204 REVIEW OF TOEfl - 1 ST SECTIONS ~ Problems The problems in this revi ew represent the types of questions that are most frequently tested on the TOEFL. They will appear randomty after a reading passage. Directions will appear with the questions. but il you already recognize the type 01 problem In the question presented. and you are familiar with the directions. you will save time. The tess time you have to spend reading directions. the more time you will have to read the passages and answer the questions. The number of points assigned to each problem is based on the evaluation system for the TOEFL. The frequency level lor each problem is based on the average number 01 thirty-nine questions that are usually included in a Reading section of three prompts. Average 1-2 High 3-4 Very high 5+ PRomfll1: TRUE-FAUE A True-Fa/se problem asks you 10 Identify the true statement. Choose from four sentences. Poinls- l Frequency level-Average 1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true about autotrophs? • They use a chemical process to produce their own lood. (J) They require plant matter in oreler to SUNil/e. <D They need producers to provide them with carbon. a) They do not interact with other organ,isms in the food chain. Paragraph 1 is marked with an arrow [ ] . PtItJtJlnI 2: VOC4'lUIfY A Vocabulary problem askS you to choose a general synonym. Choose from foor words or phrases, Point s- t Frequency Level - Very high 2. The word.sc.l£t in the passage is closest in meaning to Q;) mafor (J) steady • only a) ideal M Ichr, :1y klfr prtp,<1f READING 20S A Terms problem asks you to explain a word that is specific to the reading passage. Choose Irom lour definitions. Polnts-l Frequency Level-Average 3. Based on tM informalion in paragraph I , which of the following basi explains the term "food web"? <D Energy manufactured by producer organisms In the food chain CD Another term that defines the food chain _ An interactive system of food chains CD Primary and secondary consumers in the food chain Paragraph 1 Is marked wi th an arrow [ -to ]. An Inference problem asks you to draw a conclusion based on information in the passage. ChOOse from four possibiliUes. PointS- I Frequency Level - Very High 4. It may be concluded that human beings are omnivores because <D people feed on producers for the most pan CD people afe usually tertiary consumers _ people generally eat both producers and consumers CD most people are the top camivores in the food chain ""., fII 5: I'uIIIWE A Purpose problem aSks you to understand why the author organizes a passage or explains a concept In a specific way. Choose from four reasons. Points - l Frequency level-Average 5. Why does the autnar mention krill in paragraph 4? <I> To suggest a solution for a problem in the food chain CD To provide evidence that contradicts previously stated opinions <0 To present an explanation for the killing of krill _ To give an example of a complex food web Paragraph 4 Is marked with an arrow 1-+]. M al chr, ny '"Sk pravv 208 REVIEW OF TOEFL . IBT SEC T10N S 1'RaE1I6: PAIIAIVWE A Paraphrasa problem asks you to choosa the best restatemen t. Choose lrom lour statements. PointS- l Frequency level-High 6. Which 01 the sentences below best expresses the Inlormation In the h ig hlighted statement in the passage? The other choices change the meaning or leave out important Information. <D Part of the one million tons of krill harvested annually is used for protein in animal feed. CD Both livestock and chiCkens as well as humans eat krill as a main part of their diets. CD The principal u se 01 krill is l or animalleed. although some 01 the one million tons is eaten by people. • More than one million tons of krill is eaten by both animals and humans every year. Ptlia£1I1: DErAIL A Detail problem asks you to answer a question about a specific point In the passage. Choose from four possible answer s. P oints-l Frequency Level- Very high 7. According to paragraph 7, how much land Is used to grow crops for animal feed? <D 80 percent of the acreage in Europe CD Most of the rain forest in Central America • 50 percent of the farm laoo In Canada and the United States GP Hall of the land In North and South America Paragraph 7 is marked with an arrow [-+1. PRoanI8: CAlISE A Gause problem asks you to explain why something In the passage occurred. Choose from four reasons. Points-l Frequency l evel- Average 8. According to paragraph 7, food webs are IneffICient becau se • consumers in developed nations prefer animal protein CD politicians are not paying attention to the issues <P there are not enough acres to grow crops efficiently GP 100 much of the com and soybean harvests are exported Paragraph 7 is marked with an arrow [-+1 . M 131 c:hr y '1ik ." READING 'lIJ7 "'919: IlEtfWU A Refef8fJC6 problem asks you 10 identify a w or d or ph rase In the passage lhal refers 10 a pronoun. Choose from lour words or phrases in the passage. Points- I Frequency Level - High 9. The word others in the passage refers to <D re sources • food webs <D grains CD> cycles An Opinion problem asks you to recognize the authOr's point 01 view. Choose from four statements. Points -I Frequency Level-Average 10. Which of the fOllowing statements most accurately reflects the author's opinion about food issues? <D T oo much grain Is be i ng exported to provide lood lor developed nations. CD Mo re forested land needs to be cleared lor food production In devaloping nations . • F ood choices in developed nations are very costly in terms oltha environment. (]I) Mo re ani mal protein Is needed In the diels of people In developing nations. ,.,. 91 11: lusn An Insert problem asks you to locale a place In the passage to Inser! a sentence. Choose from four options rnar1Ied with a square. P oints-I Frequency level -H ig h I I . Look al the four squ ares [ _ ] that show where the following sentence could be inserted in the passage. A tertiary conaurner eatll primary and secondary consumers and Is referred to liS the '"top carnivore" In the food chain. Where could the sentence bes t be added? 1m Click on a square [_ J to Inser! t he sentence in the passage. '01 '" ,'" 208 REVIEW OF TOEFl- 1 ST S ECTIONS _'2:Ex cunor An Exceprion problem asks you to select a statement that Includes Inlormation NOT in the passage. Choose Irom lour sentences. Points-1 Frequency level-Average 12. According to the passage, all of the lollowlng characteristics describe producers EXCEPT <D Producers serve as lood lor consumers. <D Producers make their own lood. t:D Producers form the first trophic level. e Producers include bacteria and fungi. PRD1U1113 : Cuss n :,m or A ClassifICation problem asks you to match phrases with the categofY to which they ref9f. Choose phrases lor two or three categories. Two phrases will not be used. Points-l-4 points lor seven choices Points- l -3 points lor five choices 1 point lor 4 correct answers 1 point lor 3 correct answers 2 points for 5 correct answers 2 points for 4 C()( rect answers 3 points for 6 correct answers 3 points for 5 correct answers 4 points for 7 correct answers Frequency level-Average 13. Directi on s: Complete the table by matching the phrases on the lett with the headings on the right. Select t he appropriate answer choices and drag them to the type 01 organism to which they relate. TWO of the answer choices will NOT be used. This quuUon I. worth 4 point • . To delete an answer choice. click on II. To see the passage. click on View T ex t. Answer Cho ic es Produce rs IOJ Depend upon photosyntheSis to survive • IOJ IBI Has a weak interaction among species • I8J ~ Generally consist 01 animal lile forms Cons ume rs Illl I l"Iclude both herbivores and carnivores • ~ lEI Form the last link In the lood chain • Illl lEI Eat meat as one of lis primal)' food sources • lEI Illl Feed on dead plan ts and animals Decom I8J Are always some variety of plant lile • lEI rn Made exclusively 01 inorganic materials • Illl Malc'ltll chrancnv a' ~rTl prav~ READING :zog "",.,£11 14: SrnrwRY A Summary problem asks you to complete a summary of the passage. Choose three sentences from six choices. Three sentences will not be used. Points-I-2 1 point lor 2 correct answers 2 points for 3 correct answers Frequency Level-Average 14. Directions : An introduction for a short summary of the passage appears below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer Choices that mention the most Important points in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that afe not included in the passage or are mir'l()( points from the passage. Th is question Is worth 2 points. The food web Is comprised of producers , consumers , and decomposers , wh i ch Interact In endless cycle •. . ~ . ~ • ICJ Answer Choices !AI Consumers, primarily animals, feed on pr oducers, plants which manufacture their own food source through photosyn- thesis. !DI Decomposers digest and recycle dead plants and an imals, releasing inorganic compounds into the food chain. (CI Since more energy Is depleted in to the environment al each level in the food chain, dietary choices affect the effi- ciency of food webs. (OJ Among consumers, human beings are considered omnivores because they eat not only plants but alSo an imals. lEI An example of an unders ea food web includes phytoplankton, krill, and fish as well as birds, seals, and whales. {E] Rain forests are being cut down in order to clear pastureland for ca Ule that can be exported to countries with last·food restaurants. \,\ '" ,'" 210 REVIEW OF TOEFL - IBT SECTIONS READING STRATEGIES In addition to the academic skills thai you learned in Chapter 3. there are several reading strategies that will help you succeed on the TOEFL lind lifter the TOEFL. )0- Previe w Research shows thai it is easier 10 understand what you are reading if you begin with a gen- eral idea of what the passage Is about. Previewing helps you form a generallclea 01 the topic. To preview, firsl read the tilie, the headings and subheadings, and any words In bold prlnl or italics. You should do this as quickly as possible. Remember, you are reading not for specific information but for an impression 01 the topic. Next, read the first sentellCe of each paragraph and the last sentellCe of the passage. Again, this should take seconds, not minutes. to com- plele. This time you are looki ng for the main Idea. o Look at the title and headings o Read the first sentence of every paragraph • Read the last sentence of the passage )0- Read faster To read faster, read for meanlng_ Try 10 understand sentences or even paragraphs, not Indi- vidual words. To do this, you should read phrases instead of reading word by word. Practice using the vision that allows you to see on either side of the word you are focusing on with your eyes. This is called peripheral visIon. When you drive a car, you are looIting ahead of you but you are really taking in the traffic situation on both sides. You are using peripheral vision to move forward. This is also important in leaming to read laster. Your mind can lake in more than one word al the same time. Just think ~ you Slopped your car every time you wanted to know what was go ing on In the next lanel You would never gel to your destlnallon. To read laster, you have to read for ideas. If you don't know the meaning 01 a word but you understand the sentence, move on. Don't stop to look up Ihe word In your dictionary. Don't stop your car. o Usc peripheral vision o Read for meaning )0- Use contexts Before you can use a context, you must understand what a context is. In English, a context is the combination of vocabulary and grammar that surrounds a word. Context can be a sen- tellCe or a paragraph or a passage. Context helps you make a general prediction about mean- ing. If you know the general meaning 01 a sentence, you also know the gel10 ral meaning ollhe words In the sentence. Making predictions from contexts is very important when you are read- i ng a foreign language. In this way, you can read and understand the meaning of a passage without slopping 10 look up every I10W word in a dictionary. On an examination like Ihe TOEFL, dictionaries are not permitted in the room. Of course, you have to know some of the words in order 10 have a context for the words that you don't know. thai means that you need to work Malc'ltll chrancnv a' ~rTl prav~ . Average 1-2 High 3-4 Very high 5+ PRomfll1: TRUE-FAUE A True-Fa/se problem asks you 10 Identify the true statement. Choose from four sentences. Poinls- l Frequency level-Average. points assigned to each problem is based on the evaluation system for the TOEFL. The frequency level lor each problem is based on the average number 01 thirty-nine questions that are usually. 204 REVIEW OF TOEfl - 1 ST SECTIONS ~ Problems The problems in this revi ew represent the types of questions that are most frequently tested on the TOEFL. They will appear