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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

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English lesson plan Week: 33 Period: 96 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 1: A1,2 P.166 - 167 I Aims: - To help ss use countable and uncountable quantifier: a lot, a little, a few to talk about food - To develop ss’skills II Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use a lot, a few, a little to talk about food III Ways of working: - T - WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials: - Text book, tape, picture, cards V Anticipated problems: - The lesson may take time VI Teaching steps: Warm up: (1 minute) Greet and check the ss’attendance Revision: (2 minutes) Jumbled words: tapotoes lofwers gegs nionso matotoes ceri getavebles potatoes, flowers, eggs, rice, onions, tomatoes, vegetables New lesson: STAGES ACTIVITIES ON BOARD PRESENTA * Presentation text A1 P.166: I Model sentences: TION - T elicits the model sentences: S1: How much rice is there? (6 S2: There is some rice minutes) - Concept checking: a lot of rice + Những câu có nghĩa tiếng lots of rice Việt gì? (VNese?) a little rice + Khi dùng cấu trúc hỏi S1: How many eggs are there? trả lời này? S2: There are some eggs + Câu hỏi số lượng ta dùng a lot of eggs cụm từ để hỏi nào? lots of eggs (How much / How many theo a few eggs English lesson plan sau danh từ nào?) + Rút cách dùng a lot of / lots of / some / a little / a few? PRACTICE (4 minutes) PRE READING (10 minutes) * Picture drill A3 P.167: Tapescript: * Preteach: - T uses techniques to teach ss new words: * Open prediction: - Ss predict things Mr Hai has on his farm and things he produces WHILE READING (20 minutes) - Ss read and check their prediction (Ignore a dog and a cat) - Ss read again and answer the comprehension questions * Note: some / a lot of / lots of: + N (ko đ đ) NS (đ đ) a few + NS (đếm được) a little + N (không đếm được) II Matching A3 P.167: * Key: a) (a lot of) d) (a lot of) b) (some) e) (a little) c) (a few) f) (some) III New words: a buffalo: trâu a cow: bò sữa (to) work: làm việc (to) plow: cày (to) pull a cart: kéo xe (to) grow: trồng (to) produce: sản xuất IV Prediction: Mr Hia has: 1: Mr Hai produces: V Reading A2 P.166 - 167: Checking prediction: * Mr Hai has: a paddy field a small vegetable field fruit trees a buffalow cows chickens * Mr Hai produces: rice fruit eggs vegetables milk Answer the questions.A2 P.167 * Key: English lesson plan a) He produces a lot of rice b) Yes, he does c) He produces a little fruit d) They produce a little milk e) They produce a lot of eggs Homework: (2 minutes) - Learn by heart the new words and model sentences - Do exercise: A1 P.132 (work book) * T guides ss to the exercise: A1: Dùng some / a lot of / a little / a few để viết xuống tranh cho phù hợp English lesson plan Week: 33 Period: 97 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 2: A3 P.167 I Aims: - To help ss read a text about the environment to understand ideas in terms of cause and effect: “Why ? / ~ Because ” - To develop ss’skills II Objectives - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use “a few, some, a little, a lot of” III Ways of working: - T - WC, team work, individual work IV Materials: - Text book, pictures, tape V Anticipated problems: - The “recall” activities may be difficult for some students VI Teaching steps: Warm up: (1 minute) Greet and check the ss’attendance New lesson: STAGES PRE READING (10 minutes) WHILE READING (20 minutes) POST ACTIVITIES ON BOARD * Preteach: I Guessing (A3) - Ask Ss to guess the heading a) some b) a few c) some d) some e) a little f) a lot of - Ss listen and check their guessing Use “some, a few, a little, a II Listen Checking the guessing: * Key: a) some b) a few c) some d) some e) a little f) a lot of III Write it up English lesson plan READING (10 minutes) lot of” to write about thing in your kitchen Eg: there are some eggs in my kitchen Homework: (2 minutes) - Learn by heart the new words - Do exercises: A2, A3 P.133 (work book) English lesson plan Week: 33 Period: 98 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 3: B1 P.169 - 170 I Aims: - To help ss read a text about pollution for vocabulary and to understand ideas - To develop ss’skills II Objectives - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to understand the details of the text III Ways of working: - T - WC, team work, individual work IV Materials: - Text book, pictures, tape V Anticipated problems: VI Teaching steps: Warm up: (1 minute) Greet and check the ss’attendance Revision: (5 minutes) - Ss exercise “homework” or play the game “Slap the board” đốn hạ đốt cháy phá hủy đất đai sản xuất New lesson: STAGES ACTIVITIES PRE * Preteach vocabulary: READING - T uses techniques to teach ss (12 new words: minutes) WHILE READING (15 minutes) - Checking understanding: Ordering vocabulary: + T plays the tape, ss listen and check their orders * B1 P.169: - Ss read and answer the T’s questions ON BOARD I New words: the environment: môi trường (1) the ocean: đại dương (10) the air: không khí (8) trash: rác rưởi (9) (to) pollute: làm ô nhiễm (7) (to) waste: lãng phí (2) power: lượng (6) coal: than đá (3) oil: dầu mỏ (4) gas: khí ga (5) II Reading B1 P.169: Find out: * What are we destroying? forest wild animals plants * What are we wasting: water English lesson plan - Ss read again and anwer the comprehension questions B1 P.170: Gases = motorbike and factory fumes POST READING (10 minutes) * Write it up: - Ss use “Don’t” to make sentenses Homework: (2 minutes) - Learn by heart the new world - Do exercise: B1 P.134 (workbook) * T guides ss to the exercise: B1: Trả lời câu hỏi - power (coal, oil, gas) * What are we polluting? the air the land the river the oceans Answer the questions: B1 P.170 * Key: a) Wild animals and plants are in danger because we are destroying the forests b) Gases are polluting the air c) The pollution comes from gases and trash d) Trash is polluting the land, the rivers and the oceans III Writing: e.g: - Don’t destroy our environment - Don’t destroy the forests - Don’t destroy the wild animals - Don’t destroy the plants - Don’t waste water ect English lesson plan Week: 34 Period: 99 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 4: B2 P.170 - 171 I Aims: - To help ss use “should / shouldn’t” to give advice about protecting the environment - To develop ss’skills II Objectives - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to give advice with should / shouldn’t III Ways of working: - T - WC, team work, pair work, individual work IV Materials: - Text book, pictures, tape, additional board V Anticipated problems: VI Teaching steps: Warm up: (1 minute) Greet and check the ss’attendance Revision: (4 minutes) - Ss exercise “homework” New lesson: STAGE ACTIVITIES ON BOARD S PRESENT * B2 P.170 – 171: I Guess the meaning: (with answer key) ATION - Ss work out the meaning of (to) damage: làm hỏng (17 the new verbs from the (to) save: tiết kiệm minutes) pictures and fill the (to) throw: ném, vứt Vietnamese meaning (to) collect: thu nhặt, thu gom (to) keep off: tránh khỏi (to) pick: hái, nhặt * Matching: II Matching: - Ss match the pictures with * Answer key: the statements (a – h): a) picture c b) picture f c) picture a d) picture h e) picture e f) picture b g) picture g - T elicits the model h) picture d sentences: English lesson plan III Model sentences: We should collect paper save water We shouldn’t throw trash on the street damage trees - Concept checking: + Những câu có nghĩa TV gì? (VNese) + Khi dùng cấu trúc câu này? + Khuyên người khác nên / không nên làm việc ta dùng từ nào? + Sau should / shouldn’t động từ để nào? + Ngữ điệu câu? PRACTIC * Matching: IV Matching: E - Ss match and write should damage (13 sentences: collect minutes) E.g: We should collect paper shouldn’t throw save pick * Picture drill: B2 P.170: e.g: S1: We shouldn’t damage trees S2: That’s right trash trees paper flower bottles & can English lesson plan FURTHER PRACTIC E * Noughts and crosses: * Noughts and crosses: damage save destroy pollute throw cut down (8 minutes) Homework: (2 minutes) - Learn by heart the new words and model sentences - Do exercises: B2, B3 P.134 – 135 (work book) * T guides ss to the exercises: B2: Dựa vào từ gợi ý để viết câu với should shouldn’t B3: Đọc từ cho trước sau hoàn thành câu với “should” waste collect pick English lesson plan Week: 34 Period: 100 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 5: B4,5 P.171 - 173 I Aims: - To help ss further practice in should and shouldn’t for giving advice about environment - To develop ss’skills II Objectives - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to all the task III Ways of working: - T-WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials: - Text book, pictures, tape, cards, additional board V Anticipated problems: The lesson may take time VI Teaching steps: Warm up: (1 minute) Greet and check the ss’attendance Revision: (4 minutes) - Ss exercise “Homework” or wordsquare: C U T D O W N O P H E V A S L I R S G S D L C O T R T A E K W R O E M C P L O W S A T W E Y O U G P O L L U T E * Key: collect, pick, throw, destroy, grow, waste(s), damage  cut down, plow, we, you, pollute  save New lesson: STAGE ACTIVITIES S PRESENT * Preteach: ATION - T uses techniques to teach ss (10 new words: minutes) - Checking understanding: Rubout and remember dialogue: B4 P.171 PRACTIC * Picture drill: B5 P.172: E E.g: (14 S1: We shouldn’t leave trash minutes) S2: That’s right (We should put it in a trash can) ON BOARD I New words: a trash can = a waste basket thùng đựng rác (to) leave: rời đi, bỏ lại (to) put: đặt, để a bag: túi II Practice: English lesson plan * Word cue drill: E.g: S1: We shouldn’t waste paper S2: That’s right We should save it water/ waste / save paper / burn / collect trash / leave / put in the trash can trees / damage / grow forest / cut down / grow flowers / pick / leave Homework: (2 minutes) - Learn by heart the new words and exercise B4 P.135 (workbook) * Guiding: B4: Viết tên thứ tranh xuống tranh sau trả lời câu hỏi English lesson plan Week: 34 Period: 101 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 6: GRAMMAR PRACTICE I Aims: - To help ss further practice in present simple, present progressive tense, comparative and superlative, quantifiers and countability, countries, natural features, farming and environment - To develop ss’skills II Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to all the task III Ways of working: - T - WC, team work, pair work, individual work IV Materials: Text book, colour chalk, cards V Anticipated problems: The lesson may take time VI Teaching steps: Warm up: (1 minutes) Greet and check the ss’attendance Revision: New lesson: STAGES ACTIVITIES ON BOARD FURTHER * Net work: PRACTICE Country and language * Guessing Game: E.g: S1: Are you from China? S2: No, I am not S3: Do you speak English? S2: Yes, I S4: Are you from Canada? S2: (Yes, I am) * GP P.174: Country and language + Present simple: China Chinese I Grammar practice P.174: * Key: a) Do, speak, don’t, speak b) speaks c) speaks Chinese d) speaks Japanese e) speaks Vietnamese f) speak English II Grammar practice P.174: English lesson plan * GP P.174: Present simple and present progressive tense: - Mapped dialogue: * Grammar practice P.175: - First, ss complete the table and then fill in the blank * Key: a) is b) lives c) is – is staying d) is e) does – teaches f) Does – teach; doesn’t, teaches (Nam) (Ba) name? .Susan live? .London staying now? in Hanoi do? .a teacher What teach? English teach you? No, Mr Hai III Gramar practice P.175: Comparatives and superlatives: * Key: a) longer, the longest b) the longest c) the tallest, taller, the tallest d) biggest, bigger, the biggest, the biggest IV GP P.175: A few / a little / a lot / lots of : * Key: a lot, a little, a few a lot, lots, a lot * GP P.175: - Lucky numbers! 1) LN! 2) Name two things we should to save our environment 3) Name vegetables we grow * Lucky numbers: in VN 4) Name farm animals 5) LN! 6) Name natural features that there are a lot in VN 10 7) Name the biggest city in Vn 8) Name languages that you speak 9) LN! 10) Name countries you would 11 12 English lesson plan like to visit 11) Name things we shouldn’t to save our environment 12) LN! Homework: (2 minutes) - Review units - 16 - Do exercises: 2, 3, P.141 - 142 (workbook) * T guides ss to the exercises: BT 2: Dựa vào thông tin cho bảng để trả lời câu hỏi BT 3: Điền some / a few / a little / lot / lots vào chỗ trống BT 6: Dùng từ cho trước để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn cho thích hợp [...]... in the trash can trees / damage / grow forest / cut down / grow flowers / pick / leave 4 Homework: (2 minutes) - Learn by heart the new words and do exercise B4 P.135 (workbook) * Guiding: B4: Viết tên của những thứ trong tranh xuống dưới bức tranh sau đó trả lời câu hỏi English lesson plan 6 Week: 34 Period: 101 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 6: GRAMMAR PRACTICE I Aims: - To help ss further...English lesson plan 6 Week: 34 Period: 100 UNIT 16: MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT LESSON 5: B4,5 P.171 - 173 I Aims: - To help ss further practice in should and shouldn’t for giving advice about environment - To develop ss’skills II Objectives - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to do all the task III Ways of working: - T-WC, pair work, individual work... LN! 5 6 6) Name 4 natural features that there are a lot in VN 9 10 7) Name the biggest city in Vn 8) Name 2 languages that you speak 9) LN! 10) Name 2 countries you would 3 4 7 8 11 12 English lesson plan 6 like to visit 11) Name 2 things we shouldn’t do to save our environment 12) LN! 4 Homework: (2 minutes) - Review units 9 - 16 - Do exercises: 2, 3, 6 P.141 - 142 (workbook) * T guides ss to do the. .. live? .London staying now? in Hanoi do? .a teacher What teach? English teach you? No, Mr Hai III Gramar practice 3 P.175: Comparatives and superlatives: * Key: a) longer, the longest b) the longest c) the tallest, taller, the tallest d) biggest, bigger, the biggest, the biggest IV GP 4 P.175: A few / a little / a lot / lots of : * Key: a lot, a little, a few a lot, lots, a lot * GP 4 P.175: - Lucky... progressive tense, comparative and superlative, quantifiers and countability, countries, natural features, farming and environment - To develop ss’skills II Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to do all the task III Ways of working: - T - WC, team work, pair work, individual work IV Materials: Text book, colour chalk, cards V Anticipated problems: The lesson may take time VI Teaching... c) speaks Chinese d) speaks Japanese e) speaks Vietnamese f) speak English II Grammar practice 2 P.174: English lesson plan 6 * GP 2 P.174: Present simple and present progressive tense: - Mapped dialogue: * Grammar practice 3 P.175: - First, ss complete the table and then fill in the blank * Key: a) is b) lives c) is – is staying d) is e) does – teaches f) Does – teach; doesn’t, teaches (Nam) (Ba) name?... time VI Teaching steps: 1 Warm up: (1 minutes) Greet and check the ss’attendance 2 Revision: 3 New lesson: STAGES ACTIVITIES ON BOARD FURTHER * Net work: PRACTICE Country and language * Guessing Game: E.g: S1: Are you from China? S2: No, I am not S3: Do you speak English? S2: Yes, I do S4: Are you from Canada? S2: (Yes, I am) * GP 1 P.174: Country and language + Present simple: China Chinese I Grammar... all the task III Ways of working: - T-WC, pair work, individual work IV Materials: - Text book, pictures, tape, cards, additional board V Anticipated problems: The lesson may take time VI Teaching steps: 1 Warm up: (1 minute) Greet and check the ss’attendance 2 Revision: (4 minutes) - Ss do exercise “Homework” or do wordsquare: C U T D O W N O P H E V A S L I R S G S D L C O T R T A E K W R O E M C... words: minutes) - Checking understanding: Rubout and remember dialogue: B4 P.171 PRACTIC * Picture drill: B5 P.172: E E.g: (14 S1: We shouldn’t leave trash minutes) S2: That’s right (We should put it in a trash can) ON BOARD I New words: a trash can = a waste basket thùng đựng rác (to) leave: rời đi, bỏ lại (to) put: đặt, để a bag: cái túi II Practice: English lesson plan 6 * Word cue drill: E.g: S1: We... exercises: 2, 3, 6 P.141 - 142 (workbook) * T guides ss to do the exercises: BT 2: Dựa vào thông tin cho trong bảng để trả lời câu hỏi BT 3: Điền some / a few / a little / lot / lots vào chỗ trống BT 6: Dùng từ cho trước để điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sao cho thích hợp

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 15:16

