296 MORE MODEL TESTS rgEn-l.I_ ~ 0) CD Q 23. What is the main purpose of this tecture? c!) To discuss three types 01 authority CD To distinguish between power and authority a;:> To examine alternatives to Weber's model ~ To argue in lavor 01 a legal raUonal system 24. Why does the professor mention Kennedy and Reagan? CD They were lounders 01 political movements. CD They were examples 01 charismatic leaders. a;:> They were aHomeys who led by the law. . ~ They had contrasting types 01 authority. r:::~ ~J . 25 . According to the professor, what two factors are associated with charismatic authority? Click on 2 answer choices. [aJ Sacred customs [Sl An a"ractive leader ~ A soci at cause ID1 legal elections M P' v MOOEL TEST 3/LISTENING SECTION 297 26. Why does the professor say this: () Q) She is asking the students to answer a question. <D She Is Introducing the topic of the lecture. (£) She Is expressing an opiniOn about the subject. ~ She is reminding students of a previous point. 27. In an evolutiOnary model, how is rational legal authority viewed? Q) The most modem form of authority <D A common type of authority in the industrial age <P AuthOrity used by traditionalleadefS ~ A replacement for the three Ideal types of autho ri ty 28. What does the professor imply about the three types of authority? Q) There is only one legitimate type of authority in modem sodeUes. <D Sociologists do not agree about the development 01 the types of authOrity. <D Societies tend to select and retain one type 01 authority indelini1ely. ~ Weber"s modet explains why the social structure rejects power over ti me . 2l1li MORE M OD EL TESTS T O! Fl e W , ® ® CD G) ~ ~ M ,ky 29. What Is the lecture mainly about? CD The process of photosynthesis CD The major types of oil traps <I> A method for collecting gas CD> A comparison 01 gas and oil MODEL TEST WSTENrNG SECTION 299 30 . Why does the professor beg in by talking about the process that transforms organic mata- rial Into oil and gas? CD He Is Introducing the ma in top ic by providi ng background information. CD He Is not very organized and he digresses a lot In the lecture. <I> He wants the class to understand why hydrocarbons remain on the surface. CD> He has to define a large number of terms before prOCgedi ng . 31 . Why does the professor say this: (') CD He wa nts the class to participate more. CD He thinks that t he reason is not logical. <I> He wants all of the students to reply. (]%) He plans to answer the question. 300 MORE MOOEL TEST S 32. Select the diagram of the anticline lrap that was described In the lecture. Click on the correct diagram. CD 33. Identify the nonporous rock in the diagram. Click on the correct letter. M " MOOEL TE ST M I STENING S ECTION 30 1 34 . According to the professor, what do geologists look for when t hey a re trying to locate a salt dome? CD A bu l ge in an otherwise flat area CD Underground rocks shaped like an arch <0 Salt on the surface of a large area <lP A deep crack in the Earth PART III LI .tM I"IIl "LlbrMy" 35. What does the man need from the librarian? <D A OVD player (I) Material for a class ID Research by Dr. Parsons aD H is student 10 38. What Is the man 's problem? <D He has 10 study for an important exam. CD He needs to prepare for a class discussion. ID He owes a fine at the li brary. <D He does I10t own a DVO player. M a hr p 302 MORE MODEL TE S TS 37. What does the man feel when he says th is: 0 <D Amused <J) Worried CP Confused ~ Interested 38 . What Is the policy for matenals on reserve? <D The materials cannot leave the library without exception. (]) There Is a ten-dollar fi ne for each hour the materials are late. CP Students must show the pr ofessor's signature to use the mate ri als. ~ Materials may be checked out overnight two hours before closing. 39 . What does the librarian Imply when she tells the man to return at ni ne o'clock? <D She will see the man after won< . CD The library probably closes at eleven. CP She Is too busy to help the man now. ~ Her sopervisor will be there at lhat time. listen i ng 8 "LItera ture Class " h' k , . 296 MORE MODEL TESTS rgEn-l.I_ ~ 0) CD Q 23. What is the main purpose of this tecture? c!) To discuss three. comparison 01 gas and oil MODEL TEST WSTENrNG SECTION 299 30 . Why does the professor beg in by talking about the process that transforms organic mata- rial Into oil and gas? CD. class to participate more. CD He thinks that t he reason is not logical. <I> He wants all of the students to reply. (]%) He plans to answer the question. 300 MORE MOOEL TEST S