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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 65 ppsx

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470 MORE MODEL TESTS 31. The word innovatjoos in the passage is closest in meaning to <E> discoveries <D exceptions CD disputes (]I) territories 32. How did the perspective of industrialists in the United States change in the 1970s? <E> They favored free e)(change of techoology. <D They supported the protection of patents. CD They r efused to sign In ternational trade agreements . (]I) They began to COllaborate with Third World nations. 33. How did industrialized nations justify using plants and an imals from the developing world for food and medicill8 products? <E> They claimed that the plant and animal soorces were raw materials that could not be patented. <D They asserted that the original plant and an imal materials were found in their own nations. CD They paid a large royalty for the use of plants and an imals that were not original to their countries. (]I) They stated that they had manufactured a higher quality of products than the competition. 34. Based on information in paragraph 7. which of the following best explains the term "biopira~? <E> A conspiracy by farmers <D The theft of plants and animals CD Secret trade agreements (]I) Natural resources in the biosphere Paragraph 7 is marked with an arrow I ~ J. 35 . The word facilitate in the passage is closest In meaning to <D permit CD assist CD require (]I) delay 36 . The word oot;OO$ in the passage is closest in meaning to <D customs <D records CD property (]I) ideas MODEL TEST 7l'AEAOING SECTION 471 37 . Why does the author call this a rt icle "Conquesl by Palenls"? CD Because most trade agreements are unfair to develOping nations CD Because patents COSlloo much money lor developing nations CD Because Industrialized countries do not pay their debts to developing nations CD Because natural resources are a source 01 power lor developing na tions 38 . Look at the lour squares [_ j that show where th e lollowing sentence could be inserted in the passage. Arriving In 1M U.S., he sought financing and recreated from memory an entire Alii:- wright factory and all Ita equipment. Where could th e sentence best be added? Click on a square [ _ j to insert the sentence in the passage. 39. Directions : An introduction lor a Short summary 01 th e passage appears below. Complete the summary by setecting the THREE answer choices that mention the most important points In th e passage. Some sentences do not belong In the summary because they express Ideas that are not Included In the passage or are minor points fr om the passage. This qUftBtlon Is worth 2 points . Patents are used to protect the compelltlve Interests of natlons and control the ownership of technology. • • • Answer Choices 1&1 The purpose 01 patents is to protect the originator lrom competition and control 01 the technology. [aJ In 1790, Samuel Sieler, an English citi- zen who smuggled plans for a textile mill Into the United States, was consldered a thief. 1Cl Anyone who conspired to send mact1ines or workers at the Arkwright factory over- seas COIJId suffer tines or even a Jail term of 12 years. IDI The United States, along with other Industrialized nations, pushed for more protection 01 intellectual property in trade agroomonts nogotJatod In tho 19705. lEI U.S based businesses claimed that the Inlrlngement 01 Intellectual property rights by pirates cost th em $40-60 billion in losl profits. IEl The developing world has opposed trade agreements thai favor the Industrialized nations and Ignore the origin 01 the plant and animal products used. JPyngh cd ma r I 472 MORE MOOEL TESTS LISTENING SECTION (} Model T ,7 , U a 1en lng Section, CD 9, Track 5, continued on CD 10, Track 1 The Ustening section tesls your ability 10 undersland spoken English that is typical of interac- tions and academic speech on college campuses. During the tesl, you will respond 10 conver- sations and lectures. This is the long lonnat lor Ihe Ustening section. On the long formal, you will respond to three conversations and six lectures. Aller each listening passage, you w il l answer 5-6 questions about i t. Only two conversations and lour lectures will be graded. The other conversation and lectures are part of an experimental section lor future lests. Because you will not know wh ich conversations and teclures will be graded, you must try to do your best on all of them. Yo u will hear each conversation or lecture one lime. You may take notes wh il e you listen, but notes are not graded. You may use your notes to answer the questions. Choose the best answer for multiple-choice questions. Follow the direclions on !he page or on the screen lor computer-assisted questions. Click on Next and OK to go to the next question. You cannot return to previous questions. You have 20-30 minutes to answer all 01 the ques- tions. A Cloc k on the screen will Show you how much lime you have to complete your answers for the section. The Clock does not count the time you are listening to !he conversations and lectures. Jpynqhloo m llr JI MODEL TEST 711 tSTEN I NG SECTION 4n PART I - - 1. Why does the man go to see his professor? Q;) He wants to withdraw from the Class . CD He needs to ask the professor a question. <D His professor promised to give him a tape . eD His professor asked him to come to the ollice. 2. Why does the student say th i s: () Q;) He Is disrespectfu l. CD He Is surprised. CD He is SOfTy. CD He Is happy. 3. What does the professor mean when she says th is : () CD She is warni ng the student that she could take more serious action. CD She is indicating that she Is not sure what she wants to do . <D She is asking the man to come up with a solution for the situation. CD She is forgiving the man for causing a problem in her class. 474 MORE M ODE L TESTS 4. How does the professor feel about questions in class? (!) She would rather answer quest io ns during her office hours. CD She thinks that students who ask questions are showing interes t. cD She does not like students to be disrespectful by asking questions. eD> She wants her students to help each other instead 01 asking questions. 5. What w il l the man probably do during the next CI~ ? (!) He will ask fewer questions. CD He wi lilape record the lecture. cD He wi ll refer to the outline In the book. eD> He will participate more in the discussion. IOEn. - U_ ,-;:;:~ ,~~,,~, ,-" _ ') , :'.; , _ 0 _." ' __ ~ "' _ ~ . _""' ""." ,., r h a r MODEL TEST 711JS TENING SECTlON 4T1 6. What is this lecture mainly about? <D Symmetry in the visual arts <D The characteristics of pahems <D How the brain organizes information G) A definition 01 beauty 7. What does the pr ofessor mean when he says this: () <D He plans to give others an opportunity to speak. <D He is talking too fast and int ends to slow down. <D He needs to oorrect something that he has said. G) He wants to talk about that subject later. 8. Whictl of the following slides represents reflection symmetry? Click on the correct diagram. '" ~ R 9. How Is it possible to recognize an object when only pan of it is visible? <D The brain recognizes symmetry and visualizes the Whole. <D The object is ohen famili ar enough to be recognized. <D The pieces are large even though some are missi ng . G) The principles lor Identification can be learned. r.; n9h!~ 478 MORE MODEL TESTS 10 . 10 addition to a system for organizaUon, what characteristics define a pattem? Click on 2 answer choices . IAl A basic unit [Ell An image [Cl Repetition [Cl Rotation 11 . What assignment does the professor give his students? <D They are supposed to idenUfy pattems In the classroom. CD They should be prepared lor a quiz on this lecture. <D They need to go to the lab to complete an experiment. ~ They h ave to design a pattern that includes sy mmet ry . 1.JItu1., 3 "'lsI", CI.," IO[FI.· ~ ® @ (i) 13) !~M··_l , h . listening to !he conversations and lectures. Jpynqhloo m llr JI MODEL TEST 711 tSTEN I NG SECTION 4n PART I - - 1. Why does the man go to see his professor? Q;) He wants to withdraw. He wi ll refer to the outline In the book. eD> He will participate more in the discussion. IOEn. - U_ ,-; :;:~ ,~~,,~, ,-& quot; _ ') , :'.; , _ 0 _." ' __ ~. undersland spoken English that is typical of interac- tions and academic speech on college campuses. During the tesl, you will respond 10 conver- sations and lectures. This is the long lonnat

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20