READING SECTION 35 34. The word relevant in the passage is closest In meaning to CD occasional a> modern <P related CD unusual 35. AccoI"ding to paragraph 9, why does the LES as!< respondents to classify change as posi- tive or negative? <D To analyze the long-t erm consequences of change a> To determine which aspects of change are personally significant <P To eKj>lain why some people handle stress bettar than others at> To introduce rlOfI1lativa waighting of stress avents Paragraph 91s marl<ed with an arrow [ -+ [. 36 . AccoI"ding to the passage, which of the following Is true about the SRRS as compared with the LES? • <D The SRRS includes a space to write in personal evants that have not been listed. a> The SRRS features a section for specifIC populations such as students. <P The SRRS assigns numbers to calculate the strass associated with events. at> The SRRS has hints to help people recall events that happened over a year ago. 37 . Which of tho following statoments most accuratoly roflocts tho author's opinion 01 tho SRRS? CD There are many problems associated with it. a> It is superiOf to the LES. <D II should be studied rllOfa carefl.llly. at> The scale is most usefl.ll !of sltJdents. 38 . Look at the four squares r_ l that show where the following sentence could be inserted in the passage. Th is .um I. an Index of th e amount of ch ange-related . tr e •• th e per lo n ha l recently ex perlanced. Where could the sentence best be added? Click on a square [ . [ to Insert the sentence In the passage. bask tlet mat na 3e MOOEL TES T t: PRETEST 39 . DIrection s : Complete the table by matching the phrases on the left with the headings on the right. Select the appropriate answer choices and drag them to the surveys to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. Thl. q_.rlon I. WOI1h 4 points . To delete an answer Choice. cl ick on it To see the passage, click on View Text . Answer Cho i ces i!l Umits the events to forty-three major life changes !Ill CalclJlates subscores for negative and positive changes JCl Must be taken twice in one year lor a reliable score !D.l Incorporates a space to write In acldltlonal events lEI Provides f or subjective Interpretation of the changes lEI Is no longer being used by psychologists IaI Includes sections for specialized populations !HI Consists of a scale developed in the 19605 [) Assigns a standard numerical value to events SRRS • • • LES • • • • igI beskyltet matenale USTENING SECTION 37 LISTENING SECTION o Model Tut 1, Li stening Secti on , CD 1, Track 1 The listening section tests your ability to understand spoken English that is typical 01 interac- tions and academic speech on college campuses. During the test, you will respond to conver- sations and lectures. This is the long lormat lor the listening section. On the Ioog format, you will respond to three conversations and six lectures. After each listening passage , you will answer 5-6 questions about it. Only two conversations and Ioor lectures will be graded. The other conversation and lectures are part of an experimentat section for Mure tests. Because you will not know which conversations and lectures will be graded, you must try to do your best on alt 01 them. YOIJ will hear each conversation or lecture one time. You may take notes while you listen, but notes are nol graded. YOIJ may use your notes 10 answer the questions. Choose the best answer for multlple-d'lolce questions. Follow the directiOns on the page or on the screen lor oomputer-assisted questions. Click on Next and OK to go to the next question. You cannot rerum to previous questions. You have 20-30 minutes to answer all 01 the ques- tions. A clock on the screen will show you how much time you have to complete your answers lor the section. The clock does not count the time you are listening to the conversations and lectures. bask tlet mat na 38 MODEL TEST 1: PRETEST PART I - . - ~ :-, ~ ,~ .• - - - 'r · '·)(~" ~" ", " I t , What does the woman need? a> A meeting with Professor Simpsoo (J) An English composition cless <0 An appointment lor tulor ing <D) Information about the Learning Center 2. Why does the woman say Ih is: 0 a> She is worried that she cannot afford the service. <J) She is trying to negoliate the cosl of the sessions. <0 She is showing particular interest In the man. <D) She is expressing surprise about the arrangement. 3. Why is Ihe man concerned about the woman's anendance? <Xl If she is absent. her grade will be lowered, <D He will not get a paycheck if she is absent. <0 She has been sick a lot during the semester. <D Her grades need to be impfDVed. ~ - 4. What does the man agree to do? (]) He will show the woman how to usa the ~brary . <Xl He will wme some oompositions for the woman. CD He will talk with the woman's English professor. CD He will show the woman how to improve her writing. 5. What does the man imply aboullhe woman's teacher? <D The professor is very diffICU lt to understand. <Xl He does not koow where she came from. <D Her students seem to like her teaching style. CD He is familiar with her requirements. USTENING SECTION 39 40 MODEL TEST 1: PRETEST TO.Fl· -;,,_, / ~.' ~,,'~ . , " ~,' - _loa TO£"_ . ;.::;. ~ ~', ~ :'.' • > -,"'~- ~ "'- " USTENING SECTION 41 roe ._ - • - • • __ ) . ' " - ,. \ TO£ n~':;' • • ; ";;;; ') . , " . . " - I - L 't- L ' L I , I . to the conversations and lectures. bask tlet mat na 38 MODEL TEST 1: PRETEST PART I - . - ~ :-, ~ ,~ .• - - - 'r · '·)(~" ~" ", " I t , What. TEST 1: PRETEST TO.Fl· -; ,,_, / ~.' ~,,'~ . , " ~,' - _loa TO£"_ . ;.::;. ~ ~', ~ :'.' • > -, "' ~- ~ "&apos ;- . SECTION 41 roe ._ - • - • • __ ) . ' " - ,. TO£ n~':;' • • ; ";;;; ') . , " . . " - I - L 't- L ' L I ,