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1 INTRODUCTION Rationale for the study In order to build the army in the current situation under the orientation of revolutionary, formal, elite, modern step by step, the army officers need to have a comprehensive personality quality Resolution No 769-NQ / QUTW of the Central Military Commission on the construction of the military officers in the period of 2013-2020 and the following years has defined: “Building a contingent army officers with stable political will-power, absolutely loyal to the Party, to the Fatherland, to the people with revolutionary ethics and a sense of strict discipline" [72, p.5] In order to achieve the above objective, it is vital that academies, military schools in general and military training schools in particular have to constantly attach importance to educating cadets' personality qualities in a comprehensive manner, of which improving the quality of discipline for cadets is of great urgency For cadets at MOS, due to their main characteristics are students who have just graduated from high school, have a military age and a young age; Therefore, the issue of educating the students on the formation of teaching skills in training process is always the most important task requirement Through anti-corruption education, not only helps students to have disciplined awareness, attitudes and behaviours, up to prescribed standards and meet the requirements of military activities, but also contributes to the comprehensive development of personality in accordance with the defined training goals Besides, preventive education also helps students to actively study to improve their knowledge, career capacity, actively practice the construction of scientific method and working style, ensuring that after graduation on the university position as leader, commander, and pedagogy of the military always fulfilling the tasks of management, education and training of cadres and soldiers in the unit under their respective functions and requirements Thoroughly grasping the Party's educational reforms, in the past years, MOS have regularly conducted fire prevention education for students and achieved certain results The majority of students have clearly defined roles, responsibilities, regularly, strictly trained discipline, ready to accept and complete assigned tasks However, at present, before the strong development of science and technology, the trend of opening the country's international integration, the goal of renewing the Party's education, and requirements for building a strong political army, together with the negative effects of the market economy on the contrary; which show some limitations and shortcomings in the education and practice of QOD of cadets in MOS exposed some The process of using anti-corruption methods and organizational forms for students is still slow to innovate, the role and responsibility of education forces and students in anti-corruption education is not high The degree of transformation between students' perceptions, attitudes and QOD is still uneven compared to the prescribed goals Many students have behaviour habits that are not up to standards, even serious violations of discipline that adversely affect the unit To overcome these limitations, it is necessary to research and apply the theory of personality education into practice in order to improve QOD for cadets in the modern MOS This is an urgent and important requirement Over the past time, there have been many researches on the education of personality qualities of students, students in general and students of military schools in particular However, due to the need to innovate to improve the quality of education and the current contextual situation, there has not been any research work systematically and comprehensively on theoretical and practical knowledge of teaching QOD for cadets at MOS From the above-mentioned reasons, the author decides to select the issue of "Educating the quality of discipline for cadets at military officer schools in the current context" as the doctoral thesis of Education Studies with its theoretical and practical significance Purposes and tasks of the research Purposes: The thesis is based on theoretical research and current situation of educating QOD for cadets at MOS, proposing measures to educate anti-corruption to contribute to the comprehensive development of learners' personality, meeting the target of training creation of MOS and require military construction tasks in the present context Tasks Giving an overview of the research situation related to educating QOD for cadets at MOS 3 Clarifying the theory of QOD for cadets and educating QOD for cadets at MSO in the current context Conducting surveys, analysing and assessing the current situation of educating QOD for cadets at MOS Proposing measures to educate QOD for cadets at MOS in the current context Carrying out the proposed pedagogical experiments to prove the correctness of the method of educating QOD for cadets at MSO Subject, object, and scope of the research Subject: The process of educating cadets' personality at MOS Object: Measures of educating QOD for cadets at MOS presently Scope In terms of content: The thesis investigates the theoretical and practical issues on QOD and educating QOD for officers-trained cadets at university level at MOS At the same time, the thesis proposes measures to educate QOD for cadets at MOS in the current context In terms of space: The thesis focuses on QOD education and training for commanders-trained cadets, combined with army and political officers at schools including: The Army Officers Training College N1, The Political Officers Training College, and The Artillery Officers Training College in teaching, training students, and building up regular units and extra-curricular activities Participants: managing directors, lecturers and cadets who are working and studying at the above-mentioned MOS In terms of time: The data used in the thesis is defined from 2013 to 2018 Scientific hypotheses Educating QOD for cadets at MOS is only effective when they apply the logic and rule of personality education Currently, the issue of educating QOD for cadets at MOS is still limited and inadequate due to several different reasons Therefore, in the training process, if MOS focus on applying a uniform method of education, from raising the awareness of the responsibility of the education force to renewing the contents, methods and forms of education, promoting the positive role of students in self-education, focusing on the application of information technology and building strong groups of students, their awareness, attitude and disciplinary behaviour will be improved and developed steadily, meet the training objectives of the schools and military construction requirements at present 4 Methodology and research methods Methodology: The thesis is researched on the basis of dialectical materialism, historical materialism of Marxism Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, views of the Communist Party of Vietnam on education The research process also approaches the problem research from systematic - structural, historical - logical points of view, practical perspectives, operational - personality approaches, value approaches Research Methods: The thesis uses a combination of research methods of specialized and interdisciplinary sciences, including: Group of theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization of relevant documents); group of practical research methods (observations; interviews, exchanges; surveys; practical reviews) and other supporting methods New contributions of the research In terms of theory: The thesis identifies the theoretical framework for educating QOD for cadets at MOS in the current context In particular, the concepts, characteristics and manifestations of QOD of cadets at MOS have been clarified; concepts, the process of educating QOD for students The thesis also points out the requirements and factors affecting the education of QOD for cadets at MOS in the current context In terms of practice: The thesis has assessed the current situation of educating QOD for cadets at MOS, generalizing the causes of that situation Building up a system of measures to educate QOD for cadets at MOS appropriate to the current context The practical and theoretical significance of the research The thesis has contributed to supplementing, developing, and enriching theories on personality education of cadets at the current MOS The results of the thesis provide scientific arguments to help MOS improve the quality of training, contributing to build a model and exemplary school, meeting the requirements of building the army at present The thesis can be used as references for the contingent of administrators, lecturers and students at military and civilian schools The structure of the thesis The thesis includes: Introduction, chapters (12 periods), conclusion, recommendations, a list of research works of the author, a list of references and appendices 5 Chapter AN OVERVIEW OF THE THESIS-RELATED RESEARCH SITUATION 1.1 The works related to the thesis 1.1.1 The works related to the quality of discipline and educating the quality of discipline education The works abroad Previously, there were many research works in the Soviet army related to QOD Typically: "Discipline education for Soviet Soviet soldiers" by V Culacop (1979); "Be a disciplined soldier" by A.I Jeremiah (1981), "The modern and disciplined army" by A.I Kitop, V.N Covalep, V.K Lugiero (1982); "What are ethical soldiers" by A Vonconegop (1982); "About defining the concept of self-discipline military discipline" by I.N Vopkop (2004); "The correlation of military discipline and discipline" by I.V Vopkop (2005) Recently, there have been some authors showing interests in studying discipline in the context of new situations such as V.A Batmarop, V.V Icarop, and C.I Pustôvalop The Western psychologists also very interested in research and appreciate the role of discipline in military operations In China, Zhang Xiaodong (2011) with "China renews the theory of military direction in the new period" also mentioned the role of discipline in the construction of the Chinese army in the new period In order to meet the requirements of military operations in the new situation, recently, some authors also mentioned the issue of equipping legal knowledge for soldiers such as: Wang Wenjuan (2013) with the article "The PLA and International Humanitarian Law: Achievements and Challenges; author Elizabeth Stubbins Bates (2014) with the article "Towards Effective Military Training in International Humanitarian Law"; Inal Kosheev and Nalzhan Kudasheva (2015) with the article "Military and Juridical Education in Russia and USA" The research works in Vietnam In recent years, there have been many research works on discipline and disciplinary education in the military Here are typical works: "Military discipline and responsibility of the commander" by Le Quang Hoa (1987); "Continuing to build a politically strong Vietnamese People's Army to meet the requirements of the new era" by Le Van Dung (2009) From a philosophical perspective, there are the following works: "Analyzing contradictions in the process of consolidating and strengthening the discipline of the Vietnam People's Army at present" by Nguyen Thanh Long (1991); "The relationship between promoting socialist democracy and increasing discipline in the current Vietnam People's Army" by Nguyen Van Thanh (2004) In terms of psychology, there are the following works "Psychological basis of consolidating and improving the discipline of military agents of special agents" by Dinh Hung Tuan (1996); "Some theoretical and practical issues on military discipline" by Nguyen Ngoc Phu (1997); "Maintaining and promoting the" self-discipline and strictness” of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" in the new situation" by Vu Hiep Binh (2010) There are the following works on discipline education for soldiers: "Enhancing the self-discipline and self-discipline of the Vietnam People's Army" by Nguyen Van Tuan (1995); "Youth with discipline" by the Military Youth Committee (1999); "Combining morality and discipline training in the Vietnam People's Army" by Nguyen Vinh Thang (2016); "Solutions to prevent the phenomenon of suicide, suicide and self-injury in the current army" by the Ministry of Defense (2016); "100 thoughtful situations that may arise in the unit and suggest solutions for grassroots cadres ” by Propaganda Department (2018);) "Legal education in the Vietnam People's Army" by Nguyen Van Vi (2018); "Developing cultural discipline for soldiers in the current grassroots units" by Dao Huy Hiep (2014); "Establishing a disciplined living habit for young military men" by Le Huynh Tiep (2016); "Enhancing the education, management, law observance and discipline in the Army" by Nguyen Van Minh (2017); and "Strengthening education and discipline training for military personnel" by Do Hong Quang (2017) 1.1.2 The research works related to the education of disciplinary qualities for cadets at schools The research works abroad In the world, the issue of disciplinary education for students in educational institutions has been mentioned in many works such as "Education" by I.A.Cairov and L.V Dancov; "The flags on the top of the tower" by A.X Makarenco Besides, in other research works by V.E Gmurman and Bondar also emphasized the role of discipline for students Regarding the effectiveness of positive discipline education in schools, there are the following works: "Experience and education" by John Dewey, "Education free from punishment" by Thomas Gordon; and "Talking about self-discipline" by An Thuc Truoc and Suong Hoa (1963) The research works in the country In the past recent years, there have been a number of research projects on preventive education for pupils and students, such as: "Disciplinary educational measures in classroom learning activities for primary school students" by Pham Minh Hung (1994); "Educating learning discipline for pedagogical college students in credit-based training" by Vu Thi Huong Ly (2013); "Developing a positive disciplinary education environment for students in Ho Chi Minh City Secondary School" by Huynh Ngoc Thanh (2017) In the military, there are a number of works related to educating QOD for cadets There are the following works from the viewpoint of political science: "Training and cultivating a sense of military discipline of cadets training officers at the current military schools" by Le Van Lam (2007); "Fostering the legal culture of cadets for training officers in military schools" by Vu Van Thuong (2008) There are the following works from the perspective of educational science: "Using a combination of methods of educating disciplinary behaviour habits for officers' officers at military universities" by Pham Minh Thu (2004); "The system of disciplined educational measures for cultural and artistic students in the army" by author Pham Dinh Hoe (2008); "Research on the process of organizing discipline education for students in military schools" by Vu Quang Hai (2009): and "Legal education for students at military army schools today" by Tran Van Hoa (2018) Besides to the above-mentioned works, there are also several scientific articles related to the topic such as: "Content and measures to educate disciplinary behaviour habits for military school students in the new situation" by Phan Van Cap (2015); "Building a legal and cultural environment in disciplining training for students of Border Guard Academy" by Nguyen Xuan Quan (2016); "A number of measures to prevent and remedy standard deviations of trainees, detachment officers at current army officers' academies and schools" by Vu Van Long and Vu Trong Lam ( 2016); "Enhancing education and discipline training for students at the Political Officer School" by Hoang Xuan Hien and Nguyen Van Tinh (2017); "Strengthening discipline training for Nguyen Hue University members based on Ho Chi Minh's thought on military discipline" by Nguyen Cong Son and Nguyen Van Hoang (2017); "Improving the self-discipline and discipline of cadets training officers at division level and university level at Logistics Academy" by Nguyen Ngoc Hai and Nguyen Hai Sinh (2019) 1.2 Summary of the results of the published works and the issues need further addressing in this thesis 1.2.1 Summary of the results of the published works Firstly, these works have introduced the concept of discipline and military discipline from different angles of approach such as philosophy, psychology, education, and political science Some works also clarify the purpose, nature and role of discipline; simultaneously, they affirmed that the issue of strengthening the discipline for soldiers is always an important requirement to constantly improve the army's combat power and the units’ performance Secondly, these works have mentioned the issue of disciplining education for soldiers with different content areas and research subjects Clarify the relationship between education, discipline training with promoting democracy, political education, moral training for soldiers in units Identify the basic factors affecting the discipline and law education process for military personnel, the role of the contingent of cadres and organizations in disciplinary education for military personnel at grassroots units Thirdly, some works have clarified the concept and role of disciplinary education in improving learning outcomes, developing student and student character and training quality in schools Clarify concepts, characteristics, organizational processes and methods, organizational forms of disciplinary education for cadets at MOS Some works also go into depth to analyse the situation, point out the impact factors and requirements, measures to improve the results of disciplinary education for cadets at military officers' schools Fourthly, in the past years, there have been several scientific works inside and outside the country related to educating QOD for cadets, but presently, there has not been any works researching comprehensively and systematically on educating QOD for cadets at MOS under the perspective of the science of education 1.2.2 The issues need addressing in this thesis Based on the overview of the research situation related to the topic and to accomplish the thesis’s objectives and tasks, the author indicates the following issues that need addressing: In terms of theory The thesis continues to conduct general research and clarify concepts of QOD of cadets; identifying the structure and characteristics of the process of formation and development of QOD of cadets at MOS The thesis takes advantages of the previous works’ achievements to clarify the concept of QOD for cadets, educating QOD for cadets at MOS in the current context The thesis generalizes the factors affecting the education of QOD for cadets at MOS in the current context In terms of practice The thesis conducts the relevant surveys and assesses the reality of educating QOD for cadets at MOS It also points out the advantages, limitations and the causes of the current situation of educating QOD for cadets at MOS presently The thesis proposes the appropriate measures to improve the effectiveness of educating QOD for cadets, which contributes to effectively fusil the training objectives at MOS in the current context Conclusion of chapter Educating military discipline in general and educating QOD for cadets at MOS in particular are the issue of great importance In the recent time, there have been a number of authors paying attention to QOD for cadets with a variety of content ranges, subjects, and angles However, there have been no works thoroughly and comprehensively touching upon the issue of educating QOD for cadets at MOS Chapter THEORETICAL BASIS OF EDUCATING THE QUALITY OFDISCIPLINE FOR CADETS AT MILITARY OFFICERS SCHOOLS IN THE CURRENT CONTEXT 2.1 Theoretical issues about the discipline quality of students at military officers' schools 2.1.1 The concept of the quality of discipline of cadets at military officers' schools Military discipline Military discipline is defined as the overall of all requirements of military commandments and regulations; instructions and orders of superiors, forcing all servicemen to 10 perform in order to create unity and promote their role and strength of organizations, individuals and technical equipment, ensuring the army to fulfil every task assigned Military discipline conveys the political – social sense, it is a form of law of the State institutionalized into the military field; stipulating the performance of duties, tasks, and relationships in the army collective The contents of military discipline include the provisions of the State law related to military activities, request for orders and rules of the army, instructions, and regulations of the unit Military discipline is considered as one of the factors that create the strength, ensuring the army always fulfils its tasks in all situations In addition, discipline also helps soldiers to comprehensively develop their personalities, uphold their sense of responsibility, and fulfil their tasks as ordered The soldiers’ quality of discipline The soldiers’ quality of discipline is defined as a part of his personality, which includes awareness, attitude and discipline, which are formed and developed in the process of learning, training and practical activities Military personnel carry out the contents of selfdiscipline in a voluntary and positive style Discipline quality is seen as a part of the revolutionary soldier's personality quality system, which is closely related to other qualities such as politics, morality, military career, aesthetics and physical strength Discipline quality is the combination of awareness, attitude, and disciplinary acts, contributing to the beautiful personality of the revolutionary soldier The disciplined quality reflects the deep awareness of politics, ideology and ethical standards, and also shows the attitude, responsibility, as well as the qualifications and capabilities of soldiers in fulfilling their tasks The quality of discipline of cadets at military officers' schools The discipline quality of cadets at military officers' schools is the combination of elements of awareness, attitude, and disciplinary actions, which help students to actively and voluntarily strictly comply with the requirements of State law , military orders, regulations, school rules, orders of the commander, ensuring the fulfilment of all assigned tasks during the training process at schools 11 Cadets’ quality of discipline is a basic personality quality of revolutionary soldiers In the course of training, students with good quality control will motivate them to actively cultivate, train and build up their political, ethical, lifestyle, method, working style according to goals and models set previously 2.1.2 The structure of discipline quality of cadets at military officers' schools Cadets’ QOD structure includes the following points: Cadets’ awareness of the quality of discipline Cadets’ awareness of the quality of discipline is their insight into military discipline that cadets have learned and mastered in the learning and working process Thanks to disciplined disciplines, cadets know how to distinguish right from wrong and have appropriate attitudes that meet the standards and requirements of the law, military regulations, rules and regulations of the school, unit Discipline awareness also helps cadets know how to review, evaluate and select actions that are consistent with the State’s law and the army’s discipline Cadets’ attitude towards discipline Cadets’ attitude towards discipline is the individual's feelings, feelings, beliefs, needs and interests for the contents of military discipline The right disciplined attitude will be the internal motivation that partly helps cadets to fulfil all the requirements, regulations of the military discipline and their responsibilities and responsibilities without being urged or reminded by their commanders Cadets’ behaviour towards discipline Cadets’ behaviour towards discipline is the action of cadets in accordance with the socio-cultural, political, ethical and professional standards, requirements of the State’s law and the army’s regulations, the commanders’ instructions, and the units’ regulations When cadets’ discipline behaviour reached a level of maturity, regularity and high self-discipline are called the habit of disciplinary behaviour 2.1.3 The particular features of the process of forming and developing the disciplined quality of cadets at military officers' schools The determined bases They are derived from the model and training objectives of MOS They are derived from the characteristics of trainees at MOS 12 They are derived from the task of building the military at present The particular features of the process of forming and developing cadets’ disciplined quality The process of formation and development of students' disciplinary qualities is closely linked to the goal of training future officers The process of forming and developing the disciplined quality of students is systematic The process of forming and developing the disciplined quality of students is attached to the learning and training activities of each individual 2.2 The theoretical issues on educating the quality of discipline for cadets at military officers' schools in the current context 2.2.1 The concept of educating the quality of discipline for cadets at military officers' schools in the current context Educating the disciplined quality for cadets at military officers' schools is a process of purposeful, organized impact of education forces on students, helping them to raise awareness, form attitudes and actions in accordance with the set standards, contributing to the comprehensive development of officers' personalities in line with the expected training objectives of schools The purpose of educating anti-corruption is to help students develop comprehensively the officers' personality to meet the training goals The subjects of teaching preventive medicine for students include educators and educators The nature of educating preventive education for students is the process of organizing life, activities and social relationships to help students realize and transform disciplinary education content into emotions, beliefs, attitudes and practices in accordance with the schools’ training goals Logically the process of educating preventive education for students often goes through stages from awareness education, attitude building and discipline training 2.2.2 Educating the quality of discipline for cadets at military officers' schools in the current context The characteristics of cadets at military officers' schools 13 Cadets trained at MOS all have political qualities, ethics and good health; quick cognitive ability, curious, sensitive to the new, enthusiastic, enthusiastic in the unit’s activities Besides the advantages, Cadets trained at MOS have limitations on their living capital, practical experience, being easily wavered, tripping over temptations, challenges and difficulties The current context and the requirements for educating the discipline quality of cadets at military officers' schools * The current context The world and regional situation The trend of expanding cooperation and international integration The fourth industrial revolution The development of market economy The tasks of the army with its new developments * The requirements for disciplining quality education for cadets at military officers' schools today First, stick to the Party's educational goals and views Second, it must meet the objectives of the military officers' training requirements Third, constantly promote the synergy of the education forces and the self-education role of the students Fifth, educate the quality of discipline for students must be in close with other contents of educating personality The objectives of educating the discipline quality for cadets The goal of educating QOD for cadets at MOS is to help them have the right disciplines, proper discipline attitude and discipline behaviours in accordance with the standards and requirements of the army and the society The principle of educating the discipline quality for cadets Consistency between scientific and educational must be ensured Consistency between theory and practice must be ensured Consistency between awareness education, attitude and discipline training behaviour for students must be ensured 14 Continuity and through many educational implications must be ensured The characteristics of cadets’ personal development must be taken into consideration The requirements and respect for cadets’ personality must be combined The orientation and direction of educators with the selfdirection and self-training of cadets must be in harmony The content of educating the discipline quality for cadets Educate the importance of military discipline Educate the State’s law Educate the military’s orders, rules and regulations Educate the school’s rules and regulations The method and way of, organization and means of educating the discipline quality for cadets * The method of educating the quality of discipline for students The method of educating QOD for cadets is all ways of educators affecting the educational subjects to help them have awareness, attitude and habit of disciplining in accordance with the identified goals * The way of organizing the education of the discipline quality for cadets The organization of educating preventive skills for students is a way of organizing, arranging and arranging educational activities and exchanging relationships in order to effectively implement the identified educational objectives and contents * The means of educating the discipline quality for cadets The means of educating QOD are tools used by educators in the educational process to help learners acquire and comprehend anticorruption education contents according to identified objectives and requirements The forces of educating the discipline quality for cadets The forces of educating QOD for cadets at MOS are those who carry out the content, methods, forms of educational organization, and also test, evaluate and direct the development of 15 learning personality members in accordance with the educational goals of the Party, the army and the school The paths of educating the discipline quality for cadets Educating QOD for cadets through teaching different subjects Educating QOD for cadets through implementing the regimen at the unit Educating QOD for cadets through organizing units' sociopolitical activities Educating QOD for cadets through self-education and selftraining of students Assessing the results of educating QOD for cadets The result of educating QOD is the level of integrated development of cognitive factors, attitudes, and disciplinary behaviours that students have absorbed in comparison with the identified requirements In order to assess the results of educating QOD for cadets to ensure objectivity, it is necessary to implement specific principles, methods, forms and criteria 2.3 The factors affecting the education of discipline quality for cadets at military officers' schools in the current context 2.3.1 The country’s economic, political, and social conditions 2.3.2 The task of building the army and demanding educational innovation in military officers' schools 2.3.3 The managing officers and lecturers’ pedagogical qualifications and personality qualities 2.3.4 The impact from cadets’ psychological - social characteristics 2.3.5 The impact of the collective environment Conclusion of chapter During the training process at MOS, educating QOD for cadets is conducted regularly with many different methods, organizational forms, means and subjects Notably, in the current context, in the face of the country's trend of opening up international integration, the impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the task of building a strong political army, in order to educate QOD for cadets, the educational forces at MOS need to 16 apply theoretical issues in practice in an appropriate way This is also seen as the foundation for considering, assessing the current situation and proposing measures to objectively and systematically educate QOD for cadets at MOS in the current context Chapter PRACTICAL BASIS FOR EDUCATING THE QUALITY OF DISCIPLINE FOR CADETS AT MILITARY OFFICERS SCHOOLS 3.1 An overview of military officer schools 3.1.1 The functions and tasks 3.1.2 The personnel 3.1.3 The training activities 3.2 The survey of the current situation * Purpose of the survey Collecting data on the current situation of QOD of cadets and educating QOD of cadets at MOS presently * Content of the survey Assessing the current situation of QOD of cadets and educating QOD of cadets at MOS Clarifying the factors affecting the education of QOD for cadets at MOS at present * The object, the place and the time of the survey Include 190 managing directors, lecturers and 415 cadets working and learning at The Political Officers Training College, The Army Officers Training College N1, and The Artillery Officers Training College The surveys were conducted in March, 2018 3.3 The current situation of cadets’ disciplined quality at military officers' schools 3.3.1 Cadets’ awareness of discipline Cadets’ awareness of discipline at MOS is not the same The content of awareness of cadets assessed at a high level include: Awareness of the role of military discipline (average point = 3.48); grasp the content of regulations and regulations of the school (average point = 3.41) The assessment content at an average level includes: Awareness of self-responsibility in discipline implementation (average point = 3.39); grasp the content of military regulations and rules (average point = 3.21); grasp the law's content (average point = 3,15) 17 3.3.2 Cadets’ attitude toward discipline Besides the content is rated at a high level such as trusting the correctness and rigor of military discipline (average point = 3.52); respect and obey military disciplines (average point = 3.47), the content assessed at an average level such as: Needs, desires, determination to implement the contents of military discipline (average point = 3.12); interested in regulatory requirements of military discipline (average point = 3.05) In learning and practicing, there are still a number of cadets who are indifferent and afraid of fighting against violation 3.3.3 Cadets’ behaviour toward discipline In their learning process, most cadets strictly comply with the school's training regulations; actively training habits and behaviours in accordance with the prescribed requirements of discipline However, at present, there are still some practitioners who abide by the regulations on building a regular unit; have not voluntarily adjusted behaviour as required, standards and regulations of the army and units In the daily life, there is still a lack of constructive spokespeople for the cadets, drinking alcohol and borrowing money 3.4 The current situation of educating discipline quality for cadets at military officers' schools 3.4.1 The current situation of being aware of disciplining educational goals for cadets Awareness of the task of educating QOD for cadets at MOS is not uniform The targets assessed at a high level include: voluntarily strictly observing the contents of military discipline (average point = 3.62); exemplary well perform duties and tasks as required by the school and unit (average point = 3.52); master the basic content of military discipline (average point = 3.50); trust, respect and obey military disciplines (average point = 3.49); understand the role of military discipline (average point = 3.45 The lower-rated objectives include: High interest, determination in implementing military disciplines (average point = 3.18); area extreme self-training in accordance with the standards prescribed by the army and the school unit (average point = 3.24); awareness of their responsibility in implementing military disciplines (average point = 3.27) 3.4.2 The current situation of the content of educating disciplined quality for cadets 18 According to the results of the surveys by of managers, lecturers and cadets, the contents of educating QOD for cadets with similarities and not much difference In particular, the school rules and regulations, ranked first with average point = 4.33 Educating military orders, rules, regulations, ranked second with average point = 4.23 Legal education of the State with average point = 4.16 Educating the importance of military discipline with average point = 4.14 However, the implementation of each point of QOD education is uneven, and not as high as the defined target 3.4.3 The current situation of methods of organizing and means of disciplining quality education for cadets According to the survey, the level of using education methods and forms for cadets at MOS is currently uneven Some methods that promote cadets' active awareness and practice of teaching skills such as dialogue, setting examples, etc are not regularly used The forms of QOD education organization are lively and appropriate with cadets' psychological characteristics that have not been conducted regularly The main means used in educating QOD for cadets are mainly from books, newspapers, educational materials, cultural institutions, laws and information technology that have not been regularly exploited and used 3.4.4 The current situation of educating the quality of discipline for cadets According to the survey results, it is not uniform to assess the role of educating the quality of discipline for cadets Of which, the educational subjects assessed at a high level include: administrative officers (average point = 3.52); School Board of Directors (average point = 3.44) Educational subjects assessed at an average level include: Lecturers (average point = 3.30); Youth Union (average point = 3.29); functional departments and offices (average point = 3.13); military council (average point = 3.06); Party organizations (average point = 3.05) 3.4.5 The current situation of self-discipline education activities of cadets From the results of the survey and practical research shows, cadets at MOS have constantly promoted their role and responsibilities; during the training process, many cadets took the initiative in conducting self-education to improve their QOD 19 according to the goals and requirements of the school However, there are still many cadets who have not fully promoted the role of active and self-motivated in self-education and self-discipline 3.4.6 The current situation of assessing the results of disciplined quality education for cadets According to the survey, the assessment of the result of educating QOD for cadets at MOS is mainly based on the observance of discipline and the prescribed requirements of discipline, not paying much attention to awareness and level of self-discipline in implementing cadets' discipline That assessment cannot make a big impact on the positive and the degree of transformation between the cognition, attitude and disciplinary behaviour of cadets in their process of learning and training 3.4.7 The current situation of the collective environment of cadets at military officers' schools According to the survey results, the level of assessment of environmental factors is certain Factors that are assessed at a high level are the educational interest of the cadets' collective (average point = 3.43) The factors assessed at the average level include: conditions of secured facilities (average point = 3.35); relationships in the collective (average point = 3.26); collective movement activities (average point = 3.24) 3.4.8 The current situation of the factors affecting discipline education for cadets at military officers' schools The factors affecting the education of QOD for cadets are assessed to a great extent including: Level, educational capacity, personality quality of managers and lecturers (average point = 4.32); psychological - social characteristics of trainees (average point = 4.24) Factors assessed at high impact level include: Student collective environment (average point = 4.14); military construction tasks and educational renovation requirements at MOS (average point = 4.07); economic, political, and social conditions of the country (average point = 3.99) Evaluation among managers, lecturers and cadets is not the same, yet the gap is not too big 3.5 General assessment and the causes of the current situation 3.5.1 General assessment 20 The advantages MOS often attach importance to conducting the education of QOD for cadets The process of implementing the known education forces combines a variety of methods, organizational forms and educational facilities to help cadets transform the content of educating QOD During the training process, many cadets took the initiative in conducting self-improvement training on educating QOD The majority of practitioners had a certain understanding of the content of military discipline; in study and practice, they often show the right attitude and disciplined behaviour suitable to the standards of the military Shortcomings Educating QOD for cadets remains passive, depending on the guidance of superiors; the implementation process has not closely associated between awareness, attitude and disciplined behaviour training The methods and forms of educating QOD for cadets have not promoted the positive nature of cadets in awareness and practice of QOD The application of information technology in educating QOD for cadets is not yet widespread The assessment of the results of educating QOD and the collective environmental fails to promote cadets’ training of QOD 3.5.2 The causes of the current situation The causes of the advantages Firstly, there is often the deep concern of the Party Committee, Board of Directors of military officers' schools to the issue of discipline education for cadets Secondly, there is a close and unified coordination between the authorities, faculties and units managing cadets in disciplining quality education for cadets Thirdly, the management staff and lecturers of MOS have made great efforts in educating QOD for cadets Fourthly, there are positive strives of cadets in the process of learning and practicing QOD The causes of shortcomings Firstly, due to the negative impact from outside society on the process of educating QOD for cadets Secondly, a number of managers and lecturers have not promoted the responsible role of educating QOD for cadets 21 Thirdly, some cadets are not really active, proactive in selfeducation, self-training QOD Fourthly, military officers 'schools have not fully promoted the role of the collective of cadets in educating disciplinary qualities for cadets Conclusion of chapter In the past recent years, MOS have frequently paid attention to educating QOD for cadets; the majority of cadets have had proper awareness, attitudes and discipline However, currently the use of methods, forms and educational facilities is still inadequate The educational environment has not effectively enhanced the positive nature of cadets in improving their sense of discipline Accordingly, in order to effectively educate QOD for cadets, it is vital to have synchronous measures, relevant to the psychological characteristics of cadets and practical training tasks at MOS Chapter MESURES OF EDUCATING THE QUALITY OF DISCIPLINE FOR CADETS AT MILITARY OFFICERS SCHOOL IN THE CURRENT CONTEXT AND THE PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIMENTS 4.1 Measures of disciplinary quality education for cadets at military officers' schools in the current context 4.1.1 Raise the educational subjects’ awareness and responsibility of the quality disciplinary education At MOS, the educational forces are the subjects that directly educate QOD for cadets Therefore, in order to improve the results of QOD for cadets, first of all, the Party Committee and the Management Board of the MOS need to organize regular activities so that the educational forces are acutely aware of the goals and requirements for educating QOD for cadets Raise the responsibility of the authorities; positive role, exemplary of the teaching staff and the initiative and creativity of the managers of the units in educating QOD for cadets 4.1.2 Renew the educational content and methods in the direction of promoting the cadets' activeness in awareness and discipline training This is a very important measure, greatly affecting cadets' awareness, attitude, and disciplinary behaviour In order to educate 22 QOD for cadets to achieve effective results, educators need to regularly develop and implement the topics of QOD Enhancing the integration of QOD education methods for cadets in organizing activities at the school Improve skills of conducting cognitive education methods, forming deep discipline beliefs for cadets Apply methods to train disciplinary behaviour habits consistent with the characteristics of cadets' personality development Focusing on using pedagogical methods to train cadets to form habits, behavioural experiences in line with the military discipline’s requirements 4.1.3 Diversify disciplines in organizing quality education for cadets The nature of educating QOD for cadets at MOS is the process of organizing life, activities and social relationships to help cadets perceive and transform disciplinary educational content into affection, belief, Disciplinary attitude and behaviour consistent with the school's training goals Thus, to formulate QOD for cadets requires educators to regularly improve the quality of "Legal Day" activities at the trainees Organize seminars and workshops on the topic of educating QOD for cadets Apply the form of collective games in educating QOD for cadets Organize experiential activities for cadets to train their QOD 4.1.4 Actively apply information technology in discipline education for cadets At present, information technology has been strongly impacting on all areas of social life including the problem of educating QOD for cadets To implement this measure, MOS need to raise the awareness of managers and lecturers on the role of information technology application in education Proactively apply information technology in methods and forms of QOD education for cadets Promote digitalization of disciplined educational content for cadets in the school Regularly foster to raise the level of using information technology for schools’ managers and lecturers 4.1.5 Promote the positive role of cadets in self-education and self-discipline training In the process of educating preventive education, cadets are both the subject and the subject of the educator's influence, but they are also the subjects that comprehend and transform the preventive 23 education content according to the defined goals Therefore, in order to promote cadets' self-educating self-defence skills, educators need to build up cadets with the right motive for self-educating and selfharming prevention and control; fostering learners to grasp and well implement some basic self-education methods; build for cadets with high determination in self-education, self-discipline training; regularly seriously and objectively assessing the results of educating and practicing preventive training of cadets 4.1.6 Build the powerful collective for cadets to create a favourable educational environment for cadets to improve their discipline At MOS, the collective of cadets is the environment that directly affects the formation of the development of cadets' QOD Therefore, to build a strong collective of cadets to create a favourable environment for cadets to develop QOD, the educators need to build and strengthen good relationships in the collective of cadets as required Regularly building and orienting psychosocial phenomena in the collective to help cadets actively train QOD Strengthen the construction and scaling up of movement activities, collective and individual models that are typical in terms of training QOD Regularly improve the material and spiritual life for the collective to motivate cadets to actively train their QOD The relationship between the measures The measures to educate QOD for cadets have a close relationship with each other, forming a unified whole Thus, MOS need to implement these measures synchronously, not over or under appreciate any measures 4.2 Pedagogical experiments 4.2.1 General issues about pedagogical experiments The experimental purpose is to verify the effectiveness of the second method: "Innovating educational content and methods in the direction of promoting the cadets' activeness in awareness and discipline training" Experiments were conducted at The Political Officers Training College (experiment site N1) and The Army Officers Training College N1 (experiment site N2) 24 The participants at experiment site N1 are the third-year cadets, divided into classes, each class has 46 cadets The participants at experiment site N2 are the second-year cadets, also divided into classes, each class has 46 cadets The time of experiment from March 2018 to November 2018 The experiments were conducted using controlled experimental methods 4.2.2 Experimental process Organize training of collaborators; design of QOD education topics; Develop criteria, scales, assessment tools and check the initial level of the experimental and control groups 4.2.3 Analyse empirical results quantitatively 4.2.4 Analyse empirical results qualitatively After the empirical impact, we found that the cadets of experimental classes in both experiment sites have a relatively clear change in cognitive, attitude, disciplinary behaviour compared to before the experimental impact and with the control class In the learning process, cadets always voluntarily strictly abide by all prescribed regimes, at least urge and not have any cases of violations of discipline; regularly actively training themselves according to the prescribed standards From the above results, it is proved that pedagogical experiment has had a clear effect; at the same time, it can affirm measures to educate QOD for cadets proposed in the dissertation initially achieve certain efficiency, meaningful practical value; and correct scientific hypotheses Conclusion of chapter Base on the theoretical and practical foundation, the thesis proposes measures to educate QOD for cadets at MOS The measures have a certain position and role, but have a dialectical relationship with each other to form a close unified whole The empirical results of the proposed measures confirm that the proposed measures are correct CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion 25 The thesis seeks to provide an overview of domestic and foreign scientific works related to the topic The thesis clarifies some theoretical issues on QOD of cadets and educating QOD for cadets at MOS; pointing out the factors affecting QOD education for cadets at MOS at present The thesis clarifies the current situation and proposes a system of measures to educate QOD for cadets at MOS in the current context The results of pedagogical experiments at The Army Officers Training College N1 and The Political Officers Training College prove that the proposed measures of educating QOD for cadets in the thesis are correct and highly effective Recommendations To the Ministry of National Defence To Military Officers Schools ... technology and building strong groups of students, their awareness, attitude and disciplinary behaviour will be improved and developed steadily, meet the training objectives of the schools and military... Nguyen Thanh Long (1991); "The relationship between promoting socialist democracy and increasing discipline in the current Vietnam People's Army" by Nguyen Van Thanh (2004) In terms of psychology,... organizing discipline education for students in military schools" by Vu Quang Hai (2009): and "Legal education for students at military army schools today" by Tran Van Hoa (2018) Besides to the above-mentioned

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2020, 06:59

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