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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 19 pptx

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1 20 ACAOEMK: SK I LLS 1. Charlie Ch~in was a comedian. Charlie Chaplin was best known for his work in silent movies, who 2. Water is heated to 212 degrees F. Water becomes steam. when 3. Quasars are relatively small objects. Quasars emil an enormous amount of energy. which 4. The Earth moves i nto the shadow of the Moon. A total eclipse occurs. during 5. The Jamestown colony was lounded by John Smith. Jamestown became the first successlul Eng lish colony in America. · ed in trodu ctory verbal rnodifl8r 6. Many of the names of cities in California are adapted lrom the Spanish language. Early missionaries and senlers from Spain had extended their innuence in the area. sincelbecauseJbecause of 7. The oceans cover two thirds of the Earth 's surface. The oceans are the object of study for oceanographers. which B. A chameleon is a tree lizard. The chameleon can change colors to conceal itself in veoetatiOn . that 9. First cultur al nationalism arose among people with Similar languages and traditions. Then political nationalism threatened the existing order. before/alter 10. Empowerment increases the autonomy of employees In organizations. Empowerment improves communication between WOf1<ers and management. and/moreover 11 . Monogamy means being married to one spouse. Serial monogamy involves marriage, divorce, and remarriage. whereas 12. Humor is associated with fun. Humor is also used as a coping strategy to relieve stress. botlhowever igI beskyttet matenale 13 . Solar panels can convert sunlight i nto electricity. Sola r panels are stin not being exploited fulty. although/even though 14. The root system o ltha &Hana plant allows it 10 survive. Drought concIitioos do not kin alfalfa. despiteJin spite of 15. Pain warns the victim before further damage is done . Pain has a posit ive function. therefor8l'thus IDEIlIFY THE MAil PIIIITS Str_tww_ " ~ Find a topic sentence ,. Identity the major points ,. Identity the minor points , FI.d I topic IInt CI SUMMARIZING 121 The topic BnSWefS the question: What is this reading or lecture about? A topic sentence is a very general sta tement that includes the subject of the reading or lecture and also the way that the author or speaker plans 10 develop the topic. For example, a topic migh t be management strategies In business. This topic could be developed In 8 number 01 different ways . F or exam- ple, management strategies could be developed by listing several types 01 strategies or by comparing different strategies. When you are looking lor the topic, you should look for a sen- tence tha t includes a subject and a verb. Management strategies in business is a subject, but without 8 verb in the sentence, we still doo't know l'IO\II the topic will be developed. Some books calilhis kind 01 topic sentence 8 controlling 1de8 . The first sentence in a summary should be a direct s tatement . It should give the reader or tis- tener a general Idea of the topic lor the reading or lecture and the way that the topic will be developed . Sometimes you can paraphrase 8 topic sentence lrom the original reading or 1ec- ture, but sometimes you mus t create it yourself !rom seV8ftlI sentences in the original. flumt::E .,MIt 23 Did you understand? Try to write one sentence that summarizes the en tire reading or lecture. Example answers are printed in Chap ter 7 on pages 520-521. Your answers are correct if your ideas are the same as the example answers . 1 22 ACADEMIC SKilLS " Rulli", The nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father, and their children, may be more an ideal than a reality. Although the so-called traditional family was always more varied than we had been led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class, and religious customs among different American groups, today the diversity is even more obvious. The most recent government census statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families fits the traditional mold of two patents and their children, and another third consists of married couples who either have no children Ot have none still living at home. An analysis 01 the remaining one third of the population reveals that about 20 percent of the total number 01 American households are single people, the most oommon descriptor being women over sixty-live years 01 age. A small percentage, about 3 percent 01 the total, consists 01 unmarried people who choose to live together, and the rest, about 7 percent, are single par- ents. with at least one child. There are several easily identifiable reasons for the growing numberol single-parent house- holds. First, the sociological pheoomenon of single-parent households reflects changes in CUl- tural attitudes toward divorce and elso toward unmarried mothers. A substantiel number 01 adults become single parents as a result of divorce. In addition, the number of children bom to unmarried womeo who choose to keep their babies and rear them by themselves has Increased dramatically. Rnally, there Is a small percentage of single-parent families that have resulted from untimely death. Today, these variecllamily types are typical and, therefore, normal. Moreover. because many families live far from relatives, close friends have become a more important part of family Iile than ever befOte. The vast majority of Americans claim that they have people in their rives whom they regard as family although they are not related. A view of family that only accepts the traditional nuclear arrangement no t only ignores the reality of modem American family l if e but also undervalues the familial bonds created in alternative family arrangements. Apparently, many Americans are achieving supportive relationships in family fOtms other than the traditional one. 2, IM""" Listen to part of a lecture in a chemistry class. Then summanze the lecture in one sentence. o Acti v ity 23, CD 2, Track 1S , Identify the major points PIIAcnc:AL SrunlY A major point is almost always directly stated. A major point has examples and details that refer to it. A major point is often found at the beginning of a new paragraph. Inferences and conclusions or examples and details are usually NOT major points. bas tlet mat na SUMMARIZING 123 Did you understand? T ry to identify the major point s. Answers are printed In Chapter 7 on pages 521-523. 1. 1IeMII,., The body of an adult insect Is subdivided Into three sections, Including a head, a three-seg- ment thorax, and a segmentoo abdomen. Ordlnasify, the thorax bears three pairs 01 legs and a single or double pair of wings. The vision of most adult Insects is specialized through two large compound eyes and multiple simple eyes. Features of an insed's mouth parts are used in classifying inseds Into types. Biting mouth parts called mandibles, such as the mouth parts found in grasshoppers and beetles, are com- mon among Inseds. Behind the mandibles are located the maxillae or lower jaw parts, which serve to direct food Into the mouth between the jaws. A labrum aboVe and one below are sim- ilar to another animal's upper and lower lips. In an Insed with a sucking mouth function, the mandibles, maxillae, labrum, and labium are mcxlif Jed in such a way that they constitute a tube through which liquid such as water, blood, or lIower nectar can be drawn. In a butterfly or moth, this coiled drinking tube is called the proboscis because 01 its resemblance, in miniature, to the trunk of an elephant or a very large IlOse. Composed chiefly 01 modified maxillae litted together, the Insed's proboscis can be lIexed and extended to reach nectar oeep in a tlower. In mosquitoes or aphids, mandibles and m8)Cillae are mcxlifled to sharp stylets with which tna insect can drill through surfaces like human or vegetable membranes to reach juice. In a housefly, the expanding labium forms a spongeiike mouth pad that it can use to stamp over the surface of food, sopping up food particles and juices. CD An adult Insect has a three-section body that includes a head, a thorax, and an ,""""""'. <J) Mandibles are mouth parts th at facilitate biting and usually include upper and Iowar labrum. It) A mouth pad similar to a sponge allows flies to attract crumbs and juice on the surface of lood. (]I) Insects are classified aCCOfding to their mouth parts, which are specialized for feeding. CD Inseds are the most numerous creatures on the planet and also the most adaptable. cD A proboscis is a tube that stretches to penetrate flowers where nectar Is stored. <lD The three-part thorax usually has six legs and two or four wings attached to it . aL> The pointed stylets of mosquitoes and aphids facilitate drilling through skin on plants and humans. 2_ LKlrn Usten to port 01 a lecture in an English class. T hein identify lhel major points from the opIiorls t>ol<>w . gt bas tt61 matenala 1 24 ACADEMIC SKILLS () Act iv ity 24, CD 2, Tr ack 16 <D Noah Webster had a degree in law and practiced for a short time before he became a schoolteacher . ID TfIfI A~ric lJn S~lIing Book, Web$!er'$ lir$t $ucceu ful textbook, afforded him an Income while he was writing his dK:tionary. <D An Ame rican Dictionary of the English Language was written to demonstrate t he uniq ue usage of English in the United States. <1> An American Dictionary 0' the English Language has had many revised editions. <D The Compendious Dictionary 0' the English Language, published in 1 807, provided Webster with practice in compiling a dictionary. <D Although he had a oopyrighl for The American Spelling Book, ironically Webster did not have a copyright for the original dictionary and subsequent editions that bear his M~. $ Webster graduated from Yale only two years after the end of the Revolution that won Independence for the United States from England. ~ Identify the minor points A minor point can be an example or a detail that supports a major point. or il can be a point that Is not very we" developed. A minor point may be mentioned without supporting ellamples or details in the original reading or lecture. Minor points are usually nol lncluded in a summary. If you can identify the minor points, you can eliminate ltIem. You can shorten your summary. Did you understand? Try to identify the minor points. Then write a summary that includes only the major points. The answers are pr inted in Chapter 7 on pages 523-524, Your summary is correct if it includes the same ideas. 1. 1IaII1., In the 15th century. two Important advances in painting were introduced. Prior to that time, most paintings were created on wood panels; however, in the second hall of the cenlury, many artists began to prefer linen canvas. The canvas offered several important advantages. Whereas wood panels were heavy and difficult to transport and hang, the lighter linen canvas could be rolled up for shipment and was relatively easy to transport. frame, and mount. More- over, if patrons were at a distance from the artist, the fin ished work might have to be hauled in a ca rt . II was difficu" to protect it from damage as it bumped along the primitive roads. In addi· tion, the patrons were demanding larger and larger worKs and the large wood pieces had a tendency to crack. In conlrast, the linen canvases could be stretched to almost any size and remained perleclly smooth. • SUMMARIZING 125 The oil paints themselves were also superior to previous paints. One of the most obvious improvements was the fact that the paint dried slowly, and thus, layers 01 pa int could be brushed on top 01 previously applied layers, allowing the artist to erase a section that was not perfect. Anot her refinement was the range of consistencies possible with oil s. Thin oil paints take on the ct\aracteristics of a glaze. but thick oils look like paste and can be layered 10 cre· ate a three-dimensional aspect. 2.lMh«e Listen to pari 01 a lecture in an engineering class. Then write a summary. Do not include the minor point s. (J Activ ity 25. CD 2, Track 17 REPORT THE IIFORMATlOII Stratetl. t. Uso , Use the same organization as the original , Report the content accurately , Retain the original emphasis , Maintain an objective poinl of view , Check the summary , Use the sane orgalllzation as the original A summary should retain the same organization as the original reading or lecture. For eKam · pie , if the passage identifies three different types 01 evergreen trees, then the organization is classification. Your summary should also be organized to classify the three different types 01 trees. If the passage explains the cause of deforestation in canada . then the organization 01 the passage is cause and effect. Your summary should also be organized to demonstrate cause and effect. If the passage explains the life cycle 01 a pine tree, then the organization is chronological. Your summary should also be organized in chronological order. h is also impor· tant NO T to rearrange the order. A good summary begins with the first major point and follows with each major point in the order that it appears in the original. First, determine the organization of the reading or lecture. Then list the major points in the order in which you read or heard them. This list gives you an outline lor your summary. I'umCE ALli.,,, 25 Did you undetstand? Put the major points in the order that they should appear in a summary. The a ns wers are printed in Chapter 7 on page 524. Your answers are correct if they are iflthe same order as the original. 126 ACADEMIC SKILLS 1. /ladltl' Although stagB plays have been set to music since the era of the ancient Greeks when the dramas of Sophocles and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usually accepted date for the beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As pari 01 the celebration of the marriage of King Henry IV of France 10 the Italian aristocrat Maria de Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Peri produced his famous Euridice, generally considered to be the first opera. Following his example, a group of Italian musicians, poets, and ~emen called the Camerata revived the style of musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. Taking most of the plots for their operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, they began the pr ocess of creating an opera by writing a libfetto or drama thai could be used to establish the framework for the music. They called their composrtions opera in musics or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word opera was borrowed and abbreviated. For several years, the center of opera was Florence In northern Italy, but gradually, during the barOQue period, ~ spread throughout Italy. By the latB t 600s, operas were being written and performed in many places throughout Europe, especially in England. France, and Germany. Howev&f, for many years, the It alian opera was considered the ideal, and many non·ltalian composers conbnued to use Italian libfettos. The European form de-emphasi%ed th e dramatic aspect of the Italian model, however, introducing new orchestral e ff ects and even some ballet. Furthermore, composers acquiesced to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were little more than a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice, designed to showcase the splendid vocal talent of the singers who had requested them. It was thus that complicated arias, rec~atives, and duets evolved. The aria, which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters express their thoughts and feelings. The reci ta tive, which is also a solo of sorts, is a recitation set to musiC, the purpose of which is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two VOices, a musiCal device thai may serve the func- tion of either an aria or a recitative within the opera. Major Points <D Three types 01 musical pieces In opera <D The first opera in Italy cD The growth of opera throughout Europe 2. uct.,. Usten 10 part of a lecture in a biology class. Then put the major points in the same order as the lecture. () Activity 26, CD 2, Track 18 Major Points CD A method of classification for proto%oans-lhe three types motility <D Current research-questions, redefinitions <t) Similarity to plant s-make food from wai erIC0 2 G> A definition of proto%oallS-single cell <D Considered animals- eating, breathing, reproducing ytte! matenak:! . reasons for the growing numberol single-parent house- holds. First, the sociological pheoomenon of single-parent households reflects changes in CUl- tural attitudes toward divorce and elso. insed's mouth parts are used in classifying inseds Into types. Biting mouth parts called mandibles, such as the mouth parts found in grasshoppers and beetles, are com- mon among Inseds proto%oans-lhe three types motility <D Current research-questions, redefinitions <t) Similarity to plant s-make food from wai erIC0 2 G> A definition of proto%oallS-single cell

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