EXPLANATORY OR EXAMPlE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS fOfl MOOEl TESTSIMODEl TEST 7 763 ~ Ellen: ._lJ .~'_L " f Professor Blake: ; :. , .~ Protessor Blake: Fair enough. Ellen: HI',". RbY.IlcI ~ Of twill' " _ FfR I know that we can' observe strings . , . ytlt , . , but maybe that's lust a problem with the technology and • . , and eventually, we may be able 10 observe strings In the labor atOl'y or • , . or we could tind a way to observe strings in a natural setting and . , . Jim: Corne on. It's just conjecture. Professor Blake: Well, In talmess, any new theory has to begin as conjecture, but the real quesllon Is, can string theory pass through the developmental stages 10 a point where it can be verified or rejected. And, uh, these developments could be In the area of technology like Ellen suggests or perhaps they could be new methods of performing calculations and. uh, deriving the mathematical predictions. What I'm going to suggest Is tha1 we take a look at the web sita that supptemenlS your ta:tlbo()l(, There are videos as well as animatiOns and it Includes a really good history 01 string theory, uh, but thaI's not why I want you to see it I think the sita demonstrates where we I t heory . a a theory of 6'Y8f)'Ihing, ~ you will. AUdio 4 6. Answer A Audio 47. Answer C Audio 48. Repl ay Audio Repl ay An swer D Audio 49. An swer • Audio 50. An swer C Audio st. Ans_r • ___ ~jtiijliJiiii) What Is the discusSion mainly about? The theory 01 everything How does the professor explain the closed string? He compares it with a thin rubber bane!. Ll$len again to part of the discussion and then answar the following question, ·So you're saying that string theory requires further developments?" 'Wha t do you think?" Why does the professor say this: "What 00 you tnlnllr He does not want to innuence the woman's thinking, AccordIng to the discussion. what reason cIoes the man give tor rejecting string the0ry7 Strings have not been observed In a laboratory. What can be infllfTed about the students? They have reached diHerent conclusions about the theory. Why does the professor suggest that the students visit a web site? The web site should provide objective data, which they can use lor the ne:tl discussion. JPyngh cd ma r I EXPLANATORY ~ EXAMPlE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MOOEL TEST5MOOEL TEST 7 765 Infstum SI'EAUII ,.". 3 "Du MAlll JI Narrator 2: Number 3. Read a short passage and listen to a talk on the same topic. Then listen for a question about th&m . Aller you hear lhe question, you have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to record your answer. Narralor 1: A public meeting Is planned to discuss alternatives IOf renovaling too original bu i ld i ng on campus . Read the notice from the college newspaper printed on page 495. You have 45 seconds to complete it. Please beg in reading now . [Read i ng lime: 45 seconds) Narrator 1; Now listen to a professor who is speaking at the meeting. She Is expreSSing her opin ion about the proposal s. Profe ssor: Although there may be some practical reasons lor tearing down the structure surrounding the clock tower, ' urge the committee to consider the historical importance of Old Main and opiior renovalion of the original structure. I think we all agree that the brick structure is quite beautiful and basically sound . Only a few minor repairs would be necessary 10 preserve it. The cost of new electrical and plumbing systems f or lhe old struclu re would be less than the cos! 01 a new bu i ld i ng with the same systems. And if a new bu i ld i ng were to be erected, the clock tower would seem out 01 place somehow. NarratOf 1: The professor expresses her opinion of the plan for the renov ation of Old Ma in. Repor1 her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives lor having that opinion. Narrator 2: Please prepare your answer aller the beep . (P reparation time: 30 seconds) Narrator 2: Please begin speaking aftl3f the beep . (R econ:Iing time: 60 seconds) ""ClAm SnAx. Qufs, " "PAI/IJEA" Narrator 2: Number 4. Read a short passage and then listen to part 01 a 1ec1ure on the same top ic. Then listefl lor qwstJon about tlMilm . After you hear the quastiofl. you havlI 30 Stiamds to pl"lIparll and 110 seconds to recotd your answe r. Narrator 1: Now read the passage about Pangea printed on page 496. You have 45 seconds 10 com- plete it. Please beg in reading now . [Read i ng lime: 45 seconds) 166 ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR ACTIVITIES, QUIZZES, AND MODEL TESTS Narrator t: Now listen to pari 01 a lecture In a geography class. The professor Is talking about Pangea ProfesSOf : The theory of cootinetJla/ drift posits that 250 million years ago the con linents were all connected in one gigantic continent, whiCh we refer 10 as Pangea, and tha t was surrouncled by one huge ocean caIJed Pan. thalassa. At that time, the nor1hemmost region 01 the continent corresponded 10 a landmass that Includ ed most of the modem continent 01 Asia. and Europe was south of the AsIan legion Ins tead 01 north as It Is now . So AsIa and Europe were connected to the west wilh what Is now North AmerIca. Atrica and the Arabian Peninsula were positioned south 01 Europe with South America to the west. India to the east, and Antarctica and Au slfalia south and southeast. Then, aboUt 200 million yeara ago, this super conlinent began to separate into a northern continent and a SOUIhem continent. The northem continent was made of what is currently North America, Greenland, Europe, and AsIa, and the southern continent Included Antarctica, Auslralla, India, and South America By 135 million years ago, the two continents had moved into positions that began to resemble the map that we see today, with seven continents. Na ffa tor , : Explain how plate tectonics relales to the theory 01 continental drift. Naffator 2: Please prepare your answer after the beep. ",op [Preparation time: 30 seconds) Naffator 2: Please begin speaking after the beep • (Aecording time : 60 seconds) ",op ImBRArfD Snu _ Quunotr 5 " HEADA CIIU" Narrator 2: Number 5. listen to a shor1 conversation. Then listen lor a question about It . Alter you hear the queSlion, you have 20 seconds 10 prepare and 60 seconds to record your answer. Narrator 1: Friend: Student: F ri end: Student: Friend: Student: Now listen to a short conversation between a atucleot and her friend. Are you stili having headaches? Yeah . I'm taking Tylenol every day. That doesn~ sound good. Why don' you go over 10 the health cente r? I keep thinking 1t11 go away. Probably lust 8 tension headache. I fool really stressed out this semester. Well. you're probably right, bull! still wouldn' hurl 10 get a checkup. Maybe the doctor will reler you lor an eye ellam. I used to get headaches from eyestrain, especially when I was using my oomputer a 101. And guess what? I needed 10 get my glasses changed. No kiddi ng? I hadn' thought about that, bull do notice that h gets worse alter I've been using my oomputer. :>oyngh m EXPLANATORY OR EXAMPLE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MODE L TESTSIMOOEL TEST 7 7&9 ~ Example Answe and Checklists lor Speaking and Writing () Model Te at 7, Exemple AnaWltS, CO 1 0, Track 4 Th8 Power 01 Positive Thinking by Or. Norman Vincent Peale is one 01 my favorite books. Um aCCOfdiog to Dr . Peale, a positive outlook is essenUal to a happy, sucoessfulliJe. Bot wnat Is especlally Interesting about the book are the practical strategies that help maintain an optimistic approach to living, even when, uh, things don~ happen to be going well. He recommends renection on all the aspects or lile that are positive, and cultivating an "attltude 01 gratitude." He also recommends positive statements and mental pictures to encourage and motivate and . .• and to replace negative lhoughts lhat come to mind. CHekIIst 1 v The talk answers the topic question. v The point of view or position Is ciear. v The talk is direct and well-organized. v The sentences are logiCally COMElCted . V Delalls and eKGmples support the main Idea . v The speaker expresses complete thoughts. v The meaning Is easy to comprehend. v A wide range 01 vocabulary Is used. v There are only minor elTOtS in grammar. v The talk Is within e range of 125-150 words. fir Snu. Owl, . 2 u FfIIDIII Tum II I've taken several tours, but I prefer to make my own Iravei plans because I don' want to spend a lot or time al tourist hotels. In my e~perlence , large hotels Insulale travelers rrom the foreign cullura. Instead 01 eating typical rood , lhey prepare special meals lor the tourists. And when I'm with groups 01 tourists, ~ ' s less likely that local people will approach me to talk. On my own, I've had some woncIerful conversations with locals. Another reason thai I like to travel Independently Is because I'm kind 01 . a spontaneous person, so I like to take advantage 01 opportunities that present themselves on the trip. Cbecklist 2 v The ta lk answers the topic question. v The point of view or position il clear. v The t&Ik Is direct and well-organized. v The sentences are logically connected. v Details and e~amples support the main Idea . v The speaker expresses complete thoughts. v The mean ing is easy to compreh&nd • .,. A wide ranga 01 vocabulary is used . v There are only minor errors In grammar. v The talk is with in a range of 125-150 words. , )yflghlC<l maklr I no ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR ACTIVmES, OlIIZZES, AND MODEL TESTS ExAMPu AmrfR FOIIimWTEf SI'fA" Quo,. 3 "DulIIuI" The proleSSOt doesn' support the plan 10 demolish the maln struct\lre of Old Main a nd build a new structure around the original clock tower. She presents three arguments. Urn . • . first she says thai the bIicI< structure now standing is strong and h would require only minor repairs. And second. she points out that the electrical and plumbing problems in the old building oould be repaired lor leas than the the expenditure for a new building. Finally, she opposes the construction of a new building around the original clock tower because she thinks that the tower would be . would 100II odd in the new setting. She would probably suppor1 the ahemativ1l plan, which Is, urn • to repair the original build ing. ,., The talk summarizes the situation and opinion. ,., The point of view or position Is clear. ,., The talk is direct and well-<lfganized. ,., The sentences are logically connected. ,., Details and examples suppor1 the opinion. ,., The speakar expresses complete thoughts. ,., The mean ing Is easy to comprehend. 01' A wide range of vocabulary is used. 01' Errors In grammar ara mInor. ,., The talk is within a range 01125-150 words. According to the theory 01 plate tectonics, the outer layer 01 the Earth Is made up 01 plates that are am- tinually moving, and consequently, changing the relative position 01 the land and oceans. Building on this theory, scientists have proposed that about 250 million years ago, there was only one landmass, a huge continent thai they have named Pangea, and It Inctuded all of the continents that we observe today. Bu t about 200 million yean; ago. the plates caused Pangea to drift and break into a Northem continent that Included North America, Greenland, Asia, and Europe, and I Southem continent that contained South America, India, Antarctica, and Australia. By about 135 million years ago, the ptates had separated the landmasses Into more or less the seven continents that we recognize today and positioned them lairly close to their current locations. 01' The talk relates an example to a concept. 01' Inaccuracies In the content are minor . The talk is direct and well-<lfganized. " The sentences a re logiCally connected. ,., Details and examples suppor1 the opinion. 01' The speaker expresses complete thoughts . The mean i ng Is easy to comprehend . A wide range 01 vocabulary Is used . The speaker paraphrases In hlslher own words . The speaker credits the lecturer with wording. 01' Errors In grammar are minor . The talk Is within a range of 125-150 wotds. )pynghtoo mater I EXPlANATORV OR EXAMPLE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MODEL TESTSMODEL TEST 1 713 In contrast, breaks during waking hours appear to be more straightlorward. Sometimes input during the break periOd ¥rill contribute to the solution. For example, Fuller's i nspiratiOn for the Q90deSiC dome occurred while he was looking at e triangle during a break. However . meraly interrupting an unsuccess· ful problem·soIving process could be helpful. By taking a break, we may be more ¥ril l i09 to abandon a stralegy that Is no t WOfIdng, or, as Itle text slates, we retum 10 Ina problem ¥ri!h a !filterenl "mental set." Chftlclllf fDr IntlllflttJd Esuy v The essay answers the topic que s tion. v Inaccuracies In the content are minor. V The essay Is direct and weli-organl zed . V The sentences are Iogk:ally connected. V Details and examples suppo rl!h e main idea. V The writer e)(Jlressas complete thoughts. '" The meaning Is easy to comprehend. v A wide range 01 vocabulary Is used. v The writer paraphrases In hlslher own words. v The writer credits the au too r w~h word ing. v Errors In grammar and idioms are minor. v The essay Is within a range 01 150-225 words . Outlln. Uk, • Improve language proficiency • Particlpale In culture • College courses Disl ike • Miss lam ily • Rely on last lood • Compete with students II.,. I St\ldy ab<o&d u"" PllrIidpale ~ '- I~'" M Oo ." " =- ramify prolic:ielqo I Dillilce "'" 00 tast loed Compele ~. ltuden t. n4 ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR ACTlVrTlES . OUIZZES . AND MOOEl TeSTS ~/ Uving abroad prov\des many opportunities and challenges. When I study abroad , 1i00i< fOIward to mak- Ing Iriends. By ge\1Jlg to know people, I wi. be able to ~ my Engish language proficiency . There are idioms and worcIs that are best Ieemed within the contex1 01 real converaations with nalive speakers. I also look forward to being a paJticipant in 8 new culture. AI the end of my stay , I hope that I wiIIl.ndersIand the culture In a ditlerent and cI88per way than Is possible when InIormatIon Is d8ttv'9cI from crlf movies and books. In addition, I am excited about studyWlg on 8 Ioielgo campus . 18lIP9Ct the college courses 10 be chaI- Ieogiog, and I am eager to learn about the latesl tecto dogical8dYances In my field 01 study. I am realistic about the disadvantages oIlorelgfl study, however . I know that I will miss my family very much. It wiJl be too expensive to retum to my country to spend holidays with them, and t will be very lonely during the ti mes When I know that they are gathered lor special celebrations. Another aspect 01 the experience that I do not look forward to Is the relianoe on fast food that is so typical 01 college stu- dents. Pizza, hamburgers, and other Junk foods are easier to find and prepare than the meals that I 9fljoy in my country, bot they aren' as good , and they probably aren' as healthy. Finally. I Imagine that my life will be very stressful because I will be oompeting with students who know the Language 01 the classroom and Bfe accustomed to the expectations that the pro/essors tlave lor their stud9flts. I am a oompeUtive person by nature. and 1 am apprehensive about my ability to oompete with my classmates. Once I am living abroad, I win no doubt find many other opportunities to take advantage 01 and many challenges that I must confroot. Nevertheless, I expecl my experieoce to be overwhelmingly p0s- itive, and I inlend to see the JeSSOflS in both adveotures and adversity. CItftIt,Ist tot 18d" ' &lay '" The essay answers the topic questlon . '" The point 01 view or position Is clear . '" The essay Is direct and welk:lrganized . '" The sentences Bfe logically connected. '" Detells and examples suppofttfle main Idea. '" The writer expresses complete Ihoughts. '" The mean ing Is easy to~ . '" A wide range 01 vocabulary Is used . '" Various types 01 S8fIlences are included. '" Errors In grammar and idioms are minor. '" The essay Is within a range 01300-350 words. lpynghlcd rna r I . minor . The talk Is within a range of 12 5-1 50 wotds. )pynghtoo mater I EXPlANATORV OR EXAMPLE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MODEL TESTSMODEL TEST 1 713 In contrast, breaks during waking. discussion. JPyngh cd ma r I EXPLANATORY ~ EXAMPlE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MOOEL TEST5 MOOEL TEST 7 765 Infstum SI'EAUII ,.". 3 "Du MAlll JI Narrator 2: Number 3 have 45 seconds 10 com- plete it. Please beg in reading now . [Read i ng lime: 45 seconds) 166 ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR ACTIVITIES, QUIZZES, AND MODEL TESTS Narrator t: Now listen