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1 PREAMBLE Reasons for choosing thesis topic In the cause of industrialization and modernization taking place in Vietnam, with science - technology and education - training being considered as "leading national policies", the education sector has made remarkable development However, the faster the development of urban areas, plains and favorable areas, the lower growing rate at remote areas, including the northern mountainous region Since then, the gap in educational opportunities as well as the quality of education between convenient and disadvantaged areas is more pronounced Primary education in the northern mountainous region also has many limitations, especially the general education models at this region that have not created the most favorable conditions for students to develop their qualities and competencies, especially in the context of the Curriculum 2018 that will apply in grade in the school year 2020 - 2021 How to develop a primary education model under the 2018 Curriculum suitable to regional characteristics, reduce differences in educational opportunities, improve the quality of general education in particular and the quality of education in general, and a indirectly, contributing to the elimination of economic injustice, is an urgent requirement This fact has prompted the author to choose the topic "Study on primary education model in the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam in the current context." Purpose and research mission 2.1 Research purposes Based on the research of theoretical achievements as well as the context, practice of general education, studying the peculiarities of primary education, propose synchronous measures to develop the model of general education in accordance with development of the economy and culture of the northern mountainous region of Vietnam meet the current requirements of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education 2.2 Research mission Researching the theoretical basis of the model of general education in northern mountainous region 2 Practical survey, assess the status of the model of general education in the northern mountainous region Proposing orientations and solutions to develop a model of general education in the northern mountainous region in the current context Conducting experiments and testing of some measures to develop a model of general education in the northern mountainous region Object, subject, scope of the research and scientific hypotheses 3.1 Research object Primary education model 3.2 Research subjects The research object of the thesis is the model of general education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam 3.3 Research scope The dissertation studies the model of general education from the perspective of educational theory and innovation reality of Vietnam education today The thesis goes in depth to study the theory and the reality of the general education model in general and the less favorable regional model, including mountainous areas, from which propose measures to consolidate and develop an appropriate general education model for Vietnam's northern provinces, to meet fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education in Vietnam The thesis only focuses on surveying three provinces in the northern mountainous region, each province selects only the localities with many difficulties to investigate the situation The data used in the thesis mainly from 2015 to the present However, in some content, older data may be used for comparison 3.4 Scientific hypothesis In order to achieve the goal of improving the quality of general education in the northern mountainous region, meeting the requirements of fundamental and comprehensive innovation, it is necessary to consolidate and develop models of general education that are practical and meet new requirements This is the task of all educational forces, especially teachers in elementary schools If the educational forces master the theoretical issues about the model of higher education; actively innovating, perfecting and improving ourselves; actively participate in innovating structural components of the general education process; flexibly and creatively apply advanced educational models in the country and the world; then it will consolidate and develop the model of general education in accordance with the characteristics of economic, cultural and educational development of each locality and ethnic group in the northern mountainous region, contributing to improving the quality of primary education in the northern mountainous region to meet Current educational innovation requires Methodology and research methods 4.1 Research methodology The thesis topic is researched on the basis of of Marxism Leninism, thoroughly grasping and concretizing Ho Chi Minh's thought, the views of the Communist Party of Vietnam on education Use accessibility approach; system - structure viewpoint; practical approach perspective; Logical approach to history 4.2 Research methods Use the following combination of research methods: Group of theoretical research methods: synthesis, analysis, comparison, generalization and concretization; Group of practical research methods: observation, surveys by questionnaires, seeking expert advice Supplementary method group New contributions of the thesis Building a theoretical framework on the model of education and model of general education, such as: Building basic concepts of the topic, pointing out models of general education, identifying content and factors affecting the model of general education model and the development of the model of general education in northern mountainous region Researching and analyzing the reality of the general education model in general and the general education model in the northern mountainous region, providing arguments and practical evidence for the educational authorities to have a basis to evaluate and propose policies and measures Truly science to build and develop the model of general education in northern mountainous region Proposing solutions to develop the model of primary education in northern mountainous region and confirming the effectiveness of the measures in practice The meaning of the thesis In theoretical aspect: The research results of the thesis contribute to the general development in educational scientific research, supplement and develop theories about the educational model and develop the general education model in the northern mountainous region In practice: The research results of the thesis can be used as a reference for managers, educational policy makers, research scientists in the field of general education in mountainous areas and other People have an interest in this area The thesis has the effect of promoting the positive spirit of the educational forces involved in research and application into the practice of developing general education models in the northern mountainous region The structure of the thesis The structure of the thesis consists of: introduction, chapters, conclusions, recommendations, reference list and appendix Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH AND ISSUES TO BE SOLVED 1.1 Overview of related researches on primary education development issues model in northern mountainous region of Vietnam 1.1.1 Researches on educational model 1.1.2 Researches on primary education model 1.3 Researches on primary education model in disadvantaged, ethnic and mountainous Northern region of Vietnam 1.2 Overview of related researches and issues to be solved 1.2.1 Overview of related researches The relevant sudies has shown an overview of the educational models Accordingly, the educational model is very diverse and plentiful, it always mobilizes and changes in the direction of development along with the development and mobilization of socio-political regimes, modes of production, and conditions of specific history Educational models have in common the theoretical basis, the laws and the principles of operation Different educational level and different region has its own educational model that reflects the specific characteristics of the educational environment that the school is directly affected The researches have pointed out the psychological characteristics of elementary school pupils in these localities; indicate the impacts of social and economic conditions on general education The researches have pointed out the limitations in theory and practice in mountainous education and ethnic minority regions; Proposing many different solutions to improve the quality and effectiveness of mountainous high school education The approach mainly from a systematic and practical perspective, analyzing and integrating general education models in the country and around the world to develope model of primary education model in Vietnam's northern mountainous region 1.2.2 The issues posed to be solved In theory: It is necessary to study and clarify the structure of the primary education model in Vietnam's northern mountainous region to update modern educational theories, especially in the context of preparing to apply the Curriculum 2018 In practicing: It is necessary to develop a model of primary education in Vietnam's northern mountainous region close to reality, in line with the orientation of the Curriculum 2018 Regarding solutions and measures: Based on the summary of existing and ongoing solutions, the thesis measuring, drawing experience, supplementing and developing new solutions and measures to update theories and practical practices sex today Conclusion Chapter Through the study of documents and scientific works in the world and in the country on the educational model, on the model of primary education and the model of primary education in mountainous and ethnic minority areas, drawing experiences for the process of developing a model of primary education in Vietnam's northern mountainous region Different countries have different models of general education Therefore, developing a model of primary education in Vietnam's northern mountainous region must be suitable with the characteristics of Vietnam's northern mountainous region The educational models are very diverse and plentiful There are common models, specific models and overall models, The more society develops, the deeper international cooperation and integration is, the more diversified of the model of primary education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam The model of primary education in the northern mountainous region is not a fixed model for all classes or schoosl Depending on the task of education and depending on the fluctuations of the rainy and flood seasons in a year, teachers are allowed to choose an appropriate educational model In a classroom, it can be divided into groups, groups of students and use many different educational models In the same school, depending on specific conditions, the Principal may combine students of different classes into one class in a specific period Chapter RATIONALE OF THE PRIMARY EDUCATION MODEL IN NORTHERN MOUTAINOURS REGION OF VIETNAM 2.1 The theoretical issues about models of primary education 2.1.1 Model Model is a form of objects, phenomenons, processes , serving the activities of learning, research, production or mental activities of people We can distinguish the model by form and function By function, there are types of system models, structural models, logical models, mathematical models, etc In which, structural models are the sum of the elements forming a whole of the phenomenon of things and the relationship between these components 2.1.2 Educational modelEducation Education is the activity to systematically influence the mental and physical development of an object, making the objects gradually acquire the required qualities and competencies 2.1.3 Model gPrimary education Primary education is the basic level of education of the national education system, which is responsible for building and developing children's emotional, ethical, intellectual, aesthetic and physical well-being, in order to form the initial basis for the develop comprehensively personality of people 2.1.4 Primary education model Within the scope of this thesis, the model of primary education is approached from the perspective of summing up the elements that make up the system of activities, organized in accordance with the level of economic, cultural and social development local meetings and the psycho-physiological characteristics of the students, in order to best achieve the identified primary education goals.In particular, the educational goal is the primary education goal According to the 2005 High School Education Program, the goal of general education is to help students form the initial foundations for proper and longterm development of ethical, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and basic skills for students continue to junior high school Under the Master Program (Education and Development Program 2018), helping students form and develop the basic elements that lay the foundations for the harmonious physical and mental development, quality and competence; Main orientation on education about values of self, family, community and necessary habits and routines in learning and living 2.1.5 Development concept and pDevelopment of primary education model Developing a model of primary education is the process of forming, mobilizing and perfecting the educational model, through the impact of educators, in order to ensure that educational models are always suitable for the mobilization and development 8 development of specific historical and social conditions of the country, localities and educational practices, contributing to improving the quality of general education in the new context 2.2 Background of educational innovation and developing trends of primary education in northern mountainous region of Vietnam in the current context 2.2.1 Background of educational innovation Input-oriented education and output-oriented education Input-orientation education emphasizes the transmission of the scientific knowledge system according to fields or subjects to students, which is specified in the curriculum Output-oriented education emphasizes the role of the learner as the subject of the teaching process Output-oriented education aims to develop learners holistically, focusing on developing personality, students' ability to solve situations Competency-oriented education Capacity-oriented education aims at developing learners' abilities, helping learners not only memorize but also know how to through specific activities, using the knowledge they have learned to solve life's situations In other words, learners link knowledge with practice 2.2.2 Innovation trends of primary education in northern mountainous region today 2.2 2.1 Innovation by branching of primary education objects This educational model attaches importance to the differentiation of educational goals On the basis of the general goals of primary school, it is specified to differentiate and branch into different target models By uncovering the individual qualities and abilities of each student, educators design a goal that guides the student's individual development Innovation by differentiate content, primary education program This is an educational innovation model in the direction of differentiating content and educational programs In this model, people differentiate the content and curriculum of primary education as the key On the basis of the general Curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education and Training, each locality, region and school to each teacher must design the contents and programs of his or her locality and the school yourself Innovation by diversifying methods and forms of primary teaching This is a model of innovation in methods and forms of educational organization Methods and organizational forms of general education are designed in accordance with the goals, content and characteristics of elementary school students 2.3 Theoretical issues on the primary education model in the Northern mountainous regions of Vietnam 2.3.1 Concept of primary education model in the Northern mountainous regions of Vietnam The model of primary education in the Northern mountainous Vietnam is a specific type of Vietnamese primary education model organized in accordance with the level of economic, cultural, social development and characteristics of students in that areas, in order to achieve the common goals of primary education throughout the country, meeting the goals of local and individual development requirements of students 2.3.2 Classification of primary education model in the Northern mountainous regions of Vietnam Specialized primary education model in the northern mountainous regions Primary education model towards innovation organizational Primary education model towards projects 3.3 Requirements of primary education model development in Northern mountainous regions Ensuring the legal basis in developing primary education model in Northern mountainous regions Consistent with the characteristics of primary education in Northern mountainous regions Thoroughly follow the orientations for educational development in the new period 10 2.4 Factors affecting primary education model in Northern mountainous region 2.4.1 Group of objective factors Geographical conditions Political institutions and economic and social development guidelines Economic growth and development The process of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training Psychological characteristics and ethnic culture 2.4.2 Group subjective factors Primary teachers Children of primary school age Local social community and information on education Local education managers Infrastructure, conditions to ensure education Conclusion of chapter Primary education in the northern mountainous region has specific characteristics, it is necessary to apply an appropriate model of general education Studies have shown and confirmed the peculiarities of general education in the northern mountainous provinces, but have not yet provided an effective model and solutions to improve primảy education in the northern mountainous provinces in the context of educational reform today Chapter of the thesis focuses on studying some theoretical issues on primary education, primary education model; educational approaches; identify requirements for developing the Northern mountainous primary education model as well as the factors affecting the northern mountainous primary education model The researches on this theory, combined with practical research on the model of general education in the northern mountainous region in chapter 3, will be the basis for the author to propose measures to develop the model of general education in the Northern moutainous region in the current context Chapter 11 PRACTICE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION MODEL IN NORTHERN MOUNTAINOUS REGION OF VIETNAM 3.1 Features of the development of economic, cultural, social and guidelines for educational development in northern mountain region 3.1.1 Overview of administrative units and geographical conditions 3.1.2 Characteristics of economics development 3.1.3 Characteristics of cultural and social development 3.1.4 Guidelines and policies for educational development in northern mountain region 3.2 Research, survey, assess and investigate the situation 3.2.1 Purpose Comprehensively assess the status of education and the development of primary education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam; especially, surveying and assessing the situation of applying educational models in primary schools in the Northern mountainous areas, based on that, analyzing and clarifying the advantages, limitations and basic causes of these advantages and limitations as a practical basis for proposing measures to develop the model of general education in the northern mountainous region in line with reality and current requirements for fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training today 3.2.2 Content Survey on the status of primary education in the Northern Uplands Surveying the real situation of the Northern mountainous primary school model Surveying the real situation of the factors affecting the Northern mountainous primary education model General assessment of the current situation and causes of the development of the northern mountainous primary education model 3.2.3 Objects, location and time Survey subjects and locations: Starting from the research scope of the topic, the survey subjects were identified as: education 12 managers in Education and Training Departments, managers in schools Primary schools, teachers at primary schools in Vietnam's northern provinces, including 660 people STT Provinces Ha Giang Lao Cai Hoa Binh Tổng số: Number and objects Education Principals Teacher manager 40 60 120 40 60 120 40 60 120 120 180 360 Survey time: Conducting the survey in the 2015-2016 school year 3.2.4 Methods Method of seminars and interviews Investigation method Methods of scientific observation Method of summarizing experience Professional solution Supplementary method 3.3 Practice of primary education model in the northern mountainous region 3.3.1 Actual scale of school and class 3.3.52 Practice of renewing primary education process’s elements 3.4 Practice of primary education model in northern mountainous region 3.4.1 Awareness of officials and teachers about the education model 3.4 Situation of the specialized education model in the Northern mountainous region Boarding school model for ethnic minority students Semi-boarding school model for ethnic minority students Residential boarding school model Vietnam Escuela Nueva (VNEN) model 3.4.3 Status of primary education model under projects 13 3.4.4 Situation of the factors affecting the development of the primary education model in northern mountainous region 3.5 General assessment and causes of the situation of the primary education model in northern mountainous region 3.5.1 Advantages and causes Advantages: Most managers and teachers have a proper awareness of the need to develop a model of primary education in northern mountainous region At the same time, there is a certain understanding of the general education models that have been and are being implemented Many new educational models and many educational development projects have been implemented on a large scale There are educational models that have brought about practical effects, contributing to the implementation of the millennium goals on sustainable development The development of the model of general education model is carried out synchronously with the process of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education The goal of developing the model of general education is more and more clear Contents, methods, forms of organizing general education in the northern mountainous provinces have gradually been renovated to be more complete, closer to reality Reason Firstly, there is the leadership and direction of the Party committees and authorities from the Central to local levels Second, there is a strong guidance and implementation of the education sector Thirdly, there was a positive response of management staff and teachers in elementary schools Fourthly, with the active and active participation of scientists 3.5.2 Limitations and causes The limitations Firstly, there is a lack of uniformity in the process of applying and developing general education models in the northern mountainous provinces 14 Secondly, applying new educational models in the world is still imposed, not derived from the requirements of reality Thirdly, has not yet linked the roadmap for developing the model of general education with the strategic roadmap for Vietnam's social, cultural and social development Fourthly, the results of developing the model of general education in the northern mountainous region are not solid Reason Firstly, the objectives of primary education in northern mountainous provinces have not been concretized in accordance with the characteristics of students' competency Secondly, the content, curriculum, textbooks are slow to innovate, and have not updated the local cultural content Third, methods and forms of educational organization are not suitable for teachers and students Fourthly, the qualifications of managers and teachers are limited and uneven Fifthly, mechanisms and policies on investment management for the development of the primary education model in the northern mountainous region are not strict, not keeping up with the development in practice Conclusion of chapter In Chapter 3, the author have used measures to study the current situation of the model of primary education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam, including the size of schools and classes, primary teachers, special education model in the northern mountainous provinces; as well as the reality of developing a model of primảy education in the northern mountainous region, including the status of awareness of officials and teachers about the need to develop a model of general education in the northern mountainous region, the situation of developing a primary education model towards renovating the components of the educational process, the reality of developing the model of primary education towards the implementation of projects, the 15 reality of factors affecting the development of the model of primary education in the Northern mountainous areas Base on that, the author analyzes and clarifies the advantages, limitations and basic causes of the advantages and limitations as a practical basis for proposing measures to develop the model of general education model in the Northern mountainous region in line with current and comprehensive renovation of education requirements Chapter ORIENTATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT MEASURES MODEL OF PRIMARY EDUCATION IN NORTHERN MOUNTAINOUS REGION OF VIETNAM 4.1 Oriented development model of primary education Northern Mountain Viet Nam Developing a model of general education in Vietnam's northern mountainous region is an urgent requirement in the current context Developing the model of general education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam is a learning desire, which must be done on the basis of science, in line with the development and advocacy of historicalsocial practices, specific local conditions and country In the current social context, to effectively and sustainably develop the model of primary education in northern mountainous region, it is necessary to grasp the following basic orientatio4.1.1 Development model of primary education northern mountainous Vi et Nam must maintain ideological and must comply with the law 4.1.2 To develop the model of primary education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam, it is necessary to update the development level of modern science and technology, in accordance with the trend of domestic and international education development 16 4.1.3 Developing the model of primary education in the Northern mountainous areas in the direction of education in practice, suitable to the characteristics of economic, cultural and social development of the country and the locality 4.1.4 Developing the model of primary education in the Northern mountainous areas must practically improve the quality of education 4.2 Measures to develop a primary education model in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam 4.2.1 Fostering local culture, advanced capacity for Primary school teachers in the Northern Uplands Meet the requirements of educational innovation The objective of the measure Teachers are the core force of every school To improve the quality of education must firstly improve the quality of teachers, in which teacher capacity development is a key step, a breakthrough measure to improve the quality of primary education in the northern mountainous region, especially according to require renovation of general education with the orientation of developing students' qualities and competencies This measure aims to standardize the number of primary teachers according to local characteristics, strengthen teachers on the spot, fostering local culture for teachers as the core for standardizing the teaching process, contributing to improving the quality of primary school education Content of the measure Develop standards of primary school teachers in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam as a basis for developing teachers' capacity to meet the requirements of educational innovation Strengthen local teachers, fostering local culture for teachers Developing the contingent of elementary school teachers in terms of quantity, quality and structure Method of implementing measures The school, in collaboration with the Department of Education and Training, actively develops a development plan that is consistent with the characteristics of its school and its locality 17 Every primary teacher actively enhances himself On the basis of the promulgated teacher standards, each teacher must have a plan for himself or herself to strive to meet each and every grade standard The plan should strive to set development goals from low to high with implementation measures suitable to their own characteristics 4.2.2 To synchronously reform the objectives, contents and methods of primary education in the Northern mountainous areas towardsmeet the requirements radical innovation, comprehensive education, and suitable local characteristics The objective of the measure In order to accurately and modernize objectives, content and methods of pedagogical education according to modern educational theory, create a synchronization between goal innovation and content and method innovation in primary education Content of the measure Innovating educational objectives in the direction of developing students' capacity Innovating contents and curriculum of general education in the direction of increasing the practicality, developing student capacity Innovating the method of general education in the direction of modernizing and developing students' capacity Method of implementing measures Assess and classify students' competencies, determine capacity models and the competencies that need to be developed for elementary students; discover students' abilities and aptitudes to take appropriate measures for development Concretize goals in the Education and Training Program, supplement and complete detailed goals, model educational goals into many branches to suit the specific characteristics of each school and locality 4.2.3.RenewDiversify the diversification method and form of educational institution towards education in practice, organize students to participate in learning, labor and local exchange activities The objective of the measure I give every child the opportunity to learn and learn; create opportunities for students to participate in learning with their 18 individual conditions and abilities; overcoming limitations caused by natural and social conditions Content measures Form of concentrated learning in the classroom Forms of mixed education institutions learning both theory and practice Form of group education according to student capacity Form of group education according to administrative areas Form of group education according to ethnic cultural characteristics Method of implementing measures 4.2.4 Integrating traditional education models with modern educational models suitable to the characteristics of northern mountainous elementary school students The objective of the measure Choosing the similar values of different education in the world, creating new models of general education suitable for the development of primary education practice in the northern mountainous region Content of the measure Select similar values of different models in the world and in the country Summarize experiences on building a local-specific education model Method of implementing measures Schools must organize for teachers to summarize experience, draw the advantages and limitations of traditional models On that basis, selecting appropriate factors of traditional education models, improving and developing them to suit new task requirements and new contexts For new education projects, it is necessary to organize teachers for primary schools to step by step adapt and implement effectively Teachers actively integrate traditional educational models with new educational models 4.2.5 Combining exploitation and use with investment in building physical foundations and educational facilities to ensure the continuous and sustainable development of northern mountainous primary education 19 The objective of the measure In order to help the teachers and teachers of elementary school elementary schools fully aware of the meaning, role and importance of material facilities and educational facilities for primary education; content, method and form of exploitation and use of school facilities; contribute to improving the quality of general education, well implementing the comprehensive education goals Content of the measure Raising awareness of teachers about the role, features and effects of facilities and educational facilities Construction of school infrastructure in accordance with the characteristics of elementary school elementary school Modernizing educational facilities Exploiting and using local educational facilities Method of implementing measures Propagandizing and educating to renovate the thinking and awareness of officials and teachers on modernizing the general education facilities Organizing the overall design, identify appropriate construction stages Fostering human resources using modern educational facilities Organizing the operation of on-site educational facilities Finding and appropriately allocating funding sources for the development of the primary education model in the northern mountainous region 4.2.6 Building a positive educational environment, creating opportunities for the development and self-development of primary education in the Northern mountainous region The objective of the measure In order to identify the components of the educational environment and the impact of each factor on the process of developing the model of general education in the northern mountainous region On that basis, proposing plans for impact on environmental improvement, 20 building good relationships, forming a positive psychological atmosphere, orientation for the development and self-development of schools Content of the measure Building a healthy social environment for educational development Building good relationships within the school, creating a healthy close environment for educational development Capture, control virtual relationships, create consensus between virtual environment and real environment in the school Method of implementing measures Proactively build relationships with students in a democratic way, encourage them to express their own opinions, not impose, but skillfully guide and analyze in order for students to develop the right view and view; demonstrate the role of a fair leader, able to encourage children to overcome self-esteem, shyness, and boldly express personal opinions, own views right from primary school Maintain close interaction with family and community; imparting school owners, policies, education policies to the people, and at the same time, they are the ones who approach and listen to the educational opinions from the people to handle and communicate with their superiors Educate children to be aware of the pros and cons on social networks, guide them in exploiting and using software, positive educational programs suitable for their age, avoiding targets extreme born social network The relationship between the measures The thesis has proposed a system of measures to develop the general education model in Vietnam's northern mountainous region To promote the strength of the measures, it is necessary to synchronously implement all the above measures The measures have a positive relationship with each other if invested and managed well 4.3 Assay and test measures 4.3.1 Testing the necessity and feasibility of the measures Purpose 21 Through testing to confirm the necessity and feasibility of the measures to develop the model of primary education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam proposed, from which to improve the measures to suit reality Object The author conducted a referendum of 660 people including 300 educational managers and 360 teachers of 30 elementary schools Survey data are processed and evaluated according to the law of large numbers Content and process In order to conduct the testing of the necessity and feasibility of the proposed measures, the author developed a referendum based on two criteria: the necessity and feasibility of measures to develop general education model in Northern Vietnam Assessing the criteria on three levels from high to low and quantified by scores 4.3.2 Experimental measures General overview of method Purpose: To prove the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed measure On that basis, affirming the positive impact of measures to develop the model of primary education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam Content: Select testing contents on renovating methods and forms of educational institutions in the direction of diversification, suitable to the development trend of modern educational theory and suitable with practical characteristics Particularly for each locality (under measure 3) Hypothesis: The quality of general education depends on many factors, of which the method and form of educational organization play a very important role If innovating methods and forms of educational organization for primary school students in Vietnam in the direction of practical education, linking school education with the regular types of family activities and learning activities , labor, play in groups of local students, the quality of general education will be developed in a positive direction 22 Subjects and forces participating in the test: The subjects of the test were 80 students from classes of in Thuong Lam primary school, Lam Binh district, Tuyen Quang province The test was conducted in a normal classroom environment Results: Table 4.8 Compare results before and after the test TT Content Compare A How many times haveyouparticipated ingivingspeeches? How did you study yourself at home? Time at home, what didyoudo? Who you like to interact most with? Before the experiment After the experiment Variable Y Before the experiment After the experiment Variable Y Before the experiment After the experiment Variable Y Before the experiment After the experiment Variable Y R: reduce I: Improve S L 60 75,0 S L 0 40 50,0 30 R 15 75,0 18,7 I 60 40,0 75,0 0 20 R 40 % Assessing level B C % S % L 10,0 8,7 18,7 50,0 Total Avarage D S L % 6,3 117 1,46 37,5 10 12,5 210 2,62 I 28,8 6,3 I 6,2 I 150 1,16 1,87 25,0 20 25,0 40 50,0 260 3,25 R 15 50,0 18,7 I 18 18,7 22,5 I 50,0 8,8 I 152 1,38 1,90 0 30 37,5 20 25,0 30 37,5 240 3,00 R 30 50,0 37,5 I 32 18,8 40,0 I 10 2,5 12,5 I 28,7 10,0 I 156 1,10 1,95 22 27,5 21 26,3 15 18,7 22 27,5 197 2,46 R 10,0 R 13,7 I 6,2 I 17,5 I 0,51 23 Figure 4.6 Compare results before and after the experiment Figure 4.4 shows that the evaluation opinions after the test are higher than before the test Show that the experiment has had a positive effect However, the degree of impact of the test measures on each type of activity is different The difference is shown in the degree of difference between the columns in the chart From the analysis of the experimental results quantitatively the impact of the measures "Innovating diversify methods and forms of educational organization in the direction of education in practice, organizing students to participate in learning activities and other activities exchanges in the locality ”showed that thanks to the impact measures, students had a new development of learning activities after the experiment, compared to before conducting the experiment This result shows that the effectiveness of the pilot impact measure directly improves the quality of education in primary schools From the results of testing and testing, it is suggested that the measures proposed by the author are necessary, feasible, contributing to improving the quality of general education in the northern mountainous provinces, meeting the requirements of educational innovation The current Conclusion of chapter 24 In the current social context, the process of renewing and developing the model of primary education in Vietnam's northern mountainous region must be implemented synchronously in a clear direction The process of innovation and development must ensure ideology, science, practicality and efficiency The general orientation of developing the model of general education in Vietnam's northern mountainous region is to build a multicultural education model, focusing on developing students' capacity Measures to develop a model of primary education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam must be carried out synchronously with the development of the national education system, the conditions of socio-economic development in the locality and the country Measures to develop the general primary model in the northern mountainous region is the impact on the structural components of the educational process and the impact on each of them To ensure that each element and those elements are always mobilized and developed synchronously with each other and synchronous with the development of specific social and historical conditions, together aiming at fully developing the capacity of learning born CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion The thesis has focused on clarifying theories about the model of primary education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam; indicate the relationship between the development of education model and the development of local economic, cultural and social models The thesis also points out the nature of the process of developing the model of primary education in Vietnam's northern region as the process of building an educational model with local cultural identity The thesis also identifies ways of developing the model of general education through developing structural components of the educational process, making those elements 25 always mobilize and develop synchronously with the level of economic development, social culture, exploiting the local cultural values, working together to develop students' capacity in the direction of fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education The thesis presented the results of the research on the reality of higher education and the development of general education in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam, drawing the causes of success and the causes of limitations in the process of education innovation and model development Primary education in Vietnam's northern mountainous region On that basis, drawing out comments and assessing the orientation for the process of renewing and developing the model of general education in northern mountainous region in the next period The thesis has proposed a system of measures to develop the general education model in Vietnam's northern mountainous region The proposed measures have been built based on the achievements of modern educational science, based on the theoretical and practical basis analyzed in the thesis The author have conducted experiments to confirm the appropriateness of those measures in practice The above-mentioned measures are certainly not an adequate system of measures but are necessary measures in the immediate future and are the basis for the implementation of other measures, which need to be completed and supplemented Proposal * For the Ministry of Education and Training * For local Education sector * For elementary schools ... Vietnam 2.3.1 Concept of primary education model in the Northern mountainous regions of Vietnam The model of primary education in the Northern mountainous Vietnam is a specific type of Vietnamese... NORTHERN MOUNTAINOUS REGION OF VIETNAM 4.1 Oriented development model of primary education Northern Mountain Viet Nam Developing a model of general education in Vietnam''s northern mountainous region... model in Vietnam''s northern mountainous region 1.2.2 The issues posed to be solved In theory: It is necessary to study and clarify the structure of the primary education model in Vietnam''s northern

Ngày đăng: 19/02/2020, 17:09

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