MOOEL TEST 515 PEAKtNG SECTION 401 ,._.tad Spat'''1JH:ItIu 4 $ttn$ Read a short passage and then listen to part of a lecture on the same topic. Reading 11me : 45 seconds Slre$$ Stress Is defined as a mental and physical condition that occurs when an adjustment or adaptation must be made to the env i ronment. Unp leas ant conditions or events cause stre ss , as, for example, financial problems, a divor'ce, health issues, or Pressure at work. However, a certain amount of stress occurs even when the adjustment is to a condition that is perceived as desirable. Exercise. dat ing, moving to a new home, or taking a trip are all stressful situations. Although short-term stress is usually harmless, the consequences of Iong·term stress can be dangerous to health. Factors that decrease the consequences of stress afe the ability to predict stressful situations and the level of control oyef them that can be achieved. o Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is talking about an experiment Question Explain \he causes of stress and relate them to the experiment with rats. Preparation Time: 30 seconds Recording 11me : 60 seconds I h a r .02 ~E MODEL TESTS TOEFl·S_u v ~ . 0 ,_1011 o Now listen to a short conversation between a student and her friend. Qu es ti on Describe the woman's problem and !he two suggestions that her friend makes about how to handle it. What do you think the woman should do, and why? Preparation Time: 20 seconds Recording Time: 60 seconds ngh ma r MODEL TEST SlSPEAKING SECTION 403 o Now lislen 10 part of a lecture in a geology class. The professor is discussing caverns. Question Using the main points and examples from the lecture, describe the two kinds 01 rock forma· tions in a cavern, and explain how the professor helps his students remember the difference between the two. Preparation Time: 20 seconds Reoording Time: 60 seconds 404 MORE MODEL TESTS WRITING SECTION The Writing section tests your ability to wrile essays In English similar to those that you would writa in college courses. During the test, you will write two essays. Tlle integrated essay asks for your response to an academic reading passage and a lecture on the same topiC . You may lake notes as you read and listen, but notes are not graded. You may use your notes to write the essay. The lecture will be spoken, but the directions and the questions will be written. You will hal/e 20 minutes to plan, write, and revise your response. Typically, a good essay for the integrated topiC will require that you write 150-225 words. The independent essay usually asks for your opinion about a familiar topic. You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your response. Typically, a good essay for the indepen· dent topic will require that you write 300-350 wor ds . A Clock on the screen wi ll show you how much time you have to complete each essay. 1.,.".hHI £sur "Efftttin Dl#lpllN " You have 20 minutes to ptan, write, and revise your response to a read ing passage and a Iec· ture on the same topic. First, read the passage and take notes. Then, listen to the lecture and take notes. Rnally, write your response 10 the wriling question. Typically, a good response will require that you write 1 50-225 words. Reading Pa ssage Tlme: 3 minutes According to t he most recent research on parenting, caretakers tend to use three strategies for disciplining children. Power Includes the use of physical punishment such as a spanklng or the threat of physical punishment, but par· ents can also demonstra te power by taking' away a privilege such as using the car, attending a sporting event, or, in the case of a very young child, playing with a favorite toy. In splle of the fa ct that power s tr ategies, especially severe physical punishment, can cause chltdren to fear Of even hate parents, it's sur· prising that power remains the stretegy used most often In disclplinlng children. It 's also worth noting that children who are harshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile, defiant, and aggressive socially. Second in popularity after power is the withholdi ng of affection. Th is can take the form of refusal to communicate with a child, threatening to abandon or reject the child, or otherwise treating children as though they were unworthy o llol/e . Interesting enough, children dis· ciplined In this way appear on the surlace to be very self·dlsclpllned, even model children who Bre seldom In trouble, but underneath, these same children JPyngh cd ma r I MODEL TEST 5/WRmOO SECTION 405 are generally very nervous, insecure, and dependent on others to approve 01 and guide their evaluation of behavior. Finally, management techniques are employed for discipline. These begin with a set 01 rules that are cl ea rly expressed at an age-appropriate level. To enforce the rules, parents use a combination of praise and approval with elCPlanation and reasoning, always relerTing back to the rules. But regardless of the strategy, the behavior that has precipitated punish- ment should be clearty understCMXI , and the consequences should be consis- ten t. Key to any kind of discipline is a pattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between the ru l es , their behavior, and the conse· quences. n Model T es t 5, Writi ng Sect io n, CD 8, Track 3 () Now listen to a lecture on the same topic as the passage that you have just read. Q uesti on ReferTing to the main points in the lecture, summarize the professor's views on effective disci- pline and contrast them with the options that parents tend to use, as outlined in the reading passage. MODEL TEST 5/WRmOO SECTION 405 are generally very nervous, insecure, and dependent on others to approve 01 and guide their evaluation of behavior. Finally, management techniques are employed for discipline. These begin with a set 01 rules that are cl ea rly expressed at an age-appropriate level. To enforce the rules, parents use a combination of praise and approval with elCPlanation and reasoning, always relerTing back to the rules. But regardless of the strategy, the behavior that has precipitated punish- ment should be clearty understCMXI , and the consequences should be consis- ten t. Key to any kind of discipline is a pattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between the ru l es , their behavior, and the conse· quences. n Model T es t 5, Writi ng Sect io n, CD 8, Track 3 () Now listen to a lecture on the same topic as the passage that you have just read. Q uesti on ReferTing to the main points in the lecture, summarize the professor's views on effective disci- pline and contrast them with the options that parents tend to use, as outlined in the reading passage. '06 MORE MODEL TESTS , ,.".", &at "Tfthnol.,lt,llslHIgllflllS" Question Advances In transportation and communication like the airplane and the telephone ha ve changed the way that nations interact with each other in a global society. Choose another technological innovation that you t hi nk is impo rt ant. Give specif ic reasons for your choice . This Is the end of Model Test 5. To check your answers, refer to " Explanatory or Example Answers and Audio Scripts for Model Tests: Model Test 5, " Chapter 7, pages Sn - 710. pynghtoo mater I . of Model Test 5. To check your answers, refer to " Explanatory or Example Answers and Audio Scripts for Model Tests: Model Test 5, " Chapter 7, pages Sn - 710. pynghtoo. MORE MODEL TESTS WRITING SECTION The Writing section tests your ability to wrile essays In English similar to those that you would writa in college courses. During the test, you will. Preparation Time: 20 seconds Recording Time: 60 seconds ngh ma r MODEL TEST SlSPEAKING SECTION 403 o Now lislen 10 part of a lecture in a geology class. The professor is discussing caverns.