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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 14 ppsx

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TAKING NOTE S as The problem is that most populations of ginseng in Canada are too small to survive unless they are completely protected from harvesting by humans, Ginseng survive if human harvesti ng Sometimes it is laster 10 repfesent an Idea with a symbol or a diagram !han it is 10 write notes in words. This is especially true 01 relationships. hA&ra kiM" 1D Did you understand? Now practice drawing diagrams to represent relationships. Rrst listen to eaen of the sentences from lectures on different topics. Then stop the audio and draw your dia- gr am . Compare your drawings with the drawings in the answer key. The first one is completed to give you an example. Your answer Is correct if it shows the same relationship as the draw- ings in the answer key, even if the diagram is not exactly the same. The answers are printed in Chapter 7 on pages 509-511 . The nervous syst em is divided into two major parts: the central nervous syst em and the peripheral nervous system. Nervous system Central Peripheral Usten to some sentences from college lectures. Take notes by drawing diagrams. Activity 10, CD 2, Track 9 1. 2. 3. PARAPHRASING 87 PARAPHRASING Paraphrasing means using differeot words to express the same meaning. When you para- phrase, you express an idea that you have heard or read, but you say or write it in your own words. Because you are including all of the information when you paraphrase, the paraphrase is usually about the same length as the original. There are three problems that you will con- front when you are paraphrasl09. , . There Is a natural tendency to repeat the same words Instaad of parsphraslng them . This means that you need to listen and read f or meani ng Instead 01 focusing on individual words and grammatical struc tures. 2. Reference materials such as a thesaurUI may not be used on the TOEFL. This means that you have 10 know synonyms for words and phrases. 3. Sometimes It Is not possible to think ot a paraphra This means that you must learn how to give credit 10 sources when you use them in speaking or writing. This chapter will help you i mpr ove your paraphrasing sllills. You will learn how to • Choo synonyms for wordl and phrases • Uae Iitemative grammatical Itructurel • Cite expressionl Ind ideas How will ttt.M .trar.g1H help you on the TOEFL 7 By learning 10 paraphrase well, you will achieve a higher score on all four sections of the TOEFl. There are questions that require you to recognize or produce paraphrases on the Reading, Ustening, Writing, and Speaking sections. Paraphrasing is a very important academic sltill fOf success in college or university classes as well. Using someone else's words is called plagiarizing . Plagiarizing is a very seri- ous offense and can result in your being expelled from school. CHODSE SYNONYMS FOR WORDS AND PHRASES Stmql t Substitute multiple synonyms Use phrases Make an explanation , Substitute ",ultlple synonyms When you use the strategy Of su bst ituting synonyms, you must substitute more Ihan 01"18 word Of phrase. An excellent paraphrase will also be expressed by a different grammatical struc- ture. You will1e9m about using alternative structures later in this chapter. Paraphrases with synonyms must be restatements. Substituting only one vocabulary word in a sentence is no t a restatement. It is so close to the original that It is not an acceptable para- phrase. Here is an example statement and an unacceptable paraphrase: .JI bask tlet materlala 86 ACADEMIC SKIllS 4. 5. 5. 7. 8 9. 10. ADVISOR'S OFFICE This advice from Dr . Charles Swindell is framed on the wall of my offICe near my computer so that I can see it every da y. I am happy to share it with you. The longer I live, the more I realite the Impact 01 altil1.lde on life. Altitude to me I; more important than facts. h is more important then the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important then appearance, giftedness, or skill. The remarkable thing Is, we have a choice every day regarding the altitude we embrace lor that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people may act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that Is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so It Is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes. Henry Ford said It another way: "" you think you can or you think you can' , you are probably fight." • 8lI ACADEMIC SKILLS Original Statement: The hardest woodwind instrument to learn is the oboe. Unacceptable Paraphrase: The most difficult woodwind instrument to learn is the oboe. Why is the lirst paraphrase unacceptable? Did you notice that ooly one word was dittersnt from the original statement? Remember that substituting 01'19 synonym is not a restatement and not an acceptable paraphrase. Now look at an acceptable paraphrase: Original Statement: The hardest woodwind instrument to learn is the oboe Acceptable Paraphrase: The most difficult woodwind instrument 10 master is the oboe . Why is the second paraphrase acceptable? Did you notice that more than one synonym was dif- f&fent? The phrase mos t difficult was substituted for the word hardest and the word master was substituted for the word leam. But this paraphrase Is still very close 10 the original sentence. This is an improvement In paraphrasing: Original Statement: The hardest woodwind instrument to learn Is the oboe. Excellent Paraphrase: The oboe is the most difficult woodwind instrument to master. Why is this paraphrase consider ed excellent? Uke the acceptable paraphrase, rTlOfe than one synonym was different. The phrase most diffICUlt was substituted lor the word hardest and the word mssterwas substituted lor the word /e8m . Did you also see how the structure of the sen- tence changed? The subject of the original statement was the hardest woodwind Instrument and the complement was the oboe. In the excellent paraphrase, the oboewas the subject and the hardest woodwind instrument was the complement. Did you understand? Try to rewrite each senlence that you may see in a lexti:looll by substi!Ul- ing synonyms lor the underlined words and phrases. As you have learned, an excellent para- phrase will also change the structure of the sentence, but in this practice activity, leI's begin by writing acceptable paraphrases. Substitute multiple synonyms. The first one is completed to give you an example. Your answer is correct if the wordS or phrases you use are synonyms l or the underlined words or phrases and the meaning 01 the sentence is the same. The synonyms do not have to be the ones t hat are used In the answer key. Example answers are printed In Chapter 7 00 page 51 1. yttet matcr<a~ , PARAPHRASING It , " Original: Thomas Edison was a YefY curious mild, pedorming his first experiment wtlen he was oojy three years old Paraphrase: Thomas Edison was a very i nquisiUye child, cooc:IuCling his first experimen t a1 the BQft of three. 1. The coppemead, 8 snake thai slrikes withou1 warning, is OOQsiderad much more danger. o:us than the rattlesnake. 2. Because J. P. Morgan was known as a reoutatllA and PrUden! businessman , he was able 10 per1jl.!ade others to remain In the maJ1I.el even after the crash had twlun . 3. Phosphorus is.u.:oad in paint on highway signs and mar1o:ers because it is ~ 81 night. 4. Rain forests are otten located near the equator. 5. By the mid-njoeleentt! century, land was so expensjye in ~ cities that architects began 10 conserve space by building skysaapers. 6. Research slLldjes of vertebrates SIlI:M: deye!orvnenl from a very simple heart in fish to a cpmp!ex lour-chamber nea rt in humans . 7. When two products are turvlemootaJly the same , advettising can iIlflueoc& the chojce lhal the public makes . 8. As a whole, in birds, the male of the species is mo re txilljaolly coIoted. 9. The IHK:.e. of gold on the world marXel is sybject to several yariables. including but not lim: dAd 10 supply and demand . 10. The ma of a submarine is not CflfOOt. dating from the 14ll!l<; when Crabbel and da Vinci eke iIliliaJ sketches , eo ACADEMIC SKILLS , Use phrases There is a tendency to try to find one word to paraphrase. bu t phrases can be a useful alternative. PucncAI SlUm y The English language contains many phrasal verbs thai express the same meaning as a on&- word verb. In general, the phrasal vernis used lor In fotmal writing and speaking. and the on&- word verb Is used for lT1()(e tormal language. Some 01 the phrasal verbs lnat are common to academic language are listed here. Bring about ""'" Carl)' on transact; continue Carl)' out COfTIPIete; accomplish Clear up oIarily Come about -" Come across lind Come by find accidentally Come out with publish; produce Come up with aeate Cut clown on "d"", Fall through fail FIgure out understand Find out discover Give off .mIt Go after follow Go b9Ck retum Go before ",,,,,,. Godown decrease Go 00 continue; happen Go over review Go through experience; penetrate Go'P Increase Keep on continue Keep up remain current Leave out exclude; omit Look for "'" Look Into investigate Look like resemble Look over examine Look up locate information look up to ,,""" Make out understand with diffICUlty Make up Invent; compose Pick out ",1oc1 Point out show; indicate Put off po"",,", , " Put up with Rule Oul Run across Run Into Setup Show " Spe ll out Stand lor Slid: out Take I nto account Take over Take place Think through Throw away Touch on Try oot Tum Into Tum out Tum up Wi nd up Wont out Write up Put:ncE kiln" 12 tolerate elimil'l8te find acc:identally meet by accident ,"- appear unexpectedly slate in detail ""' protrude conslde, assume control ~, """" discard mention briefty test ,"""""" """'- discover finish ""' ,- PARAPHRASING " Did you undetstand? First read each sentence. Then try to say each sentence using a phrase instead 01 a one-word verb. The first one is completed to give you an example. Your answer is correct if the phrases that you use ate synonyms lor the underlined words and the meaning 01 the sentence is the same . The phrases do not have 10 be the ones that are used in the answer key . Example answers are recorded on Tr ack 10 01 the audio and also printed in Chap t er 7 on pages 511 512. PHRASAL VERBS Written: Spoken: A balance 01 In ternational payment relers to the net result 01 the business that a nation traDyds with other nations in a given periOd . A balance of international payment relers to the net result of the business that a nation canies 00 with other nations In a given period . . draw- ings in the answer key, even if the diagram is not exactly the same. The answers are printed in Chapter 7 on pages 50 9-5 11 . The nervous syst em is divided into two major parts:. """&apos ;- discover finish ""' ,- PARAPHRASING " Did you undetstand? First read each sentence. Then try to say each sentence using a phrase instead 01 a one-word. that you may see in a lexti:looll by substi!Ul- ing synonyms lor the underlined words and phrases. As you have learned, an excellent para- phrase will also change the structure of the

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20