388 MORE M OOEL TESTS LIst."I,., 5 " Music Ap".cl.IIIIII CIIISS " JOtf\ ll'_ er:> (y) W c.:i) 23. What is the maln purpose of the lecture? CD To eKplain chamber music <D To give examples 01 composers CD To congratulate th e University Quartet <lD To Introduce madrigal singing Z4. What Is the origin 01 the term chamber music? CD A medieval musical instrument <D An old word that means ·small grOlJp· CD A ptace where the music was played <lD A name of one of the original musicians ~.,. 25. Which of the f Ollo wing are 1he key characteristics of chamber music in the Classical Period? Click on Z answer choices. !aJ Baroque style IBl Complex melodies [CJ l onger pieces [Dl Am ateur musicians , , 388 MORE MODEL TEST S ~'.h"_ mater MODEL TEST 5I1 f STENfNG SECTION 388 29. What is this discussion mainty about? <!> GrOWing plants without son <D Mix i ng nutrients in water II> Identifying chemicals in soil <l!> Solving problems in the water 30 . Why docs the professor talk about the history of hydroponics? CD She wants to put the modern method in historical context. (J) She Is trying to prove that hydroponics Is a new Idea. eD She is following the information in the textbook very closely. en> She digressed from the subject for a long lime. 31 . According to the professor, what is the greatest advantage of hydroponics? CD The plants are less likely to develop soil·borne diseases. <D The cultivation requires much less labor than traditional methods. CD The waler can be recycled in a hydroponic environment. (D) Less space Is needed to produce a large number of plants. 32 . Why does the professor say this: n CD She is making a statement to generate further discussion. <:V She Is drawing a conclusion to end the point aOOut SOil. eD She Is answering the question that was posed about regions. <l!> She is trying to understand what the student just said . 33. Why does the professor suggest that the students refer to their lab workbook? <!> To see the diagram 01 the experiment (J) To read more about plant growth <30 To find a list of important plant nUl/lents CD) To locate the instructions for building a tank 34 . According to the professor, why are rOOI S important to plants? Click on 2 answer choices. !AI To absorb water and nutrients IBl To take in enough oxygen ltJ To suspend the plants In the solution !OJ To filter out toxic substances I lYngh maler I 390 MORE MODEL TESTS PART III Ust.lllng 7 "U btary " TOEFl· Uo_ /~_ ,~. .,. l' -~ . - . ", 35. Why does the man approach the librarian? CD He needs an explanation of his assignment <D He is looking for an encyclopedia. «) He needs help finding some dats. ao He Is trying to find the reference section. 36. What does the woman mean when she says this: n CD She is showing comprehension. <D She is expressing surprise. «) She Is talking to herself. ao She is dismissing the man. 37. What does the librarian imply? CD The man can find a chart in an encyclopedia. m The professor has explained the assignment clearty. CD The library has a very good reference section. ao The man should not change the assignment. , ,. MOOEL TEST WST EN ING SECTION 31 1 38. What example does the li brarian give for the assignment? CD A relative comparison 01 home prices (I) Average family Income In several countries CD International business around the world CD> Global economic pa"ems In this decade 39. What will the man do with the informat io n? CD Show it 10 the librarian (I) Write a report for class CD Draw a chart or a graph «> Decide where 10 live Llrtftl B "Ad HI$torf CI _ ~" • , c:;:l G') CD ' :::D t- ;;' 392 MORE MOO£L T ES TS TOf. ' l-U_ r.;::;. ~ r;;'- rw~) " . ~ ,,-,), 01 ./, ",! L • ~ j - - TO lfl- U _ i~' ~ ,-,;;- \ - ;;-, " ' ,"'-'.)' 01 ' / f>hoIo or Jaekson PoIoek pain t ing Phorograph by H ans N amuth Couftesy Cen tef!(lf Creati¥e Pho t og/aptly , U/lIvef$ity or Att:rona Cl l99 1 Hans N amUlh E sta te , .• -_ it MODEL TEST 5ILISTENING SEC TION 3;3 TOU.·U_ (~,,;;,,, -;;; ) (;.;;" " ". - ','- , " , ~ , -~-~- " 40. What is th is discussion mainly about? CD Artists In New York CD Post Impressionlsls CO Abstract E)(pressionism <J) The Guggenheim collec1ion 4 1. To what did some crttlcs compare Pollock's wor1t? <I> Nature <D Oancirlg CO Chaos a> Houses 4 2. According to t he professor, what defines action art? Click on 2 answer chok»s. ~ Control lSI Desig n ICl Coincidence 101 Imbalance Jpyngh maier . ' :::D t- ;;' 392 MORE MOO£L T ES TS TOf. ' l-U_ r.;::;. ~ r;;&apos ;- rw~) " . ~ , ,-, ), 01 ./, ",! L • ~ j - - TO lfl- U _ i~' ~ ,-, ; ;- - ; ;-, . N amUlh E sta te , .• -_ it MODEL TEST 5ILISTENING SEC TION 3;3 TOU.·U_ (~,,;;,,, -; ;; ) (;.;;" " ". - ',&apos ;- , " , ~ , -~ - ~- " 40. What. substances I lYngh maler I 390 MORE MODEL TESTS PART III Ust.lllng 7 "U btary " TOEFl Uo_ /~_ ,~. .,. l' -~ . - . ", 35. Why does the man approach the