II . ACADEMICSKIUS SUMMARIZING Summarizing Is related to paraphrasing because you are using your own words to express an idea that you have heard or read. Remember that when you paraphrase, you are including all of the information, but when you summarize, you are including only the main ideas. A para- phrase is about the same length as the original, but a summary is shorter than the original. There are th ree problems that you will confront when you are summarizing. 1. A summary does not Include everyth ing in the original. Th is means th ai you should not try to write too much. 2. Details and examples that support the main points are us ually not I ncluded in a summary. This means that you have to be able to discriminate between the main points and the details or examples. 3. The author '. point 01 view must be maintained . This means thai you cannot express your opinion wheo you report the informatio n. This chapter will help you improve your summarizing skills. You wHileam how to • Conoense the Ideaa • Identify the main pointa • Report the Information How will these strategies help you on the TOEFL 7 By leaming to summarize, you will be able to answer the que stions that ar e worth the most points on the Reading section. There are also questions that require you to produce summaries on the Writing and Speaking sec· tlons. Moreover, research demonstrates that students who understand how to summarize and use this skill When they prepare for tests wi ll be able to remember inf or mation bener. COtlDEIISE THE IDEAS $11,"l1li10 usa »- Be brief »- Co mbine se nt ences , Be brief A summary is a shorter version of the original. For example, if the original is 1000 words. a summary would be 200-500 WOfds. A parapilrase is about the same number of words as the original, but a summary should be brief and coocise. Details and examples are used to explain and extend the main points in a reading or a lecture. To be brief, delete the details and examples in a summ ary. bas tiel mat na PARAPH RASING 11 3 7. Source: Peter OnIcker (man) author • Management Challenges for /he 21st Century • five transforming lorces • trends have maior Implications lor Iong-tenn strategies 01 companies 8. Source: Freidrk::h Mohs (m an) • devised hardness scaIeIl0 minerals • assigned 10 10 diamond-hardest known • lesser values other min • scale still usefullrelative hardness 9. Source: Maria Monlessori (woman) • proposed educatiooal model • no llransm ission knowledge • free to develop • success ch i ld working independenUy 10. Source: Jane Goodall ( woman ) • collaboration Louis Leaky • years living wJchimpanzees-Gombe Reserve • imitated behaviors • diScovered chimp complex social organization • first document chimp makingtuSing tools • also identified 20 different soundsJcommunicalion ADVISOR'S OFFICE Do you talk 10 yourself? Of course you do . Maybe not aloud, but all oj us have men- tal convefSaliOns with ourselves. So the question is howdo you talk 10 yoursetl? Neqaffvft Ta lk I can' study all 01 this. My English is poor. I won't gel a good score. 1lllail, I will be so aShamed. Posjtjve Talk I am studying every day . My English is improvillg. I will do my besl. III need a higher score, I can Iry again. How would you talk to good friends to encourage and SlJppofIthem? Be a good I1iend \0 yourself. When negative talk comes 10 mind, substitute positive talk. Encourage yourself to learn from mistakes. SUMMARIZ!NG " S Did you understand? Try to mark out all lhe example sentances in the following passage and lecture. TtIeo recopy the remaining sentences belOw the originals. You will have a good start for writing your summaries. But remember that you cannot use someone else 's words. You still need to paraphrase when you summarize. The answers are printed in Chapter 7 on page 518. Your ansW8l'S are correct if you have paraphrased the same ideas. I. Rulli., Although ~ eech is the most advanced form 01 communication, there are many ways 01 com· municating without using speech. Signals. signs, and symbols may be lound in every known cullure. The basic lunction 01 a signal is to impinge upon the environment in sucn a way that it attracts attention. F or example, the nashing lights at an intefsection are designed to direct the driver's attention to the road. Smoke from a distant fire can also send a message, as does the lTlOfe detaJled version in the dots and dashes of a telegraph. Unlike signals, which, in general, are coded to refer to speech , signs contain meaning in and of thems&lves. A barber pole or a picture 01 a Ioal of bread can convey meaning quickly and conveniently when placed in Iront 01 a shop. A stop sign means stop even though the words may not be written out on the red octa· gon. Finally, gestures are actions, which are more diffICUlt to describe because of their rela· tionship with cultural perceptions. F or instance, in some cultures, applaudi ng in a theater provides pertormers with an auditory symbol 01 approval. In othef cultures, applauding can mean tnatthe perlormance was not well received. Listen to part 0 1 a lecture in a botany class. Write down the major points but do not take notes on the examples. Then WTile a summary. o Acti ,ity21, CD2,TrackI4 , Combine sentHees Another good way 10 condense the ideas is 10 combine sentences. Connecting words puI sen· tences together and show the relationships between them. There are several types 01 sen- tences with connecting words lor each type. Connecting words lor clauses introduce a subject and a vem . Connecting words lor phrases introduce a noun. Clauses 01 Add i tIon and addition addition 1. Penguins are the most highly specialized of all aquatic birds. 2. Penguins may live lor twenly years. 118 ACAOEM H: SKILLS Penguins are the most highly specialized 01 all aquatic birds, and they may live for twenty years. 0' Penguins are the most highly specialized 01 all aquatic birds; moreover, they may live for twenty years. Cl l u sas of Ravar ll l but reversal however reversal 1. Pengui ns may live lor twenty years. 2. Penguins have several obstacles to their survival. Penguins may live for twenty years, but they have several obstacles to their survival. 0' Penguins may live for twenty years; however, they have several obstacles to their survival. Clau ses of R es ult although even though be'"'' since _he" uneKpecled result uneKpecled result eKpecled result eKpecled result absolute scientific result 1. Both parents have brown eyes. 2. Their children may be born with blue eyes. Phr ase of Rn ul t because of + noun eKpecled result Although both parents have brown eyes, their children may be born with blue eyes. " Their children may be born with blue eyes although both parents have brown eyes. Even though both parents have brown eyes, their children may be born with bl ue eyes. " Their Ch ildren may be born with blue eyes even though both parents have brown ey es. ,. Their children are born with blue eyes. 2. Both brown-eyed parents have recessive genes lor blue eyes. Because both brown-eyed parents have recessive genes lor blua eyes, their children are born with blue eyes. " Their children are born with blue eyes because both brown-eyed parents have recessive genes for blue eyes. .g1 bas lIeI matenale SUMMARIZING 1 17 Since both brown-&yed parents have recessive genes for blue eyes , their children are born with blue eyes . '" Their ch ildren are bam with bl ue eyes since both brown-eyed parents have recessive genes for blue eyes. Because ol recessive genes, their children are born with blue eyes. Their children are born with blue eyes because of recessive genes. When both brown-eyed parents have recessive gel'\8S for blue eyes , their children are born with blue eyes. '" Their children are born with blue eyes when both brown-eyed parents have recessive genes. Clau of Collbut whereas on the contrary PtlnuIH of Contrast in spite of + noun contradiction _. 1. Many Native American tribes waged isolated battles against white settlers. 2. Under Chief Tecumseh , the Shawnees tried to estabtish a confederacy to unity res istance against white settlers. Whereas many Native American tribes waged isolated battles against wtVte settlers, under Chief Tecumsah the Shawnees tried to establish a COI,federacy to unity resistanoe against them . 1. Tecumseh 's fearless opposition. 2. Tecumseh 's coalition was defeatad at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. In spite of Tecumseh 's fearless owositiofl, his coalition was defsated at the Battle of Fallen TlIT\bers. '" Despite T ecumse~'I'S fear1ess opposition , l\is ooalition was defeated at the Battle 01 Fallen Timbers. Desc:rfptlve Cle uaes wh<h who 1. Magnesium is the lightest 01 the structural metals. 2. Magnesium is Importanlln engineering industries. not huma n ""~" Magnesium, which Is the lightest of the structural metals, is important in engineering industries. 1. Engineers often need lightweight metals. 2. Engineers use magl'\8sium for their designs. Engineers, who often need lightweight metals, use magnesium f or their designs. avs yttet l1 S ACAD£t.lIC $KIll S More Descriptive Claule l that human or not human 1. The biU was not passed until 1920. 2. The bill allowed women the right to vote in the United States. The bUt that granted women the right 10 vote In the United Stales was 001 p!:Issed until 1920. Chronolog y Clausel Chronolog y Phrsses wh i le same time during same time before earlier time alter later time 1. The Romans invaded Englalld. 2. The Cells were living in England. The Romans Invaded England while the Celts were living there. '" The Romans invaded England during the Celtic occupation. t. First the Iberians had been living in England. 2. Then the Angles and saxons came to England. The Iberians had been living in England before the Angles alld Saxons came there. '" The Angles and Saxons came to England after the Iberians had been living there. ConClus ion Clauses therefore logical conclusion thus logical conclusion 1. The amount of land cannot be increased. 2. The amount of water cannot be increased. 3. Efficient agricultural methods must be employed. The amount of land and water cannot be increased: therefore. efficient agricultural methods must be employed. '" The amount oIlalld alld water cannot be increased: thus, efficient agricultural methods must be employed. Parallel Str ucturel Similar structures oonnected by commas Noons Va"" Ad jectives yttet matcr<a~ SUMMAAIZING '" 1. Best known for creating the Shef1oc:k Holmes mysteries, Brttish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a physician. 2. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was also a world traveler. 3. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote numerous adventure stories. Best known for creating the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a physician a world traveler and a writer 01 numerous adventure stories. ~ Best known for creating the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle practiced medicine, I raye!ed the world, and lttW!.II. numerous adventure stories. '" Best known for creating the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, British author Sir ArtOOr Conan Doyle was well ad'qIAd, adyeotureSO!'!!&, and prolific. tntrod uct ory Verbel Modif iers (-I ng and~ ) -Ing lonn s and -edJonns may be used as vemals. Vemals function as modifiers. An intro- ductory vemal mocIiller with -ing or · ed should Immed i ately precede the noun it modifies. Otherwise, the relationship between the noun and the modifier is unclear , and the sal"!- tence is illogical. 1. Undbergh designed h is own plane, the Spirit of St. Louis. 2. Undbergh ftew from Roosevelt F"1EI1d in New Yor1I.lo Le Bourget F"teld outside Paris. Ha ving designed his own plane , the Spirit of St . Louis, Undbe rgh flew from Roosevelt Field in New YorK 10 Le Bourget Flekl outside Paris. The plane was designed by Undbergh . The plane flew across the ocean with few problems. Designed by Undbergh , the plane new across the ocean with few problems. I'umcE ALIMn 22 Did you understand? Try 10 combine the sentences. Copy the combined sentences below the originals. The first sentence Is completed 10 give you an example. The answers are printed in Chapter 7 on pages 519-520 . Ar1 attitude is a positive or negative evaluation. A positive or negative attitude may affed behavior. An anitude may play an important role in perception. """" An anitude, which Is a positive or negative evaluation, may affect behavior and play an impor- tant role in perception. . tntrod uct ory Verbel Modif iers (-I ng and~ ) -Ing lonn s and -edJonns may be used as vemals. Vemals function as modifiers. An intro- ductory vemal mocIiller with -ing or · ed should. use this skill When they prepare for tests wi ll be able to remember inf or mation bener. COtlDEIISE THE IDEAS $11,"l1li10 usa - Be brief - Co mbine se nt ences , Be brief. ey es. ,. Their children are born with blue eyes. 2. Both brown-eyed parents have recessive genes lor blue eyes. Because both brown-eyed parents have recessive genes lor blua eyes, their children