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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 63 pps

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MOO EL TEST 6IlJSTENI NG SECTION 443 24. Wh ich of the f Ollowi ng slides contain cocci bacteria? Click on the co rrect diagram. (J) 25 . Which two ch aracteris tics are common in bacteria ? C li ck on 2 answer choices. L!I They have one cell. IBI They are harmful to hu ma ns. ICl They reproduce quickly. !DI They die when exposed to air. opyr ~hted a~r MOOR TEST 6IliSTENING SECTION U.S 29. What is the lecture ma inl y about? Q;) Provisions of the Homestead Act <D H ow to cons t ruct a log cabin <D Froot ier homes In t he West <D Early construction materials 30 . How does the prolessor organize his lecture? <D He makes a persuasive argument in favor of sod homes. CD He narrates stories about life on t he Western frontier. CD He exp lai ns the process lor becoming a homesteader. <D He contrasts several types 01 homes in the West. 31 . What does t he professor imply about construction materials for early homes? CD Setllers used the materials from the natural environment. (]) Not many 01 the materlalslrom that era have survived. co Most 01 1M supplies h ad to be shipped In by rallroad . Q> Wagons and tents were used in constructing homes. 32. What Is the evi dence for t he l neKpensive price 01 a sod home? CD ShOrt stories and novels CD Letlers writlen to rela tives CO Newspaper advertisements CD Personal records and accounts r 11 a r 448 MORE MODEL TESTS , "."dHt Speakl", Question 1 "A Sood SiHJ IN DMlJhm" roHL·~ ,~ . ' "'*"_ 1 .11 - ' , '- n Usten lor a question about a familiar topic. Question In your opinion. what are the characteristics of a good son or daughter in a family? Use spe- cific examples and details to explain your answer. . Preparation Tlme: 15 seconds Recording Tlme: 45 seconds ngh ma r 450 MORE MOD EL TE S TS Int.g, tft/ Spaklng lluatlon 3 u bcnH Ab$ft"" Read a short passage and listen to a talk on the same topic. Reading Time: 45 seconds polIC)' lor Excused Absence You may request an excused absence once per semester witholJt explanation. Just e·mall me and specify the date that you will be absent from class. If you plan to be absent on the day of a test or an exam. however. you must provide an explanation and make arrange· ments fOf a makeup test or exam. Please see me in my office for an excused absence from a test or exam. II you must be absent for more than one session, yo ur grade may be affected. Your grade may be towered one letter lor each additional absence after the excused absence. TOm _""0 ~ - ~ ~ 0-0_ ''''' o Now listen to a student who is talking with friends aboul lhe policy. Question The student expresses his opini on of th e professor's po li cy for excused absences. Report his opinion and explain the reasons that he gives for having that opinion. Preparalion Time: 30 seconds Recording Time: 60 seconds MODEL TEST 7NffiJTING S ECTION 455 amino ac i ds that they had created in the laboratory might be typical of the chemical mixture of the early oceans on Earth, and lurther, that additional ami no acids could have been added to the mixture In the earty oceans by car - bon enriched meteorites or comets. When the scientifIC results were popularized. the mixture became known as ·primo rdial soup." However, much was still unknown about the process that caused the fitst cell to develop within the soup. The molecules produced were relatively simple organic molecules, not a complete living biochemical system. Nevertheless. the experiment established thai natural processes could produce the building blocks 01 life without requiring lile to syntheSIze them In t he first place. The experiment served as inspiration lor a large number ol lurther inves- tigations. o Model T es t 6, Writing Section, CD 9, Track 3 (') Now listen to a lecture on the same topic as the passage that you have just read. Quest io n Summarize the main points in the reading passage. explaining how the lecture casts doubt 00 the ideas. MODEL TEST 7IREAD!NG SECTION 4st or river. The term drainage basin is usually used In evaluating the hydrology of an area, such as the stream flow Of runoff from hili slOpes. Drainage basins vary greatly In Size, from less lhan a hectare (2.5 acres) 10 millions of SQuare kilometers. A drainage basin Is usually named for its main stream or river, such as the MiSSiSsippi River drainage basin. -+ The main process In the cycle is Ihe global transfer of water from Ihe atmosphere 10 the land and oceans and back to the atmosphere. Together, the oceans, ice caps and glaciers account lor more than 99% of the total water, and both are generally unsuitable for human use because of salinity (seawater) and location (ice caps and glaciers). Only about 0.001% of the total water on Earth is in the atmosphere at anyone time. However, this relatively small amount of water in the global water cycle, with an average atmospheric residence time of only about 9 days, produces all our freshwater resources through the process of precipitation. -+ On a global scale, then, total water abundance Is not the problem; the prob- lem is water's ava ilability In the right place at the right time in the right form. Water can be found in either liquid, solid, or gaseous form at a number of loca- tions at or near Earth's surface. Depending on the Specific location, the resl· donce limo mo.y vory from 0. fow do.ys to mo.ny thousonds 01 yOGI'S . Howovor, OS mentioned, more than 99% of Earth's water in lis natural state Is unavailable or unsullable for beneficial human use. Thus, the amount of water for which all the people, plants, and animals on Earth compete is much less than 1% of the total. As the world's population and induslrial produclion of goods Increase, the use of water wit! also accelerate. The world per capita use 01 water in 1975 was about 185,000 gallyr. And the total human use of waler was abouIIO 'S gallyr. Today , world use of waler Is about 6,000, which is a ~Iraction of the naturally available freshwater. 1. Which 01 the sentences bekJw best expresses the information In the highlighted statement in the passage? The other choices change the meaning or leave out importantlnfonnalion. (!) It is the hydrologic cycle that causes water to evaporate from plants, soil, and bodies 01 water inland as well as from the oceans. CD Solar energy is the source of power lor the hydrologic cycle, which begins by evapo- rating water from plants, soil, oceans, and Ireshwater sources. <D The evaporation of water from the oceans, freshwater SOUfC9S, plants, and soils is the natural process, which WfI call the hydrologic cycle. <J) Energy from the sun and the hydrologic cycle are power sources lor plants that require water from the oceans and Ireshwater SOUfC9S. eo MORE MODEL TESTS 2. Based on information in paragraph 1, wh ich of the following best explains the term "hydr o- logic cycle"? <D The movement of water Irom freshwater bodies i nto th e oceans CD Solar energy in the atmosphere that produces rain over l and and oceans «> Wate r resources fro m oceans and freshwater sources in l and <II Transportation of water from oceans into the atmosphere and onto the land Paragraph 1 is marked with an arrow [ ~ ]. 3. The phrase The res! in t he passage refers to <D oceans CD Ice caps «> glaciers <D> water 4. How do man-made water resources such as reservoirs and lakes affect the waler cycte? <D They Increase the danger of flooding in the areas surrounding them . CD They cause changes in the patterns of rainfall in the immediate ar ea . «> They provide water sources lor agricultural pu rposes in dry areas. CD They Imp rove the natural flow of wa ter into t he oceans. 5. Freshwater is co nsidered important because <D it evaporates more quickly than water in the ocean CD it Is the la rgest source of wafer on E arth CD It determines the landscape of rocks and sed im ent CD it is the runoff thai empties into t he oceans 6. The word component in the passage is closest in meaning to <D error "'part CD estimate CD source 7. The word fundamental in the passage is closest in meaning to (Xl diverse CD common CD basic CD attractive nghl~ Tl<l n . MORE MODEL TESTS , "."dHt Speakl", Question 1 "A Sood SiHJ IN DMlJhm" roHL·~ ,~ . ' "'*"_ 1 .11 - ' , &apos ;- n Usten lor. day of a test or an exam. however. you must provide an explanation and make arrange· ments fOf a makeup test or exam. Please see me in my office for an excused absence from a test or exam and Ireshwater SOUfC9S. eo MORE MODEL TESTS 2. Based on information in paragraph 1, wh ich of the following best explains the term "hydr o- logic cycle"? <D The movement

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20