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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION NGUYỄN VĂN THÔNG SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE VIETNAM BUDDHIST EDCATION SYSTEM IN CURRENT CONTEXT Speciality: Education Management Classification: SUMMARY OF EDUCATION SCIENCE DOCTORAL THESIS HÀ NỘI - 2021 THIS THESIS IS DONE AT HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION INSTRUCTORS: Asso Prof Dr Nguyễn Xuân Hải Asso Prof Dr Phan Thanh Long Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis is defended at PhD Thesis Committee of Hanoi National University of Education at ., date month year 2021 This thesis is available at: Nation Library, Hanoi or Library of Hanoi National University of Education OPENING Rationale Inheriting and continuing to develop the education career of its predecessors, after more than 30 years of construction and development, the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha has established a fairly basic education system with a number of educational institutions from elementary to graduate and post graduate level However, in many respects, Vietnam's Buddhist education system is still lagging behind the current development of Vietnamese society and the situation of international integration; did not meet the requirements of training human resources for Buddhist development The organizational structure of the training system is unreasonable, focusing too much on investing in academies, not really appropriately invest in basic training The management of monks and nuns currently has many inadequacies, not really reasonable and flexible, causing difficulties for monks and nuns in the process of cultivation, From the above reasons, originating from the sense of responsibility and personal job, the author chooses the topic: "Solutions to improve the Vietnamese Buddhist education system in the current context" for the research of Doctorate degree, Major in Education Administration Purposes Research and build a theoretical system; survey, find out the current state of the Vietnamese Buddhist education system, compare it with the international experience in building Buddhist education system; since then, propose solutions to improve the Buddhist education system of Vietnam in the current context Object, subject of the study 3.1 Research object: Vietnamese Buddhist education system 3.2 Research subjects: solutions to improve Vietnam's Buddhist education system in the current period and following years Research mission 4.1 Researching the theoretical basis of the educational system in general and the Buddhist education system in particular 4.2 Surveying and assessing the status of the Vietnamese Buddhist education system (the process of formation, development; system structure; types of schools and Buddhist educational institutions; ); Studying international experience on building and developing the Buddhist education system 4.3 Proposing solutions to perfect the current Buddhist education system in Vietnam Scientific hypothesis Building and developing Buddhist education systems in countries around the world so far, many researchers have learned and achieved certain results As for the Vietnamese Buddhist education system, there is not yet a full research project If surveyed, analyzed, evaluated based on theory, current situation and compared with international experience and proposed solutions, it will contribute to the improvement of Vietnamese Buddhist education system in the current period Scope of the research 6.1 Scope of research content: the topic focuses on the study of Vietnam's Buddhist education system but pays special attention to two components: educational structure, management apparatus and international experience in construction, developing the Buddhist education system 6.2 Research area: Vietnam 6.3 Duration: Survey from 2012 to 2018 but the solution applied in the period to 2025 and vision to 2030 6.4 The subject implements the solutions: Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VNBS); Sangha Education Committee; Missionary Committee; Buddhist Follower Instruction Board from central to grassroots level Methodology and research methods Lấy quan điểm nguyên lý Duy vật biện chứng pháp chủ nghĩa Duy vật lịch sử Mác – Lê-nin làm sở phương pháp luận nghiên cứu, dựa tiếp cận sau: Taking the views and principles of dialectical materialism and Marxist-Leninist materialism as the basis of the research methodology, based on the following approaches: 7.1 Methodology 7.1.1 System-wide approach 7.1.2 Inheritance – development approach 7.1.3 Approach from the perspective of regional and international integration 7.1.4 Approach to the doctrine of Impermanence and dependent origination of Buddhism 7.2 Research Methods 7.2.1 Theoretical research method group - Method of analysis: collecting documents related to the education system and Buddhist education system; international experience on the construction and development of Buddhist education system; documents of the Party and State on religious policies, international integration on education and analysis to meet research purposes - Method of statistic: Based on collected data, analyzing and statistics in order to build and systematize the theoretical basis of the educational system, Buddhist education system and improve the system, Vietnamese Buddhist education - Method of classification and systematization of theory: On the basis of analysis and synthesis, the theory is classified into groups and problems from which to systematize and build the theoretical basis of the research problem - Method of experts: Consult scientists, experts in educational science to build outlines, design research tool sets, theoretical research, 7.2.2 Practical research group: - Method of survey by questionnaire: Making polls for the subjects of the Buddhist education system - Method of Practical observation: Observing activities on the implementation of the Buddhist education system in Vietnam; and ASEAN Buddhist countries in seminars, visits, learning and exchanging experiences - Method of Interview: Direct interviews with educational managers, monks and nuns, Buddhists, etc on issues related to the thesis, especially solutions to improve the Buddhist education system - Method of summarizing experience: Summarizing experiences of domestic and regional Buddhist educational institutions in implementing the education system - Method of experts: Talking with experts, policy researchers, educational managers, monks and nuns, Buddhists on the implementation of solutions to improve the Vietnamese Buddhist education system in current context 7.2.3 Statistical methods, data processing Using mathematical statistical methods to process research results Thesis defended To perfect the current Vietnamese Buddhist education system, it is necessary to have a solid theoretical base on the model of the Buddhist education system; management apparatus of the Buddhist education system; relationship between the Buddhist education system with society and with the national education system - Vietnam's Buddhist education system still has some problems such as: the system structure is not synchronized; connectivity in the system is weak; teaching staff is weak in teaching skills, limited professional qualifications; lack of a solid management structure; the structure of educational attainment from elementary, intermediate, to graduate has not been connected or open - The Vietnamese Buddhist education system needs to be perfected based on research results and relevant scientific evidence The following solutions have been studied to perfect the current Buddhist education system + Impact on perceptions and views of stakeholders about the need to perfect the Buddhist education system + Consolidate the organizational structure and improve the management capacity of the Buddhist education system + Solutions to support and facilitate the development and improvement of the education system New conclusions of the thesis - Building a theoretical basis for perfecting the current Vietnamese Buddhist education system such as: concepts related to the Buddhist education system and perfecting the Buddhist education system; Philosophy - nature of the education system; Objectives of the education system; Academic structure, training type structure, sectarian structure, management structure of the education system; Structure of the management apparatus from the central to local levels of the education system; The continuity and openness of the education system; The relationship between the Vietnamese Buddhist education system and the community - society - Reflecting the current situation of Vietnam's Buddhist education system, especially pointing out the inadequacies that need to be improved such as: the system structure is not synchronized; the interoperability in the system is still weak; the teaching staff is still weak in terms of teaching skills and limited professional qualifications; management structure is not tight; The structure of education levels from elementary school, to intermediate level, to university is not yet connected and open - Proposing a system of solutions to perfect the Vietnamese Buddhist education system in the current context 10 Thesis layout In addition to the sections: Prologue; Conclusion and Recommendations; References; Appendix; the main content of the thesis is presented in chapters: Chapter 1: Theoretical foundations of the Buddhist education system Chapter 2: Situation of Vietnam's Buddhist education system Chapter 3: Solutions to improve Vietnam's Buddhist education system in the current context and pedagogical experimentation Chapter THEORITICAL FOUNDATIONS OF BUDDHISM EDUCATION SYSTEM 1.1 Overview of the problem 1.1.1 Studies on the education system in general Regarding the topic of the thesis, through domestic and foreign sources, the authors have provided a lot of information related to the thesis content and clarified many aspects 1.1.2 Studies on Buddhist Education 1.1.3 Studies on the Buddhist education system 1.1.4 General assessment Issues that have not been mentioned or studied - The systematic nature of Buddhist education system - The structure of Vietnamese Buddhist education system: educational structure, type structure, sectarian structure, management structure - Management apparatus of Vietnamese Buddhist education system - System of Buddhist training establishments of Vietnamese Buddhist education system - The relationship between the Vietnam Buddhist Education System and the community - society Issues that need to be researched (i) Solve the research purpose - Group of solutions to affect awareness and views on the improvement of the Buddhist education system; - Group of solutions to consolidate the whole machine and improve the management capacity of the Buddhist education system; - Group of solutions to support and facilitate the development and improvement of the education system (ii) Solve specific research contents - Researching and building a theoretical basis for completing the Vietnamese Buddhist education system in the current context - Assessing the current status of the Vietnamese Buddhist education system in the current context - Solutions for perfecting the Vietnamese Buddhist education system in the current context (iii) Solve the basic thesis of the research problem, including: - Researching the (national) educational system based on modern approaches, the system-total approach to serve as the basic theoretical premise of the thesis topic - Pointing out the shortcomings of the Vietnamese Buddhist education system such as: the system structure is not synchronized; the interoperability in the system is still weak; the teaching staff is still weak in terms of teaching skills and limited professional qualifications; management structure is not tight; The structure of education from elementary to intermediate to university is not yet connected and open If solutions are developed and applied to improve the Vietnamese Buddhist education system in the current period, it will overcome the above shortcomings and, at the same time, contribute to the improvement of this system - Therefore, the Vietnamese Buddhist education system needs to be perfected with solutions that have a valid theoretical and practical basis 1.2 Theory of education system 1.2.1 Concept of system and education system The educational system includes organizations, structures of types of institutions, educational agencies and cultural agencies in charge of educational, cultural work for all generations of people of a nation; It consists of many different organizations, structured according to the defined principles that constitute a whole body in the realization of common education goals and strategies 1.2.2 The goal of the education system The goals of the educational system are the criteria, targets, specific requirements for each stage, each task, each content of the educational process that must be achieved after an educational activity 1.2.3 Structure of the education system An educational system often includes: a level structure, also known as a framework structure, type structure, regional - domain structure, social structure and management structure Some researchers propose that there are two types of specific educational structures: the developmental education system and the restrictive system 1.2.4 Characteristics of the education system It’s a whole; ensuring nationality, advance and modern; it’s a system of many levels of education, professional knowledge; clearly showing general, academic and professional characteristics, application; ensuring mass and quintessence; demonstrating the universalization of vocational education and vocational education popularization 1.2.5 Trends in developing the national education system International integration has been strongly influencing the formation of some new trends such as: a) Trends in institutionalizing the market of education b) Trend of institutional building of common education space c) Trends in developing democratic spatial institutions in education d) International measurement, evaluation and comparison trends And the following trends: - The trend of popularization - Trends of diversification Privatization - Ensuring quality and improving competitiveness - Development of a network of research universities - Developing international and regional human resource education and training services 1.3 Theory of the Buddhist education system 1.3.1 Concept of Buddhist education system (BES) BES is an education system with Buddhist characteristics and aims to serve both monastic and lay followers in society The components in the BES are similar to those in the other but the specific characteristics of Buddhism 1.3.2 The goal, philosophy and basic content of BES The ultimate and highest purpose of a Buddhist follower, whether monastic or lay, is enlightenment and liberation To achieve this, practitioners need to improve themselves by the process of enduring education according to the enlightenment path of the Eightfold Path Two aspects of Buddhist philosophy to study are: The ontology and outlook on life There are three common categories in the world where Buddhists should realize their true nature: impermanence, suffering and non-self In particular, suffering belongs to human life; impermanence and non-self are ontological The characteristic of dependent origination of phenomena is the basis for expressing the impermanent and non-self nature of all things From this awareness, Buddhism traces the path to liberation of suffering according to a very strict dialectic roadmap: the Four Noble Truths or the Four Truths related to suffering, that is, the Phenomenon of suffering, Origin of suffering, End of suffering, and The path to end suffering With philosophy of action such as: Humanity; Equality, regardless of class and gender; Expand love, share joy and suffering with the community; Promote self-education, self-control, and no slavery 1.3.3 Structure of BES - The framework structure (academic structure) of BES: Education system at the Buddhist institutes/universities and colleges; Education system at Buddhist intermediate schools, elementary schools; Education system at classes in the temple; general Buddhist education system - The sect/school structure of the BES: The BES follows the traditional characteristics: Northern Buddhism; Theravada Buddhism; Tantric Buddhism – Northern Buddhism BES: Popular Buddhist education; Primary Buddhist education; Intermediate Buddhist education; graduate and postgraduate Buddhist education - Theravada Buddhism BES: Buddhist monastic education system; school Buddhist education system - Tantric Buddhism education system - The structure of BES types: - Regular Buddhist Education and Training system; Irregular Buddhist Education and Training system; Periodical programs of Buddhist Education and Training system (week/month/ year/course); Buddhist Education and Training system by distance learning/correspondence course 1.3.4 The relationship between the Buddhist educational system and the community - society - For the Government and authorities at all levels: - Management relations; - Training relations - For other social organizations and religious organizations - International relationship 1.3.5 Development trend of Buddhist educational system - Within the Vietnam Buddhist education system: Agreement in some contents: Drafting, promulgating and organizing the implementation of "Regulations on Vietnamese Buddhist Education"; - The Central Board of Education and Training shall prescribe the framework program for each level of study, including the structure of subject content, training time, and number of periods for each subject; - Organize the compilation of Buddhist textbooks at all levels; - Drafting and promulgating the Regulation on joint training between Buddhist institutions and fraternity programs in provinces and cities; Annually organize the inspection of the schools and institutions in the implementation of the guidelines and directions of Buddhist education of the Vietnamese Buddhist Sangha; - The Central Board of Education and Training continues to propose to the Government and central authorities to consider and recognize the Bachelor of Buddhist Studies and Master of Buddhist Studies degrees in the Sociology training group - On the international level: Through periodic or annual seminars, a number of joint action programs have been organized, such as: - Contribute ideas and draft framework programs on joint training from offering Bachelor's to Doctoral degrees among IATBU member institutions; - Contributing ideas and developing a cooperation plan to compile a common Tripitaka for all three Buddhist lineages (Theravada Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism and Tantric Buddhism) 1.4 Current context and issues raised for improvement of the Vietnamese Buddhist education system 1.4.1 The Issue of Globalization in Education (in general) and Buddhist Education The impact of Globalization on the educational environment, educational institutions, has changed the following aspects: - Changes in mission, functions; - Changes in educational purpose; - Change in the role of the school; … Appearance of concept and model of student centered methodology For Buddhism: The development of a market economy produces too much material wealth and often changes the pattern that suggests the desire of the people in this time Information technology, audiovisual media is growing more and more Although it helps monks and nuns get information fast, sufficiently and up-to-date, malicious information also causes harms Internationalization of knowledge, exchange, learning experiences between global Buddhist education institutions and international secular education institutions has been taking place to help Buddhist countries to escape the status of partial country or partial school 1.4.2 Education innovation issues For Vietnam, education currently has the following problems that need to be addressed: - Regarding economic and financial education - Structure and organization of education system - State management of education - Regarding teacher quality - Learners and learning issues - Education program 1.4.3 Market economy and its impact on education The most important impact of the market economy on education of countries in general and our country in particular is to change the Government's policies and institutions on issues related to education 1.4.4 The need for a spiritual life in today's society Spirituality in the narrow sense is religion, belief As a refuge and comfort when people are suffering, deadlocked, disappointed, and desperate; is a "regulatory therapy" for society and the community for the evil because once there is no fear, the perpetrator can whatever they want In that sense and necessity, Buddhism and the BES are always aiming for truth, goodness and beauty with the aim of the cessation of suffering to meet the expectations of today's society 1.5 International experience on building and developing the Buddhist education system (Two typical Buddhist education systems in Southeast Asian countries) 1.5.1 Experience of Thailand Buddhism - Historical background of Thailand Buddhism: Buddhism in Thailand today is Theravada Buddhism originating from Sri Lanka, which was transmitted in the 13th century - not Hinayana Buddhism of India - Thailand Buddhist education philosophy: The Thailand Buddhist education philosophy is based on the Theravada Buddhist ideology, with statements that have been popular for more than 2,000 years, such as: Do not evil deeds; Diligently good deeds; Keep your mind clean " - "You should try yourself The Tathagatas are just masters " - "I make myself clean; I make myself polluted." - Awareness and attitude of the government on Buddhist education: Thailand Government attaches great importance to and creates favorable conditions for Buddhism to develop for the benefit of the people and being the support of the State of Thailand in the past, present and future - People's awareness and attitudes about Buddhist education: For Thai people, 11 administrative body of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in every respect between the two terms The Standing Committee of the Executives Council directly directs, manages and directs 12 Departments and Vietnam Buddhist Studies Institute, including the Buddhist Education Board Through Executives Board of provinces and cities, in particular provincial Buddhist Education Department, and Executives Board of districts/towns, namely Buddhist Education Division in 63 provinces and cities in the country are responsible for their scope 2.3.2 Management of BES from State’s perspective: The State’s Religion Department is an agency directly under the Ministry of Home Affairs, assigned by the Party and the State to manage the activities of the religions currently present in Vietnam In terms of organization, according to the vertical system, in each province and city directly under the Central Government, there are Religious Affairs Committees of provinces and cities under the Department of Home Affairs; In each district/town/urban area level and level there is an Home Affairs Division in charge of religious management in the area 2.3.3 Assess the advantages and difficulties from a management perspective in developing and perfecting the BES - Advantages: + The Party's and State’s policy of fundamental and comprehensive renovation of the education and training system creates a legal basis for the completion of the Vietnam’s BES, including management issues + The policy of the Central Vietnam Buddhist Sangha on Buddhist education reform through the seminars on Buddhist education and the Buddhist National Congressé throughout the two terms: 2012 - 2017 and 2017 2022 shows the determination and direction of the Sangha leaders on this issue + The Constitution, the Law, the Law on Beliefs and Religions, and the policies of the Party and the State have the responsibility to protect and help the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha at all levels to make renovation on the management of the Vietnam’s BES for greater efficiency under the Charter and plan of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha approved by the Government + The common perception of Buddhist followers is that it is necessary to consolidate the management stage or change the way of management, specialization of management personnel, at all levels so that the administration can be more effective - Difficulties: + Leaders of Central Committee's and of provinces and cities concurrently hold many titles so it is difficult to fulfill their responsibilities; difficult to promote effective management + Lack of specialized standing personnel in charge of administration, organization of each field in the education system at all levels + The situation that each training institution creates its own type of management continues to exist, especially at intermediate level + Examining, evaluating, graduating, graduation degree granting at many institutions still reveal many weaknesses, not objective and honest 2.4 Survey of Vietnam's BES: 2.4.1 The purpose of the survey: To search for information on the current situation of the Vietnam’s BES through different periods and today; analyzing and evaluating the actual situation of the Vietnam’s BES over the years and based on the surveyed information, propose appropriate and feasible groups of solutions to improve the BES in the current context 2.4.2 Contents of the survey: - Current situation of objectives and philosophy - nature of the current Vietnam BES? - What is the current structure of Vietnam’s BES? - Current status of training establishments of Vietnam’s BES? - What is the current situation of the relationship of Vietnam’s BES? - Factors affecting the improvement of Vietnam’s BES? The need to improve the present Vietnam’s BES? Survey tool: designed as in Appendix Questionnaire (For the religious management & lecturers / teachers of educational 12 institutions of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha) In addition, the interview form is designed to clarify and supplement the contents of the Questionnaire (Appendix 2) 2.4.3 How to proceed: Conduct survey forms directly Conducting surveys in a convenient way at the Sangha’s educational establishments on the Buddhist training system 2.4.4 Evaluate survey results: Check the questionnaire, numbered and cleaned before entering data; data analysis using SPSS 20 software; use statistical probability algorithms; calculate the percentage (%); Calculate the average score (Mean) for the level of evaluation, comparison, analysis of results 2.5 Situation of Vietnam Buddhist education system 2.5.1 Goal, philosophy and nature of Vietnam Buddhist education system Goals of Vietnam Buddhist education system The data compiled from the above table shows that most of the religious leaders who participated in the survey think that the goal of the BES is appropriate (Mean from 1.05 to 1.14) In which, two goals "Transforming the mind, eliminating darkness, gaining wisdom, clarity and peace" and "Cultivating the body, doing good deeds and gradually perfecting the personality according to the Precept - Concentration - Wisdom path" are considered the most suitable by the deities (Mean 1.05 and 1.06) In general, they all identified their roles in "contributing to build a better family, community, society, and nation" (Mean 1.11), besides they were all aware of their responsibilities, their work in "liberating one's own afflictions and suffering" (Mean 1.14), as well as "helping others to get rid of suffering, letting go of afflictions through teaching" (Mean 1.12) Thus, having all the objectives of the BES appropriate is an important criterion in the completion of the BES Philosophy – the nature of the BES The evaluation results summarized in the above data table show that: The philosophy - nature of the BES is rated by the majority as being consistent with a very high rate, Mean from 1.03 to 1.08 The rate of less suitable and unsuitable is very low, especially in the criterion of "Good orientation", only 2.7% think that this is a less suitable criterion and there is no choice of unsuitable This is completely consistent with the Vietnamese culture that values gratitude and human kindness One of the things that surprised us was the criterion of “Integrity”, because 0.5% said it was not suitable and 3.1% of the respondents rated it less suitable It is clear that the sense of integration, globalization and integration is not only an inevitable trend of society but also respected by all deities A venerable added: "It is necessary to improve how to bring Buddhism into the wider society." [No 11, Appendix 2] 2.5.2 Management structure of Vietnamese Buddhist education system Training structure of Vietnamese Buddhist education system: The evaluation results summarized in the above table show that: Individuals rate the structure of “Graduate, Postgraduate” and “Intermediate” mainly as good (more than 56.9% choose good) The group “Beginner and Preschooler” was assessed as being mostly normal In which, the training structure “undergraduate and postgraduate” are considered the best (Mean 1.38), which shows that this level of education is still operating well In addition, the group “Beginners and Preschooler” have the lowest rank (Mean 1.85); Thus, this group of education levels need to be further reviewed and improved "It is necessary to complete the doctoral level, focusing on quality, the level must be worthy of the title of the degree." [No 48, Appendix 2); “The curriculum and system (education – training) in the regions are not highly agreed on the teaching roadmap It is 13 necessary to unify from elementary, intermediate, academies, colleges, especially the northern provinces.” [No 40, Appendix 2); “The higher education level is still not really stable and unified: Ho Chi Minh City Academy has a credit system but it is not perfect yet; Hue Academy is based on academic credit system; Hanoi Academy is based on academic year At present, correspondence courses are only available at Ho Chi Minh City Academy, the remaining academies have not yet opened.” [No 18, Appendix 2] is the opinions of some individuals about the structure and educational level of the system Types of training structure of Vietnam’s BES The evaluation results summarized in the above table show that: “Formal Buddhist education system” is rated as the best (Mean 1.27) As such, this training system is said to be well-functioning and suitable for the current situation Therefore, the Sangha should prioritize this type of training, but if only paying attention to this type of training, the number of participants will be limited The remaining types will address this limitation, creating conditions for monks, nuns and Buddhists to have more opportunities to receive this education So the types of "Informal Buddhist Education System", "Regular Buddhist Education System (week/year/month/course)" and "Distant/Corrsespondence Course Buddhist Education System" are not overrated, most (50.7%, 53.3 %, 49.3%) rated at a normal level, even in the type of "Distant/ Correspondence Course Buddhist education system" evaluation is not good counted for 16.9%; still need improvement and more appropriate changes Some comments on the type of training of the system: “The current structure of the Buddhist education system is relatively stable There is no need for another form.” [No 37, Appendix 2); “Stable.” [No 28, 30, 38, 39, Appendix 2) The sectarian and lineage structure of the Vietnam’s BES: The evaluation results summarized in the above table show that: "The Northern Buddhism education system" is confirmed to be much better than the "Theravada Buddhist education system" (Mean 1.17 and Mean 1.34) There are also some more specific comments such as: "The reformed intermediate program, which has just been adjusted by the Central Buddhist Education Board, is rebalancing the teaching content between Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana – Development Buddhism However, that program still needs a more balanced effort At the Academies, education of balance and unity of sects/ lineage is always emphasized in both training programs and management.” [No 18, Appendix 2); “Should be balanced.” [No 25, 26, Appendix 2; “Need to add more Theravada Buddhist content at lower levels.” [No 23, Appendix 2] The management structure of the Vietnam’s BES: The evaluation results summarized in the above table show that: The organizational structure of “Central level management” is rated as the best (Mean 1.9), followed by “Management at the provincial level" (Mean 1.43) “Management at the district//town level” is rated as normal (Mean 1.81) This is not only true of the Vietnam’s BES but also the reality of the Vietnamese education system in general There are many opinions on the issue of needing to structure more typical lay people into management levels when interviewed [No 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, Appendix 2) “Need to change more modern science (about management measures), reduce the traditional way of management.” [No 11, Appendix 2; “Reform the management apparatus in line with the state management of education; application of management science in the 14 current Buddhist educational management system.” [No 03, Appendix 2] “Gender balance by adding more women with expertise.” [No 54, Appendix 2] “The senior staff structure of each school is still quite heavy, while it seems to be thinner at the faculty and department level.” [No 48, Appendix 2] Connectivity and openness of the Vietnam’s BES: The evaluation results summarized in the above data table shows that: In general, the interoperability and openness of the BES has not been evaluated well, in which the form of "Communication of training programs" is the most appreciated as well but still less than 60%, this is the only form with a good rating above 50% The form of "Horizontal connection between training institutions of the same level" only achieved 12% of good comments This is also the form with a very high rating (74.7 %) of normal Managers of Vietnam’s BES need to pay attention to this factor “There is no high and comprehensive connectivity yet.” [No 04, Appendix 2] “Communication is a right policy, the problem is to organize it so that this policy is operated smoothly and completely To solve that problem, each institute needs to have flexible policy, avoid rigidity, review the content of each course to find the equivalence, in order to help students not have to re-learn the courses they have studied with other slightly different names of the training programs between academies.” [No 48, Appendix 2] 2.5.3 System of Buddhist training establishments of Vietnam’s BES The evaluation results summarized in the above data table show that: The current situation of “University/Academy level training institutions”; “Intermediate and College Training Institutions” and “Pālī Intermediate Training Institutions (for Khmer Monks)” are both well rated; The rest of the training institutions are rated as normal This is consistent with the survey results in Table 2.13 on the structure of the BES management apparatus: The organizational structure of “Central level management” is rated as the best (Mean 1.9), followed by “Provincial level management” (Mean 1.43) “Management at the district/ /town level” is rated as normal (Mean 1.81) Regarding training institutions at all levels, some comments clearly stated: "The system of intermediate schools should be adjusted." [No 01, Appendix 2); “At the university level, there are enough establishments, should open more faculties.” [No 03, Appendix 2); “Training institutions in many places are not up to standard; The current quantity is already appropriate It is necessary to adjust Intermediate and College accordingly.” [No 04, Appendix 2); “University level is appropriate; Intermediate level, College level need adjustment.” [No 38, 39, Appendix 2] “There should be standards in enrollment, graduation and further development.” [No 07, Appendix 2) Regarding the popular Buddhist training institution for lay Buddhists: "It is necessary, in Thua Thien Hue, the Department for the Propagation of the Faith of the Provincial Buddhist Sangha has organized many courses in Hong Duc campus (the former institute of the Buddhist Academy in Hue) on Sundays.” [No 09, Appendix 2); “Depending on local development capabilities and needs, there should be more Buddhist education centers for lay Buddhists.” [No 53, Appendix 2] "The form of training should be expanded, the subjects of training, especially lay Buddhists." [No 10, Appendix 2] “It is necessary to mobilize for the institutes to become real Buddhist universities so that Buddhists/laymen can study Buddhism in a formal way.” [No 18, Appendix 2] 2.5.4 Relationship between the Vietnam’s BES and the social community 15 The evaluation results summarized in the above data table show that: The current situation of "Relationships between the state management levels of the national education system and the central Vietnam Buddhist Sangha"; “Relationships between management levels of provincial administrations and the Executive Board of provincial Vietnam Buddhist Sangha”; “Relationships between the management levels of the district/town administration and the Buddhist Sangha at the same level” and “Relations between the Vietnamese Buddhist community and the international Buddhist community on cooperation, academic exchange, training, research, scientific exchanges, seminars, and coordination" are all highly appreciated; The rest of the relationships are rated as normal The relationship with the lowest rating is “Relationship between Buddhist education sector and other religions” (13.8% good, 70.7% normal, 15.6% not good) It is clear that the ideological differences of religious systems make it difficult for religions to be in harmony Regarding the above content, a venerable commented: "It is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between the BES and the people as well as the sectarian factors." [No 54, Appendix 2] 2.5.5 Awareness of the factors of the context affecting the completion of the current Vietnam’s BES The evaluation results summarized in the above data table show that: All factors are assessed at very influential level (from 64.4% to 91.6%) Especially the reality of life with so many changes requires basic changes For example, the form of mass gathering is the main form of Dharma sharing in all religions in general and Buddhism in particular However, this form cannot be used today when the COVID-19 epidemic is breaking out, even in countries with good epidemic control like Vietnam Online sharing is becoming more and more popular, although there are still many shortcomings Even so, the need for spiritual life is still a need that people aim for and this is also a major influencing factor to the completion of the Vietnam’s BES 2.5.6 Awareness of the need to improve the current Vietnam’s BES The evaluation results summarized in the above table show that: The improvement of all the factors mentioned above is rated at very necessary level (all of them are above 52.9%) In which, two contents: "Improving the management structure" and "Improving the structure of qualifications and educational levels" are assessed as the most important and necessary reflected in the assessment level respectively: 76% and 68.9% This shows the desire of the venerable ones on the completion of the current Vietnam’s BES This wish can only come true if the leaders of the Sangha at all levels have the determination to it; at the same time, it is supported by the Government, authorities, unions, organizations and the response of lay Buddhists 2.5.7 Compare the differences between the survey groups on education grade and management levels Compare the structure of education level and grade with gender group according to the level of operation The results show that there is only a difference between men and women when assessing the appropriateness at the university, intermediate and popular Buddhist levels (pvalue less than 0.05) In which, according to the general trend, men tend to evaluate the level of performance better than women (mean values are statistically significant) There was no difference in the assessment of performance between men and women when evaluating primary and secondary levels (p-value greater than 0.05) Compare the structure of the management apparatus with the gender group 16 according to the level of operation The results show that there is only a difference when evaluating the operational level of the management structure at the central management level; provincial management between men and women (p-value less than 0.05) At the same time, men tend to rate performance better than women In addition, the evaluation of the level of performance between men and women at district and grassroots managements is the same (p-value is greater than 0.05) Compare the structure of qualifications and grades with working group The individual managers rated the appropriateness of intermediate and popular Buddhist Studies (for lay Buddhists) higher than the teaching group Evaluation of popular Buddhism (for lay Buddhists) of both teaching and management group was higher than that of the management group Compare the structure of the management apparatus with the working unit group according to the level of operation The management group evaluate that it is more suitable in all management structures in comparison with the teaching group The teaching and management group rated higher than the management group at the provincial management; district/town management and grassroots management (training schools at all levels) Compare the structure of qualifications and levels of study with seniority group The results show that there is no difference between people with different teaching seniority in terms of grade level assessment (p-values are all greater than 0.05) Compare the structure of the management apparatus with the seniority teaching group The results show that there is no difference between people with different teaching seniority in terms of grade level assessment (p-values are all greater than 0.05) Compare grade level structure with group of management position according to the level of operation: + For undergraduate and graduate systems: The management group rated higher than the teaching group The management and teaching group rated higher than the teaching group + For the intermediate system: The management group rated higher than the teaching group + For the Elementary and Tutoring systems: There is no difference between groups of teaching or management positions + For the system of popular Buddhist studies (for lay Buddhists): The management group rated higher than the teaching group as well as both teaching and management group Compare the structure of the management apparatus with the group of management position: + For central management group: The management group rated higher than the teaching group The management and teaching group rated higher than the teaching group + For provincial management group: The management group rated higher than the teaching group and both teaching and management group + For the district/town management group: The management group appreciates more than the teaching group and both teaching and management group + For the grassroots management group (training schools at all levels): The management group rated higher than the teaching group and both teaching and management group Compare the structure of education level, level of education with the group of working experience: The results show that the p-value is greater than 0.05 indicating that individuals have the same working time and structure of education level Compare the structure of the management apparatus with the working time group: 17 The p-values are all greater than 0.05, so it can be seen that there is no difference between management level and seniority 2.6 General assessment of the situation 2.6.1 The advantages - Inheriting a relatively methodical and structured educational system, the Vietnam’s BES is growing due to more favorable factors - Policies and guidelines of the Party and Government on freedom of belief and religion are more and more open and stable, especially when the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam passes the Law on Beliefs and Religions which takes effect on January 1, 2018 About the system of Intermediate education, there are 34 schools in the country so far In 2012, the Government allowed to open a pilot training program for Master degree and in 2017, it was agreed for all institutes to open the Master and Doctor degree if eligible - Having a stable 4-level management system (vertical line) of Sangha from central to province/city, district/town and training establishments At the same time, the specialized Board (Buddhist Education Board) is also decentralized into levels, consistent with the organizational system with clear and specific professional responsibilities - The spiritual needs, the need to study the Dharma and the meditation of a large part of the lay Buddhists in recent years have prompted the Buddhist education to transform itself to meet the needs - After the Eighth Buddhist National Congress, regarding education, the name of the Monk and Nun Education Board has been changed into Buddhist Education Board This opens up a new direction in Buddhist Education and Training, subjects of teaching, management, not limited as before, just training monks and nuns 2.6.2 The limitations - There is no unified curriculum, lesson plans, and temeanooks for all levels of education although from the beginning of the Term VII (2012-2017), the Central Committee of Monk and Nun Education and Training has launched the implementation plan Particularly Intermediate level only completed 03 books! - Unreasonably clarification of education level/grade: (1) including Elementary, Intermediate, College, Graduate, and Postgraduate; or (2) including Beginner, Intermediate, Graduate, and Postgraduate - There are a lot of teachers of Elementary or Intermediate schools who are weak of specialized knowledge and pedagogical skills This situation is also a common disease of some lecturers who have Master and Doctorate degrees at the Institutes - The mechanism of organization, management and administration of schools at all levels is not synchronized, has no general rules and regulations, but most are spontaneous and subjective of the leaders - Many monk and nun students at the level of Intermediate are lacking of and poor general knowledge; superficial and duplicate Buddhist knowledge due to having to study two programs at the same time Because the training program is too long, while the curriculum and teaching materials, each institution compiles and chooses to teach differently, resulting in the overlapping of knowledge at different levels, making the learner boring, fall in the feeling of having to relearn what you already know, no longer interested in learning - Although there have been some reforms, but in general, the education and training program of Vietnam Buddhism is still heavy on theory, knowledge, exams and diplomas; 18 not pay attention in practice and self-realization so that learners can apply and transform themself in order to gain peace and liberation more or less, like the principle and purpose of Buddhist education - Compared to previous periods in the country and with the current Thailand Buddhism, Myanmar Buddhism, the current Vietnam’s BES (from 1981-2017) places a strong emphasis on the target of monks and nuns, not taking into account the importance of lay follower education, there is the distinction in education and training, not yet demonstrating the equality nature of the Buddhist education philosophy 2.6.3 Chances - The policy of fundamental and comprehensive education reform of the Party and the State has a positive impact on the Buddhist education system: + In the term VII (20122017), the Central Committee of Education and Training has implemented reforms on training duration at all levels: Elementary level from years to year; Intermediate from years shortened to years; College from years to years + There is a plan to unify the content, curriculum and temeanooks for all levels of education and is taking steps by step + Encourage students to change the training method from yearbook, module into credit mode - Globalization and international integration opens up opportunities for exchanges, development and improvement of Vietnam’s BES: + Monks and nuns have many opportunities to study abroad + Vietnam’s BES has many opportunities to expand relationships, exchanges, research exchanges, academic exchanges through international conferences and seminars + Currently, there are more than 100 monks and nuns who have masters and doctoral degrees returning to serve in education and training establishments or boards, central institutes, and the Executives Board of provinces and cities 2.6.4 Challenges - Defects of management apparatus: + Concurrent disease of Sangha leaders at central level and many provinces + The management apparatus at the training institutions is not professional in management and cumbersome + The role of District/ Town Buddhist education Division is unclear + The Central Committee of Education and Training is the head office but in the leadership there are no experts in the field of education and education management with high professional qualifications and experience - The negative side of the market economy, the duality of modern information tools causing significant harm to the development of the Vietnam’s BES: + The negative side of the market economy has been revealing negative consequences for the economy, community, causing harm to the Buddhist education system in particular + The development of IT for the society, besides the positive aspects, also has many negative consequences that have a strong impact on society, especially for the younger generation, which significantly affects monks and nuns at all levels and Buddhist education system’s development process Conclusion of chapter The author has surveyed the current situation of the Vietnam’s BES and analyzed and evaluated the results Based on the results of the actual situation survey that has been fully reflected above, the author will propose groups of solutions to improve the Vietnam’s BES in the current period Chapter 19 SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE VIETNAM BUDDHISM EDUCATION SYSTEM IN CURRENT CONTEXT AND EXPERIMENTAL PROFESSIONAL 3.1 Principles to propose solutions 3.1.1 In line with the Party's and Government's policies on religion With the policy of freedom of religions and beliefs by the Party and the State of Vietnam, religions are free to operate and carry out religious activities according to the charter and regulations recognized by the state 3.1.2 In line with the purpose of Vietnam’s education and the purpose and principle of Vietnam Buddhist education - In accordance with the purpose of Vietnamese education: The purpose of Vietnam's education system in the current period must not only meet the needs of national industrialization and modernization; preserving and promoting the cultural values of the nation, having the capacity to absorb the quintessence of human culture, mastering modern scientific and technological knowledge, but the purpose of learning is also: learning to know, learn to do, learn to live and learn to be as the United Nations UNESCO has initiated - In accordance with the purpose and principles of Vietnam Buddhist education: The teaching of Buddhism is the doctrine of suffering and liberation of suffering, systematically built That is also the goal and highest guideline of Buddhist education and Vietnam’s BES towards 3.1.3 Ensuring practicality and Vietnamese national traditions Education must be based on practice with objects, environment, circumstances, towards specific goals based on the principle of "Ensuring consistency between theory and practice, learning along with practice" Education must also ensure the traditional inheritance, which is the Vietnamese national tradition 3.1.4 Ensure feasibility Establishing the solution must be closely related to the current situation of Vietnam’s BES, ensuring rationality and scientificity; have high feasibility, tested objectively, specifically and accurately 3.2 Proposing solutions to improve Vietnam’s BES 3.2.1 Group of solutions affecting awareness and viewpoints on perfecting the Buddhist education system Raising awareness of the Buddhist community on improving the Buddhist education system in the current context + Objective and significance of the solution: Raising awareness for the Buddhist community about the improvement of BES in the current context + Content of the solution: Understanding and timely grasping opportunities and difficulties from the impacts of international integration and globalization; researching new, modern education and management methods suitable to Buddhism; point out the shortcomings and weakness of the existing Vietnam’s BES that need to be overcome; Strengthen practical research on the needs to study Buddhism, practice Dharma, and practice meditation + How to implement the solution: perform steps from central to grassroots level + Conditions for implementing the solution: 3-level actors of the Vietnam’s BES need to master the positive elements of the Party's policies, the State's laws on religion and the current renovation of education to promote Organizing cultivation courses to promote the impact of BES on ethical education 20 and the preservation of Vietnamese national traditions + Objective and meaning of the solution: Currently, society is facing many difficulties in terms of morality and tradition BES needs to maximize the education of people of all classes, especially the young, on the values of Buddhist and ethnic life + Content of the solution: Educating some Buddhist teachings, general life values and the national tradition values + How to implement the solution: steps of construction and development suitable for the subjects + Conditions for implementing the solution: The Central’s Sangha and relevant departments in the Central should have plans, action plans on education, missionary and charity The local Executives Boards at all levels select the appropriate content, well implement the plans set by the central 3.2.2 The solution group of consolidates the apparatus and enhances the management capacity of the Buddhist education system Consolidate and improve the management system of Buddhist education from the central to local levels + Objectives and meanings of the solution: Improve, reform, and consolidate the system of organizational structure, management from the central to local levels, contributing to the improvement of Vietnam’s BES + Content of the solution: Effectively streamline the apparatus, Consolidate and strengthen the management system from the central to local levels in the direction of assigning specific and specialized tasks + How to implement the solution: steps to implement the proposed solutions + Conditions for implementing the solution: The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha has shown its determination to consolidate and improve the BES in the context of globalization and international integration, which is reflected in the resolutions of education conferences and two congresses of 2012-2017 and 2017-2022 To build more Buddhist education and training establishments in places where there is a need; consolidating training institutions in localities with few monks and nuns + Objectives and meanings of the solution: Building a new establishments where it is needed and merging establishments with fewer students to other establishments + Content of the solution: The Executives Board of province/city and the schools’ management board make specific plans + How to implement the solution: The Executives Board of province/city and the schools’ management board need to strictly implement the plan + Conditions to implement the solution: The Executives Board of province/city and relevant facilities must coordinate with the Central Government and local authorities to comply with the regulations Improve the management capacity of the BES through training of management staff + Objective and meaning of the solution: Improve the management capacity; know how to apply new knowledge and technology to the field in charge + Content of the solution: Explain, convey, make list, classify groups according to each management sub-sector or foster necessary content + How to implement the solution: Step 1: Identify needs Step 2: Develop plan Step 3: Implementation Step 4: Organize the implementation + Conditions for implementing the solution: Sangha’s leaders and training institution 21 must have a foresight about the planning of management personnel, have a serious awareness about the training, retraining and development of human resources The Executives Board of provinces and cities; Board of Directors of education institutions organize training and retraining classes and courses 3.2.3 Group of solutions to support and facilitate the development and improvement of the education system Promote the educational socialization of Buddhist education + Objective and significance of the solution: Socializing education plays a significant role in building and improving Vietnam’s BES + Content of the solution: Depending on the Buddhist learning needs of each types of follower to flexibly organize training courses and appropriate activities + How to implement the solution: The Central has a unifying policy of socialization of Buddhist education and has specific plans The local shall organize and follow the directions + Conditions for the implementation of the solution: Central Committee launched, provincial and city’s Executives Board propagated and mobilized Buddhist monks, nuns, and laity to join hands in volunteer work for society and the nation's future Preserve and renovate temples and Buddhist educational establishments for residents in the community + Objective and meaning of the solution: Preservation and repair of damaged and degraded pagodas and educational centers is very necessary and must be maintained regularly + Content of the solution: The bodies responsible for management make plan and implement plan + How to implement the solution: Management bodies need to coordinate and implement according to the plan + Conditions to implement the solution: It is necessary to coordinate all three sides: Abbot/Temple management board, Sangha at all levels and local authorities so that the implementation will not be hindered 3.4 Testing awareness of the necessity and feasibility of the proposed solutions 3.4.1 The necessity of the solutions: - With the solution group impacting on the awareness, the viewpoint of improvement the BES and the solution group to consolidate the entire BES management machine, most are considered necessary and very necessary - With group of solutions to consolidate the whole machine and improve the capacity of the BES management, improving the management capacity of the BES through training the management staff of BES is considered necessary, accounting for 60.1% - With group of supportive solutions, facilitating the development, improving the educational system which is rated the most necessary 3.4.2 Feasibility of the solutions: Most of the selected solutions are feasible, but the selection rate for not feasible for the solution groups accounting for a significant proportion such as promoting socialization of Buddhist education accounts for 19.6% 3.4.3 Compare the necessity and feasibility of the solutions 3.5 Solution test Experimenting with solution 5: "Improving the management capacity of the BES through training the management staff of the BES" belongs to solution group 3.5.1 Purpose of the test: The test is conducted to analyze and evaluate the proposed 22 solution groups to select appropriate, necessary and feasible solutions to improve the BES in the current context 3.5.2 Test’s content - Testing on the survey and needs assessment of students - Testing on how is the content of the course program meeting the learning needs? - Testing on the survey and evaluation of effectiveness before and after the course 3.5.3 How to conduct/describe the test Conducting a survey in a convenient manner at the Abbot and Administrative Training Course in 2018 organized by the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha of Thua Thien Hue Province on December 15 and 16, 2018 for monks and nuns who are aboot or will be appointed as abbot in the future 3.5.4 Evaluation of test results Check slips, numbered and cleaned before entering data; data analysis using SPSS 20 software; use statistical probability algorithms; calculate the percentage (%); make the level of evaluation, comparison, analysis of results About the program content of the course: Almost all content in the course program is deemed necessary, accounting for 55.7 to 74.1%; There are only two indicators that are deemed very necessary, which is the responsibility of abbot, accounting for 60.1% and the Charter of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (the 6th amendment), accounting for 53.2% Surveying and evaluating students' ability before and after the course: All skills and knowledge of students before the course are assessed as normal, accounting for 64.6 to 89, 2% Most of the skills and knowledge of students after the course are assessed as normal, accounting for 55.1 to 75.9%; Particularly, knowledge of administrative management is assessed at a good level, accounting for 53.8% Comparison of students' results before and after the course: The results show the difference between before and after the course in all aspects (p-value is less than 0.05) With average point before - after is greater than 0, it should be evaluate all skills and knowledge after studying better than before studying Notice that after completing the course, the percentage of students choosing a good level increased significantly in all assessment content Thus, it can be affirmed that organizing training courses to improve administrative and abbot capacity of students is very necessary and practical THE PROCESS TO IMPROVEMENT OF VIETNAM BUDDHIST EDUCATION SYSTEM Based on the groups of solutions, necessity, feasibility and tested solutions, the author develops a roadmap for improvement of Vietnam’s BES as follows: Duration: The term 2017-2022 and the next terms Content: - Connecting information on training among Intermediate establishments; among institutions; bridge program from college to university - Transfer college into the university system as current international practice - Increase the speed of writing temeanooks for the intermediate level; Prepare curriculum for College degree, Bachelor, Master, PhD degrees - Training and retraining for administrative officers and educational management staff according to the annual plan - Assign the District/town Buddhist education Division to manage, organize and run 23 training courses for lay Buddhists (in collaboration with the Department of Propaganda and the Department of Buddhist Guidelines) - Strengthening and developing new types of training such as distance training, online training Finishing subject: - Steering: Executives Board of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha - Planning and organizing the implementation: Central Buddhist Education Board - Perform: + For the regular education system: Provincial Department of Buddhist education, Board of Directors of schools and Executive Board of Buddhist Institutes + For the irregular education system: District/town Buddhist education Division in collaboration with the Department of Propaganda and the Department of Buddhist Guidelines Conclusion of chapter On the basis of theoretical study of the education system in general and Vietnam’s BES, in comparison with the Thailand and Myanmar’s BES; at the same time survey the current status of Vietnam’s BES; the thesis has designed three solution groups with seven specific solutions to overcome the limitations and shortcomings of the existing system as well as to improve the quality, develop extensively in all aspects, contributing to the improvement of Vietnam’s BES in this period CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion Researching, referring to international experience; surveying the situation and proposing solutions to continue building and improving Vietnam's Buddhist education system in the current context by proposing groups of solutions to improve the quality and effectiveness of moral education for the society as well as the Buddhist community Recommendations 2.1 Recommendations to the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha at all levels from the central to local levels: The Central Sangha needs to have a specific and drastic action plan to have breakthrough positive changes from the central to the locality The provincial Executives Borad should make practical suggestions from the situation of education - training and missionary of their locality with the Central Committee of the Sangha; At the same time, strictly implement the directions of the central 2.2 Recommendations to the Buddhist Education Committee, the Missionary Committee, and the Buddhist Instruction Committee from the central to local levels: the BES can only be improved and promoted only if the committees from the central to local levels closely coordinate in Buddhist’s affairs 2.3 Recommendations to the Ministry of Education and Training: Pay attention in consideration and recognition of the Bachelor degree granted by Vietnam Buddhist institutes for Buddhist monks and nuns who graduated from the Buddhist universities, belonging to the group of Bachelor of Philosophy or Bachelor of Oriental Studies, Bachelor of Religious Studies; as well as the recognition of Master degree in Buddhist Studies, Doctoral degree in Buddhist studies by Vietnam Buddhist institutes, belonging to the group 24 of Master of Philosophy, Religious Studies, Ethics, or Oriental Studies 2.4 Recommendations to the Governmental Committee for Religious Affairs: Create legal conditions for the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha to continue building, developing and improving the modern and comprehensive the BES to contribute to improving the effectiveness of moral education for society, keeping preserving tradition and national identity 25 AUTHOR’S PUBLISHED WORKS Most Ven Dhammavamso (2016), Five Buddhist Moral Principles to Live A Healthy Life: A Foundation to Build a Peaceful Life of Manking,The World Buddhist Peace Conference: Peace and Wisdom, hold in 22-24 January 2016 at Sitagu International Buddhist Academy, Sagaing Hills, Sagaing, Myanmar, published by SIBA, Sagaing, Myanmar Thượng tọa Pháp Tông (2016), Năm nguyên tắc sống lành mạnh Phật giáo; Nền tảng tạo lập nên sống hịa bình nhân loại, Tạp chí Cơng tác tơn giáo (số (118) – 2016, tr 33 – 36), Hà Nội Most Ven Dhammavamso (2016), IATBU conference, Buddhism in contemporary world: Challenges and opportunity”, Summer cultivation retreat at Huyen Khong pagoda – A model of Buddhist education for youth today, published by organiser of the 4th IATBU conference, Indonesia Thượng tọa Pháp Tơng ((2017), Khóa tu học mùa hè chùa Huyền Khơng – mơ hình giáo dục Phật giáo cho thiếu niên nay, Tạp chí Cơng tác tôn giáo (số (128) – 2017, tr 50-52), Hà Nội Nguyễn Văn Thông (2016), Thực trạng hệ thống giáo dục Phật giáo Việt Nam biện pháp nâng cao hiệu đào tạo, sử dụng, Tạp chí Thiết bị giáo dục, (số đặc biệt, tháng 11-2016, tr 132-135), Hà Nội Thượng tọa Pháp Tông (2016), Bài học quản lý, bảo tồn phát huy giá trị di sản văn hóa Phật giáo qua triển lãm Tam tạng kinh khắc bối chùa Huyền Không, Thừa Thiên Huế, Tài liệu hội thảo “Văn hóa Phật giáo Việt Nam – Thống đa dạng”, tr 32-43, Hà Nội Nguyễn Văn Thông (2017), Hệ thống giáo dục nước thời đại toàn cầu hóa hội nhập quốc tế, Tạp chí Thiết bị giáo dục (số 152, kỳ 1-tháng 92017, tr 71-73), Hà Nội Nguyễn Văn Thông (2017), Hệ thống giáo dục Phật giáo Việt Nam thời kỳ hội nhập quốc tế tồn cầu hóa nay, Tạp chí Quản lý giáo dục (số 10, tháng 10-2017, tr 71-80), Hà Nội Nguyễn Văn Thông (2017), Giáo dục Phật giáo bối cảnh tồn cầu hóa hội nhập quốc tế nay, Tạp chí Khoa học giáo dục (số 147, tháng 122017, tr 49-53), Hà Nội ... (2016), Thực trạng hệ thống giáo dục Phật giáo Việt Nam biện pháp nâng cao hiệu đào tạo, sử dụng, Tạp chí Thiết bị giáo dục, (số đặc biệt, tháng 11-2016, tr 132-135), Hà Nội Thượng tọa Pháp Tông (2016),... thống giáo dục nước thời đại toàn cầu hóa hội nhập quốc tế, Tạp chí Thiết bị giáo dục (số 152, kỳ 1-tháng 92017, tr 71-73), Hà Nội Nguyễn Văn Thông (2017), Hệ thống giáo dục Phật giáo Việt Nam. .. cầu hóa nay, Tạp chí Quản lý giáo dục (số 10, tháng 10-2017, tr 71-80), Hà Nội Nguyễn Văn Thông (2017), Giáo dục Phật giáo bối cảnh tồn cầu hóa hội nhập quốc tế nay, Tạp chí Khoa học giáo dục (số

Ngày đăng: 01/12/2021, 15:11

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