394 MORE MooEL TEST S 43. Why does the professor say this: n CD He is helping the student to find the exact word. CD He is correcting something that the student said. CO He is changing the topic of the discussion. CD He is trying to regain the floor to continue. 44 . What is interesting about the painting, "lavender Mist! CD The unusual color CD The texture of the paint CD The artist's handprints aD The number of coples 45. What is the professor's opinion 01 Pollock? <D He thinks th ai Pollock w as an excellenlillustrator. CD He argues that Pollock's work was Influential. CO He expresses reseJValions about Pollock's work. CD He agrees wilh PoIlock's critics. ' O ~ F\.·U_ ,,;;;;.,, :. •• ~ ." .~" , . ?' " J, " 'R." "" r h it r MOOEl TEST WSTENlNG SECTION 3SI5 TOU •• ~ ~ ~ ~~ :;',"0, _ "- _ " !j' : J' '~ ) 40. What is this lecture mainly about? CD Reinlorced concrete In buildings <D The stresses caused by earthquakes <0 Earthquake-resistant structures (D) Understanding construction sites 47 . Which technique is used to reinforce walls? CD Cross-bracing <D Shear cores <D Bolting (D) Base Isolators 48. Which two materials are used in base isolators? Click on 2 answer choices. L!l Rubber I!l Steel I.Cl Concrete IDI Soli I h a r 3M MORE MODE L TE ST S 49 . What happens to fill dirt during an earthquake? <D It allows the building to sway. <D It reduces earthquake damage. CD It becomes unstable and collapses. (D) It creates mild shOck waves. so. Why does the professor say this: () <D He is introdu ci ng a new major point. CD He is trying to get the students to participate . CD He Is drawing a conclusion about engineering. (D) He is disagreeing with his previous comment. 51 . What does the professor th ink about computer sensors for bu i ld i ngs? <D He thinks this is a superior method for preserving buildings. CD He finds the research on sensors lor pistons very encouraging. CD He is more concerned about the potential for people to be injured. a:> He doubts that the concept will result in de s ign improvements. PlUM him off the audio. There Is • 1o.mlnute break between the Ustenlng MCtIon and the Speaking section. )pynghtoo maier I MODEL TEST SlSPEA KING SEC TION 397 SPEAKING SECTION o Model T es t 5, Speaking Section , CD 8, Track 2 The Speaking sacti on tests your ability to communicate In English in an academic setting. Dur- ing the test, you will be presented with six speaking questions. T he questions ask for a response to a single question, a conversation, a talk, Of a lecture. You may take notes as you listen, but notes are not graded. You may use your notes to answer the questions. Some ollhe questions ask lor a response to a reading passage and a talk or a lecture. The reading passages and the quesUons are written, but most of the directions will be spoken. Your speaking will be evaluated on both the fl uency of the language and the accuracy of the content. You will have 1 5-20 seconds to prepare and 45-00 seconds to respond to each ques- tion. Typical ly, a good response ·will require all of the response time but t he answer will be complete by the end of the response time. The time for the Speaking section is about 20 minutes. A clock on the screen w ill show you how much time you have to prepare your answer and how much time yoo have to record it. 3M MORE MOOE L TESTS , ".".", Speaking OIIat1lJ. 1 "A TlJllrIst AthctllJlJ" (') Usten lor a questioo about a familiar topic. Question If you were asked to choose one place In your country where you would take a tourist, which one would you choose? Why? What Is especially Impressive about the place? Use specific reasons and details 10 explain your choice. Preparation Time: 15 seconds Recording Time: 45 seconds ngh ma r UOOEl TEST SlSPEAKING SECTION _ T'OH'· -_ • 0-_1 ' (') Ustan for a question that asks your opinion about a familiar topic. Qu estion Some people believe that lhe best way to succeed Is to set goals and work. hard to achieve them . Other people think that hard work is not as Important as good luck. Which point of view do you think is true and wh y? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Preparation 'fime: 1S seconds Recording Time : 45 seconds , , 400 MORE MODE L TE STS ,,,,,,, ,td Spnkl., ,/0_ 3 "Am -,1Itm1.,," Read a short passage and listen to a talk oolhe same topic. Reading Tlme : 45 seconds Po lic<y for Vebicles on Campus Vehicles parked on campus by students, laculty, or staff must be reg is tered with the Cam- pus Police Department. Parking permits are required for both part·lime and lull·lime stu - dents. Permits may be purchased at the Campus Police Department, which is located at the south entrance to the campus or at the Business OffIce In the Admln lstration Bu i ld ing. The lee per vebicle is $20 . Please be advised that you must have a permit lor overy veh i- cle that you park in campus lots. Parking enlorcement will begin one week alter lhe first day 01 each semester. TOHl- Ing .~. _ • . Q. """,,", , Now lislen 10 a sludent who is speaking althe meeting. She is expressing her opinion aboulthe policy. Question The student expresses her opinion oltha policy lor vehicle registration. Report her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives lor having that opinion. Pr eparation Time: 30 seco nds Recording Tlme : 60 seconds . reg is tered with the Cam- pus Police Department. Parking permits are required for both part lime and lull·lime stu - dents. Permits may be purchased at the Campus Police Department, which is. Preparation Time: 15 seconds Recording Time: 45 seconds ngh ma r UOOEl TEST SlSPEAKING SECTION _ T'OH'· -_ • 0-_ 1 ' (') Ustan for a question that asks your opinion. language and the accuracy of the content. You will have 1 5-2 0 seconds to prepare and 4 5-0 0 seconds to respond to each ques- tion. Typical ly, a good response ·will require all of the