Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 22 potx

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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 22 potx

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5. Primary source: Secondary source : 6. Primary source: Secondary source : 7. Prir1lCuy SUUfctl: Secondary source: B. Primary source: Secondary source: 9. Pri mary source: &tcondary source: '0 . P rimasy source: Secondary source: • Get organized SYNTHESIZING 1 41 Advertising products abroad The marlleling plan lor Toyota in the United States The theory of flow A HaNard University study on flow The impact 01 a large meteor on Earth The disappearance of dinosaurs after the meteor Nuclear power plant s afe dangerous. Nu clear power Is a good source of energy. Qualitative research designs in the social sciences The Hawthorne effect as a limiting factor In qualitative research The size, price, and power of earty computers The si ze , price, and power of modem computers Use 11'10 skills that yo u h avo alnHIdy Ionmod to got Qr9llnizod boloro you bogin your synthesis. Arsl , read the directions f or your assignmeol Of the question for your lest. Ask yourself these quest ions: 1. What Is the primary source? 2. What is the secondary source? 3. What is the task? Extension or contrast? 4. What is the specffic relationship between the primary and secondary sources? I'1w:ncE kllhn:U Read the dirllClions lor a synlhasis ul Ultl r eadi ny a nod 16t.1Ullf bttlow. Then prepare to responod by asking the lour questions you have learned to use: 1. What is the primary source? 2. What Is the secondary source? 3. What is the task? Extension or oontrast? 4. What is the specific relationship between the primary and secondary sources? The answers are printed in Chapter 7 on pages 53t-532 . gt bas 1161 matenala . _2 ACADEMIC SKIUS Di rect i on s: Summarize the points In the reading, explaining how the lecture supports them. _I., Marsupials are a group of mammals that are born alive after a very shott gestation period, Since a marsupial appears quite earty in its life cycle, it must complete its embryonic develop- ment while nursing. In order to survive, the young underdeveloped marsupial must crawl from the exit of the reproductive tract over its mother's body to attach itself to a nipple inside a fold of skin called the marsupium bot better known as 8 pouch, During embryonic development, which can be weeks or months, depending on the species, a marsupial nurses and grows inside the pouch. Most marsupials do not form family groups. It is the female marsupial that cares for the offspring. The young marsupial may stay with the mother for more than a year, climbing in and out of the pouch to nurse or sleep. Although marsupials once ranged throughout North and South America, 8S well as in Antarctica, only a few species now live outside of New Zealand and Australia where more than 250 species are still found. There Is Quite e diversity of marsupials within these species. and they have adapted to a number 01 different habitats; however, some ch81acterlstics are univer- sal among them. Auditory and olfactory senses are very Important to marsupials because lhey are nocturnal creatures that depend on their ears and eyes to locate their food 8t night Some marsupials prefer plants, although others eat Insects or meal. Uke other mammals, marsupi· als are covered with hair. Unlike their placenlaJ cousins, however, marsupials have additiorlal bones that project from the peMs, a support that may strengthen the wall of the abdomen to reinforce the pouch that is their unique adaptation . li st en to part of a lecture In a biology class. () Activity 34 , CD 3, Tl'lIck 2 SELECT INFORMAnON FROM BOTH SOURCU Strateg ies to Use ~ Summarize the primary source ~ Use transition sentences ~ Include the secondary source Summarize the primary soiree You will often be asked to summarize the main points in the primary source and then relate the secondary source to It. Even If you are not asked to summarize the primary source, you should still begin by using your notes from the primary source . igt b$skyltet matenale SYNTHESIZING 1 43 Atter you have taken notes on both sources, direct your anention to the notes tOt the primary source. If the directions tor your assignment or the question for your test instruct you to sum· marize the primary source, begin with a summary, using your notes. PtlAerICE At:n~m as U sing the notes from the primary source, write a summary. In this case, the primary source is the reading in Aclivity 34. Do not use the notes from the secondary source in the summary. Compare your SlJmmary with the example summary print ed In Chapter 7 on page 532. No tes lor Reading - Primary Source • marsupials", mammal s • shaft gestation completes embryo nic developmenl nursing reproductive tract -+ m8lSupiumJpouch wlnipple • no family groups mother I yr + • once NA , SA, Anta rc now few outside NZ + AuSl 250 specieS+ • diversity habitats • universal characteristics nocturnal smell, hearing important hair add~ional bones pro ject pelvis, relnfOtce pouch Notes for Lecture-Secondary Source • koala = marsupial,O bear • gestation 3S d • pinklno fur • 19 mm • birth canal pouch/I of 2 nipples • 6-7 mo devaloplexplore • 8 mo 100 big for pouch • 4+ mo rides back/stomach • I yr Independent • T eddy Bear _ size, fur, round aarsJIarge nose • keen hearing, smell • sleeps trees day • combs eucalyptus leaves night Use transition sentences Transition sentences are very useful in a synthesis. They can be used to connect information from the primary source with information from the secondary source. Tr ans~ion sentences show the specific relationship between the two sources. 144 ACADEtoIlC SKILLS Learning some patterns for forming transitional sentences can be helpful. T he charts below are examples for you to study. Extension/Agreement Primary Source A research study on' __ _ Secondary SoUral Research S tudy was carried out __ _ According to __ _ A research study on flow was carried out at Harvard University. According to the study, . Definition EXlmple An example 01 __ _ "' According to __ _ An example 01 a familiar opera is "Carmen." Aooording to the lecturer, "Carmen • ea . tudy Concept __ _ is a case study 01 According to __ The Toyota company·s campaign in the United Stales is a case study of advertising products abroad. According to the lecturer, Toyota • Ceu se • ffoc' ___ may have caused According to __ _ T he Impact of a large meteor on Earth may have caused the disappearance of dinosaurs. According to the leclur &r , the meteor Solution Problem ___ may oller a solution lo r According to __ _ European noise ordinances may oller a solution for the problem 01 noise pollution in a techno- logical society. According to the lecturer, . bas tlet mat na SYN'THESIZING 145 Opinion Opposing OpInion ___ , However , a case may be made fOf the opposing view. According to, __ _ · the view that nuclear power plants are dangerous. However. a case may be made IOf the opposing view . According to the lechner, Advantages Disadvantages ___ . On the other hand , several disadvantages were menllol18d' __ _ • •. is also an advantage of cooperative learning. On the other hand , several disadvantages were mentioned in the lecture. First, Compari son ___ • In comparison, According to, __ _ · theoretical linguistics. In comparison. applied linguistics answers practical questions. According to the reading, an applied linguist , Include Ute secolflary saurea A synthesis is not complete unless inlormation from the secondary source Is Included. Proofread your synthesis. Look IOf information lrom both the primary source and the sec· ondary source. I'IAcra .,m" 36 Use the in formation about the primary source and the secondary source to write transition sen- tences that will connect them. Compare your answers with the example answers printed In Chapter 7 on page 532. Your anSW8f"S may be slightly different. but you should see the same patterns that you lind in the examples. Primary source: Reading The advantage 01 observation is the natural setting. Secondary source : Lecture The disadvantage of observation Is the potenliallOf the researcher 10 be biased. Transition sentence to connect advantages with disadvantages. 1 46 ACADEMIC SKIUS The advantage of observation is the natural setting. On the other hand, several disadvantages were mentioned in the lecture. Am, there Is the potential for the researcher to be biased. 1. Primary source: Reading A biogeographic realm is a land mass. Secondary source: Lecture A biome is a major regional ecosystem. Transition sentence to connect one concept with another concept in a comparison. 2. Primary source: Reading Innovations in industrial production in the 19th century Secondary source: Lecture Henry Ford's assembly line Transition sentence to connect a concept with an example. 3. Primary source: Lecture Advantages of stone for sculpture Secondary source: Reading Disadvantages of stone for sculpture Transition sentence to connect the advantages with the disadvantages, 4. Primary source: Reading Horticultural societies grow crops using hand tools. Secondary source: Lecture Agrarian societies cultivate crops with draft animals and plows. Transition sentence to connect one concept with another in a contrast. 5. Primary source: Reading Changes in the climate of the North American coaSUlne. Secondary source: LechJ re EI Nino Transition sen te nce to connect a cause (EI Nino) with an effect (changes in Climate). 6. Primary source: Reading Franchises Secondary source: Lecture Kentucky Fried Chicken chain Transition sentence to connect a business concept with a case study of a restaurant franchise. 7. Primary source: Reading Risks for heart problems Secondary source: Lecture Research on Type A and Type B personalities Transition sentence to connect a concept with a research study. 91 bas yllet matcr<a~ 8. Primary source: lecture The United States should coovert to metrics. Secondary source: Reading The United States should retaln the English sys te m. SYNTHESIZING '47 Transition sentence to connect one opinion with an opposing opinion. 9. Primary source: Reading Sou th Africa's natural resources Secondary source: Lecture Gok:I mining Transition sentence to connect a ooocept with an example. 10. Primary source: Reading Commuting to work Secondary source: lecture Home offices Transition sentence to coonect a problem (commuting) with a solution (home offices ). FOUOWA PUll Sb '" tI UII , Memorize a procedure , Work within time limits , Practice using the procedure , Memorize a procedure In order to accomplish a complex task, it helps 10 have a prcx:edure. The first Slep in using a new procedure is putting the sleps in order anclleaming !hem. Pw:ncA.L Slumy Te ll yourself whal you are going to do to cr eale a synthesis of two sources. Read the following steps until you can recite them withoullooking alth is page. Read the assignment or test question. 1. Identify the primary source. 2. Identify the seoondary sour ce . 3. Decide Whether the task Is extension or cootrasl. 4. Determine the specffic relationship between the primary and secondary sources. Read the passage and lake notes. I.isten to the lecture and take not es . Plan and write 8 synthesis. 5. Summarize the primary source. 6. Create a transition sentence to OOfIflect the primary source with the secondary source. 7. Summarize the secondary source while making references to the primary source. . page 532. No tes lor Reading - Primary Source • marsupials", mammal s • shaft gestation completes embryo nic developmenl nursing reproductive tract -+ m8lSupiumJpouch wlnipple •. pouch Notes for Lecture-Secondary Source • koala = marsupial,O bear • gestation 3S d • pinklno fur • 19 mm • birth canal pouch/I of 2 nipples • 6-7 mo devaloplexplore •. they have adapted to a number 01 different habitats; however, some ch81acterlstics are univer- sal among them. Auditory and olfactory senses are very Important to marsupials because lhey

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20

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