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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

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GIO N ENGLISH Date of preparing: 21 / 4/ 2012 Date of teaching: 22 / / 2012 Unit 16: MAN AND ENVIRONMENT Period 96: A Animals and plants (A1,3) I Aims - Ss understand the content of the passage about animals and plants - To develop ss skill II Objectives By the end of he lesson, Ss will be able to read the passage and answer the questions axactly 1) Vocab: (v) produce, grow, flow, pull (n) animal, plant, buffalo, cart, cow 2) Grammar: Using: How much? How many ? -> some, a lot, a little, a few III Ways of working T - WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials Projector, cassette, tape V Anticipated problems VI Teaching steps Warm up (1) Greet and check the Ss attendance Revision (5) Guide Ss to play game Stormwords about countable nouns and uncountable nouns (G5) Group 1,3: egg Countable nouns Group 2,4: uncountabl e nouns rice Correct and ask Ss to read and then make up sentences with them Eg: There is some rice There is some eggs Present the new lesson New lesson (37) Activities Content GIO N ENGLISH * Perentation - Show the pictures and ask Ss to look at them and present the new words - Guide Ss to read - Call on some Ss to read - Correct I New words Quantity Some A lot of A little A few II Grammar - Explain the way to use quantity * Some/ A lot of/ A few + prular countable nouns Eg: There are some/ a lot of/ a few eggs * Some/ A lot of/ A little + uncountable noun Eg: There is some/ a lot of/ a little rice * Practice III Practice - Play the tape Ss listen and repeat A1: Listen and repeat - Ask Ss to read and call on some Ss Listen and repeat to read aloud - Answer the questions - Correct Petronas Twin Tower A3: Listen and write the letter of the - Show the picture and present picture under the right heading - Ask Ss to talk about the pictures - Listen and read - Play the tape Ss listen and write a/ Theres a little rice - Call on some Ss to answer b/ Theres a little rice and some - Ask Ss to make sentences with the tomatoes picture and speak out c/ Theres a little rice and some - Correct tomatoes and a few egger * Production d/ etc - Ask Ss to retalk the main knowlegde and ask Ss to practice with real situations - Call on Ss to speak out - Correct Homewowk: (2) - Learn by heart the new words and make sentences with the structures - Guide Ss to prepare Period 97: A2 _ GIO N ENGLISH Date of preparing: 21 / 4/ 2012 Date of teaching: 22 / / 2012 Unit 16: MAN AND ENVIRONMENT Period 97: A Animals and plants (A2) I Aims - Ss understand the content of the passage about animals and plants - To develop ss skill II Objectives By the end of he lesson, Ss will be able to read the passage and answer the questions axactly 1) Vocab: (v) produce, grow, flow, pull (n) animal, plant, buffalo, cart, cow 2) Grammar: Using: How much? How many ? -> some, a lot, a little, a few III Ways of working T - WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials Projector, cassette, tape V Anticipated problems VI Teaching steps Warm up (1) Greet and check the Ss attendance Revision (5) Nougats and crosses A done eggs potatoes ẵ a glass of milk ẵ kilo onions 100g rice likos vegetables kilo fruit tomatoes flowers Present the new lesson New lesson (37) Activities * Perentation - Show the pictures and ask Ss to look at them and present the new words - Guide Ss to read - Call on some Ss to read - Correct - Explain the quantities with many.? Content I C1: Listen and repeat New words - Animals (n) ụng võt - Plants (n) thc võt - a buffalo (n) trõu - a cow (n) bo cai - (to) flow - (to) pull a cart - (to) grow - (to) produce questions about Grammar How much/ Eg: How many Ns ? How much N ? GIO N ENGLISH Eg: How much rice you want? I want a lot of/ lots of/ some rice How many eggs are there in the box? There are a lot of / lots of/ some/ a dozen eggs Practice * Practice - Listen and repeat - Play the tape Ss listen and read - Answer the questions - Ask Ss to read and call on some Ss a Mr Hai produces a lot of rice to read aloud b Yes, he does - Correct c He produces a little fruit - Show the pictures and the questions d His cows produce a little milk and guide Ss to answer e His chickens produce a lot of eggs - Ask Ss to work in pair and call them to speak out - Correct * Production - Ask Ss to translate the passage - Call on some Ss to speak out - Correct Homewowk: (2) - Learn by heart the new words and translate the passage again - Guide Ss to prepare Period 98: B1 _ GIO N ENGLISH Date of preparing: 21 / 4/ 2012 Date of teaching: 25 / / 2012 Unit 16: MAN AND ENVIRONMENT Period 98: B Pollution (B1) I Aims - Ss understand the content of the passage about environment - To develop ss skill II Objectives By the end of he lesson, Ss will be able to practice speaking, reading a text about the population for vocabulary and understand the ideas 1) Vocab: (v) save, pollute, keep off, damage, collect (n) pollution, environment, trush, bottle, can 2) Grammar: Review the present progressive tense Imperative III Ways of working T - WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials Projector, cassette, tape V Anticipated problems VI Teaching steps Warm up (1) Greet and check the Ss attendance Revision (5) Ask Ss to tell about environment which theyve known or talk some names of environment Eg: water, air, land, forests, animals, plants Present the new lesson New lesson (37 Activities * Perentation - Show the picture and ask Ss to look at them and present the content of the passage - Explain some new words - Guide Ss to read - Call on some Ss to read - Correct Content New words - environment (n) (sit / tran) môi trờng - trash (n) (sit / example) rác rởi - (to) pollute (sit / tran) làm ô nhiễm - (to) waste (sit / tran)lãng phí,phí phạm - power (n) (tran) nguồn lợng, điện, sức mạnh - coal (n) (realia) than đá, than củi - wild (adj(explam/tran) hoang dã - gas (n) hơi, khí đốt (khí tự nhiên) - Ask Ss to retalk the present - air (n) không khí progressive and give out the example 2.Grammar and explain Eg:What are we doing to environment? * Practice We are destroying the forest - Play the tape Ss listen and read Practice GIO N ENGLISH - Ask Ss to read and call on some Ss - Listen and read to read aloud - Answer the questions - Correct a Because we are destroying the forests - Show the questions and guide Ss to b The burning of coal, oil , and gas is answer polluting the air - Ask Ss to answer and call on some c The pollution comes from our Ss to write the answers on the board production the land, the rivers and the and others speak out oceans - Correct d Trush is polluting * Production - Ask Ss to discuss the questions - Call on Ss to speak out What are we destroying? - Correct What are we wasting ? What are we polluting ? Homewowk: (2) - Learn by heart the new words and give the rules to protect environment - Guide Ss to prepare Period 99: Unit 16: B2 _ GIO N ENGLISH Date of preparing: 21 / 4/ 2012 Date of teaching: 28 / / 2012 Unit 16: MAN AND ENVIRONMENT Period 99: B Pollution (B2) I Aims - Ss understand the important of the environment in our life and protect it - To develop ss skill II Objectives By the end of he lesson, Ss will be able practice speaking, the sentences using should and shouldnt for giving advice about protecting the environment 1) Vocab: (v) throw, pick, damage, keep off, save 2) Grammar: commands III Ways of working T - WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials Projector, cassette, tape V Anticipated problems VI Teaching steps Warm up (1) Greet and check the Ss attendance Revision (5) - Noughts and crosses T elicits the verbs they have learned: destroy, waste, pollute, produce Plants Water The air Power Wild animals The oceans Forests Coal Trash Present the new lesson New lesson (37) Activities * Perentation - Show the picture and ask Ss to look at them give out their ideas about protecting the environment present some new words - Guide Ss to read - Call on some Ss to read - Correct Content New words - (to) throw (mime) - (to) pick (mime) hái, nhặt, cắm(hoa) - (to) damage (sit) làm hỏng, làm h hại - (to) keep off (sit/mime) tránh khỏi/xa - (to) save (sit/tran) cứu, tiết kiệm - (to) collect (sit / tran) thu nhặt, lợm 2.Grammar Eg: (+) Save water GIO N ENGLISH * Practice - Show the pictures and the rules Ask Ss to match - Correct - Play the tape Ss listen and repeat - Ask Ss to read and call on some Ss to read aloud - Correct (-) Dont waste water Practice - Match Dont throw trash on the street Dont pick flowers Dont damage trees Dont throw trash in the country Keep off the grass Save water Collect paper Collect bottles and cans - Listen and read - Show the questions and guide Ss to answer - Ask Ss to answer and call on some Ss to write the answers on the board and others speak out - Correct * Production - Ask Ss to talk about things which Eg: We should collect bottles and cans we should and shouldnt to We shouldnt throw trush in the protect enviroment country - Call on Ss to speak out - Correct Homewowk: (2) - Learn by heart the new words and give the rules to protect environment - Guide Ss to prepare Period 100: Unit 16: B4,5 _ GIO N ENGLISH Date of preparing: 30 / 4/ 2012 Date of teaching: 02 / / 2012 Unit 16: MAN AND ENVIRONMENT Period 100: B Pollution (B4,5) I Aims - Ss know the use way should/ shouldnt to talk about protecting environment - To develop ss skill II Objectives By the end of he lesson, Ss will be able to practice further practice in should and shouldnt for giving advice about the environment 1) Vocab: (v) leave, recycle, plastis (n) 2) Grammar: Using: should/ shouldnt III Ways of working T - WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials Projector, cassette, tape V Anticipated problems VI Teaching steps Warm up (1) Greet and check the Ss attendance Revision (5) - Show the exercise Matching Ask Ss to A Dont throw Dont pick Dont damage Dont throw Keep off Save Collect Collect A-B 12345678- B a the grass b water c bottles and cans d throw trash on the street e damage trees f pick flowers g throw trash in the country h paper Ask Ss to read Present the new lesson New lesson (37) Activities Content * Perentation I B4: Listen and repeat - Show the dialogue and play the New words tape Ss listen and repeat - (to) recycle (sit) tai chờ - Present some new words - (to) leave (sit) bo, ri - Guide Ss to read - (to) put (mime) t, - Call on some Ss to read - scrap metal (n) (realia/sit) st thep GIO N ENGLISH - Correct phờ thai - trash can = waste basket thung rac - waste (n/v) chõt thai/d tha, lang phi - plastic (n) (realia) nha - Explain the form sentences 2.Grammar Eg: We should save water We shouldnt waste water * Practice Practice - Play the tape Ss listen and - Listen and repeat repeat - Ask Ss to read and call on some Ss to read aloud - Correct - Show the pictures and ask Ss to II B5: Write rules for the pictures remark them Eg: We should collect bottles and cans - Guide Ss to write We shouldnt throw trush in the country - Call on some Ss to write on the board and others write on their notebooks - Correct * Production - Word cue drill - Give exercise and ask Ss to talk water waste / save about things which we should and power waste / save shouldnt to protect enviroment paper burn / collect - Call on Ss to speak out trash leave / put it in the trash can - Correct trees damage / grow forests cut down / grow bottles throw / collect flowers pick / leave Homewowk: (2) - Learn by heart the new words and answer question What should we to protect invironment? - Guide Ss to prepare Period 101: Grammar practice _ 10 GIO N ENGLISH Date of preparing: 02 / 5/ 2012 Date of teaching: 05 / / 2012 Period 101: GRAMMAR PRACTICE I Aims - Ss review the main knowledge from unit 14 to unit 16 - To develop ss skill II Objectives By the end of he lesson, Ss will be able to practice in present simple and progressive tenses and comparatives, superlatives and quantifiers, countables uncountables nouns of unit 15-16 1) Vocab: review the old words 2) Grammar: review the present simple and progressive tenses and comparatives, superlatives and quantifiers III Ways of working T - WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials V Anticipated problems VI Teaching steps Warm up (1) Greet and check the Ss attendance Revision (5) Ask Ss to retalk the main grammar in unit 14,15,16 Present the new lesson New lesson (37) Activities Contents * Act1: Tenses I Tenses - Get Ss to repeat the form the Present simple tense present simple * To be: am/ is/ are - Guide Ss to ex1 Call on some + S + am/ is/ are Ss to on the board and others - S + am/ is/ are not speak out ? Am/ Is/ Are + S ? - Correct Eg: I am a teacher * Ordinary verbs + S + V / V-S / -ES - S + not / does not + V ? Do / Does + S + V ? Eg: Nam watches television every night Nam doesnt watch television every night Does Nam watch television? Ex 1: a) Do speak.? - dont / speak b) speaks c) speaks Chinese d) speak Japanese 11 GIO N ENGLISH - Do the same ex1 e) speaks Vietnamese f) speaks English Present continuous: + S + am/ is/ are + V-ing - S + am/ is/ are not + V-ing ? Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing ? - An action which is happening now at the moment Eg: (+) She is eating an apple now (-) She isnt eating an apple now (?) Is she eating an apple now? Ex2: a) is b) lives c) is/is staying d) teaches e) does/ teaches f) Does teach/ teaches II Comparatives and superatives * Comparatives: short adj + er + than * Superatives: the + adj + est * Act2: Adjectives Ex3: - Get Ss to repeat the comparatives a) longer/ the longest and superatives b) the longest - Have Ss look at the table and guide c) the tallest/taller/ the tallest them to complete d) biggest/ bigger/ the biggest/ the - Ask Ss to complete biggest - Call 1S to give the answer II Indefinite quantifiers: a few, a little, a - Correct lot/ lots * Some/ A lot of/ A few + prular countable * Act3: Indefinite quantifiers nouns - Get Ss to repeat indefinite Eg: There are some/ a lot of/ a few eggs quantifiers * Some/ A lot of/ A little + uncountable - Get them to exercise noun - Call some to give the answer Eg: There is some/ a lot of/ a little rice - Teacher corrects Ex4: Complete the exercise * A lot / a little/ a few * a lot / lots/ a lot Home work - Do exersises again - Review the second semester _ 12 GIO N ENGLISH Date of preparing: 05 / 5/ 2012 Date of teaching: 07 / / 2012 Period 102: REVIEW I Aims - Ss review the main knowledge and practice doing some exercises - To develop ss skill II Objectives By the end of he lesson, Ss will be able to practice exercises axactly 1) Vocab: - Health (the body + food & drink) - Recreation (sports, games, seasons, plants) 2) Grammar: Review the old grammar There is /are (not) This / That is (not) These / Those (not) S + should (not) + V S + modal V (not)+ V Comparatives of short adjectives: III Ways of working T - WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials V Anticipated problems VI Teaching steps Warm up (1) Greet and check the Ss attendance Revision Present the new lesson New lesson (43) Ex1: Correct form of the verbs What her name (be) ? Her name (be) Susan Where he (live) ? He (live) in Ha noi Where she (stay) now? - She (stay) in HCMC She (teach) you English ? No She (not teach) us E What they (do) on the weekend ? They (visit) Ha Long Nam usually (watch) TV at oclock We (listen) to music at the moment Look! They (skip) in the school yard My sister and I (stay) there for two months 10 Mai (speak) English now Ex2: Fill in the blanks with a suitable adjective The Mekong River is long The Amazon River is . than the Mekong River The Nile is river in the world The Great Wall of China is long It is structure in the world Sears Tower in Chicago is tall But it isnt building in the world PETRONAS Twin Tower in Kuala Lumpur is than Sears Tower It is building in the world 13 GIO N ENGLISH Hanoi is big But it isnt the city in Vietnam HCMC is than Hanoi It is City in Vietnam But Mexico City is city in the world Ex3: Put afew, alittle, a lot of or lots into the blanks The streets of Hanoi are very busy There is of traffic Most people only have Money to spend on transportation As a result , there are only private cars on the roards The bike is the cheapest forms of transportation, so there are of bikes There are of motorbikes ,too There are of taxis, but they are expensive Home work - Do exersises again - Review the second semester 14 GIO N ENGLISH Date of preparing: 05 / 5/ 2012 Date of teaching: 12 / / 2012 Period 103: REVIEW I Aims - Ss review the main knowledge and practice doing some exercises - To develop ss skill II Objectives By the end of he lesson, Ss will be able to practice exercises axactly 1) Vocab: - Vocabulary about the themes: - Sports, games, - Seasons, activities in seasons - Vocabulary about the themes: - Countries, nationalities, - Environment : animals , plants, - Activities to protect the environment 2) Grammar: - Superalatives of short adjectives: - Indefinite quanlitifiers: afew, alittle, a lot/lots of , many, much, some - Demensions with How + adj + be + S?-> How long/tall/hight ? - Suggestions: What / How about + V-ing ? = Lets + V - Tenses III Ways of working T - WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials V Anticipated problems VI Teaching steps Warm up (1) Greet and check the Ss attendance Revision Present the new lesson New lesson (43) Ex1: Make sentences using suitable comparision Eifel Tower / tall / Piramid of Cheops win Towers / tall / building / the world HCMC / big / Viet Nam This dictionary / thin / that one/ The Red River / long / Lam River Hung / tall / his family Blue book / thick / book / of these three books My pen / old / yours Summer / hot / year 10 Spring / warm / the year Ex2: Make questions using How +adj .? The Great Wall of China is over 6.000 km long Phanxipang is 3,143 meters long 15 GIO N ENGLISH Hoa is 1,55 meters tall PETRONAS Twin Tower is 452 meters high The Great Wall of China is meters thick Ex3: Put alittle, afew , a lot / lots ,any, a/an There is milk in the cup He drinks of coffee There are eggs on the table Do you eat bananas? We live in old house Ex4: Rewrite the sentences Why dont we go to the movies? -Lets Hoa isnt as tall as Long - Long is Our clsass has 40 students - There Lets play the guitar - What ? Her hair is short - She - Ss one by one - Correct exercises - Repeat the knowledge they have revised Home work (2) - Do exersises again - Review the second semester _ * Some special adj : good -> better -> the best, bad -> worse -> the worst , far -> farther/further ->the farthest/ furthest - Some long adj are used as short adj with ending: y, er, le ow, et Eg: noisy -> noisier -> the noisiest, happy happier the happiest, 16

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 15:19

