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 Put the moon, mouse, milk phonics cards on the desk  Give students some seconds to look at them..  Have students close their eyes and take away one phonics card.[r]


Date of preparing: 04/6/2020 Week 28 Period 59

Unit 13: Letter M

Lesson 3,4

I Objectives:

1 Knowledge

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  Read and say the three Mm words correctly  Recognize and say a new Mm word correctly

Vocabulary: Revision Moon, mouse, milk, monkey 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening skills 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups …


1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

1A 10/06/2020 ………

2 Warm up :5’

Which one is missing

Put the moon, mouse, milk phonics cards on the desk Give students some seconds to look at them

Have students close their eyes and take away one phonics card

Tell students to open their eyes and name the phonics card that is missing 3 New lesson

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

Act 1 (5')

Ask students to look at the pictures in the book and name each object

Play the CD

Ask students to listen and circle the Yes or No for each picture

Have some individuals point to the items and say them



Answer keys: yes, no, yes yes, no, yes

Activity 2: (5')

Listen point and repeat

Show the students the monkey phonics card Point to it and say: / m / - monkey Ask them to repeat

Mime: put one hand on top of the head, the other underneath the arm and scratching and say: /m / -

monkey Encourage the students to the same Point to the pictures, the students corresponding

actions and say the words

Play the CD, students listen and repeat

Ask students to work in pair: The first student point to the pictures and the other student say the word then change the roles


Point to the pictures and have students name them Allow the students some time to colour in the pictures

of the words that start with the m sound

Go around the classroom providing any necessary help

Act 3 (5')

Activity: Revision of letter M, its sound Speaking

Write on the board the big M and small m

Point to the letter M and say out loud “This is the letter M/em/The letter M says /m/.”

Point to the letter mand say out loud “This is the letter m /em/The letter m says /m/.”

Have the class repeat its sound chorally, then individually

Have the students say the sound individually, correct the pronunciation if necessary

Activity: How to write letter M Writing& Speaking

Demonstrate how to write the big M by stroke Draw an example of letter M using dashed lines

Use a different colored chalk to model tracing the letter M

Have some students practice tracing letter M on the board

Have students trace letter M in the books

7 Listen Point and repeat Colour the pictures of the words that start with the m sound Say the m words


Students say /em/ after each finished letter Go around to give help if necessary

Act 4 (5')

Reading and tracing

Ask students to read the sounds and the objects in each question in the book

Ask students to trace the big and small letters in the book


Students read the objects again and decide what sound is at the beginning of the words in the pictures

Ask students to match the sounds with the

corresponding words of the pictures by using a pencil and a ruler to draw a line

Act 5 (5')

Ask students to look at the picture in the activity book, find the way that Mark is going to travel to find his friends

Have students circle the letters in the way Mark travels Go around and ask students to read the letter they are


Act 6 (5')

Have students to read the words in each picture Check the meanings of the words

Ask students to choose pictures corresponding with the words in each

Have student use their favourite crayons to colour the chosen pictures

Co around and ask individuals to name the picture they are colouring

1 Trace and match

2 Draw Mark’s path to his friens Circle the letters he finds on his way Say the sounds

3 Choose and colour

4 Consolidation: (3’) 5 Homelink:(2’)

Review the new words, model sentences 6 Comments:

……… ……… ……… Period 60


I Objectives:

1 Knowledge To consolidate the sound of the letters Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm and the corresponding words


Vocabulary Revision

ink, igloo, iguana, insect jam, jelly, juice, jacket kite, kitten, koala, kangaroo lemon, lion, lollipop, lamp moon, mouse, milk, monkey 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening skills 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups …


1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

1A 12/06/2020 ………

…… 2 Warm up :5’

Choose some phonics cards from Unit 9-13

Divide the class into groups, A and B, and make two lines Give the first student from each team a phonics card

Say “ go”

The student says the corresponding words and passes the card over their head to the second student

The second students say the word, pass the cards between their legs to the third student

Keep passing the cards over their head and between their legs to the next students

The last student in each line races to hand the phonics cards to the teacher and says the word

The first team to so wins point for card The team with the most points wins

3 New lesson


Act 1.(15')

 (book closed) Tell the students that it’s story time Ask them if they like reading stories and what their

favourite storybook character is

Prepare phonics cards of these word: mouse, igloo, lion, lollipop, kitten, kite, moon

Ask the students to read out the words

Invite students to guess what they think the story is about

Ask the students to look at the book

Ask them questions about what they can see in the pictures

E.g: Teacher: (pointing to the jelly in picture 1) Look! What’s this?

Class: (It’s a) jelly!

Teacher: (pointing to the igloo in picture 1) Yes! The jelly is in the ….

Class: igloo! etc

Play the CD and ask the students to listen and follow the story in their books, pointing to the pictures of the key words

Play the CD again pausing for the students to repeat Ask individual students to read the story aloud

Extension (optional)

Say one of the words from the lesson (e.g jelly) Ask students come to the board and draw its shape Ask the rest of the class give comment

Act 2(12')

Point to the sentences and elicit the animal in each Ask the students to say what each animal has,

according to the story

The students then draw those items

Explain to them that they can use any colour they like

Activity 1: Act Out

Read the sentences in the story, pause at the key words Invite the students to mime them (the igloo, the jelly,

the lion, the lollipop, the kitten, the kit, the mouse, the moon).

Have the students come to the front of the classroom and act out the story

Encourage them to have fun as they perform

Activity2: Drawing

 Students choose their favourite items from the story and

1.Listen Read along


then draw, decorate it following their hobbies 4 Consolidation: (2’)

5 Homelink:(2’)

Review the new words, model sentences 6 Comments:

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2021, 16:20
