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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 83 potx

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664 ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOl=I ACnvmES, OUIZZES, ANO MODEL TESTS Studenl 1: Yeah. It sure would. ProteSSO/" : Now, lei's talk about why most 01 us probably aren' reading at that speed .•. at 1000 WOfds a minute . . . why we·re not doing that now. We know thet we have the capacity-that our brains can take II In. there are a tew 1 ~ they seem to be speaking while they' re reading. This is a serious problem because we can only speak aboul 300 words per minute, bul, uh, our capacity 10 read It's ma ny limes ll15ter . So il you ' re hearing the words In your head or moving your lips, you know that you ' re preventing your mind lrom processing as 1 115 1115 it can. Can any 01 you relale 10 thaI? Student 2: I can. I hear every woo::I. Professor: A 101 01 people do. Now, another problem IS something called flX8tions. · Fb.!. __ Jliuiiijil p" L ' ~ ~We can' see while the eye Is moving so we haw to slop 10 lake In the text. Every· one has to fixale to see the print, bu t, uh, some people they stop their eyes on every Single word and that witl really slow you down. So 11 you·re Iooklng at every word or even at every lew words, that habit is something to wor1I on . When you're not readlng word by word, your mind has 10 connect and. uh, build associations and and patterns. You can do this because $0 much 01 a wrillen text Is redun- danl-thal means that there's a lot of repelltion, so quite a lew words can be skipped without losing the mean i ng . Studenl3: So you're saying we should Iry to guess lhe meaning? Prolessor: I think I would use the lerm predlctralher than guess, but basically the answer 10 your question Is "'yes." Now thi s may surprise you . Us i ng a dictionary is a goodhabit. Righi? Well, yes, in moderation. But slop- ping to look up eve/)' new word Is a bad habit because you don' need 10 know every word In order to undersland wh at you ' re read ing. Remember whal I lust said aboul redundancy. So, uh, stopping to use the dictionary 100 oIIen • thallntemJpIs your Iraln 01 thoughl and , uh, prevents you from reaching your potantiat read ing speed . sludent3: I've heard that be/Of"e and II makes seose but .•. Professor: But you're alraid to try it? Student 3: That's probably true. Professor: ~ 11 CII)In. I3iCIi: fiitlii"iftiliiili: Fnt T Iii *1iiiI Orii mort iiI:jiijI A lo t 01 readefS go ~ back over the words they've already read 10 clarity the mean ing. Bulthis Is probably the worst habit because, uh, when we ' re repealing twice or even more times, that causes our reading speed 10 drop and II goes to.50 or even 30 percenl 01 our capacity. Did I mention that " tillidi9 ""iF Okay, ~ well th is regression not only slows us down, it also makes II more diffiCult to understand the meaning because, uh, the way thaI we comprehend • we understand by coonecting with the nexl phrase. so all the time makes us lose the connection s. I c:ompreheosJon 01 you do::~:"~'~ A~rn:t ~:::~ thai ar e causing you to read slowly. Don' think the words in your head 01" move your Ups to sound out )pynqht'Jd mil n 11 664 ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOl=I ACnvmES, OUIZZES, ANO MODEL TESTS Studenl 1: Yeah. It sure would. ProteSSO/" : Now, lei's talk about why most 01 us probably aren' reading at that speed .•. at 1000 WOfds a minute . . . why we·re not doing that now. We know thet we have the capacity-that our brains can take II In. there are a tew 1 ~ they seem to be speaking while they' re reading. This is a serious problem because we can only speak aboul 300 words per minute, bul, uh, our capacity 10 read It's ma ny limes ll15ter . So il you ' re hearing the words In your head or moving your lips, you know that you ' re preventing your mind lrom processing as 1 115 1115 it can. Can any 01 you relale 10 thaI? Student 2: I can. I hear every woo::I. Professor: A 101 01 people do. Now, another problem IS something called flX8tions. · Fb.!. __ Jliuiiijil p" L ' ~ ~We can' see while the eye Is moving so we haw to slop 10 lake In the text. Every· one has to fixale to see the print, bu t, uh, some people they stop their eyes on every Single word and that witl really slow you down. So 11 you·re Iooklng at every word or even at every lew words, that habit is something to wor1I on . When you're not readlng word by word, your mind has 10 connect and. uh, build associations and and patterns. You can do this because $0 much 01 a wrillen text Is redun- danl-thal means that there's a lot of repelltion, so quite a lew words can be skipped without losing the mean i ng . Studenl3: So you're saying we should Iry to guess lhe meaning? Prolessor: I think I would use the lerm predlctralher than guess, but basically the answer 10 your question Is "'yes." Now thi s may surprise you . Us i ng a dictionary is a goodhabit. Righi? Well, yes, in moderation. But slop- ping to look up eve/)' new word Is a bad habit because you don' need 10 know every word In order to undersland wh at you ' re read ing. Remember whal I lust said aboul redundancy. So, uh, stopping to use the dictionary 100 oIIen • thallntemJpIs your Iraln 01 thoughl and , uh, prevents you from reaching your potantiat read ing speed . sludent3: I've heard that be/Of"e and II makes seose but .•. Professor: But you're alraid to try it? Student 3: That's probably true. Professor: ~ 11 CII)In. I3iCIi: fiitlii"iftiliiili: Fnt T Iii *1iiiI Orii mort iiI:jiijI A lo t 01 readefS go ~ back over the words they've already read 10 clarity the mean ing. Bulthis Is probably the worst habit because, uh, when we ' re repealing twice or even more times, that causes our reading speed 10 drop and II goes to.50 or even 30 percenl 01 our capacity. Did I mention that " tillidi9 ""iF Okay, ~ well th is regression not only slows us down, it also makes II more diffiCult to understand the meaning because, uh, the way thaI we comprehend • we understand by coonecting with the nexl phrase. so all the time makes us lose the connection s. I c:ompreheosJon 01 you do::~:"~'~ A~rn:t ~:::~ thai ar e causing you to read slowly. Don' think the words in your head 01" move your Ups to sound out )pynqht'Jd mil n 11 EXPLANATORV OR EXAMPLE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MODEL TES TSiIoAOO EL T ES T 4 665 each word. Don' let your eyes pause on every word . Don' look up every new word in the dictionary. And IIy not to go back oyer paragraphs and , uh, sentences that you've already read. But, that's hard to do it you have these habits. Is n~ it? Especially ~ you're also II'ying to read In order to learn a new sub- ject. That's why you're afraid to try it because, uh, you have to learn the content In order to pass the course and you don' want to try something new • to take a riSk . Student 3; Yeah. That'S abOut the size 0111. "",;;;e;;d atlwlce the speed you're reading Au dio 29. What Is this discussion mainly about? An swe r B How tQ read faster A ud io 30 . An .wer A Au dio 31 . An swe r 8 Aud io 32 . Re pl ay A udi o Re pl ay An swe r C How does the professor Q rg an ile the discussion? She cites research to support her arguments. She does this at seVefai points In the discussion. Why does the professor mentiOn running? To make a comparison between reading and running Listen again to part of the discussioo and then answer the following question . "Wen. "1 come bacK tQ that In a minute. First I want te point out ooe more problem." Why does the professor say this: "Well, 111 come baCk to that in a minute." She thinks the kIoa will lit In buller laler 011. Prole$$Ofs 1.I1ten make a comment and !hun remark that they will " come back" or "get back" tQ it later. This Is usually an IncIication that the Information retales to poInlS thai will be made tater In the lecture. Aud io 33 . The professor mentions several negative habits. Match these habits to the explana- tloos. Click 00 the habit and drag II to the correct explanatioo. An swe r Habit Expianalioo A Fixating Pauses Ihal the eye makes C Regressing Reading the same words more than once B Aud itOl)' readi ng MQving yI.Iur lip$ while reading Aud io 34 . An swe r D What would the pro fessor ~y like the students to do? Gel help at the Learning Center )pynght mater I EXPLANATORV OR EXAMPLE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MODEL TES TSiIoAOO EL T ES T 4 665 each word. Don' let your eyes pause on every word . Don' look up every new word in the dictionary. And IIy not to go back oyer paragraphs and , uh, sentences that you've already read. But, that's hard to do it you have these habits. Is n~ it? Especially ~ you're also II'ying to read In order to learn a new sub- ject. That's why you're afraid to try it because, uh, you have to learn the content In order to pass the course and you don' want to try something new • to take a riSk . Student 3; Yeah. That'S abOut the size 0111. "",;;;e;;d atlwlce the speed you're reading Au dio 29. What Is this discussion mainly about? An swe r B How tQ read faster A ud io 30 . An .wer A Au dio 31 . An swe r 8 Aud io 32 . Re pl ay A udi o Re pl ay An swe r C How does the professor Q rg an ile the discussion? She cites research to support her arguments. She does this at seVefai points In the discussion. Why does the professor mentiOn running? To make a comparison between reading and running Listen again to part of the discussioo and then answer the following question . "Wen. "1 come bacK tQ that In a minute. First I want te point out ooe more problem." Why does the professor say this: "Well, 111 come baCk to that in a minute." She thinks the kIoa will lit In buller laler 011. Prole$$Ofs 1.I1ten make a comment and !hun remark that they will " come back" or "get back" tQ it later. This Is usually an IncIication that the Information retales to poInlS thai will be made tater In the lecture. Aud io 33 . The professor mentions several negative habits. Match these habits to the explana- tloos. Click 00 the habit and drag II to the correct explanatioo. An swe r Habit Expianalioo A Fixating Pauses Ihal the eye makes C Regressing Reading the same words more than once B Aud itOl)' readi ng MQving yI.Iur lip$ while reading Aud io 34 . An swe r D What would the pro fessor ~y like the students to do? Gel help at the Learning Center )pynght mater I EXPL.ANATORY OR EXAMPLE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MODEL TESTSIMOOEl TEST" 669 Advisor: StlJdent: Advisor: Well, I think you nave a couple 01 options. You can tell ner thai you can' let het use your cen phone anymore, and you can o ll et 10 90 with her 10 buy her own ceU phone . That way shell see that you're trying to nelp. That might work , but she1 probably still be upset • Or another possibility Is .•. you could lei her use your cell phone if she pays you lor the extra minutes thaI you have had 10 COVet f or her , and II she agrees to pay her snare of all the bills from now 00. JUS! tell her that you can' allotd it. Narrator t : Describe the woman 's problem and the two suggestions that her aclvisor makes aboul hoW to nandle it What do you think the woman should do, and wtly7 Narrator 2: Please prepare your answer alter the beep. [Preparation time: 20 seconds] Na rrator 2: Please begin speakhg after the beep . [Recording lime : 60 seconds] hlltWrlD SrfM.a Owl" 6 "l/MAJI WUlEE" Narrator 2: Nu mber 6. Uslen to part of a lecture. Then listen for a question about it. After you hear the question, you have 20 seconds to prepare, and 60 seconds to record your answer. Narrator 1: Now listen to part 01 a lecture In a biology class . The professor is diSC1Jssing the types 01 habitats lor wildlife lound In dIIes. Professor: AHhough cities have not generally been assoelated with wildlifa, there are many spocies that have become so much • part 01 the urtlan landscape that !hey Qle, lor the most pan, unnoticed neighbors. For example, In New York's Central Par1< , almost 300 species 01 birds have been identified. Urban parks certafiy provide some 01 the worIcI's safesl and In many ways, besl wildlife nabitats, and as the natural nabita ls shrink. weN , these urtlan parks will become more and more important to the conservation of wiltlife , including not only birds • but, uh but also freshwater animals and, even small mammals. So. as you see, man-made areas are one important type 01 habitat in Cities. But artificial structures in the urban landscape ••• these can also provide a home lor animals that adapt 10 life In the city. For Instance, chimney swifts are birds that origlnaly wed in hollow trees , but now ch imney swifts are c0m- monty found In !he long brick chimneys In lactories or other vertical shafts In tall buildings. Think about it. A city has more chimneys !han lhere are I'IoIIow trees in a lorest 01 equal area. Consequently, these birds IIock 10 the city. Another case of adaptation Is the urban drainage sys le m, which is usually made up of concrete ditches, and they naturally attract stream and marsh animals. Again, to use New York City as an example. probably 250 species 0I1ish are found ~ the harbor. many of which make their way Into the pools and ponds and citc:hes In !he New York drainage system. In Boston, the Back Bay was actually designed to create nabitals and attract marshland wildlife to !he city. righted a1er 610 ANSWERS AND AUOIO SCRIPTS FOR ACTIVITIES, QUIZZES, ANO MOOEL TESTS Narrator t : Using the main points and e)(ampies from the lecture, desaibe the two general types of habitats for wildlifa found In urban areas. Narrator 2: Please prepare your answer aftef the beep . [Preparation time: 20 secoods] Narrator 2: Please begin speaking after the beep . ", [Recording lime: 60 seconds] ~ Writing IwrHllArED &sAr "JET SnIEAMs" FlrSI, read the passage on pages 361 362 and take notes. () ModeIT"'14. ' Wrltin9Sec11~.C07, TntCk2 Narrator: Now listen to a lecture on the same topic as the paasage that you have just read. Professor: In North America, the jet stream usually separates cold ai r from the polar region In the north from warmer air to the south, so iI'S called the polar jet stream. Okay, when Ifs cold In the Un ited States, the polar jet stream often dips south Into Te)(as or even as far as Me)(ico , and when ifs hot, the jet stream retreats Into Canada. Now, think about some of the trips you may have taken across counlly. Did you notice that the airilne schedules factor in tile efteet of the jet st r eam on night limes? For e)(ample:, if you were IlyIng from Los Angeles to New York, the flight would be more than 0119 hoor shorter than your retum trip from New Yo rk to Los Angeles. Why would this be so, do you th ink? Well, because a particu- larty strong jel stream can PfOvide a strong tailwind that moves the plane along faster as it lravels with the w ind, but on the way back, the plane will encounler a headwind, and ~ wil l have to travel against lhe wind. So the flight will lake longer. And the plane will atso consume more l uel when it's traveling against lhe jet slream, and you" probably also feet more turbulence. Besides thaI. the weather for your flight can also be affected by the jet stream because th is strong currenl of air moves weather systems and storms around the world by pushing them forward, jusllike the tailwind thaI pushes your plane. )pynghlOO maier EXPlANATORY OR EXAMPlE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MOOEL TESTS / MODEL TEST of 611 • EIample Answers and Checklists 'or Spooking and Writing o Model Test 4, Example Answe rs., CO 1, Track 3 EwTtl AIno RIR bwn .,, SPEu.I OuunDlf 1 "A em" 111 could viSiI any City in !he WOOd , I'd like to see Rome because I'm an architecture majOr , and II would be exciting to see the structures in the old city li ke the Cdossoom and the Forum and, uh, temples. I'd also wanl to I nspect the aIches that define the perlmetet 01 the old city . I th i nk one 01 them Is almost 2000 years old, but it's stin supposed to be quite beautiful and strong. In e book about Rome. I read thai !he streels In the old city are made of the originaJ cobblestones laid in ancient times. So besides seeing the architecture. it would be eliciting 10 walk on ,he stones. I have a good imagination, and I'm sure I could visualize soldiers and philosophers even ill'm looking at a lot 01 othef tourists. '" The talk answers the topic question. '" The point of view or position is clear. '" The talk is direct and well «ganized . '" The senTences are logically connected. '" Details and 8l!8mples suppof1 the ma in Idea . '" The speaker expresses compIele thoughts . '" The meaning is easy 10 comprehend. '" A wide range of vocabulary is used. '" There are only miOOf IIffOfS in grammar . '" The talk is within a range 01 t 25- 150 WOtds . E.wIrrE _,. hl __ fllTl SI'fu.; QuonDlf 2 " SaIoDt.s " I think a coeducational school is a better environment lor both men and women because II's more rep- res&ntative of The the, uh , wortcIthat they'llive in after \hey finish school. In modem society. men and W'OfTIen wi ll compete lor employment opportunities so ii 's good pracIioe TO compete in classes. And men and women need to leam how to intllf8Ct .socially , and a coeducational school prov\des actMties and soeIaJ events where they can assodale with each other in a somewhat supervised en vi ronment. So t think II men and women are separated throughout their schooIlile , iI mlghl be I'Iarder lor them to wont together and develop social relationships after they fini sh school. Clllctiist 2 '" The talk answers the Iopic question. '" The point 01 view or position II clear . '" The talk. Is direct and well-orgsNzed. '" The senlenoes are logically connected. '" Details and examples support the maln Idea '" The speaker expresses comple te thoughts. '" The meaning is easy to comprehend. '" A wide range 01 YOCabulary Is used . '" There are only minor errors in grammar . '" The tallIls within a range 01125-150 words. nghled ater . ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MOOEL TESTS / MODEL TEST of 611 • EIample Answers and Checklists 'or Spooking and Writing o Model Test 4, Example Answe rs., CO 1, Track. associations and and patterns. You can do this because $0 much 01 a wrillen text Is redun- danl-thal means that there's a lot of repelltion, so quite a lew words can be skipped without. Learning Center )pynght mater I EXPL.ANATORY OR EXAMPLE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MODEL TESTSIMOOEl TEST& quot; 669 Advisor: StlJdent: Advisor: Well, I think you nave a couple 01 options.

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20