MODEL TEST 6IREAOING SECTION 421 39. Directions : Complete the table by matching the phrases on the left with the headings on the right. Select the appropriate answer choices and drag them to the advantages or dis- advantages of group decision making. TWO 01 the answer choices will NOT be used. Thfs questfon Is wot1h 4 poInt. _ To delete an answer choice, click on it To see the passage, dick on View Text. Answer Choices !AI Sometimes a strong leader will dominate the group. IBl Sometimes personal objectives dictate the outcome. ~ Most of the lime people are happier with the decision. IDI It Is usually possible to gather more data. lEI It will probably lake much longer to arrive at a decision. IE] The group may tend to make decisions based on friendship. IGi Discussion is required belore a decision is made. IBl Implementation Is often much easier after the decision. rn A group member may disagree with the majority opinion. Advantages • • • D isa dvanlltges • • • • ngh eel aler 4 22 MORE M OD EL TESTS PART III Readl., 4 " Four Stages of ,,.,,.,., IIereftlflllllt" Planetary Develo pment -+ In our study 01 the planet Earth, we will find a fo ur-stage hlstOlY of planetary develOpmen t. The moon and all the terrestrial planets have passed through these stages, although differences In the way the planets were altered by these stages have produced dramatically different worlds. The moon, f or example, is much like Earth, but its evolution has been dramatically altered by its smaller size. As we e)(plore the solar system, we will discover not entir ely new processes but rather familiar effects working in slightly different ways. The Four Stages The lirst stage 01 planetary evolution is differentiation, the separation of malerlal accordlno 10 density. Earth now has a dense co re and a Iower-denslty crust, and that structure must have originated very early. Differentiation would have occurred easily II Earth were molten when it was young. Two sources 01 heat could have heated Earth. First, heat of formallon would be created by in-falling material. A meteodte hitting Earth at high velOcity co nverts most of!tii energy of motion into heat, and the in-falling of a large num- ber of meteorites could release tr emendous heat. liiil ~ .may liiii be r~ A second source of heat requires more time to develop. The decay of radioactive elements trapped in the Earth releases heat gradually; but , as soon as Earth formed, thai heat would have begun to accumulate and could have helped melt Earth to facilitate differentia- tion. Mosl of Earth·s radioactive elements are now concentrated in the crust, where th ey continue to warm and soften the rock layers. Earth formed by male rial falling together, but meteoriles could have le ft no trace untit a crust solidified. Once Ea r1h had a hard surface, the meteorites co uld lorm craters. This second stage in planetary evolution, cm tering, was vio- lent. The heavy bombardment was intense because the solar nebula was filled wilh rocky and icy debris, and the young Earth was battered by meteodtes that 'Mei:iZifSl ; the newly lorming crust. The largest meteorites blasted out crat er basins hundreds 01 kilometers in diameter. As the solar nebula cleared, the amount of debris decreased, and the level of craterlng fell to its present low level. Although meteorites still occasionally strike Earth and dig craters, craler- ing is no longer the ijQffi!iJIm in fluence on Earth's geology. As we compare other worlds with Earth, we will discover \faces 01 this intense period 01 crater- ing, the heavy bombardment, on every old surface in the solar system. )pyngh!ed maken 11 424 MORE M OD EL TESTS 4t , The word its In the passage refers to CD meteorite <D Earth <:t> velocity <D motion 42. Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the highlighted statement in the possogo? Tho other cholcos chnngo tho moaning Of Ioavo out Impoflantlnformalion. CD The Earth was probably liquid because the heat collected faster than it disSipated if the formation took place quickly. <D Because of the rapid formation of the Earth, the crust took a long time to cool befClfe it became a solid. <:t> The liquid core of the Earth was created when the planet first formed because the heat was so high and there was little cooling. IJt) The cooling caused the Earth 10 form much more quickly as It met with the Inlense heat 01 the new planet. 43. The word pulverized In Ihe passage Is closest In meaning 10 CD melted Inlo liquid <J) broken inlo small parts <D frozen very hard <D washed very clean 44 . What can be inferred about radioactive matter? CD It is revealed by later activity. <J) It generates Intense heat. <:t> It is an important stage. <D II fractures the planet's crust. 45. The word dominant In the passage is closest In meaning to CD most limited <J) most likely <:t> most rapid <lD most important )pynghlOO maier I "28 MORE MOOEL TESTS 52. DIrectIons : An introduction for a short summary of the passage appears below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that mention the most important points in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas thaI are not included in the passage Of are minor points from the passage. This que'tlon I, worth 2 points. There are four stages of development for the terrestrial pia fleW. • • • Answer ChoIces IaJ All rocky planets go t hrough different stages in their evolution because of vari· ations in composition. [Ill About three quarters 01 the surface 01 the Earth is submerged by the water in lIs oceans. IBl In spite of several unique features, the Earth is a good example of how a planet proceeds through the stages. ~ Fewer meteorites fall to Earth now than in the ea rlier stages 01 the planet's evolu· tiemary history. Rad/",5 ""ch trrttl.," lEI DlHerentla\lon and cratering are early stag es that are in fluenced by in-falling meteorites. lEI Flooding includes bol h lava and waler, while slow surface evolution causes shifting In the crust. II is a widely held misconception that writing is more perfect than speech. To many people, writing somehow seems more correct and more stable, whereas speech can be careless. corrupted, and susceplible 10 change. Some people even go so far as to identity language with writing and to regard speech as a secondary form of language used imperfectly to ~ the ideals of the written language. -+ One of the basic assumptions of modern linguistics, however, is that speech is primary and writing Is secondary. The most immeaiate manitestation of language is speech and not writing. Writing is simply the representation of speech In another physical medium. Spoken language encodes thought Into a physically transmittable form, while writing, in tum, encodes spoken language into a physically pr eservable form. Writing is a two-stage process. All units of writing, whether letters or characters, are based on units 01 speech, i.e., words, sounds, or syllables. When linguists study language, they take the spoken Ian· MODEL TEST 6IREAOING SECTION 421 57. TIle word deliberation in the passage is closest in meaning to CD wor1l. <I> thought CO time <J) intelligence 58 . Why does Ihe author mention Mark Twain and John Sieinbeck in paragraph 7? a:> To demonstrate that speech cannot be transcribed <I> To provide examples of two good writing styles <X'> To prove that a nonstandard variety can be written (l1) To conlrast varieties of speech l or their characters Paragraph 7 is mar1l.ed with an arrow [ -+ ). 59. The word transient in the pa ssage is closesl in meaning to a:> unimportant <I> temporary <0 Interesting (l1) clear 60 . According 10 paragraph 7, whal is true about spelling? Q) Spelling does not change from one geographical region to another. <I> Brit is h and American spellings are more similar than pronunciation. <0 Pronunciation in English is not related to spelling changes. (l1) Changes in spelling are occasionally Initiated because of speech. Paragraph 71s marked with an arrow 1-+ 1. 61 . The phrase this possib ili ty in the passage refers to Q) writing could also change <I> the changes of speech <0 people try to carry out <n> spelling relonns Illustrate 62. Which of the following statements most closely represents the author's opinion? <D Speech and writing have historical similarities. <I> Standard speech is the best model lor writing. (D Writing is not more perfect than speech. ~ Writing shoukl nol c hange like sptM;l1 does. MODEL TEST M.ISTENING S ECTION 431 LISTENING SECTION • (} Model Test 6, listening Section, CD 8, Track 5, continued on CD 9, Track 1 The Listening section tests your ability to understand spoken English that is typical of interac- tions and academic speech on college campuses_ O1 lring the test, you wi ll r espond to conver- sations and lectures_ This Is the short format for the listening section. On the short format, you will respond to two conversations and fou r lectu res . After each liste n ing passage, yoo will answer 5-6 questions about it. You will hear each conversation or lecture one time. You may take ootes while you listen, bu t notes are oot graded. You may use your notes 10 answer the questions. Choose the best answer lor multiple-choice quesUons. Follow the directions on the page or on the screen lor compu ter-assisted questions. Click on Next and OK to go to th e next question. You cannot re l um to previous questions. You have 20-30 minutes to answer all 01 the ques- tions. A clock on the screen will show you how much t ime you have to complete your answers lor the section. The clock does not count the time you are listening to the conversations and lectures. )pynghled maken II 432 MORE MOOEL TESTS PART! ' 1. Why does the man go to see his professor? <l) To borrow some books for his project (J) To hand In the fi rst book report <0 To ask about the professor's requirements <D To talk about literary movements 2, H ow Is the second part of the reading list different from the first part? <l) More minority authors are represented. (]) All of the w ri ters are from North America. <D \I includes books from the Post Modem Period. <D In additi on to novels, soma plays are on the list. 3. What does the man mean when he says this: 0 CD He does n ot understand the term. (]) He is interested in the klea . <0 He is not sure how to pronounce it <D He thinks that the word is humorous. r h a r . M OD EL TESTS PART III Readl., 4 " Four Stages of ,,.,,.,., IIereftlflllllt" Planetary Develo pment -+ In our study 01 the planet Earth, we will find a fo ur-stage. would be created by in-falling material. A meteodte hitting Earth at high velOcity co nverts most of!tii energy of motion into heat, and the in-falling of a large num- ber of meteorites could. does. MODEL TEST M.ISTENING S ECTION 431 LISTENING SECTION • (} Model Test 6, listening Section, CD 8, Track 5, continued on CD 9, Track 1 The Listening section tests your ability