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Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice in adverbs of places, talking about intentiond with BE GOING TO.. Skill: Use of English 3..[r]


Date of preparing : 10 /9 /2015 Period 10 UNIT : MAKING ARRANGEMENTS


1 Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a telephone message

2 Skill: Writing

3 Attitude: - Work hard

B.Teaching aids : text book, poster, picture C.Method : Chatting ,Rub out and Remember D.Procedure:

I.Organization :

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A / /2015

8B / 9/2015

II.Revision : ( 3’)

Read the text and translate into Viet Namese III.New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Step : Pre – writing (12’) Pre - teach vocabulary :

-customer ( n ) khách hàng ( explanation ) -delivery ( n ) phân phát ( translation ) -stationery ( n ) đồ dùng văn phòng ( example ) -( to ) pick sb up : đón ( translation )

*Checking vocabulary : Rub out and Remember *Chatting

-Talk to students about taking a telephone message 1.Have you ever taken a telephone message ? 2.When you take a message, what should be mentioned in the message ?

*Answers : 1.yes / no

2.date, time, who sent, to whom, content Step : While – writing:( (18’)

Activity : Gap - fill -Run through the table

-Ask students to read the message and fill in the gaps in the passege page 23

*Answers : 1.telephoned 2.May 12

students answer the questions


3.speak 4.took 5.name 6.delivery 7.Mr Ha 8.number

Activity : write

-Ask students to write a message, using the information from the passage in write page 23 ( work in group of )

*Answers :

Thanh Cong Delivery Service Date : June 16

Time : After midday For : Mrs Van

Message : Mr Nam called about his stationary order He wanted you to call him at 8634082 Taken by : Mr Toan

Step : Post – writing (10’) ( correction )

students write a message

students read, take notes for corrections

IV.Summary : (1’)

Q : what have you learnt ? V.Home work : (1’)

Students help Lisa to write a message for Nancy Prepare : Language focus

*Evaluation :

Date of preparing : 11/9/2015 Period 11 UNIT : MAKING ARRANGEMENTS


1 Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice in adverbs of places, talking about intentiond with BE GOING TO

2 Skill: Use of English 3 Attitude: - Work hard

B.Teaching aids : text book, poster C.Method : Jumble words


I.Organization :

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A /9 /2015

8B /9/2015 II.Revision : (5’)

Write the new words in the last lesson III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Activity : (7’) Revision the structure : BE GOING TO + V ( infinitive )

-Give example :

Nga has a movie tickit She is going to see a movie

-Ask students to look at example, give the form of the verb to use talking about intention

*Answers :

Form : S + be + going to + v ( infi ) Activity : Practice (12’)

-Ask students to exercise on page 25 in language focus

*Answers :

a.They are going fishing / They are going to go fishing

b.She is going to read the new novel c.She is going to her home work

d.He is going to wath an action movie on TV tonight

e.She is going to give him a birthday present -Ask students to exercise on page 25 in pairs Activity : Jumble words (7’)

1.t d e o u s i = 2.s i i d e n = 3.h e t r e = 4.e r h e = 5.s t u p a i r s = 6.w o n s t a i r d s =

-Divide the class into teams

-Ask students to go to the board and write the meaningful words

*Answers : 1.outside 2.inside

students give the form of the verb to use talking about intention

students exercise

students work in pairs


3.there 4.here 5.upstairs 6.dowstairs

-Make sure students know the meaning of these adverbs

Activity : Practice in adverbs of place (11’) -Set the scene : Ba is playing hide and seek with his cousin, Mr Tuan Use the adverbs of place to complete the speech bubble

-Ask students to exercise on page 26 *Answers :

a.upstairs b.here

c.downstairs d.outside e.there f.inside

-Ask some students to read out the speech bubble

students exercise on page 26

students read out the speech bubble

IV.Summary : (1’) Repeat the structure

S + be + going to + v ( infi ) V.Home work: (1’)

Write five sentences about your house, using adverbs of place Eg : My room is upstairs

Preapre : Getting started , Listen and read


I.Objectives : Helping students :

-To describe places and situation -To ask for and give reasons -To write a description of a room II.Teaching aids : text book, pictures III.Procedure :


Lesson : Speak + Listen Lesson : Read

Lesson : Write

Lesson : Language focus

Date of preparing : 11 / /2015 Period 12 UNIT : AT HOME


1 Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the dialouge for details and to practice the modal verb HAVE TO

2 Skill: Reading and listening skills 3 Attitude: - Work hard

B.Teaching aids : text book, poster, picture,electronic book C.Method : Brainstorming ,Rub out and Remember

D.Contents : I.Oranization :

Class Date of teaching Absent students

8A /9/2015

8B /9/2015

II.Revision : write five sentences about your house, using adverbs of place III.New lesson :

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

*Brainstorming ( ’)

- Ask students to think about the things that they often at home

cook meal water vegetable

Step : Pre – reading (12’) Pre - teach vocabulary

-cupboard ( n ) tủ đựng chén đĩa ( picture ) -saucepan ( n ) nồi ( drawing )

-steamer ( n ) nồi hấp ( translation ) -stove ( n ) lò, bếp ( drawing ) -( to ) have to : phải ( synonym )

students think about the things that they often at home

students listen and Things you often


-Read vocabulary, ask students to listen and repeat -Ask some students to read vocabulary

*Checking vocabulary : Rub out and Remember Step : While - reading

Activity : Presentation dialouge (5’) -Set the scene :

Mrs Vui Nam -Ask students to look at the conversation on page 27 and 28

-Get students to listen to the conversation while looking at their books

Activity : Grammar (8’)

-Ask students to complete the list of things Nam has to

*Answers :

Nam has to -cook dinner

-go to the market to buy fish and vegetables

-call his aunt, Mrs Chi and ask her to meet his mother at grandma’s house -Give example :

I have to go and visit grandma after work

He has to go and visit grandma after work

*Form :

S + have to / has to + V ( infinitive ) *Meaning : Phải làm gì

-Read model sentences and ask students to repeat -Ask students to copy down the model sentences Activity : Practice ( picture drill ) (8’)


students look at the conversation on page 27 and 28

students listen to the conversation

students complete the list of things Nam has to

students repeat model sentences

students copy down the I’ve to go and visit


-Ask students to work in pairs, using pictures a - f on page 27 ask and answer about activities

-Make example : picture a S1 : what does she have to ? S2 : she has to wash the dishes *Step : Post – reading (7’)

-Give students words and ask students to use question what you have to ? and answer with the verbs given

1.feed 2.empty 3.do 4.tidy 5.sweep 6.clean 7.dust

-Make example :

S1 : what you have to ? S2 : I have to feed the chicken

model sentences

students work in pairs to ask and answer about activities

students work in pairs to ask and answer with the verbs given

IV.Summary :

Repeat the structure (1’)

S + have to / has to + V( infi )

V.Home work :

Write the things you have to on Sundays Prepare : Speak and listen

*Evaluation :

Ngày 14 tháng năm 2015 Tổ trưởng ký duyệt

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 11:44


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