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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 28 ppt

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15. Why does the student say this: 0 CI> SI'Ie is disagreeing with the professor. <D She is confirming that she has understood. <D SI'Ie is trying to impress the olher students. <Jl) She is adding Information to the lecture. USTENING SEC TION 183 16. According to the professor. why were lat in rules used for Eng li sh grammar? <D latin was a written language with rules that did not change. <J) The Romans had conquered England and 8fIforcOO using latin. <D Engl is h and Latin had many vocabulary words in common. <Jl) English was taking the place of lati n among educated Europeans. 17. Why does the professor discuss the rule to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition? <D It Is a good example of tl'le way that descriptive grammar is used. <J) II shows the students how to use formal grammar in their speech. <D II is a way to introduce a humorous story into the lecture. <Jl) II demonstrates tl'le problem In using lat in rules for English. PART II 184 MODEL TEST 2: PROGRESS TEST 18. What Is the purpose of this conversation? <l) The woman Is encouraging the man to be more serious about his studies. (J) The woman is looking for alternatives to living in dormitory housing. cD The man is convincing the woman to join the tnternational Student Association. <D The man Is trying to lind out why the woman didn't go to the talenl show. 19. What does the man imply aboulthe house where he is living? <l) He prefers the house 10 the dorm. (J) He Is living at the house to save mooey. cD He does not like doing chores at the house. <D He thinks that the house is very crowded. 20. How does the man feel aboul the International Student Association? Cl> He is sorry that only women can join the club. (J) He enjoys meeting people with different backgrounds. cD He wishes that they would have more activities. <D He will probably join the organization. 21. What does the woman mean when she says this: () Cl> She is trying to p9fSlJade the man. (J) She is not sure that she understood. cD She is expressing doubt about the time. <D She is changing her mind about going. 22. What does the woman agree to do? <l) Join the club (J) Eat at a restaurant <D Go to a meeting <D Study with the man Milt rial chrancny il ' sk~ml pravv USTENING SECTION l as TOm·~ (~G:) CD ® ~.:o m G:::G)G)@ ~ 1M MOOEL TE ST 2: PROGRESS TEST mW,,"_ G3 0) 0~ (j') ~~ . ., , fOHL-l,,_ ® (-L' CD G) ~ ' ; , M LISTEN ING S ECTION 117 23. According to the professor, how do coral reefs grow? CD They become very large by eating other species. <D They connect coralite shells to build structures. CP They l il t with ocean water to expand their size. G> They COllect debris from ocean ti le in their habitat. 24 . Why are so many egg bundles released during mass spawni ng ? <D Some of the egg bundles will not be fertilized. <D Han of the egg bundles will not float. <D A number of the egg bundles will be ealen. CD> Most of the egg bundles will break open. 25 . According to the professor, what is budding? CD The divisioo of a potyp in ha H 10 reproduce ilseH. <D The growth of limestone between the shells of polyps. <D The div8fSity that occurs within a coral reel. G> The increase In size of a polyp as it matures. 26 . What Is the relationship between zooxanthella and coral polyps? Click on 2 answer choices. !AI The coral and the zooxanthella compete for the same food. IBl The zooxanthel1a uses the coral for a shaher from enemies. ICl The coral eats food produced by the zooxanthella. IDl The same predators attack both coral and zooxanlhella. '01 '" ,'" 1 118 MODEL TE ST 2: PROGRES S TE ST 27. Which of Ihe lollowing reels Is probably an atoll? - - 28. In lhe lecture, the professor explains coral reefs. Irldicate whelher each 01 the following Is a Irue statement aboul coral reels. Click In the correct box f or each phrase. V" No A In general, the organism Is qu ite simple. S The structure 01 a reef can be very large. C The Iilling coral grows on top of dead shells. 0 Mass spa wn ing Is not very effeclive. " V ITt pr USTENINGSECTION 119 Ustning 6 "Business Class " TOiFl· UUonng ® G:) CD ® E:::J Ie: TOEfl·l"""'" ® @ ,::]) c:D ~;-;;j. :0 _ M a hr ~ p . <Jl) II demonstrates tl'le problem In using lat in rules for English. PART II 184 MODEL TEST 2: PROGRESS TEST 18. What Is the purpose of this conversation? <l) The woman Is. m G:::G)G)@ ~ 1M MOOEL TE ST 2: PROGRESS TEST mW,,"_ G3 0) 0~ (j') ~~ . ., , fOHL-l,,_ ® (-L' CD G) ~ ' ; , M LISTEN ING S ECTION. MODEL TE ST 2: PROGRES S TE ST 27. Which of Ihe lollowing reels Is probably an atoll? - - 28. In lhe lecture, the professor explains coral reefs. Irldicate whelher each 01 the following

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20