "hand." Notably, there is no additional adverbial present, which classifies it as a complex adverbial.
1.3.2 现代汉语多项状语的分类
Modern Chinese adverbial phrases can be categorized into three main types: coordinate adverbial phrases, cumulative adverbial phrases, and interleaved adverbial phrases. 并列关系多项状语的排列顺序
Coordinated adverbials refer to multiple adverbials of the same nature or type that modify a central term without modifying each other While the theoretical order of these coordinated adverbials is flexible, actual usage in language often follows specific patterns.
Sometimes, factors such as logical relationships, the process of observation, and language habits can impose limitations, as seen in phrases like "clean, thorough, complete" and "freedom and equality."
Coordinated multiple adverbials hold an equal status, consisting of two or more phrases that jointly serve as adverbials without any hierarchical distinction These adverbials collectively modify or restrict a single core term Typically, coordinated adverbials are separated by a Chinese comma (、) When an adverbial is followed by "ly," it can either be placed at the end of the last adverbial or after each adverbial.
In example (129), both "doubt" and "gaze intently" function as adverbials of modality However, semantically, "doubt" describes the state of the subject, indicating her condition, while "gaze intently" illustrates the manner of the action, specifically how the verb "to watch" is performed.
In example (130), both "happiness" and "for a long time" serve as adverbials of modality However, semantically, "happiness" describes the state of the subject, indicating "his" condition, while "for a long time" characterizes the manner of the action, reflecting how the verb "to gaze" is performed.
In example (131), the phrases "fearlessly," "unyieldingly," and "striving" serve as modal adverbials Semantically, both "fearlessly" and "unyieldingly" describe the subject's state, while "striving" characterizes the manner of "climbing." These three adverbials are in a parallel relationship, functioning as multiple adverbials within the sentence. 递加关系多项状语的排列顺序
Multiple adverbial modifiers that modify the central term do not have a hierarchical relationship and should not be separated by commas, pauses, or any conjunctions.
The arrangement order of multiple adverbials refers to their sequence in a sentence In Chinese, the order of adverbials follows the principle of placing modifiers before the main verb, meaning that multiple adverbials are positioned sequentially before the central verb This structure ensures clarity and coherence in conveying meaning.
主语 + 状语1 + 状语2 + 状语3 + 状语 4……中心语。
In the phrase "1, 2, 3, 4 ," the multiple adverbial phrases do not modify each other; instead, they serve as direct components that modify the central term at different levels The modification direction indicates that the left-side adverbial phrases modify the right-side central term.
In example (136), there are four adverbials: "zheng" indicates time, "in the office" denotes location, "enthusiastically" expresses manner, and "with comrades" signifies relation All these elements modify the central verb "communicate."
For my sake, my father did not harshly blame my husband for all his faults that day at my father-in-law's house.
The phrase "at my father-in-law's house" indicates a location, while "indeed" conveys a strong tone The term "all" specifies the scope, and "not" denotes negation "Regarding all of my husband's faults" reflects the subject matter, and "very strictly" describes the manner in which it is addressed.
In most cases, the order of multiple adverbial phrases in a sentence follows a specific sequence; however, there are instances where their positions can be interchanged.
The two examples demonstrate different placements of adverbials In example (138), the adverbial order is purpose, time, subject, scope, relevance, and the main verb Conversely, in example (139), the adverbial arrangement is location, subject, manner, relevance, quantity, scope, and the main verb.
In modern Chinese, the positioning of multiple adverbial elements is notably flexible, allowing them to appear in various locations within a sentence This article highlights several common positions for these adverbials.
1.4.1 多项限制性状语的排列顺序
(1) 表示时间的状语;
(2) 表示语气、频率、范围;
(3) 表示目的、依据、协同;
(4) 表示处所、空间、路线、方向;
In sentence structure, the order typically follows a pattern: for example, in sentence (140), the sequence is time > place > object In sentence (141), the arrangement is time > mood > place > object Similarly, sentence (142) demonstrates a structure of time > mood > purpose > place > object.
In summary, the order of adverbials is flexible and variable The sequences provided are merely general tendencies and not absolute rules.
The placement of time adverbials is quite flexible in sentences; they can appear before or after the subject, or even follow modal adverbs.
➢ 同一个句子里若有两个以上表示时间的状语,它们的排列顺序如下:
时间名词 + 表示时间的介词短语 / 方位短语 + 时间副词
(143) [昨天..]我[从下午.. .3.点到晚上... .8.点.][一直..]在做PPT。
Adverbial modifiers in Chinese have a flexible position within a sentence; they can be placed after the adverbial phrase or before the component that needs emphasis This allows for interchangeable placement when indicating location or purpose, as illustrated in example (142).
➢ 如果在句中同现下面三类副词连用,其顺序如下:
语气副词 + 时间副词 + 否定副词
1.4.2 多项描写性状语的排列顺序
In Chinese sentences, when two or more descriptive adverbials appear together, their order generally follows a specific sequence.
描写动作者 + 描写动作 + 中心语
A child excitedly hugs their mother tightly, showcasing the child's emotional state and the intensity of their embrace.
The child, filled with excitement, chattered incessantly like a little bird This vivid imagery captures the child's enthusiastic state and the lively manner in which they spoke.
The analysis in the first chapter indicates that the frequency of adverbial usage in Chinese is quite high, making it a challenging component for learners Chinese language students, particularly those majoring in the subject, frequently encounter adverbials However, due to a lack of deep understanding of their grammatical results and semantic functions, or the negative transfer from Vietnamese, many undergraduate students learning Chinese often make errors in identifying, classifying, ordering, and translating adverbials This study aims to assess the understanding of modern Chinese adverbials among Chinese major students at Hanoi Capital University by analyzing their responses It seeks to identify common errors made by students in using adverbials and to uncover the underlying causes of these mistakes, ultimately proposing corrective measures and teaching strategies.
2.1.4 调查的内容
Based on the theoretical foundations and usage of multiple adverbials in modern Chinese discussed in Chapter One, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the use of adverbials among students at Hanoi Capital University The survey comprised three exercises focused on the grammar of multiple adverbials in modern Chinese It included both testing and translation formats, aiming to assess the students' understanding and ability to distinguish multiple adverbials in the language.
The first exercise consists of eight test items where students are required to place adverbials in the correct positions The purpose of this exercise is to assess students' ability to identify the placement of adverbials in Chinese.
The second exercise requires students to correctly position various adverbial phrases within sentences The test includes eight sentences containing multiple adverbials, prompting students to identify the appropriate placements in the structure of Chinese sentences This aims to assess students' understanding of the ordering of multi-layered adverbials in Chinese.
The third exercise consists of five multiple-choice questions, where students are required to translate five Chinese sentences into Vietnamese and then select the correct answers This exercise aims to assess students' understanding of semantic interference presented by Chinese adverbials during the translation process, evaluate their translation proficiency, and examine the impact of negative transfer from their native language to the target language (For specific details of the survey, please refer to the appendix).
We conducted a survey for students online, receiving 50 valid responses, and distributed questionnaires in class, collecting 104 valid responses In total, we gathered 154 valid surveys from students in the first through fourth grades.
2.2.1 现代汉语多项状语的难点认识
To understand the challenges faced by students majoring in Chinese at Hanoi University of Science and Technology regarding modern Chinese adverbials, we first posed the question, "Do you encounter any difficulties while learning Chinese adverbials?" The specific results of this inquiry are as follows:
According to the data presented in the pie chart, nearly all students face challenges while learning Chinese adverbials, with 99% reporting difficulties and only 1% feeling otherwise.
难,我提出“你觉得汉语状语的学习难点是什么?”的问题。具体的结果如 下:
比例 偏/总 比例 偏/总 比例 偏/总 比例 偏/总 比例
Most students identify the ordering and translation of Chinese adverbials as a significant challenge in their learning process The specific ratio of students facing this difficulty highlights the importance of addressing these aspects in language education.
A significant 13.07% of students find identifying adverbials in modern Chinese to be a challenging aspect of grammar, while 10.02% struggle with the classification of these adverbials This indicates that regardless of their experience level, many learners perceive adverbials, especially the ordering of multi-layered adverbials, as a grammatical difficulty However, with exposure and practice, students can gradually master this aspect of the language.
确定状语 状语的分类 状语的排序 状语的翻译 一年级(34个) 11.76% 8.82% 44.11% 35.29%
一年级(34个) 二年级(36个) 三年级(40个) 四年级(44个)
2.2.2 现代汉语状语的错序偏误
In his study "Research on Errors in Chinese Grammar for Foreign Learners," Zhou Xiaobing identifies "misordering," also referred to as "misplacement," as an error where the position of certain linguistic units within a sentence or discourse is incorrect Specifically, the misordering of adverbials occurs when these elements are improperly positioned due to various reasons To clarify this type of error, a survey was conducted among students majoring in Chinese at Hanoi Capital University to examine their usage of adverbials in Chinese The following data presents the findings from the questionnaire.
表 2:河内首都大学汉语专业学生对汉语状语的错序偏误情况
错误 比例 错误 比例 错误 比例 错误 比例
The analysis of errors in the word order of adverbials by students majoring in Chinese at Hanoi Capital University reveals significant trends, as illustrated by the accompanying bar chart.
To assess students' understanding and application of Chinese adverbials, we conducted an exercise titled "Please fill in the appropriate adverbials in the brackets." We designed eight test items to identify the common "word order" errors made by students when using Chinese adverbials.
In our analysis utilizing quantitative and statistical methods, we derived significant survey results that highlight specific findings.
Bài kiểm tra (1) mô tả hành động của "弟弟" (A) khi "唱歌儿" (C) cho "妈妈" (B) với trạng từ "高兴地" thể hiện tâm trạng của người thực hiện Trong khi đó, bài kiểm tra (7) cho thấy "哥哥" (A) chuẩn bị một món quà (C) cho "妈妈" (B) một cách "不声不响地" trong thời gian "在母亲节的前一天" Bài kiểm tra (1) có hai trạng từ: "高兴" mô tả trạng thái của "弟弟" và "给妈妈" là trạng từ đối tượng Bài kiểm tra (7) có ba trạng từ: "不声不响地" mô tả cách thức hành động, "在母亲节的前一天" chỉ thời gian, và "给妈妈" là trạng từ đối tượng.
测试题1 测试题2 测试题3 测试题4 测试题5 测试题6 测试题7 测试题8 一年级 70.58% 32.35% 14.70% 3% 14.70% 41.17% 79.41% 64.70%
一年级 二年级 三年级 四年级
Hai câu hỏi trong bài kiểm tra cho thấy tỷ lệ sai khá cao, lần lượt là 54.26% và 48.96% Cụ thể, câu hỏi đầu tiên có 43.79% thí sinh chọn phương án sai "弟弟给妈妈 高兴地唱着歌儿" và 9.1% chọn phương án "弟弟给妈妈唱高兴地着歌儿" Đối với câu hỏi thứ bảy, 39.02% thí sinh chọn phương án sai "哥哥不声不响地在母亲节的前一天给妈妈准备了一份礼物" và 16.9% chọn phương án "哥哥在母亲节的前一天给妈妈不声不响地准备一份礼物" Kết quả này cho thấy học sinh gặp khó khăn trong việc nhận diện và sắp xếp các trạng ngữ, dẫn đến những sai sót trong bài làm.
Bài kiểm tra (2) cho biết "Giáo viên (A) đang (B) nói chuyện trong lớp học (C) (với anh ấy)." có ba trạng ngữ: "đang" thể hiện trạng ngữ thời gian, "với anh ấy" là trạng ngữ đối tượng, và "trong lớp học" là trạng ngữ nơi chốn, tất cả đều là trạng ngữ hạn chế Theo thứ tự sắp xếp của các trạng ngữ hạn chế, câu trả lời đúng là: "Giáo viên đang nói chuyện trong lớp học với anh ấy." Tỷ lệ sai của bài kiểm tra này rất thấp.
Bài kiểm tra (3) "Chúng tôi (A) hàng ngày (B) lên lớp (C) (từ 7 giờ đến 11 giờ)" có hai trạng ngữ hạn chế: "hàng ngày" là danh từ chỉ thời gian làm trạng ngữ, và "từ 7 giờ đến 11 giờ" là cụm giới từ chỉ thời gian Bài kiểm tra (6) "Anh ấy (A) tối qua (B) vẫn chưa về nhà (C) (có thể)" có bốn trạng ngữ: "có thể" là trạng ngữ chỉ thái độ, "tối qua" là trạng ngữ thời gian, "vẫn" chỉ trạng ngữ lặp lại, và "chưa" là trạng ngữ phủ định Cả hai bài kiểm tra đều có trạng ngữ hạn chế, vì vậy theo thứ tự sắp xếp của nhiều trạng ngữ hạn chế, câu trả lời đúng nên là (3) "Chúng tôi hàng ngày từ 7 giờ đến 11 giờ lên lớp." và (6) "Anh ấy tối qua có thể vẫn chưa về nhà." Tỷ lệ sai trong bài kiểm tra (3) khá thấp, trung bình đạt 6.45%, trong đó học sinh lớp ba và lớp bốn đều có tỷ lệ sai là 0% Tuy nhiên, tỷ lệ sai trong bài kiểm tra (6) lại cao hơn.
测试题(4)“ 那个老人(A)每天(B)开开心心地(C)过日子。
The phrase contains three adverbials: "every day" indicates the time; "all" serves as a scope adverbial; and "cheerfully" is an adjective functioning as an adverb, describing the psychological state of "the old man," positioned at the beginning to modify the verb.
Trong bài kiểm tra (5), câu “Chúng tôi (A) vui vẻ (B) trải qua (C) kỳ nghỉ này (cùng nhau)” có hai trạng ngữ: “cùng nhau” là trạng ngữ chỉ cách thức, còn “vui vẻ” miêu tả trạng thái của “chúng tôi” Theo thứ tự sắp xếp của trạng ngữ hạn chế và trạng ngữ miêu tả khi xuất hiện cùng lúc, câu trả lời chính xác cho hai câu hỏi này là (4) “Ông lão đó mỗi ngày đều sống vui vẻ.” và (5).
"We enjoyed this holiday together." The percentage of incorrect answers for questions (4) and (5) is relatively low, averaging 0.7% and 16.5% respectively The majority of incorrect responses came from first and second-grade students, but the overall data appears to be insignificant.
测试题(8)“ 他(A)就(B)把一个鸡蛋(C)全吃了。(一口)”
河内首都大学汉语专业的学生使用现代汉语多项状语的偏误成因及 建议
This study aims to investigate the usage of modern Chinese adverbials among undergraduate students majoring in Chinese at Hanoi Capital University, as well as to analyze the frequency of errors in their usage More importantly, the research seeks to understand the common mistakes made by students in order to identify the underlying causes of these errors Various factors contribute to these mistakes, which are outlined in the context of students' application of modern Chinese adverbials.
3.1.1 现代汉语状语自身的复杂性
Adverbials are a complex syntactic component in modern Chinese, particularly when multiple adverbials appear within a sentence The arrangement order of various adverbials is a key focus and challenge in teaching, often overlooked due to its complexity This complexity arises from the flexible positioning of adverbials and the diverse forms they can take, including adjectives, adverbs, verbs, nouns, prepositional structures, and fixed phrases.
The flexibility of adverbial phrases in sentence structure can lead to confusion for students, as some can be repositioned without altering meaning, while others cannot Clearly outlining the rules governing adverbial placement would significantly enhance students' learning efficiency.
3.1.2 母语负迁移
During the process of learning a foreign language, learners often experience the influence of their native language According to Lu Jianqi in "An Analysis of Grammar Errors Made by Foreigners Learning Chinese" (Language Teaching and Research, 1994) and Liu Xun in "Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language" (Beijing Language University Press, 2007), learners who are unfamiliar with the rules of the target language tend to rely on their native language knowledge, leading to similar errors among learners from the same linguistic background This phenomenon is one of the primary reasons for the errors made by beginners As a student at Hanoi Capital University, I can relate to this experience; while we study Chinese daily, we primarily communicate in our native language outside of class, reinforcing this tendency.
Developing the habit of thinking in Chinese is essential When using the language, individuals often unconsciously apply their native grammatical structures and word order, making it feel more comfortable However, this reliance on native language patterns can lead to a lack of attention to other important aspects of Chinese.
"Negative transfer from the mother tongue" refers to the errors that arise in learning Chinese due to the significant differences between Vietnamese and Chinese, as students often apply Vietnamese language rules to Chinese This negatively impacts the Chinese learning process "Negative transfer from the target language" occurs when students, lacking sufficient knowledge of Chinese, rigidly apply what they have learned, leading to inaccuracies This phenomenon is psychologically termed "interlanguage." Both types of negative transfer are primary sources of errors encountered by Vietnamese students in their Chinese language learning journey.
The placement of adverbials in Vietnamese is relatively flexible, allowing them to be positioned in various places within a sentence according to the intended expression, with the most common position being at the end of the sentence In contrast, Chinese adverbials have a fixed position, which creates significant challenges for Vietnamese students when ordering and translating Chinese adverbials Influenced by their native language, students often place Chinese adverbials arbitrarily in different positions within the Vietnamese translation, neglecting to consider the original sentence's adverbial placement and the semantic relationships of various adverbials in their pursuit of a translation that meets standards.
例如:(156)Tôi đưa bức thư cho mẹ rồi
* 我交信给妈妈了。
→ 我把信交给妈妈了。
(157)Mình học trường Đại học Thủ đô HN
* 我学习在河内首都大学。
→ 我在河内首都大学学习。
3.1.3 目的语负迁移
The interference of limited knowledge in the target language primarily manifests as overgeneralization Through examination, it has been observed that students at Hanoi Capital University learning Chinese tend to apply analogies based on the rules of the target language However, this overgeneralization can lead to errors For instance, influenced by the grammatical structures of Chinese, students often translate word-for-word, even when it does not align with Vietnamese expression.
* Chiều nay ở cổng trường đợi tôi
→ Chiều nay đợi tôi ở cổng trường
* Cô ấy đang ở trong văn phòng nói chuyện với sếp
→ Cô ấy đang nói chuyện với sếp ở trong văn phòng
3.1.4 教材的限制
Adverbials in Chinese are crucial components of the language, with word order serving as an important means of conveying grammatical meaning and semantic functions Teaching materials, which embody the curriculum, play a vital role in understanding the definition, classification, positioning, and translation methods of Chinese adverbials A survey conducted on the learning materials used by students in the Chinese major at Hanoi Capital University revealed that the lack of content regarding the ordering and translation of Chinese adverbials contributes significantly to students' errors.
3.1.5 学生训练不足
In addition to the unfavorable arrangement of textbooks, insufficient training is a significant reason for students' errors Training plays a crucial role in education, allowing students to reinforce theoretical knowledge and apply it in translation practice Due to limited classroom time, students often struggle to master vocabulary, grammar points, and translation content, resulting in inadequate training opportunities Furthermore, the exercises provided in textbooks are often not diverse or targeted enough to effectively demonstrate the functions of grammar points Therefore, teachers should design varied exercises to give students more training opportunities, helping them to master grammar points and reduce errors.
3.2.1 对教学的建议
Based on an analysis of common errors and misconceptions among students, we propose specific teaching methods aimed at enhancing the learning outcomes of Vietnamese students in modern Chinese, particularly for those majoring in Chinese at Hanoi Capital University Our recommendations are detailed as follows:
As society evolves and job demands increase, more people are learning foreign languages, with Chinese and English being the most common The quality of classroom instruction significantly impacts students' mastery of the target language Although the concept of adverbs in Chinese seems straightforward—essentially, adverbs modify verbs or adjectives—their proper understanding and usage can be challenging Teachers, as guides in the learning process, must accurately identify the key teaching points and difficulties to help students effectively comprehend and master the knowledge and application of modern Chinese adverbs.
In addition to grammatical requirements, students must also possess a certain level of expressive ability When it comes to translating adverbials, teachers can utilize a method that anticipates the key challenges in translating Chinese adverbials As discussed in Chapter Two, error analysis is a significant approach to studying the language acquisition process of second language learners.
By analyzing the causes of errors and predicting potential mistakes, educators can effectively address various disruptive factors, making their teaching more targeted Based on the error analysis from Chapter Two, teachers can identify key focus areas and challenges in translating Chinese adverbials This allows them to emphasize these aspects during instruction, ultimately enhancing students' translation skills.
The analysis of the error statistics in Chapter Two reveals that the most common mistakes in using and translating various Chinese adverbials are in grammatical structure, followed by semantic structure and word order Therefore, it is essential to focus on the structural differences between Chinese and Vietnamese adverbials, while also emphasizing semantic comparisons and considering their pragmatic aspects.
To enhance teaching effectiveness and mitigate negative transfer from the mother tongue, it is essential to compare and contrast the use of adverbials in Chinese and Vietnamese By analyzing common errors stemming from this negative transfer, educators can thoroughly explain the similarities and differences in adverbial usage between the two languages This approach allows teachers to leverage both the commonalities and distinctions in grammar, semantics, and pragmatics, ultimately improving students' learning efficiency and promoting translation skills while harnessing the positive transfer effects of their native language.
Grammar teaching primarily helps students acquire declarative knowledge of grammatical structures but does not effectively develop their procedural ability to use these forms accurately Therefore, teachers should address issues present in existing textbooks and encourage continuous practice among students, as classroom exercises are crucial for knowledge retention Designing sorting exercises can help students understand the placement and usage of single and multiple adverbials, clarifying that multiple adverbials modify the head word simultaneously with different properties Additionally, teachers should focus on error correction exercises, emphasizing common mistakes to reduce instances of incorrect usage among students.
Teachers should tailor their instruction to the learning abilities of their students, as mastering new grammar requires a certain level of consistency Introducing grammar concepts that exceed students' current comprehension can lead to misunderstandings, ultimately hindering the effectiveness of the teaching process.
3.2.2 对学生的建议
To become stronger in any endeavor, one must rely on themselves, much like the process of learning a foreign language, especially Chinese, which is closely related to Vietnamese Mastering the grammar of Chinese adverbials requires students to conduct thorough research Here are some recommendations for students studying Chinese adverbials.
Before attending class, students should prepare thoroughly at home They should review the material carefully and research any unclear concepts online, as this serves as a beneficial form of pre-study.
Engaging in more practice exercises during class is crucial for effective learning It reinforces theoretical knowledge and helps students master grammatical points through textbook exercises and additional practice provided by teachers.
After class, it is essential to review thoroughly During limited classroom time, students must grasp new vocabulary, grammar points, and translation content, which often leaves insufficient training time Therefore, practicing at home allows students to reinforce their understanding of the material learned.
3.2.3 对教材编写的建议
Textbook authors should incorporate comparative analysis methods into language point explanations to enhance understanding Additionally, the organization of language content must follow a progressive approach, allowing learners to gradually master both single and multiple adverbials while reinforcing previously learned material A significant issue with many textbooks is their outdated content, often based on data and stories from decades ago in China, which diminishes their practical applicability and hinders students' ability to keep pace with current realities To address this, teachers must proactively seek the most advanced and relevant materials to effectively guide their students in learning Chinese.
In summary, this chapter highlights that the various errors in modern Chinese adverbial phrases primarily stem from factors such as negative transfer from the mother tongue, intralingual negative transfer, limitations in textbook compilation, teaching methods employed by educators, and insufficient training for students Additionally, due to the differing levels of proficiency among first, second, third, and fourth-grade students, errors are most frequently observed in first and second graders.
To help students master the classification, ordering, and translation methods of multiple adverbials in modern Chinese, teachers must explain these concepts from syntactic and semantic perspectives, following a structured approach Throughout the teaching process, it is essential for teachers to require students to engage in repeated practice and promptly correct their errors Additionally, students should prepare before class by reviewing materials at home and researching any unclear points online In class, they should focus on exercises from the textbook and supplementary tasks provided by the teacher to reinforce their understanding of theoretical content and grammar points Repeated practice at home will further solidify their knowledge Lastly, it is recommended that textbook content be updated to incorporate new knowledge for practical applicability Textbook authors should utilize comparative analysis methods to integrate language comparisons into the explanations of language points within the materials.