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Skill: Improve P’s listening, speaking and reading skills1. 3 Attitude: Teach Ps to be friendly with their new teachers and friends.[r]


Date of preparing: 04/9/2020 Period 1- Week PREPARE FOR THE BEGINNING OF THE


I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to get information about the book Tieng Anh and know some classroom commands

1 Language focus:

1 Sentences: Classroom commands

2 Language focus: speaking, listening, reading

2 Skill: Improve P’s listening, reading and speaking skills. 3 Attitude: Teach Ps to love their subject.


1 Teacher: students' book, puppets 2 Student: students' book

III METHODS: TPR IV PROCEDURE: 1 Organization (1’): - Greet Ps

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

3C1 07/9/2020

3C3 07/9/2020

2 Warm up (5’):

- Introduce T's name, ask Ps some questions to get information about them 3 New lesson (26’):

Teacher and Students’ activities Content Activity (8 ’ ): Introduce the book

*Introduce the character:

- Get Ps to take out their Pupil book - Get them to read the title of the book - Get them to open their book on page - Get them to look at the characters

- Introduce their name and get them to listen and repeat

*Introduce the content:

- Introduce the themes that Ps will study

1 Introduce the book Tieng Anh 3.

a Characters


- Introduce the units, lessons what Ps will study and in each lesson

Lesson 1:

1 Look, listen and repeat Point and say

3 Let’s talk

4 Listen and complete/tick/match Read and complete/match Let’s sing/play

Lesson 2:

1 Look, listen and repeat Point and say

3 Let’s talk

4 Listen and circle/number/write… Write about you/your…

6 Let’s play/sing Lesson 3:

1 Listen and repeat Listen and circle a or b Let’s chant

4 Read and match/complete/tick/answer Write about… /Read and write

6 Project

7 Colour the stars

Activity 2: Practice the classroom commands - Give Ps the classroom commands Ask Ps to listen and the actions

 Open the book / Close the book  Look at the board, please

 Raise your hand/ Put your hand down  Stand up/ sit down, please

 Listen and repeat  Copy down

 Come in/go out

2 Classroom commands

4 Consolidation (3’): Tell Ps the school things they need to prepare for each lesson

5 Homework: Ask Ps to prepare for Unit 1-lesson 1 *Evaluation:


Unit 1: HELLO Lesson (Part 1-3)

I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to greet each other and introduce themselves, using Hello/Hi, I’m + name

1 Language focus:

- Vocabulary: Hi, hello, nice to meet you -Sentence patterns: Hello/Hi, I'm Mai

2 Skill: Improve P’s listening, speaking and reading skills.

3 Attitude: Teach Ps to be friendly with their new teachers and friends. II TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher: students' book, recording, puppets 2 Student: students' book

III III METHODS: I.C.F ( Initiation- Core activity-Follow up), P.P.P IV PROCEDURE:

1 Organization (1’): - Greet Ps

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

3C1 08/9/2020

3C3 09/9/2020

2 Warm up (5’):

- Say Hello" to Ps and introduce myself: Hello I'm Nga - Ask Ps to give the respond: Hello, Miss Nga

- Move around the class Say "Hello" to Ps and ask them to give the respond 3 New lesson (26’):

Teacher and Students’ activities Content Activity (8 ’ ):

- Ask pupils to open their students' book on page

- Point to the first picture and introduce the characters

- Explain to Ps: Mai introduces herself to Nam, and Nam introduces himself to Mai

- Play the recording for Ps to listen and point to the appropriate lines in their books


- Play the recordings again, ask Ps to listen and repeat

- Divide Ps into groups to repeat

- Repeat the produce with the second picture - Check Ps’ understanding of the dialogues Activity (12 ’ ):

- Tell Ps that they are going to practise saying hello/Hi I’m + name and responding to the greeting

- Run through pictures

- Elicit words to fill in the gaps

- Have Ps to repeat the sentence a few times - Repeat the produce with the second picture - Do choral and individual repetitions until Ps feel


- Call on an open pair to give the model

- Get Ps to work in pairs Move around and check - Get Ps to greet each other, using the puppets

Activity (6 ’ ):

- Tell Ps that they are going to practice more with their friends

- Point to each character eliciting the name - Ask Ps to guess what the children say

- Fill in the gap and write the sentence on the board

- Get Ps to repeat the sentence a few times - Get Ps to work in groups of three

- Call on some groups to act out the greetings and response

- Ask others to make the comments

2 Point and say a Vocabulary:

Hello: lời chào (thân mật) Hi: lời chào (thân mật hơn so với hello)

Nice to meet you: Câu chào lịch gặp lần đầu b Sentences patterns: Hello/Hi I’m Lan. Note: I’m = I am

3 Let’s talk. Hi, I’m Nam

4 Consolidation (3’): Get Ps to ac out the dialogue in part 1.

5 Homework: Ask Ps to practice greeting and introducing themselves at home. *Evaluation:

……… ……… Date of preparing: 04/9/2020 Period 3- Week


Lesson (Part 4-6)

I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - Listen to and understand dialogues about introduction - Complete the sentences about introduction

- Sing the song Hello 1 Language focus:

- Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review

2 Skill: Improve P’s listening, reading and writing skills.

3 Attitude: Teach Ps to be friendly with their new teachers and friends. II TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher: students' book, recording, cards. 2 Student: students' book

III METHODS: P.T.L (Pre task-Task cycle-Language analysis); P.W.P IV PROCEDURE:

1 Organization (1’): - Greet Ps

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

3C1 09/9/2020

3C3 10/9/2020

2 Warm up (5’):

- Say "hello" to Ps and ask them to reply

- Ask some Ps to act out the greetings and response in front of the class 3 New lesson (26’):

Teacher and Students’ activities Content Activity (8 ’ ):


- Ask Ps to open the book on page

- Have Ps identify the characters in the pictures - Ask them to guess the topic they are going to

hear (about introduction) *While-listening:

- Tell Ps to listen and tick the correct boxes - Play the recording for pupils to listen - Play it again for them to the task

- Get Ps to swap and check their answers in pairs - Check with the class and give the comments


- Play the recording again to confirm the answers *Post-listening:

- Get Ps to role-play the dialogues Activity (8 ’ ):


- Tell Ps that they are going to fill the gaps with I’m and Hello.

- Get Ps to read the texts in silence

- Check comprehension and give feedback *White-writing:

- Elicit the words to fill in the gaps

- Allow Ps time to the task Go around to help - Get Ps to swap and check their answers in pairs - Check and write the correct answer on the board

Get Ps to copy down *Post-writing:

- Call some pairs to read the exchanges aloud Activity (10 ’ ):

- Tell Ps that they are going to sing the “Hello” song

- Play the recording of the song all the way through

- Read the lyrics and check comprehension

- Have Ps listen and repeat the song line after line - Ask a group of three to the front of the class Each of them sings Hello I’m + (name) twice Then the class sings Nice to meet you twice, waving their hands to the three singers

- Have the class sing the song again to reinforce learning

5 Let’s write. 1 Hello, I’m 2 I’m, Hello

6 Let’s sing: Hello

4 Consolidation (3’):

-Get Ps to sing the song again -Summarize the lesson

5 Homework: practice writing their introduction and singing the song at home *Evaluation:

……… Date of preparing: September 10th 2018 Period 4- Week 1

Unit 1: HELLO Lesson (Part 1-3)


- Greet and respond to greeting, using “How are you?” And “I’m fine, thanks And you?

- Say goodbye, using: Goodbye/Bye!

- Improve Ps’ listening, speaking and reading skills 1 Language focus:

-Vocabulary: fine, thanks, thank you, bye, goodbye -Sentences: How are you ? – I’m fine, thanks/thank you 2 Skill: Improve P’s listening and speaking skills.

3 Attitude: Teach Ps to be friendly with their friends and teachers. II TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher: students' book, recording, puppets 2 Student: students' book


1 Organization (1’): - Greet Ps

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students

3C1 11/9/2020

3C3 11/9/2020

2 Warm up (5’):

- Call some Ps to come to the front to greet the class and say their name - The class response by saying “Hi +his/her name

- Get the class to sing the “hello” song 3 New lesson (26’):

Teacher and Students’ activities Content Activity (8 ’ ):

- Get Ps to open their book on page

- Tell Ps that they are going to practise saying and responding to “Hello/Hi+ name” and “How are you?”

- Check understanding

- Elicit the names of the characters in the first picture and explain what they say

- Play the recording for Ps to listen and follow silently in their books

- Play it again for Ps to repeat - Divide Ps into groups to repeat

- Repeat the produce with the second picture


- Check Ps’ understand of the dialogues

Language note: tell Ps that they say “goodbye” to their teachers and adults and “bye” to their friends and peers

Activity (12 ’ ):

- Tell Ps that they are going to practise saying “How are you” and reply with “Fine, thanks/thank you”

- Run through pictures

- Point to the first picture and elicit the words to fill in the gaps

- Put the sentence on the board

- Get Ps to choral and individual repetitions - Repeat the produce with the second picture - Get Ps to work in pairs

* Further practice: Ps play role-using the puppets. Activity (6 ’ ): Chain game

- Tell Ps that they are going to practice more with their friends, using their own name

- Draw Ps’ attention to the pictures Point to each character and elicit their name

- Ask Ps to guess what the children say - Elicit the words to fill the gaps

- Get Ps to repeat the completed sentence

- Get Ps to work in groups Go around to offer help - Call a few groups to act out the dialogue

- Ask others to make the comments

2 Point and say a Vocabulary: Goodbye: tạm biệt Bye: tạm biệt (thân mật) Fine: tốt

Thanks: cảm ơn (thân mật)

Thank you: cảm ơn ( lịch sự thanks)

b Sentence patterns: How are you?

I’m fine, thanks/thank you.

3 Let’s talk.

How are you, Quan? Fine, thank you And you?

Fine, thank you

4.Consolidation (3’): -Summasize the lesson

5 Homework: practice greeting and respond to greeting at home. *Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 16:51
