1 90 MOD EL TEST 2: PROGR ESS T ES T tOm. · I.J.IO_ '-53 6:) cD cY> 29. What is the discussion mainly about? CD Global mar1<eting of food products CD International bus iness In Europe cI) Surprises in food preferences abroad CD Packaging food for exportation 30 . H ow does the professor organize the l ec ture? CD He compares domestic and foreign products. <D He relates the teKtbook to his pro fessional experience. cI) He refers to case studies fr om the textbook. CD He presents informa tion from most 10 least Important. 31 . Why doe s the sludent say th is: n CD She is as ki ng the professor a question about his previous point. CD She is offering a possible answer to the professor's question. cI) She is chang i ng the subject of the class discussi on . <D She is checki ng her comprehension 01 the professor's opinion. ~,~."" 32 . What technique does the professor use to encourage student discussion? <D He gives students positive reinforcement by praisillg the ir efforts. CD He asks the students to talk among themselves In sm all groups. <0 He assigns a differ ent part of t he textbook to each student. CD He calls on each studen1 by name to conl ribU1e to the discussion. M 33. What did Ted Levitt mean by 1he pluralization 01 consumption ~ <D More people would begin to travel. eD More multinational corporatloos would produce brands. <D More consumers will have the means to afford goods. G:l More people will want the same products. U STEN tNGSECTION 191 34 . What does the professor say about television and movie companies? <D He indicates that some co mpanies hire foreign marketing experts. CD He criticizes the way that th ey advertise their programs and fi l ms . <D He notes that they are one of the most widely distributed exports. G:l He points out that they are paid to d is play brand-name products. Please tum off the lIudlo. There is II to-mInute break between the Ustening section and the Speak ing section . , ! 1112 MODEL TEST 2: PROGAESSTEST SPEAKING SECTION (') Model Test 2, Speaking Section, CD 3, Track 8, continued on CD 4, Track 1 The Speaking section tests your ability to communicate in Engtish in an academiC setting. Dur- Ing the te st, you will be presented wi th six speaking questions. The questions ask lor a response to a single question, a conversation, a talk, or a lecture. You may take not es as you listen, but notes are not graded. You may use your notes to answer the questions. Some of the questions ask for a response to a reading passage and a talk or a lecture, The reading passages and the questions are written, but most 01 the directions will be spoken. Your speaking will be evaluated on both the fluency 01 the language and the accuracy of the conlent. You will have 15-20 seconds to prepare and 45-60 seconds to respond to each ques- tion. Typically, a good response will require all 01 the response lime, but the answer will be complete by the end 01 th e response time. The time for the Speaking section is about 20 minutes. A clock on the screen will show yoo how much time you have to prepare your answer and how much time you have to record it. M 1 flal chraneny a' sk~ml pravv S PEAJ<[NG SECTION 113 (') Listen lot a question about a familiar topic. Question Explain how birthdays are celebrated in your country. Use specifIC examples and details in your explanation. Preparation Time: 15 seconds Recording Time: 45 seconds 1M MODEL TEST 2: PROGR ESS TEST Independent Speaking Qw8lflo.2 "c".,,. ".".1, #$ " n Usten for a question that asks your opinion about a familiar topic. Quest i on Some students would rather write a paper than lake a lest. Other students would rather take a test instead of writing a paper. Which option do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Preparation Time: 15 seconds Recording Time: 45 seconds h' k I I' , SPEAKING SECTION 1'5 Read a short passage and lis ten to a talk on the same topic. Reading lime : 45 seconds Health Insyraoca All students may purchase health insurance at th e time 01 reg istration by marking the in sur- ance box on the course request fOnTI _ Those students who choose not to use the health Insurance option may still use the services 01 the Student Health Center, but their accounts mu st be settled at the time of each visit, and the altemative health i ns urance carrier must be billed directly by the students for reimburseme nt. International students are required to purchase student health Insurance from the university and will be charged automatically al registration. Alternative heaHh insurance carriers may not be substituted. No exceptions will be made. I· o Now listen to the foreign student advisor. He Is explalning the pol icy and expressing h is opinion about it. Question The foreign student advisor expresses his opinion of the policy for health insurance. Report his opinion and explain the reasons that he giveS for having that opinion. Prepa ra tion lime : 30 seconds Recording lime : 60 seconds 118 MODEL TEST 2: PROGRess T esT ,.,.".w Speaking o."tlrm 4 uA/ltarctlu" Read a short passage and then listen to part 01 a lecture on the same topic. Reading Tlme: 45 seconds Antarctjca Antarctica and the ocean t hai surrounds it constitute 40 percent 01 the planet, but in spite of its vast area, it has remained a fronUer with no permanent towns or transportation net- wMs _ Between 1895 and 1914, explorers planted their flags, claiming various sectors and the raw materials in them l or their co unt ri es. Nevertheless, the remote locati on and the harsh environment have encouraged a spirit 01 cooperation among nations who maintain claims. Furthermore, because Antarctica plays a crucial role in the global environmental system, the exploitat IO n 01 resources could have unpredictable consequences lor the entire world. The Antarctic Trea ty. signed In 1961 and expanded in 1991 . ensures scientilic COl- laboration. protects the environment. and prohibits military activities. o Now listen 10 part 01 a lecture In a geography class. The prolessor is talking about Antarctica. Qu tlon exp laIn wh y many countries have staked claims In Antarctica. and why national Interests have not been pursued. Preparation Tl me: 30 seconds Recording Time: 60 seconds h' k . d is play brand-name products. Please tum off the lIudlo. There is II to-mInute break between the Ustening section and the Speak ing section . , ! 1112 MODEL TEST 2: PROGAESSTEST SPEAKING. 1 90 MOD EL TEST 2: PROGR ESS T ES T tOm. · I.J.IO_ &apos ;-5 3 6:) cD cY> 29. What is the discussion mainly about? CD Global mar1<eting. (') Model Test 2, Speaking Section, CD 3, Track 8, continued on CD 4, Track 1 The Speaking section tests your ability to communicate in Engtish in an academiC setting. Dur- Ing the te st,