338 MOflE MODEL TESTS 57. Accord ing to paragraph 6, which of the following is true abou t the wings of birds? <D All birds liap their wings constanUy by using breast muscles. <D Eagles and hawks have wings that propel them at 170 kmlhr. CD The ai rf oils of birds !unction like the wings 00 airplanes. CD> Wings are attached to airfoils In the bird 's skeletal structure. Paragraph 61s marked with an arrow [ ~) . 58. In paragraph 7, the author explains the term keratin by c:D identifying it in ha ir and fingernails <D comparing it to bird fealhers CD providing a definition in the text CD> describing the way that it lOoks Paragraph 7 is marked with an arrow [ ~ J . Sg. The word radical in t he passage is clOsest in meaning to CI> very clear <D very wide CD very fast CD> very new 60. According to the passage, which characteristic do birds sha re wi th reptiles? c:D They defend themselves with claws. <D They reproduce by laying eggs. CD They have a sim ilar skeletal structure. <lI> Th ey utilize a two-chambered heart. 61 . Which of th e sentences below besl expresses th e In !ormation in the highlighted statement in the passage? The other chOices change tile meaning or leave ou t important information. c:D Very early birds appeared aiter the dinosaurs. <D Bi rd s and dinosaurs may share a mutual ancestor. CD Birds and dinosaurs we re probably very common. CD> The origin of birds and dinosaurs is very early. 62. According to paragraph 9, what can be infe rr ed about research on the ev olution of birds? CI> The research is not very r ecen t. CD The subJect is popular. CD Many researchers are working on it. cJD There are some definitive conclusions. Paragr aph 91s mark ed with an arrow [ ~ l . M 1 flal chraneny a' sk~ml pravv MODEL TEST 4/flEADING SECTION 33i 63. All of the following are m en tioned as adaptations to the bird's anatomy to accommodate flight EXCEPT CD a covering of feathers CD relatively large brains <t) Vert sharp eyes <ID small legs and feet 64 . Look at the four sq uares I _I that show where the following sentence could be Inserted In the passage. Furthermore , migr a tion a llows birds to avoid climates that are too hot or too cotd during certain seasons . Where could the sentence best be added? Click on a square (- I to Insert the sentence in t he passage. 65 . Directions : An introdu ct i on for a sho rt summary 01 the passage appears below. Complete th e summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that mention the most Important points in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas thai are not included in the passage or are minor points f rom the passage. This question Js worth 2 points. Birds evolved during the reptilian radi atI on ot the MesozoIc era. • • • Ans wer Choices ~ Birds and reptiles are most pr oba bly related. [BJ Fea th ers are among the most unusual evolutionary changes. ICl Many structural adaptations were required for birds to ny . IDl Therapods are relatively small, meat-eat- ing dinosaurs. lEI There are a number of advantages lor creatures that fly. (f) Migration pa tterns are typical of many species of birds. Mille 1al chr ~y ''Sky prfr.tv 340 MORE MODE L TESTS LISTENING SECTION () Modef Test 4, Uatening Section, CD 6, Track 4 The Ustening section tests your ability to understand spoken Eng!iSh thai is typical of interac- tions and academic speech on college campuses. During the test. you will respond to conver- sations and lectures. This is the sho rt lormal lor lhe LiS le ning section. On Ihe short formal, you will respond 10 two cooversations and four lectures. After each listening passage, you will answer ~ questions about it. You will hear each conversation or lecture one time. You may take notes wh il e you listen, but notes are not grad ed . You ma y use your not es to answer 1!'Ie question s. ChOose the best answer lor mulUple-cholce questions. Follow lhe directions on Ihe page or on the screen lor computer-assisted questions. Click on Next and OK 10 go to the next question. You cannot relurn to previous questions, You have 20-30 minutes to answar all 01 the ques- tions. A clock on the scroon will snow you hOw much time you have to complete your answers IOf the section. The clock does not count the time you are listening to the conversations and lectures. M 1 flal chrsneny s' sk~ml pravv UOOEL TEST 4ILtSTENtNG SECTtON 341 PART I toI'n. • -;;;:-_' ~ ; ,~;;" I~ ' ~ • ', " _/ '- :! 1. Why does the man go to see his professor? CD To take a makeup lest for a class that he missed a> To explain why he has been absent from class CD To tum in an exira credit project to the professor $ To ask the professor how to bring up his grade 2. Why did Ernie get a low grade on the last test? CD He does not understand the material. <D He is not a very good student. CD He did not have time 10 finish it . Q) He was in a hurry to leave the class. 3. What do we know about t ne test ? <D There were 1 00 que stions on it. <D It was worth 25 percent of the final grade. CD The test was an extra credit assignment. Q) The questions were very difficult. ~., , 342 MORE MODEL TESTS 4. Why does the professor say this: 0 <!> Because she doesn't understand what the man wants her to do CD Because she h as finished the di scussion abou t the ma n's p roblem CD Because she wan ts t he man to be more specific about his p lan CD Because she does no l want to do what the man suggests 5. What can be inferred about t he prolessor? <!> She tries 10 be lair to all 01 her students. CD She is not very lIexible about he r poliCies . CD She does I'IOt have very many stude n ts . CD She is not sure wha t she wants to do. TO£H·U_ "" ;;;" '-";-', ';:', ";'''' '- ' \.!. " ~ / .~-'""" r h a r MOOEL TEST -41USTENING SECTION 343 • 344 MORE MODEL TESTS 6. Which of the fo llowing is the main topic of the lecture? CD A progressive view of agriculture CD The conditions for the development of agriculture (C A compariSon of hunter-ga\herers and farmers CD The negative effects of agriculture on earty farmers 7. What are two key characteristics of hunler-galherers mentioned In I he lecture? Click on 2 answer choices. !AI Th ey were taller t han farmers. lSI Th ey ate less well than larmers. ICI They lived longer than farmers. (D] They were less physically lit than larmers. 8. Why does the professor say this: 0 CD To emphasize the point that he has just made CD To indicate tha t ano ther point will be made CD To demo n st r ate t hat the point is his opinion CD To r egain t he student s' anention for the next point 9. H ow does the professor organize his lecture? CD He contrasts older theories 01 agriculture with newer ones. CD He makes an argumen t for the revisionist view of agriculture. (C He defines revisionism by giving examples of early farmers . CD He provides a chronological account of early farmers. 10. Which of t he following statements best summarizes the pos i tion of the revis ionists? CD The agricultural revolution affected all human activity. CD The development of agrlculture had a posltlve Influef1(;e on nutrition. (C Agriculture contributed to the health risks for earty farmers. CD Agricultural people h ad to move from place to place to plant crops. 11. In the lecture, t he professor describes the relationship between health and agriculture. Indicate whether each of t he following is t rue or false. Click in the correct box for each phrase. Ye, No A Epidemics were spread by crowded towns and trade. B Crop failures threatened the entire population. C Wars with invading hunter-gatherers devast ated them . D Unbalanced diets contributed to malnutrition. E Hard labor damaged the ir bones. )pynqhlOO maier I . "" ;;;" &apos ;-& quot; ;-& apos;, ';:', ";'''' &apos ;- ' .!. " ~ / . ~-& apos;""" r h a r MOOEL TEST -4 1USTENING SECTION. s' sk~ml pravv UOOEL TEST 4ILtSTENtNG SECTtON 341 PART I toI'n. • -; ;; :-_ ' ~ ; ,~;;" I~ ' ~ • ', " _/ &apos ;- :! 1. Why does the man go. MODE L TESTS LISTENING SECTION () Modef Test 4, Uatening Section, CD 6, Track 4 The Ustening section tests your ability to understand spoken Eng!iSh thai is typical of interac- tions