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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 15 potx

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92 ACADEMIC SKIllS o Act IvIty 12, CD 2, Tr a ck 10 1. Because light travels laster than sound, ligh tn ing appears to precede thunder. 2. Congress respected Jefferson because 01 his intelligence and creativity. 3. The lower teeth in crocodil es protrude when their mouths are closed. 4. Some sponges resemble plants. 5. The first census was arcomplisbed In Great Britain in 1801 . 6. People who have exoerienced a traumatic event may have recurring images 01 it. 7. In algebra, letters and other symbols represent numbers. 8. During periods 01 stress or excitement, the heart ra te Increases and airways to the lungs become dilated. 9. Theories 01 prehistory and earty humans are constantly changing as we COt'lslder the new evidence from archeological finds. 10. Dreams may have been the inspiration for the Surrealists to create their works of art. Make an explanation Sometimes even native speakers cannot retrieve a word from memory when they are para- phrasing, especially when they are speaking. When this happens to you, there are several ways to compensate for the word that has slipped your mind. Make an explanation. P1w:ncAL STRATHY If it is an adjective, you can use an opposite adjective with tna word not. F or example, if a syn- onym for the adjective I8rge slips your mind, you can say, not small. The sum was not small. If il is a verb, you can use a gene ral verb Instead 01 a specific synonym. F or example, if you lor - get the synonym l or the verb rely on, you can say, USB, which is a very general verb that includes many meanings. Earty Itaders used barter in stead of money to exchange goods. If it is a noun. you can describe the noun with a descriptive phrase or clause. For example, if you forget the synonym for the noun farme r or if the word farmer slips your mind, you can describe it by saying, the p6fS()(J who engages in agricul ture . These compensatory strategies are used to get out o la problem when you are speaking. They should be used as a last resort instead of Slopping when you are speaking. besk lIeI matcr<ale PARAPHRASING 83 I'IAcnt:E Aumn 13 Did you understand? Try to restate each sentence that you may see in a textbook by explain- ing the meaning instead 01 substituting a synonym for the underlined WOld. The lirsl one is completed to give you an example. Example answers are recorded on Track 11 01 the audio and also printed in Chapter 7 on page 512. The Co nstitution guarantees that private homes will not be searched without a warran!. The ConstiMion guarantees that private homes wiI not be searched without written authorizaIjoo. () Acti vity 13 , CD 2. Track 11 ADJECTIVES Use an opposite. The second movement 01 a symphony is usually S!a!t . The second movement 01 a symphony is usually not last . 1. The temperature in many desert regions is CQIs:1 at night. 2. Facial expressions may be COfTVTlOO across culture s. 3. Obsidian is ~ because it cools too quickly for crystals to form. 4. £mY. musical instruments play louder than 100 decibels Of softer !han 20 decibels. 5. The people who have adapted to tile at very high altitudes are usually slxld. NOUNS Use a phrase. Skysqaoors are representative 01 the International Style of architecture. Tai l buildings are representative 0I1he International Style 01 architecture. 1. In many cities, vendors must have a license to set up their booths in public places. 2. Studies show that small Qills are a positive influence in elderly people's lives. 3. Staircases were an importa nt feature of the palaces constructed during the Baroque periOd. 1M ACADEMIC S KILL S 4. Global wind patterns are affected by the Earth's rotation. 5. Bitingual education is more common in regions where language minorities live. VERBS Use a general vert). ","", Many managers emoloy teams to accomplish complex goals . Many managers J.ISJt teams to accomplish complex goals. t . Unlike cast iron, pure wrought iron contains no carbon . 2. Hypnosis achieves a heightel'led state of suggestibility in a willing participant. 3. Productivity increases when fewer employees are required to ar,!";ocnp!isb the work. 4. Normally, the plasma in human blood constitutes 50-60 percent of the total blood volume. 5. Three lourt hs 01 the goods manufactur ed in Ca nada l or export are sold to the United Slates. USE ALTERIlATIVE GRAMMATICAL mUCTQIIES Sb.",I to Use Produce restatements Read and listen lor meaning Edit problem paraphrases Produce restatements Learning to identify possibilities !Of alternative structures will improve your paraphrasing skills. A restatement wfttJ an alternative structure is not a paraphrase because" uses too many of the same words and phrases. Later in th is chapter, you will use restatements with synonyms to prod~ paraphrases. PIAcnc:AL STUrny Study the examples of restat ements in each of the categories below. Learn to make restate- men ts us ing alternative structures. When you can usa both synonyms and alternative stnIC- hJres. you will be able to paraphrase appropriately. For now, locus on alternative structures. bas ttet mat na Chronology Coordination Cause Comparison Conoe""'" Negatives Passives CHRONOLOGY Original: Restatement: COORDINATION Original: Restatement: CAUSE Original: Restatement: COMPARISON Original: Restatement: PARAPHRASING is before/after/during not only-but alsolneither-nor/not-butlboth-andlas well as becauselbecause oflsinoelas a result simHarnikelthe sameldiflerfdiffe ren tlmorelless although/even though/despitelln spite oflbut/Whereas not + un -/not ooceInot oneJvery rarelylvety seldom BE + past participle After the M issou ri Compromise was abandoned by Congress , the Republican party was fooned in 1854, partly in opposition to the spread of slavery in the Un~ed States. Belore the Republican party was formed in 1854, in part 10 oppose the spread of slavery In the United States, the Missouri Compromise !\ad already been abandoned by Congress. Byzantine art consisted not only of oriental style but also of Greek ideas ItIat maintained its popularity for more than eleven centuries. Popular for more than eleven hundred years, Byzantine art consisted of boltl oriental style and Greek ideas. In the classic experiment in operant conditioning, Pavlov's dog salivated when he hean:I a bell because he associated the SOIJnd with food. Since Pavlov's dog associated the SOIJnd of a bell with being fed, he salivated when he heard it in the classic experiment in operant condi- tioning. As a conductor of neat and electricity, aluminum e)(ceoos all metals e)(cept siiver, copper , and gold. Sitver, copper , and gold are better oonductors of heat and electricity than alumioom is. 98 ACADEMIC SKillS CONCESSION Original: Restatement: N EG ATIVE Original: Restatement: P AS SI VE Original: Restatement: I'utTICEEn&ISE14 Despite the great differences In size, shape, and function, ali human celis have the same lorty-si~ chromosomes. Although the lorty-si~ chromosomes are the same in ali human celis, there are dilf9fe~ in the size, s.hep6, end function. It is not illeg al in some cultures to be married to more than one woman at the same time, but the monogamous relationship is the most common. In some cultures, it is legal to be married to several women at once , but it is more common to be married to just one woman. The explosive properties 01 nitroglycerin, later one 01 the components 01 dynamite, were discovered by Ascanio Sobrero, an Italian chemistry professor_ Italian chemistry professof Ascanio Sobrero discovered that nitroglyc- erin, later used in the production of dynamite, had explosive properties. Did you understand? Try to restate each sentence that you may see In a textbook by writing an atternative grammatical Slructure. Make changes to the grammar bul do not make changes in the meaning 01 the sentence. The first one lor each structure is completed to give you an example. Example answers are printed In Chapter 7 on pages 5t2 - 513. CHRONOLOGY E XAM I't.E Chronology: Chronology Restatement: After the death of Queen Mary In 1558, her hall-sister Elizabeth ascended the throne 01 England. Before Elizabeth ascended the throne of England In 1558, her hall- sister Mary ruled. t . Not until the Triassic PeriOd did the first primitive mammals appear. 2. Glass became a major oonstruction material duri ng the lale Middle Ages. yne! matcr<B~ PARAPHAASING 87 3. Helium replaced hydrogen as a power source for dirigibles because it was safer. 4. The Moriori people settled the Chatham Islands off the coast of New Zealand long before the Europeans arrived In 1791. 5. Always rinse your test tubes and pipettes with a small amount of distilled water before you store them In the lab co.bfrlCtS. COORDIN A TION E " Cooruinalion; Coordination Restatement; Belore the intnxluction or the musical staff, =mposan;; presorved their wor1c not only by writing ~ down but also by teaching it to a younger musician. Belore the introduction 01 the musical staff, oomposers preserved their wor1c by teaching it to a younger musician, not by writing a book. 1. Both genes and viruses are made of essential chemicals called nucleoprotelns. 2. Successful managers neither proceed without a plan nor Ignore opportunities thai arise. 3. Technically, not only glass but also water are considered minerals. 4 . Neither com nor winter wneat are native to the Americas. 5. Ethilicity is usually based on race and religion as we ll as national origin. CA USE Em " Cause: Cause Restatement; T he diesel engine thai runs on oil is more efficient than most other engines because ~ converts rrKlfe of the uselul energy stored in the rue!. T he diesel engine runs more efficiently than most o ther engines because 01 the olt th.at CO!"IlIerts more useful energy. 1. Psychologists suggest that Incentives cause workers to increase productillity. 2. Because many Makes have been found In ellcavations 01 Stone Age settlements, anthro- pologists conclude that they were used as lools fOf cutting and scrapng. tt61 matenala " ACADEMe SK ILLS 3. Too much water can cause plants to tum brown on the edges. 4. Blood pressure can become elevated as a result 01 increased salt consumption. 5. Since the interstate highway system linking r oads acr oss the counlry was buill in the 19305, most 01 the roads in the system need to be repaired. COMPARISON ""'Pl E Comparison: Comparison Restatement: Although they are smaller in size, for the most part, chipmunks are like most other ground squirrels. Chipmunks are mostly like other ground squirrels e_cept for their smaller size. t . Virusas and the first life forms that appeared on Earth millions of years ago have a similar structure. 2. The lungs have a higher olCYgen concentration than the blood does. 3. The Indian Ocean is smaller but deeper than the Atlantic Ocean. 4. Picasso's work was not the same during various artistic periods. 5. The difference in the gravitational attraction 01 various places on the Earth's surface is lhe reason that the weight of objects is not the same. CON C ESSION Concession: Concession Restatement: Although oil paint tends 10 yellow with age, tempera colors retain their vibrancy lor centuries. Oil palnl lends to yellow with age, but tempera colors retain their vibrancy for centuries. 1. Whereas insulin levels are close to Of above normal in type 2 diabetes, ta rget cells cannot respond adequately. 2. Although the idea 01 an English language academy is regularly proposed, the response has never been very positive. . COMPARISON Original: Restatement: PARAPHRASING is before/after/during not only-but alsolneither-nor/not-butlboth-andlas well as becauselbecause oflsinoelas a result simHarnikelthe sameldiflerfdiffe ren tlmorelless. + un -/ not ooceInot oneJvery rarelylvety seldom BE + past participle After the M issou ri Compromise was abandoned by Congress , the Republican party was fooned in 1854, partly. In Chapter 7 on pages 5t2 - 513. CHRONOLOGY E XAM I't.E Chronology: Chronology Restatement: After the death of Queen Mary In 155 8, her hall-sister Elizabeth ascended the

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