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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 4 - Tuần 2

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Teacher's and Student’s activitives Contents *Activity1: Read and answer (8’).. Pre-teach.[r]


Date of preparing: 15 2018 WEEK – Period 5 UNIT 1: NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN

LESSON 3: PART 1, 2, 3 I Objectives

1 Knowledge:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to pronunce the sounds of the letter : l and n in the words Linda, night

Sentences parttems: Review Vocabulary: Linda, night

2 Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking ,reading, writing skills 3 Attitude:

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV Procedure:

1 Organization: ( 1’)

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A Tuesday, September 18th 2018 4C Tuesday, September 18th 2018 2 Warm up(5’)

Slap the board

-T asks Ss to play in two teams - Ss plays game

- T monitors and pride the winer 3 New lesson:

Teacher's and Student’s activitives Contents *Activity1: Listen and repeat.(10’)

- T ask Ss to read the title - Ss: read

- T: What does it mean? - Ss: Nghe nhắc lại

- T: Ask ss to listen the tape or video - Ss: Listen and repeat to the tape

4 Listen and repeat Hi

Hello goodbye


- T: model letters l as in Linda, and n in night

- Ss: repeat inchrorus , invidualy (4ss)

- T: Give the sentence Hello, Linda

Good night

- Ss: repeat chrorus, invidually

- T: ask ss to find the word that they have learned

- Ss anwer

- T the same with Good night - T ask ss to read words and sentences - T: ask ss to read all two times - T: How many word sound ? - Ss: there are

* Furthe practice: Snake and race

- T: writes some word on the board and ask Ss to find the word with the sound they’ve learned and circle

Linda now lan aloud Net England Nam name Hello listen friend later - T ask to work in four groups

- Ss; Say bingo when they finish - T minitor and give feedback

Activity2: Listen and circle Then write and say aloud (10’)

- T ask Ss to read the title - Ss: read

- T: What does it mean?

- Ss: nghe khoanh tròn sau viết đọc to - T: How many sentences?

- Ss:

- T lets SS run through - T asksSs to tell the task

- Ask Ss to open the books on page 10 -Ask ss to listen1st time

- Ss listen

- Ask Ss to listen 2nd time. - Ss listen

l Linda Hello, Linda. n night Good night.

Linda now lan aloud Net England Nam name Hello listen friend later


- Ask ss to tell the answers

- Ask Ss to compare with their partners

- Ask ss to listen the 3rd time( Listen and check) * Further practice: Chinese whisper

- T devides Ss in to groups

-Ss: make aline and one of them take one sentence

-T: Read aloud

- Ss: stick it on board and read aloud - T minitors and give feedback

* Activity 3: Let’s chant (9’) T: ask Ss to look at the board - How many pictures are there ? Ss: answer

- T opens the chant - Ss : listen to the chant - T read the lyrics

- Ss repeat after the teacher - T teach them some new words - T opens the chant again - Ss repeat line by line

- Ask ss to sing along with the music - T devides Ss into groups

- Ask Ss to sing and actions in groups - Ss sing and actions together

- T calls somes groups perform before the class - T listen and give feedback

3 Let’s chant

V Summary(1’)

- Ask ss to repeat the word stress VI Evaluation:


Date of preparing: 15 2018 WEEK – Period 6 UNIT 1: NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN

LESSON 3: PART 4, 5, 6 I Objectives

1 Knowledge:


Sentences parttems: Review Vocabulary: Review

2 Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking ,reading, writng skills 3 Attitude:

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model – Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work IV Procedure:

1 Organization( 1’)

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A Thursday, September 20th 2018 4C Tuesday, September 18th 2018 2 Warm up and Review(4’)

Jumpled letter

- T show Ss words in which all the letters have got mixed up lanid - Linda

gnhti – Night loohe - Hello

- T ask Ss to put the letters in the correct order to make a word - T asks Ss to play in two teams

- Ss plays game

- T monitors and pride the winer 3 New lesson:

Teacher's and Student’s activitives Contents *Activity1: Read and answer (8’)


- T: asks Ss to open their book on page 11 asks them that they are going to read the card in the box

- Asks Ss to read the text and discuss how to answer it

- Ss: read the text

- Ss discuss and complete by answer the questions

- Compare with your partner - Ss read their answer to the class - T monitors and correct their mistake *Further practice

4 Read and answer


1 Her name is Do Thuy Hoa 2 She’s from Hanoi, Viet Nam.



1 Which class is Hoa in ?

2 What is the name of her school ? 3 Which class is Tony in ?

4 What is the name of his school ?

*Activity Write about you(10’) (CNTT) Set the sence

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 11 to read and write their name, hometown and school in their notebooks

T: How many sentences are there? Ss: answer

T: writes the word next to the number according to your presenter’s instruction

1 My name is ………. 2 I am from……… 3 My school is………

- Ss: their name, hometown and school - T: ask Ss to answer the questions - Ask ss to work in invidually - Ss answer in front of the class *Further practice(2’) (CNTT)

T ask ss to write the short passage about your friend

Her/ His name is ………… She/ He is from ……… ……… Her/ His school is…… - T gives Ss minutes to the task

- Ss: read their writing

- T let Ss to copy down on their notebook * Activity 3: Project (8’)

- T: asks Ss to make a card about themselves - T: Asks Ss to individual

- Ss: Work individual - T: gives the time

- T: asks some Ss to present their card to the class and talk about them

- Ss: perform in front of class

- T monitors and correct their mistakes

5 Write about you

Key: Free answer

Her/ His name is … She/ He is from Her/ His school is…

6 Project

V Summary (1)


VI Homework( 1’) VII Evaluation:

……… _

Date of preparing: 17 2018 WEEK – Period UNIT 2: I’M FROM JAPAN

LESSON 1: PART 1, 2 I Objectives

1 Knowledge:

- Ask and answer questions about someone is from Sentence patterns: Hi,I’m….Where are you from? Hi… I’m….I’m from…

Vocabulary:nice worrk, sorry, Japan, Malaysia, America, Australia, England 2 Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking skill 3 Attitude:

- Encourage Ss to use the words and phrasesrelated the topics countries and nationalities

II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model – Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work - Some techniques can be used: Slap the board, survey

IV Procedure: 1 Organization( 1’)

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A Friday, September 21st 2018 4C Thursday, September 20th 2018 2 Warm up (5’)

* Network:

- Ask sts to think of countries in over the world

- Divide the class into two teams, ask them to go to the board to write the words Viet Nam

- Correct

- T monitors and praise the winner. 3 New lesson:

Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents


- T ask Ss to look at the pictures T: How many people are there? Ss: there are two

T: What are their names? Ss: Nam and Akiko T: What are they doing?

Ss: They’re asking about where are they come from

T: Who is building sandcastle? Ss: Akiko.

- T asks Ss to open their books to page 12 Ss: open their books to page 12

- T opens the cassette - Ss: listen and point

- T opens the cassette again

- Ss: listen and read in chorus( times) - T - Ss role play

- T - Ss, Ss - T, half - half, open pairs

- T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue T: Where is Akiko from ?

Ss: She’s from Japan

*Activity2: Point and say (10’) - T introduce some words by eliciting a Vocabulary :

Japan :(explain ) Malaysia: (explain ) America: (explain ) Australia: (explain ) England: (explain )

*Check vocb: Rub out and remember b Model sentences.

Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page 12

T: When Nam want to know about Akiko from How does Nam ask?

Ss:Where are you from ? T: How does Akiko answer ? Ss: I’m from Japan

- T model

2 Point and say a.Vocabulary. Japan: nước Nhật

Malaysia: nước Malaisia America: nước Mỹ

Australia: nước ốt trây li a England: nước Anh

b Model sentences.


- Ss repeat chorally then individually - T wirtes down on the board

- T checks: form, use, intonation *Picture cues (CNTT) -T lets Ss run through the pictures T: how many pictures are there ? Ss: answer

T: What are they doing -T models

-Ss repeat chorally

- T- Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs Further practice:Noughts and crosses - T: Divide the class in to two teams Ss: work in groups

- T: Draw a nine square grid on the board - Ss: The team will take turn to choose the number and give compliments or complaints using the words in the square If their sentence is correct, put a X or O in that box

- Ss: The first team that has three Xs or Os in a line on the grid will win the game

- T monitors and correct their mistakes *Activity 3: Work in pairs(9’)

- Ask ss to practice further by asking and ansering questions about someone is from in their books,

- Ask ss work in pairs - Give minutes to practice

- Ask some pairs to act out their conversation in front of the class

- T give feedback V Summary (1)

- Ask and answer about answer questions about someone is from VI Homework ( 1’)

-Learn new words and structure by your heart VII Evaluation:

……… ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Date of preparing:17 2018 WEEK - Period 8 America Australia England


UNIT 2: I’M FROM JAPAN LESSON 1: PART 3, 4, 5 I Objectives

1 Knowledge:

- Ask and answer questions about someone is from Vocabulary:review

Sentence patterns:review 2 Skill:

- Practice listening, speaking skill 3 Attitude:

- Encourage Ss to use the words and phrasesrelated the topics countries and nationalities

II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work - Some techniques can be used: Slap the board, survey

IV Procedure: 1.Organization( 1’)

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A Friday, September 21st 2018 4C Thursday, September 20th 2018 2 Warm up and Review (5’)

Bean bag circle

- Have Ss play the game: passing ball to introduce themselves S1: Where are you from ?

S2: I’m from…

- T monitors and correct their mistakes. 3 New lesson:

Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents

* Activity 1: Listen and tick (9’) Set the scence:

- T ask Ss to open their book on page 13 and tells them that they are going to listen to the recording and ctick the pictures

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st time. - T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and complete the correct answer

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class

- T asks Ss to read out the answer

- T plays the recording again for Ss to check their

3 Listen and tick



Further practice: Chinese whisper - T devides Ss in to groups

- Ss:make aline and one of them take one sentence - T: Read aloud

- Ss: stick it on board and read aloud - T minitor and give feedback

*Activity2: Look and write(9’)

- T: asks Ss to look at the book on page 13 - T: asks Ss to look the sentences and write T: How many sentencess ?

Ss: answer

T: Is this completed? Ss: No

- T: ask Ss to read aloud the sentences - Ss: read aloud

- T: Ask Ss to work in invidually - T: gives the time

- Ss: compare with your partner - T: Ask some ss to tell the answer - T: Ask some ss to read aloud - T- Ss check together

*Further practice : Read the text aloud * Activity 3: Let’s sing (9’)

- T shows the picture on the board - T asks Ss the content of the picture ? What are they doing?

- Ss: greeting and introducing - T opens the song

- Ss: listen to the song - T read the lyrics

- Ss repeat after the teacher - T teach them some new words - T opens the song again

- Ss repeat line by line

- Ask ss to sing along with the music - T devides Ss into groups

- Ask Ss to sing and actions in groups - Ss sing and actions together

4 Look and write


1 Australia 2 Malaysia 3 America 4 Japan

5 Let’s sing


- T calls somes groups perform before the class - T listen and give feedback

4 Homework(1’) V Summary (1’)

- What skills have you practiced? VI Homework ( 1’)

- T asks Ss to sing the Where are you from? on page 13 VII Evaluation:

……… ………

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2021, 15:47

