352 MORE MODEL TE S TS 29 . What is this discussion mainly about? a> Success in college CD H ow to read laster CD Academic study skills m> Resea rc h on college students 30. How does tile professor organize the discussion? <I> She cites research to suppan her arguments. <D She gives a demonstration of her theory. CD She debates the I ssues with her students. <D She shares strategies that she developed. 31 . Why does the professor mention running? a> To digress from the topic with a personal story <D To make a comparison between reading and runn ing <:D To show that reading requires physical effort m> To clarily the times two rule 32. Why does the professor say this : () a> She doesn' think the point is very Important. CD She is trying to finish the lectI;Jf8 on time. <D She thinks the idea will fit in better later 00 . m> She doesn' want the student to Interrupt her. 33. The professor mentions several negative habits. Match these habits to the explanations. Click on the habit and drag it to the correct explanation. Hab it <!) Fixating <D Auditory read ing <D Regress i ng Explanation P3u:lOS th31 tho oyo m3kos Reading the same words more than once Moving your lips while reading )pynghted maken 11 M ODEL T ES T 4JLI S TEN ING SEC T IO N 353 34. What would the professor probably like the stude nt s to do? CD Spend more time studyi r"lg outside of class <D Use their dictionaries when they are reading <D Take one 01 her classes at the college G> Get help OIl the Learning Center Please tum off the audio. There Is a 1G-mlnute break between the Li s tening section and the Speaking seclion. 3 54 MORE MOOEL TESTS SPEAKING SECTION n Model Tu t 4, Speak ing Secti on , CD 7, Tra ck 1 The Speaking section tests your ability to communicate in Engtish in an academic setting. Dur- ing the test, you will be presented with six speaking questions. The questions ask for a response to a single question, a conversation, a talk, Of a lecture. You may take notes as you listen, but notes are not graded. You may use your notes to answer t he questions. Some 01 the questions ask lor a response to a reading passage and a talk or a lecture. The reading passages and the questions are written, but most of the directions will be spoken. Your speaking will be evaluated on both the fluency 01 the language and the accuracy 01 the content. You will have 15-20 seconds to prepare and 45-60 seconds to respond to each ques- tion. Typically, a good response will require all 01 the response time, but the answer will be complete by the end 01 t he response time. The time for the Speaking section Is about 20 minutes. A clock on the screen will show you how much time yoo have to prepare your 8I1swer and how much time you have to record It. )pynghlOO maier I MOOEL TEST 4ISPEAKING SECTION 355 (') Llslen for 8 question aboul a famili ar loplc. Question Which city in the woOd woold you like to visit? Use specifIC reasons and de la ils to ekplain your choh:e. Preparation llme : 15 se<:onds Recording Time: 45 seconds 35$ MORE MODEL TESTS I".,.".", Spakl", QuatJtm 2 "Sc"."I." TOH l ·_ V ~I , . 0-_.001 n listen lor a question that asks your opinion about a lamiliar topic. Question Some students preler to attend a school that provides education lor women only or men only. Other students preler to attend a coeducational school lor both women and men. Which envi- ronment do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Preparation Time: 15 seconds Recording Time: 45 seconds ngh ma r MODEL TEST 4/SPEAKtNG SECTION 3 57 Read a short passage and listen to a talk on the same topic. Reading Time: 45 seconds Notice concerning proposed changes In language requlremenls Al l international students at Communi ty College are currently required to submit a TOEFL score of 80 in order to be admitted to credit classes. Students who score lower than 80 are referred to the English Language Institute for additional language instruction. The college is considering a prOp:;lsalthat would allow students with a score of 75 10 take at least one credit class while they continue to study part lime in the English Language Institute. The students would be assigned to an academic advisor who would help them select an app r o- priate CCHJrse. This proposal will be discussed at a public meeting In the s tu dent union at 7 P.M . on December 1. (') Now listen to a student who is speaklng at the meeting. She is expressing her opinion about the policy for International students. Question The student expresses her opinion of the poticy for in ternational students. Report her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for having that opinion. Preparation Ti me: 30 seconds Recording Time: 60 seconds r 11 a r 158 MORE MODEL TESTS ,.,."."", Speakl., Quest/an 4 "". ad , ",, Read a short passage and then listen to part of a lecture on the same topic. Reading Time : 45 seconds Myths and L~ends Myths afe stories that explain the origin of events from th e distant past, as, for examp le , how the universe was created, how human beings a nd animals populated the Earth, the reason that death exists, and the na tu re of the afterlife. Myths are usually tied to religious beliefs and Involve bein gs with supernatur al powers, In contrast, legends usually refer to stories about a more recent period of time, and the characters are often rea l people with heroic qualities that re fl ect the values of th ei f society and cult ur e, Becau se the heroes in legends often become larger than life as the legend is retold and embellished, they m ay actually be aUrib u tecl with supernatu ral powe rs like their mythological counterparts. T his bl u rs the distinction between mythology and legends. fOEn - Spoo!o.Wov ;.,~ , ~ " 0 . 01. = _ '-". "' = ~, .' n Now listen to part of a lecture in an anthropology class. The professor is talking aboul the legend of Paul Bunyan. Qu estion Using the main points and examples fr om the reading, explain the differences between myths and legends. Then reler to the lecture to explain why Paul Bunyan wou ld be considefed a lege nd , Preparation Time : 30 seconds Recording Time: 60 seconds r h a r . Speak ing Secti on , CD 7, Tra ck 1 The Speaking section tests your ability to communicate in Engtish in an academic setting. Dur- ing the test, you will be presented with six speaking questions language and the accuracy 01 the content. You will have 1 5-2 0 seconds to prepare and 4 5-6 0 seconds to respond to each ques- tion. Typically, a good response will require all 01 the. like their mythological counterparts. T his bl u rs the distinction between mythology and legends. fOEn - Spoo!o.Wov ;.,~ , ~ " 0 . 01. = _ &apos ;-& quot;. "' =