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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 5 pps

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MODEL TEST 1: PRETEST READING SECTION The Reading section tests your ability to understand reading passages like those In coltege textbooks, The passages Bre about 700 words In length. This Is the short formalior the Reading section. On the short format, you will respond to three passages, After eadl passage, you will answer 12 - 14 questions about it. Most questions are worth 1 point, but the last question in eaen passage is worth more than 1 point You willl\ave 60 minutes to re ad all 01 the passages and answer the qu estions. You may lake nptes while you read, but notes are not graded. You may use your ootes to answer the ques- tions. Some passages may include a WOfd or phrase thai is underlined In blue. Click on the WOfd or phrase to see a glossal)' definition or explanation. Choose the beslanswer l or m uhiple cholce queslJons. Follow the directions on the page or on the screen lor computeJ-asslsled questions. Click on Next to go to the 08;(1 question, Cl ic k on 8Kk to rewm to the previou s question . You may return to previouS questions lor all 01 the passages in the same reading part, but after you go to the next part, you will not be able to return to passages In a previous pa rt . Be sure that you have answered all 01 the questions fOf the passages in each part before you click on Next attha end of the passage to move to the next part. You can click on Review to see a chart of the questions you have answered and the questions you hav e not answered in each part. From this screen, you can return to the question you want to answer In the part that Is open. A clock on the screen will show you how much time you have to completa the Reading section. " 22 MODEL TE ST 1: PRETEST PART I 11M'., f If " HI.torical Back g rou nd -+ The epic poem Beowulf, written In Old English, is the earliest e)(isting Ger- manic epic and one of lour survivi ng Anglo-Saxon manuscripts. Although Beowuff was written by an anonymous Englishman in Old English, the tale takes place in that part of Scandinavia from _Germanic tribes emigrated to England. Beowulf comes from Geattand, the southeastern part of what Is now Sweden. Hrothgar, king of the Danes, lives near what is now Lelre, on Zealand, Denmark's largest island. Tha Beowulf epic contains three map" tales about Beowulf and several minor tales that reHect a rictI Germanic oral tradition of myths, legends, and folklore. -+ The BeoltVff warriofs have a foot in both the Bronze and Iron Ages. Thair mead-halls reflect the wealthy living of the Bronze Age Northmen, and their wooden shields, wood-shafted spears, and bronze-hilted swords are those of the Bronze Age warrior. However, they carry Iron-tipped spears, and their best swords have iron or iron-eclged blades. Beowulf also orders an iron shield lor his fight with a dragon. Iron replaced bronze because it produced a blade with a cutting edge that was stronger and sharper. The Northmen leamed how to lorge iron in about 500 B.C. Although they had been superior to the European Celts in bronze work , it was the Celts who taught them how to make and design iron worK. Iron was accessible everywhere In Scandinavia, usually In the form 01 "bog-iron" lound in the layers of peat in peat bogs. The Beowuff epic also reveals int&fasting aspects of the lives 01 the Anglo- Saxons woo lived In England at the time of the anonymous Beowuff poet. The Germanic tribes, including the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, invaded England from about A.O. 450 to 600_ -+ Although the BeoltVlfmanuscript was written in about A.D. 1000, it was not discovered until the seventeenth century. [!l Scholars do not know whether BeoltVffls the sole surviving epic from a flourishing Anglo-Saxon lit&fary period that produced other great epics or whether It was_ even In Its own time. !CJ Many scholars think that the epic was probably written sometime between the late seventh century and the early ninth century. It they are COITec! , the ong- Inal manuscript was probably lost during the nlnttHlentury Viking Invasions of Anglia, in which the Danes desltoyed tna Anglo-Saxon monasteries and their great libraries. However, other scholars think that the poet's favorable attitude toward the Danes rrnJst place the epic's composition after the Viking Invasions and at the stan of the eleventh century, when this BeoItVIf manuscript was wrinen. ,",,,,,,,,,ttet mater<aie READING SECTION 23 -+ The identity of the 880wuff poet is also uncertain. IQ] He apparently was a Christian who Joved the pagan heroic tradition of his ancestors and blended the values of the pagan hero with the Christian values of his own country and time. Because he wrote in the Anglian dialect, he probably was either a monk in a monestery or a poet in an Anglo-Sa:w:on court located north of the Thames River. Appnl a nd Value BBowuff interests contemporary readers for many reasons. First, it is an outstanding adventure story. Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon are marvelous characters. and each fight is unique, action-packed, and e:w:citing. Second, Beowulf Is a very appealing hero. He Is the perfect warrior, combining elctraordinary strength, skill, courage, and loyally. Uke Hercules, he devotes his life to making the work! a safer place. He chooses to risk death in order to help other people, and he faces his inevitable death with heroism and dignity. Third, the Beowuff poet is interested In the psychological aspects of human behaviOr. For e:w:ample, the Danish hero's welcoming speech illustrates his }ealousy of Beowulf. The behaviOr of Beowulf's warriors In the dragon fight reveals their cowardice. Beowutl's attitudes toward heroism reflecl his maturity and e:w:peri - ence, while King Hrothgar's attitudes toward life Show the e:w:periences of an aged nobleman. Anally, the Beowulf poet a mature awedation of the transitory nature of human life and In Beowulf, as in the major epics of other cultures, the hero must create a meaningful life in a world that is olten dartgefous and uncaring. He must acceptlhe inevitability of death. He chooses to ~despal r ; instead, he takes pride In himself and In his accomplishments, and 1M; values human relationships. 1. According to paragraph! , which of the following is true about 880wuln <D It is the only manuSCfipl from the Anglo-Saxon period. <D The original story was written In a German dialect. <t> The author did nol sign his name to the poem. <D It is one of several epics from the first century. Paragraph! is marked with an arrow 1 -+ 1. 2. The word wtllI::b In the passage refers 10 Gt> tale <D Scandinavia <t> manUSCfipls <D Old English yttet matcr<8~ 2" MODEL TEST 1: PRETEST 3. Why does the author mention "bog-iron" in paragraph 2? CD To demonstrate tile availability 01 iron in Scandinavia <D To prove that iron was better than bronZe l or weapons (0 To argue that the Celts provided the materials to make Iron CD To suggest that 500 B .C . was the date that the Iron Age began Paragraph 2 is marlled with: an arrow [ -+ ]. 4. Which oj the sentences below besl expresses the information in the highlighted statement in the passage? The other choices change the meaning or leave out imJXlflant information. CD Society in Anglo-Saxon England was both advanced and cultured. <D The society of the Anglo-Saxons was not primitive or cultured. (0 The Anglo-Saxons had a society tIlat was primitive, not cultured. CD England during the Anglo-Saxon society was advanced, not cultured. 5. The word unique in the passage is closest In meaning to <l> o. <D fare (0 perfect CD weak 6. According to paragraph 4, why do many scholars be lieve that the original manuscript for Beowuff was lost? CD Because it is not like other manuscripts <D Because many libraries were burned (0 Because the Danes were allies 01 the Anglo-Saxons CD Because no copies were found In monas teries Paragraph 41s marlled with an arrow [ j. 7. In paragraph 4, the author suggests that Beowuffwas discover ed in the CD first cantu!)' <D ninth cantu!)' (0 eleventh cantu!)' CD seventeenth cantu!), Paragraph 4 1s marlled with an arrow [ -+ ]. ,",,,,,,,,,tlet mater<ale REAOING SECTION 2$ 8. Why does the author 01 this passage use the word "apparently" in paragraph 51 (D He Is not certain that the autnar of BeowuH was a Christian. (J) He Is mentiOning fact s. that are obviOus to the readers. <D He is giving an example from a historical reference. <D He is Introducing evidence about the autnar of BeowuH. Paragraph 5 is marKed with an arrow [ -+ ]. 9. The author compared tile Beowulf character to Hercules because (D they are both examples of the ideal hero (J) the ir adventures with a dragon are very similar <D the speeches that they make are in spiring ~ they lived at about the same time 10. The word exhibits in the passage is clQsest in meaning to (D creates <];I demonslrates <D assumes <D terminates 11 . The word ~ in the passage is closest in meaning to (D manage (J) evaluate <D refuse <D confront 12. Look at the four squares [ _ ] that show where the following senlence could be inserted in the passage. Moreover, they disagree as to whether this Beowu"is a copy of an earlier manuscript . Where could the sentence baSI be ack:ied? Click on a square [_ 110 insert the senlence in the passage. besk tlet matcr.ate :ze MOOELTESTI: PRETEST 13. Directions: An in troduction for a short summary of the passage appears below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that mention the most important points in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not included in the passage or are minor points from the passage. Th is quest/on Is worth 2 points . Beowulf Is the oldest Angl~Saxon epic poem that has survived to the present day. • • • Answer Choices !AI The Northmen were adept In crafting tools and weapons made of bronze, but the Celts were superior in designing and working In iron. [BJ In thll Viking invasions of England, thtt Danish armies destroyed monasteries, some of wh ich contained extensive libraries. Itl King Hrothgar and Beowulf become friends at the end 01 their lives, after having spent decades opposing each other on the battlefield. ~ The poem chronicles life In Anglo-Saxon society during the Bronze and Iron Ages when Germanic tribes were invading England. . I£J Although Beowulf was writtan by an anonymous poet, probably a Christian, about 1000 11.0., it was not found until the seventOO11th century. lEI BBowuff is still in teresting because it has engaging characters, an adventurous plol, and an appreciation for human behavior and relationships. bas ttel mat na READING SECTION 27 PART II 1IaII1., 2 ·711er.,,,.,.,, ~ Mammals and birds generally maintain body temperature within a narrow range (36-38°C lor most mammals and 39-42"C lor mosl birds) that Is usually ooosiderab/y warmer than the environment. Because heat always llows Irom a wa!ll1 object to cooler surroundings, birds and mammals must counteract lhe constant heat loss. This maintenance of warm body temperalure depends on several key adaptations. 1he most basic mechanism is the high metabolic rate 01 endothermy itself. Endothe!ll1s can produce large amounts of metabolic heat that replace the flow 01 heat to the environment, heat duction·to match rates 01 heat loss. ~~~~~~~~~!:~~~~~~~~~::~~~~;f ; ~ i i and produce heat InStead 01 6If . This non ahl verlng th e rmogene ala ( NST) takes place throughout the body, but some mammals also have a tissue called brown fat in the neck and between the shoulders that is specialized for rapid heal produc- tion. Through shivering and NST, mammals and birds in cold environments can Increase their metabolic heat production by as much as 5to 10 times above the tiiliimiJ levels that occur in warm conditions. -+ Another major thermoregulatOf)' adaptation that evolved in mammals and birds is insulation (hair, feathers, and fat layers), which reduces the flow of heat and Iow8fs the energy cost 01 keeping wa!ll1. Most land mammals and birds react to oold by raising their fur or fe athers, thereby trapping a thicker layer of ak !AI Humans rely more on a layer of fat just beneath the skin RiO insulation; goose bumps are a vestige of hair-raising letl over from our furry ancestors. 1m Vasodilation and vasoconstriction also ~ heat eJ:change and may contribute to regional temperature diff8f&f1C8s within the animal. ICl For 8J:am · pie, heat loss from a human is reduced when a!ll1S and legs cool to several degrees below the temperature 01 the body COfe, where most vital organs are located. !Dl -+ Hair loses most of its insulating power when wet. Marine mammals such as whales and seals have a very thick layer of insulation fat called blubber, just under the skin. Marine mammals swim in water colder than their body core tem- perature, and many species spend at least part 01 the year In nearly freezing polar seas. The loss 01 heat to water occurs 50 to 1 00 times more rapidly than heat loss to air, and tl"le skin temperature of a marine mammal is close to wa t er temperatur e. Even so, the blubber insulation is so effective thai marine mam· mals maintain body core tempefatures of about 36-38 ·C with metabolic rates about the same asJliiiiof land mammals of similar si~e. The flippers or tail of a whale or seal lack insulating blubber. but countercurrent heat exchangers greatly reduce heat loss in these extremities, as they do in the legs of many birds. ytlet matcr<8~ . MODEL TE ST 1: PRETEST PART I 11M'., f If " HI.torical Back g rou nd -+ The epic poem Beowulf, written In Old English, is the earliest e)(isting Ger- manic epic and. MODEL TEST 1: PRETEST READING SECTION The Reading section tests your ability to understand reading passages like those In. folklore. -+ The BeoltVff warriofs have a foot in both the Bronze and Iron Ages. Thair mead-halls reflect the wealthy living of the Bronze Age Northmen, and their wooden shields, wood-shafted

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20