14 ORIENT~TION EXAMINATION >- What kinds 0' questions are 'o .l d on the iBT? The majority of the questions on the IB T are muftlple choice. Some othel' types 01 questions are also 00 the iBT. These questions have special directions 00 the screen. You will have many examples of them In the model tests in this book. >- Are all of the TOER e IBT tilts the same? Unlike the Computer-Based TOEFL (CBT), which presented quesllons based on your responses to previous questions, the iBT Is a linear test. That means that on the same form, all of the test questions are the same. >- Why are some o. the Reading and Listening 18etla ll lal ,., The te st developers include experimental questions 'Of either the Reading or the Listening section 00 most TOEFL forms. You must do your best 00 all the questions because you wi ll not know which questions are experimental and which are test questions that will be scored. For example, you may be taking the iBT with someone who has experimental questions in Read- ing, but you may have experimental questions in Ustening. For this reason, your friend's test may have a longer Reading section, and your test may have a longer US leni ng sectioo. The experimental questions may be althe beginning, middle, Of end of the section. >- Ma, I choose the order of the lIetlans an my TOEFL? You may not choose the order. Reading, Ustening, Speaking, and Writing are tested in that order on the TOEFL, with a ten-minute bl"eak between the listening and Speaking. >- What kinds at qlestlans are fa •• d an the IBT? Most 01 the questions are multiple choice, but some questions have special directions 00 the screen. You will have examples 01 the most frequently tested items In Chapter 5 in this book. >- Ma, I take notes? You are permitted to take notes and use them to answar the questions on the i BT. You will be given paper for that purpose when you enter the test room. Your notes will be collected and shredded after the test. >- May I chang. an answer? On the Ustening section, you can change your answer by clicking on a new answer. You can change your answer as many times as you wish un til you click on the Confirm An . _ button. On the Reading section, you can change your answer by clicking on the new answer. You can change your answer as many times as you wish, and you can go back to previous answars on FAOs- FREOU ENTL Y ASKED OVESTIONS ABOVT T HE TOEFL- IBT 15 the same reading passage. When you begin a new reading passage, you may not return to the previous passage to change answers. On the Sp&aklng section. you will 00 cu&d with a beep to begin and end speakJng. Eyerything that you say during the recording time will be submit· ted. You cannot change an answer . On the Writing section, you can rellise your essays as much as you wish until the clock indicates that no time is remaining. II you SlJbrnit your essays before time is up, you cannot return to them . The C [)"ROM thaf supplements this book will pr0- vide you with practice in choosing and changing answers on the computer screen. , H I am not sure of an answer , should I gless? II you are not sure 01 an answer. you should guess. The number 01 Incorrect answers is not subtracted from your score. First. eliminate ali the possibilities that you know are NOT COfrect. Then , il you are almost SlJre 01 an anSWef, guess that one. II you have no Idea of the correct answer for a Question, choose one letter and use it lor your " guess answer" throughout the entire examination. The "guess answer" is especially uselullor finishing a section Quickly. , Why do some of the TOEFL tests have addftlonal q ll estlons? Some 01 the tests Include Questio ns that are being lleld ·test&d lor use in future T OEFL admln· istrations. These tests hav e more QuestionS, but your anSWefS to lhe additional fleld· le st Ques· tions a re not calculated as part of your score. , What It I cannot hear the audio for the listening section? You iII rtlC6ive your awn hoadphorM.ls with a miclophone aHachttd. Before the Uslening sec- tion begins. you will have an opportunity to adjust the volume yourself. Be C8refullo adjust the volume when you are prompted 10 do so . II you wait until the lesl begins, you may no l be able to adju st It . If there Is a probl em ith your headset, raise your hand. and ask the test SlJpervi· SOt to provide you with another headset. , What can I do If there is a problem during tbe test? If there is a problem with !he Inlernet connection or the pow-er that supplies the computers. and if the test must be discontinued. everyone who is taking the t est at that site is enlitled to a refund or a Iree test on another date . This does not happen very olten. , What If I have a personal problem during the test? II you become III or you are being disturbed by the behavior 01 another person in the room. tell your test supervisor Immediat ely . If you think that your score may be affected by the problem , ask the supervisor to Iile an Irregularities Report. , Are breaks scbadllecl during the TOEfl? A to-m inute break is scheduled between the Usten ing and the Speaking sections. besk ttel matcr<ale 16 ORIENTAT ION , How otten may I take the lIT? You may take the TOEFL as many times as you wish to score to your satisfaction. Although there were restrictions 00 when you coulcl take the Compuler·Based TOEFl (CBT), you can take the iBT more than ooce each month if you choose to do so . • If I ba alrea", lakenllI. TOEFL, how wllllllt pmlD SCDIII affect my new score? TOEFl scores are valid f or two years. If you have taken the TOEFL more than once but your firsl score report is more than two years ago, the first score will not be reported. If you have taken the TOEFL more than once in the past two years, a report will be sent lor the tesl date lhat you request. • May I keep my lest? You cannol save your lest 10 a disk or send it to an e-mail address. II you Ily to do so, the TOEFL office may take legal action. There are examples of the official TOEFl test questions 00 the web site at WWW.Bts.Orgltoe" . , What happens to someone who cheats on the IBn Entering the room with false identification, tampering with the computer, using a C8meJa , giv- ing or receiving hel p, or trying to remove test materials or notes is considered cheating. Do nol cheat. In spite of opportunity, knowledge that others are doing it, lhe desire to help a friend, or lear thai you will not make a good score, do not cheat. On the TOEFL, cheating is a very seri- ous matter. II you are discovered, you will be dismissed from the room, your score will be can- celed, and you may not be able to lake the test again 00 a future date, SCORE REPORTS , How is the Speaking section scored? Trained raters listen to each 01 the speaking responses and assign them a number 0-4. The scores lor all six responses are averaged and converted to a lo lal sectio n score Cl 3O. The raters grade the Speaking section using checklists similar to !hose printed in this book. , How Is the Writing section scored? Trained ralers read your essays and assign them a number 0-5. If there is disagreement aboul your score, a team leader will also read your essays. The scores lor each essay are comb ined and converted to a section score 0-30. Raters grade the Wriling section using checklists simil ar to those printed in this book. , Howls the total TOEFL score calculated? The I BT has converted section scores lor each of the four sections. The range lor each section score is 0-30 . When the scores l or the four sections are added together, the total score range will be 0- 120. FAOs- FREQUEN'Tl Y ASKEO QUESTIONS A80VT TH E TOEFL . ~T 17 , How do I Int e rpret my scare? You cannot pass or fail the TOEFl. Each school or agency will evaluate the scores according to its own requirements. Even at the same university, the requirements may vary f or different programs of study, levels of study (graduate or undergraduate), and degrees 01 responsibWty (student or teaching assistant). Many universities are setting minimum requirements for each sectiOn. The following range of requirements Is typical of admissions policies for North Ameri- can universities. This assumes, of course, that the applicant's documents other than English proficiency are acceptable. Reading Ustenlng Speaking Writing TOTAL 1 9-2 1 17 -2 1 20-23 2<h25 76-00 To be certain of the requirements lor your schoof or agency, coolaclthem directly. , How do ttle sco res compare on thl l lT , CIT , and PIT formats? The following chart compares TOEFL scores on the three most recent f ormats-the Intemet- Based TOEFL (i ST), the Computer-Based TOEFL (CBT), and the Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT). More detailed charts are posted on the web site maintained by Educational Tes!ing Service at www .ets. org. 1ST CST PST 1 11- 120 273-<lOO 64<HlIT 96-110 243-272 59(H;3' 79-95 213-242 550-08' 65-78 183-212 513-549 53-<4 153-182 4n-5 12 41-52 123-152 437-476 3()-4() 93-122 397-436 1 9-29 63-92 347-396 &-18 23-82 311-340 0-5 0-22 310 , Whln can I .,. "" scores ? You will be able to see your score report online fifteen business days after the test date. Score reports will be mailed to you and to the schools and ageodes that you designate on the day they are posted online. You are entitled to live copies of your test results, including one copy lor you and four official score reports. , May I cancII ." scores? After you view your estimated score on the screen, you will be given the option to report or cancel your SCOles . ff you choose 10 report your scores, you will then choose four institutiOns 18 ORIEtrrATlON or agencies to receive score reports. Al l of this is arranged by responding 10 Questions 00 the computer screen. If you do not want your scores 10 be reported, click 00 cancel when this option appears 00 the screen. ). How can I SInd addlUonallC0f8 reports? If you need more than four score reports , which are provicIed as par1 of your test fee, you may order more at $17 each. Order online or mail in the order form that you will lind in your TOEFL . iST Regis/raUon and Infotmstion Bullelin. Reports are sent in lour days when you oreler them online. Allow alleast two weeks lor mall orders. , Is there a direct conespond ce betw preflclanCl' I. Engl and a TOEfl score? There is not always a direct correspondence between proficiency in English and a score 00 the TOEFL. Many students who are profICient in English are not profICient in how 10 approach the examination. That is why it is important to prepare by using this book. ). tan I estimate , TOEFL score before I take the official test? To estimate your TOEFL score, after you complete each of the seyen model lests, use the score estimales in Chapter 8 of this book. If you complete Model Tests 1- 7 00 the C[)'ROM thai supplements this book, you will see an estimate of your TOEFL score 00 the screen. , Willi succeed on tIta TOEfl? You will receive from your study what you give to your study. The information is here. Now , it is up to you to devote the time and the effort. More than one million students haye succeeded by using Barron's How to Prepare for /he TOEFL You can be SlJCC&SSlul, tqo . STUDY HABITS A habit is a pattern of behavior thai is acquired through repetition. Research indicates that it takes abotJt twenty-one days 10 form a habit. The foflowing study habits are ctI8Iactelistic 01 successful students. Be successful! Form these habits now. They will help you on the TOEfl and after the TOEFL. ~ Accept nsibility. SlJCC&SSful students understand that the score on the TOEFL is their responsibility. It doesn' happen because 01 lucie It is the result of their own efforts. Take responsibility lor your TOEFL score. 00011eaye it to chance . • 0001 rely 00 luck . • WorK diligently. besk Itet ateriale STUOV HABITS HI , Get organized. You will need a place to study where you can concentrate. Try to lind a quiet place where you can arrange your study materials and leave them until the next study session. If that is not practical, then find a bag Ihat you can use to store all your materlats so that you can have everything you need when you go to the library Of another place to study. Oorl~ use the bag for anything else. This will save time because you will not be looking fOf everything in different ~ areas of your house or room, and you wW not be trying 10 find TOEFL preparation material among other things in the bag. You are tess likely 10 lose important notes. • Find a study area. • Keep your materials in one place. , Set realistic goals. Be honest about your preparation. Sludents who are just beginning to learn English are not prepared to take the TOEFL. Give yourself the time you need to prepare. By set1ing an unreal· istic goal, lor example, to finish preparing with this book in one week, you will probably be very disappointed. Even advanced students need time to learn academic skills and review Ian· guage skills as well as to lake modellesls . • Evaluate your English. • Set a goal that you can achieve. , Make a plan. It is not enough 10 have a goal, even a realistic goal. Successful students also have a plan to accomplish a goal. What are you going to cIo to achieve Ihe goal you have set? You will need to have time and resources. What afe they? To help you make your plan. look atlhe options fOf II ~yllllbu~ on page O. • Dedicate time and resources. • Select a syllabus. , Establish priorities. The pretest on pages 21 -65 in this book will be helpful to you when you set priorities. Byana- lyzing your strengths and weaknesses on the test, you will know which sections of the test wilt be the most diffiCult and which will be easy for you. You will also know which problems with in each section require the most study. By focusing on those sections and problems, you can set priorities and use your time wisely. • Take the pretest. • Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. , Manage time. How do you spend time? Clearly, a certain amount of your time should be spent sleeping or relaxing. ThaI is importan llo good health. However, you should think about how much time you spend worrying or procrastinating. That is not a healthy way to spend lime. Successful 20 ORIENTATION students have a schedule that helps them menage their time. Preparing lor the TOEFL is writ- ten down on the schedule. TOEFL preparation is planned fOt on a regular basis just like a standing appointment. If it is written down. it is more probable that you will give it the time nec- essary to achieve your goal. When you start to wOl'TY , use that energy to do something posi- tive. Learn to use time wh ile you are waiting lOt an appointment or commuting on public transportation to study. Even a five-minute review will help you. • Schedule study time. • Use unscheduled time well. , Learn from mistakes, II you knew everything, you wouldn' need this book. Expect to make mistakes on the quiues and on the model tests. Read the el\Planatory answers, and learn lrom your mistakes. If you do this, you will be less likely to meke those mistakes aga in on the official T OEFL • Study the explanatory answers. • Review your errors . Stay motl,atod. It is easy to begin with enthusiasm, but it is more difficult to maintain your initial commitment. How do you stay motivated? To keep their energy up, SOIT\& students give themselves some incentives. Without small r ewards along the way , it may be more difficult to stay motivated. Just be sure that the reward doesn' take more time than the study. Remember, an incentive is supposed to keep you moving, not slow you down . • Give yourself smell inceotives. • Keep moving. , Choose to be p tl Your altitude will influence your SIJOOElSS on the T OEFL examination. To be successful, you must develop paltems of positive thinking. To help develop a positive altitude, memorize the following sentences and bring them to mind after each study session. Bring them to mind when you begin to have negative thoughts : I know more today that I did yestarday. I am preparing. t wln succeed. Remember, some tension Is normal and good. Accept it. Use it constructively. It will motivate you to study. But don' panic Of worry . Panic will cause loss 01 concentration and poor perfor - mance. Avoid people who panic and worry . Don' listen to them. They will eocourage negative thoughts. You know more today than you did yesterday. You are prepari ng . You will succeed. There is more advice for success in the ' AdviSOl" 's Office" throughout the book. Please read and consider the advice as you continue your T OEFL preparation. . 1 1 1- 120 27 3-& lt;lOO 64& lt;HlIT 9 6-1 10 24 3-2 72 59(H;3' 7 9-9 5 21 3-2 42 55 0-0 8' 6 5-7 8 18 3-2 12 51 3-5 49 5 3-& lt ;4 15 3-1 82 4n-5 12 4 1-5 2 12 3-1 52 43 7 -4 76 3( ) -4 () 9 3-1 22. 15 3-1 82 4n-5 12 4 1-5 2 12 3-1 52 43 7 -4 76 3( ) -4 () 9 3-1 22 39 7 -4 36 1 9-2 9 6 3-9 2 34 7-3 96 & ;-1 8 2 3-8 2 31 1-3 40 0-5 0-2 2 310 , Whln can I .,. "" scores ? You will be. The following chart compares TOEFL scores on the three most recent f ormats-the Intemet- Based TOEFL (i ST), the Computer -Based TOEFL (CBT), and the Paper -Based TOEFL (PBT). More detailed