178 MODEL TEST 2: PROGRESS TEST 62 . According 10 the passage, the classification of characteristic properties as "p hyslcar or ·chemical" is determined by CD whether there has been a change in the structure of the substance <D what happens when the quantity of the substance is increased CO their classification as either extenslve or Intensive samples (]I) t he disappearance of a substance from one form to another 63. All of the following are mentior'l9d as characteristic physical properties EXCEPT CD dissolving in water <D carrying an electrical charge CD resisting continuous flow (]I) decomposing when heated 64 . Look at the four sq uares I_ J that show where the following sentence could be inserted in the passage. It can be made Inlo wire or Ihln , f le xible s heet s. Where could t he sentence best be added? Click on a square [_ ] 10 insert l he sentence in the passage. 65. Directions : Complete the table by matching th e phrases on the left with the headings on the righ t. Select the appropriate answer choices and drag Ihem to Ihe characteristic prop- erties to which they refer. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question 15 worth 4 po i nts . To delete an answer choice, click on It. To see the passage, click on View Te xt. Propert i es !AI Color 01 the substance IBI Reaction in an acid lCl Decomposition in heat !Ell Temperature at which il bolls lEI T he lendency to shine lEI The inclination to tarnish (GI The shape of the substance IBI Toxic il swallowed or inhaled [] The relative amount in nature Phys ical Properties • • • Ch emical Properties • • • • Mil' rial chr, n~ a '"Sky pravv USTEN ING SECTION 177 LISTENING SECTION o Model Tnt 2, LI.tenlng Section, CD 3, Track 7 The Ustenlng section tests your ability 10 understand spoken English that is typical of interac- tions and academic speectI on college campuses. During the test, you will respond to conver- sations and lectures. This is the shor1 format for the Listening section. On the shon format, you wi ll respond to two conversations and four lectures. After each listening passage, you will answer 5-6 questions about it. You will hear each conversation or lecture one time. You may take notes while you listen, but notes are not graded. You may use your notes to answer the questions. Choose the best answer for multiple-choice questions. Follow the directions on the page or on the saeen lor computer-assisted questions. CUck on Next and OK to go to the next question. You caMOt return to previous questions. You have 20-30 minutes to answer all of the ques- tions. A clock on the screen will show you how much time you have to complete your answers lor the section. The dock does not count the time you are listeni ng to the conversations and lectures . '01 '" ,'" 1 78 MODEL TEST 2: PROGRESS reST PART I Ustett/", 1 " Professor 's Offlc," TQl~"~''-' ® G:) G) GE> 1. Why does the man go to see his professor? CD To prepare for the next midterm <D To clarify a question from th e midterm a:> To find out his grade on the midterm ClD To complain about his grade on the midterm 2. Why does the man say thi s: (') <Xl He is giving something to the professor. CD He is try ing to justi fy h is position. a:> He Is apologiz ing because he does not under stand. ClD He is signal in g that he will explain his problem. 3. What did ~e man do wrong? CD He did nol fin is h the te st within the time limit. CD He did not sludy enough before the tes!. a:> He did nol answer one question completely. ClD He did nol understand a major concept. s:=::- "' j P US TEN ING SECTION 179 4. According to the student, what is divefgent e volution? Q) A population that evolves differently does not have a common ancesl or . Q) A similar environmeot can affect the evolution of different species. <D A similar group thai is separated may develop different characteristics. aD The climate 01 an area will allow scientists to predict the life lorms. 5. Whal will Jerry probably do on the next lesl ? eX) He will lock for questions with several parts. Q) He will read the entire test before he begins. <D He will ask lor more time 10 finish. aD He witl write an outli ne lor each essa y. =~."- ®G::>CDG::> r=;;;;"i • .2t , 1&0 MODEL TEST 2: PROGRE SS TE ST oo ,·u_ © G') CD CD 6. What is the discussion mainly about? CD Catherine de Medici's entenainments CD The ngures for coun dancing CD The development of the ballet CD The retatJonshlp between dance and meals 7. Why does the professor say this: () CD To end his explanatJon and begin the lecture CD To apologize to the students ebout their tests CD To comment about the students' grades CD To regain the attention of the class 8. According to the professor, what does the term balletti mean? <D A dramatic story CD A parade of horses CD A dance done in figures CD An outdoor entenalnment ~ ", 9. H ow did the early choreographers accommodate the abilities 01 amateur performers? CD The sleps were quite simple. CD The same performance was repeated. CD Practice sessions were lengthy. CD The dance was seen from a distance. M P' v LISTENING SECT ION 111 10. Why does the professor mentlon that he checked several references about the length 01 Queen Lou i se 's Ballet? a> He was very interested in the ballet. CD He did not know much about it. <I> He wasn't sure Ihatit was accurate. (J) He wanted to i mpress Ihe class . 11 . Whal can be inferred abouIlhe professor? <D He is not very polite to his class. eD He encourages Ihe studenls 10 participate. <I> He Is not very interested in the topic. (J) He Is probably a good dancsr. 112 MODEL TEST 2: PAOOAESS TEST TQ(f~ · U"'"'*'ll ~, ," ;;; ', r;') , ;.;;- , ', "- ''- . -' '- " ,, ~ / ~c;;- ~ :0 , 2. What is the discussion mainly about? <D The history 01 the English language CD Different types 01 grammar <D A lingui stic perspective for Latin <D Standard language in schools 13 . How does the professor make his point about naNvelntuitlon? <D He e)(plains how to perfonn an easy experiment. <D He tells the class about his personal e)(perience . <D He provides several e)(amples 01 sentences. <D He contrasts it wi th non-native intuition. 14 . What are two key problems lor descriptive grammar? Click on 2 answer choices. !AI The information is very complicated and subject to change. IBl The formal language must be enlorced In all sltuaUons . lC.I The la nguage can be Ofganized correctly in more than one way. ID.l The description takes time because linguists must agree. M ,ky . TQ(f~ · U"'"'*'ll ~, ," ;;; ', r;') , ;.; ;- , ', " ;- '&apos ;- . -& apos; &apos ;- " ,, ~ / ~c; ;- ~ :0 , 2. What is the discussion mainly about?. Ustenlng section tests your ability 10 understand spoken English that is typical of interac- tions and academic speectI on college campuses. During the test, you will respond to conver- sations and. with several parts. Q) He will read the entire test before he begins. <D He will ask lor more time 10 finish. aD He witl write an outli ne lor each essa y. =~." ;- ®G::>CDG::>