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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 16 pptx

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PAflAPttRASING iii 3. Even though the Jovian planets are grouped together, each one has had a very different evolutionary history. 4. Despite the advantage thai young people enjoy lor recall in vocabulary studies, older people appear to be better at word recognition. 5. In spite 01 the laetlhat interviews are the most oornmon strategy lor assessing job appIi· cants, they tend to have low validity. NEGATIVE Negative: Aflirmative Restatement: The addiction to gambling is not unlike the addiction to substances. The addiction to gambling is like the addiction to substances. 1. Not once has the geyser known as Old Faithful failed to erupt on lime. 2. Nonstandard dialects are not used as educational models in schools. 3. Never has there been such wide access to news lrom so many media. 4. The constnJction 01 a city on the ruins 01 a previous settlement is nol uncommon. 5. Not until the Triassic PeriOd did the lirst primitive mammals develop . PASSIVE Active statement: Passive Restatement: Sea gulls need either fresh or salt water lor them to survive. Either Iresh or sal! water is needed by sea gulls lor them to survive. 1. I! Is interesting that people over the age of 65 experience fewer mental health disorders. 2. In the stringed instruments, a bow produces the tones when it is played across a set of strings made of wire or gut. 3. High· frequency radiation from the Sun and other sources partly ionize gases in the ionosphere . 100 ACADEMIC SKILLS 4. Architects can use a domed roof to cooserve floor space. 5. The Egyptians used papyrus to make paper, sails, baskets, and clothing. , Read and listen for meaning When you read Of listen lor meaning, you learn to think about the ideas that the writer Of speaker is communicating. not the Individual words or grammar used. I'RAcncE Snu.TUY Practice reading and listening for meaning. By focusing 00 sentences or even paragraphs, you will train your mind to make coonections and comprehend the ideas instead 01 trying to under- stand word by word. The Important question is this: What does the author or the lecturer mean? What ideas are being expressed? Puc nuL Acmm 15 Did you understand? Try to identify the sentences that express the same idea. The first one is completed to give you an example. Example answers are printed In Chapt er 7 on page 5 14 . What does the professor mean by the following statement: Poet and humorist Ogden Nash tlied but failed to adapt himself to the academiC and laler the business world. Q;) He was a better businessman than he was a teacher. e He did nol succeed in either teaching or buSiness. CD He tried teaching before he finally succeeded in buSiness. CD He made no effort to succeed In teaching and business. 1. What does the professor mean by the following statement: Atter hitting a bar several times with similar results, an animal learns that ~ can get food by presSing the bar. CD An animal is able to press the bar more alter it is led three or lour time s. <D Three or lour animals are used In the experiment with Similar results. CD There are several trials by an animal before the food is released. CD An animal learns how to get food by hitting a bar. 2. What does the professor mean by the following statement: Although he wrote many short stories, it was a poem, 111e Raven," that brought Poe his greatest fecogn~ion as a writer. CD Poe is remembered more for 8 poem than lor his short stories. <D "The Raven" is less well-known than Poe 's short stories. CD Poe is famous for writing both short stories and poetry. CD Poe wrote more short stories than poems during his career. yllet matcr<8~ PARAPHRASING 101 3. What does the professor mean by the following statemeot: It was an atom that contained in the form 01 pure eneI'ID' Ihe fundamental oomponents of the entire universe. a.:> The universe was made up of many atoms of pure energy. <D The effect of a pure atom in the universe was to produce energy. «> Everything in the universe was reduced to pure energy in one alom . ~ The energy in the univefSe was stored in pure atoms. 4. What does the professor mean by ltIe following statement: Although a bear does not eat during the winter, sustaining itself from body la t, its tempera- ture remai ns almost normal, and it breathes regulal1y. a.:> When a bear survives on body fat Instead of eating, its temperature and respiration are reduced. <D Not eating during the winter does not affect the bear's breathing, but it does affect its temperature. «> Duri ng the winter, the bear's temperature is normal and its respiration is regular, but it does not require food. a> The bear's diel of fat during the winter does not affect its temperature and respiration. 5. What does the professor mean by the following statement: It is generally true that as long as the CEO maintains the confidence of the board of direc- tors, they will not intervene to dictate specific: policies. a.:> Policies are dictated by the board with the approval of the CEO . <D The board will assume control only if they lose confidence In the CEO . ¢) The confidence 01 the CEO is important to decisions thaI the board makes . a> The int ervention by the CEO in board policies does not occur often. 6. What does the professor mean by the followii19 statement: Temperature variations cause pressure dillerences in the air. a.:> Fluctuations in the air pressure are a result of changes in temperature. <D Changes in the air pressure and temperature vasy at dille rent times. ([) The temperature is usually different from the air pressure. ~ Changeable temperatures are caused by reversals in the wind. 7. What does the professor mean by the following statement: To maintain a healthy body weight, an animal must balance energy intake with energy out- put, largely by metabolic activity and regular physical e)(ertion. a.:> Metabolism regulates activity and e)(er cise reduces body weight lor a healthy life style. <D A healthy ti fe style includes e)(ercise in order to control weight gain that is caused by the metabolism. CD Metabolism and e)(ercise are ways to stabilize consumption and production of energy for a healthy weight. ~ Animals generally balance their metabolisms by healthy eating and e)(ercise, which also controls their weigh\. 1 02 ACADEMIC SKILLS 8. What does the prolessor mean by the following statement: An example of children's literature that supports the natural inclination to play with lan- guage is the nursery myme . <I> The nursery rhyme is a good eJt8mple Of children's literature because il is fun. (I) Children like nursery rhymes because they enjoy them during playtime. <D Children's literature is written in language that the child can understand. <D The child's interest in playing with language is encouraged by the nursery rhyme. 9. What does !he prolessor mean by the following statement: F or employees whose jobs involve sitting at a computer terminal entering data or typing reports. the location 01 the computer relative to the company is 01 no consequence. <I> Employees who work at their comput ers like to choose their locations. <I> It does not matter where employees woI'II at their computers. <t:> The location of their computers should be comfortable to employees. <D Computer terminals must be locat ed near each other In a company. 10. What cIoes!he professor mean by the following statement: Ireland was first settled around 7500 B .C. by hunting tribes from Scotland. followed by poopI& from th& Mediterranean know as the Firbolgs. ® The Fitbolgs arrived in Ireland from the Mediterranean after the Scottish people had already settled there. <I> Irish tribes went to Scotland and then followed a hunting route all the way to the Mediterranean area called Fitbolgs. <D The Irish and Scottish people explored Europe, reaching as lar as the Med~effanean where they settled. <D looking for a place to live, the Firbolgs went to Scotland and then to Ireland where they linally settled. , Edit proillem paraphrases Here are some problems that you can leam to avoid: • Don' change the meaning • Don' leave out information • Don' use too much of the original wording • Don' copy !he original Original Sentence : Sometimes students plagiarize material from lectures and reading passages because they 0001 understand how to make the appropriate changes for an excellent paraphrase. ,",,,,,,,,,ttet matenaie PARAPHRASING 1 03 Dol ', CI' 1lE . This Is not an excellent paraphrase because the meaning has been changed from the original: On occasion, students use paraphrases of excellent lectures and reading passages with· out understanding the purpose 01 the changes !hat they haye made in them. DoI'y LEAn OUT = _tAIl WIt •• T1OI This Is not an excellent paraphrase because it does noIlnclude all of the important infOfmation in the original: On occasion, students use lecture and reading material verbatim. Dol', USE 11IO :tt Of 1lE II Iltl" WId II I This is not an excellent paraphrase because it looks and sounds too much like the original: On occasion, students plagiarize material from lecltJres and reading passages because they don~ comprehend how to make the necessary changes for an excellent paraphrase • , COPY 1lE Dmnt This is not an excellent paraphrase because it is an exact copy 01 the original. Sometimes students plagiarize material from lectures and reading passages because they don~ understand how to make the appropriate changes fOf an excellent paraphrase. PMt:rt« ,kl'lrm 16 Did you understand? T ry to find the problem in each paraphrase and edit il. The first one is completed to giye you an example. Example answers are printed in Chapter 7 on pages 514-515. ""',,' Original: Paraphrese: Problem: Edited Paraphrase: Tides are cauood by the gravitational pull of both the Sun and the Moon. Tides are produced by the gravitational pull 01 both the Sun and the Moon. The paraphrase is too much like the original. Only one word was changed. The combined gravitational effects of the Sun and Moon produce tides on Earth. Why is this ooller? Because synonyms have been substituted, and ar\ alternative grammatical SIJUCture has been used, but the meaning has not changed. t . Original: Proteins are molecules that regulate the movement of materials across cell walls. Paraphrase: Molecules that regulate the movement of materials across cell walls are proteins. 1 0<1 ACADEMIC SKilLS 2. Original: Paraphrase: 3. Original: Paraphrase: 4. Original: Paraphrase: 5. Original: Paraphrase: 6. Original: Paraphrase: 7. Original: Paraphrase: 8. Original: Paraphrase: 9. Original: Paraphrase: 10. Origini:ll; Paraphrase: , The invention of Ihe steam engine played a major role in the Industrial Revolution because it caused the factory syslem to extend itself to many a/tlas 01 production apart from thtl colton industry. The invention of Ihe steam engine was a primary influence in the Industrial Revolution. Although big companies are trying to maintain a balance between tradi- tional advertising end some of the newer alternatives like bIogging, It is often the smaller entrepreneurs who are using bloggers as an efficient way to stack thei r competition. Big companies are using bloggers to defeat their smaller rivals. Fossils of bones have the appearance of stone, but the holes and pores are actually Infused with mineral deposits from the surrounding sediments. Fossils of bones look like stone, but there are mineral deposits from the surrounding sediments in the holes and pores. Plctograms found In many paris of the world about 1 500 B .C. constituta the eaffiest system of writing, although written symbols have been discovered that date fr om as early as 3500 e.c. Plctograms found in various paris of the woffd are the earliest evidence of a written system despite the discovery of written symbols. The modem atmosphere is probably the fourth atmosphere in the history of the Earth. The modem atmosphere Is probably the fourth atmosphere in the history of the Earth. Whereas alcohol is a depressant, COffee is a stimulant. Alcohol Is not like ooffee. The Pacffic Basin, which includes the continent of Au stralia and the thou- sands of islands grouped together as Oceania, covers one third of the sur- face of the Earth. The Pacific Basin is also called Oceanle because It encompasses one third of the Pacific Ocean. In fresco painting, the pigments may be mixed with water and applied to the plaster before it dries so that the lime in the plaster fuses with the pig- ments on the surface. The lime in wet plaster bonds with the pigments on the surface when the colors are mixed. As LinnCltlUS uriyini:llly cooceivttd lht! biological classification cllaft, he segregated all living creatures soiely 8C(X)fding to their degree of physical similarity. Unnaeus originally created the biOlogical classification chart by categoriz- ing all living creatures according to their degree of physical similarity. CITE EXPRESSIONS _IDEAS Sblletlll til Usa , Introduce the source before quoting , Mane: quotations in writing and in speaking , Use strong verbs to report ideas , Mentioo the source appropriately ~ Intrad tile 1IIIon q.DlI •• PARAPHRASING 105 It is im JXl(lant to ci te the expressions and ideas of others. To cite means to give credit to the source . Th is is especially true when the idea is a definition, an opinion, a unique eKPresslon, or rese arch data that is not common knowledge . There are several phrases and clauses that can be used to introduce the source of your ideas. leI's say that Professor Thompson makes the following sta tement in a lecture: "The shift from manufacturing to service has resulted in lower paying jobs and a dectine in the strength of labor unions." You may want to quote this opinion. If you do , the words in the quotation must be exactly the same as those in the original. Here are five ways to introduce the source before the quotation. ACCOIding to Professor T1Iompson, "The shift from manufacturing to service has resulted in lower paying jobs and a dectine in the st rength of labor unions ." 'n the WORts of Pro/eSS(X Thompson , "The shill from manufacturing to service has resulted in lower paying jobs and 8 decline in the strength of labor unions ." To quote ProIeSS(X Thompson , "The shift from manufacturing to service has resulted in lower paying jobs and 8 dectine in the strength of labor unions .' As Professor Thompson puts it, "The shift from manufacturing to service has resulted in lower paying Jobs and 8 dectine in the strength of labor unions ." Professor Thompson said, "The shift from manufacturing to service has resulted in lower paying jobs and 8 decline in the strength of labor unions ." On the TOEFl examination, someti mes the professor is not named . In that case , you can stilt introduce your source by changing the introductions slightly: Accord ing to the professor, In the words of the professor, To quote the professor, As the professor puis ii, The professor said, . that brought Poe his greatest fecogn~ion as a writer. CD Poe is remembered more for 8 poem than lor his short stories. <D "The Raven" is less well-known than Poe 's short. Basin, which includes the continent of Au stralia and the thou- sands of islands grouped together as Oceania, covers one third of the sur- face of the Earth. The Pacific Basin is also called Oceanle. strings made of wire or gut. 3. High· frequency radiation from the Sun and other sources partly ionize gases in the ionosphere . 100 ACADEMIC SKILLS 4. Architects can use a domed

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20