Research subjects: Measures to develop problem-solving competencies for primary school students in teaching Natural and Social subject.. Scientific hypothesis If proposed measures in dev
Major: Theory and Methodology of Teaching in Primary Schooling
HANOI – 2024
Trang 21 Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Than
2 Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Huong
Opponent 1: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nga
Opponent 2: Assoc Prof Dr Le Thi Phuong
Opponent 3: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Huu Hau
The thesis will be defended before the Institutional Doctoral Thesis Committee
meeting at Hanoi National University of Education
at … hour …day …month…year 2024
The thesis is available at:
- National Library of Vietnam, Hanoi
- Library of Hanoi National University of Education
Trang 31 Thai Thi Dao (2024), Current situation of problem-solving competencies of
primary school students in teaching Natural and Social subject: A study in Nghe An Province, Journal of Education, 24 (special issue 5), 190-194.
Tuan, Che Thi Hai Linh, Pham Thi Hai Chau (2024), A Systematic Review of
Problem-Solving Skill Development for Students in STEM Education,
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Vol 23,
No 5, pp 1-20
(2023), The Perceptions of Primary school Children Toward Problem-solving
competencies, FWU Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 17 No 2.
4 Nguyen Thi Chau Giang, Thai Thi Dao (2023), Integrated teaching in primary
schools: a scoping evaluation of current practices, barriers, and future developments, Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, Vol 05, No 4,
2023, 2053-2062
5 Thai Thi Dao, Phan Anh Tuan (2023), Developing problem-solving
competencies for primary school students through using the “Hand in the Dough” method in teaching Natural and Social subject, Proceedings of
National Scientific Conference, Vinh University Publishing House, 251- 261
Affecting the Learning Attitude of Natural and Social subject of Primary School Students in Vietnam, International Journal of Social Science and Human
Research, No 05, 3472-3477
Trang 41 The topic’ urgency
Implementing fundamental and comprehensive innovation according to Resolution 29
of the Central Executive Committee aims at the goal of comprehensive development ofstudents on both qualities and abilities, and implementing Resolution 88 of the NationalAssembly on the innovation of general education programs and textbooks according to thecompetency approach
Problem-solving competencies is one of the important competencies of generaleducation students, helping them overcome all difficulties and challenges, and have theskills to adapt well to all situations occurring in real life The 2018 general educationprogram has identified problem-solving competencies and creativity, communication andcooperation competencies, and self-study competencies as common competencies that need
to be formed and developed for Vietnamese general education students The ultimate goal oflearning is for students to acquire knowledge in a positive, proactive, creative way and todevelop in students the problem-solving competencies effectively and to apply theknowledge learned at school into situations and activities related to real life, making lessonsmore practical and useful
Natural and Social subject have many advantages to develop problem-solvingcompetencies The 2018 Natural and Social subject Curriculum has equiped students withsome of basically initial understanding on humans, natural and social world, on surroundingrelationship in nature and society Therefore, students have been equiped well with bothknowledge and skills to solve problems in studying as well as in real life Problem-solvingcompetencies as well as observation competencies, analytical competencies, questioningcompetencies, inquiry competencies, research competencies, information processingcompetencies have also been formed to students Moreover, when studying Natural andSocial subject, applying learned knowledge and skills to deal with real-life problems willhelp students develop problem-solving skills well
Educating reality has shown that following the competency approach, includingproblem-solving competencies, is still difficult for teachers Many teachers are stillconfused in using teaching methods as well as testing and evaluation The measures thatteachers use to develop problem-solving competencies for students are not consistent andeffective Current educational management levels do not have specific instructions todevelop this competency for students in educating The facilities environment does not meetthe development of problem-solving competencies for students Moreover, since the 2018Natural and Social subject Curriculum has only been implemented in recent years, therehave not been many research studies to develop problem-solving competencies for primaryschool students
Trang 5Therefore, the author of the thesis choose the topic: “Developing problem-solving
competencies for primary school students in teaching Natural and Social subject” for
2 Research purposes
Research methods to develop problem-solving competencies for primary school’sstudents in educating Natural and Social subject, improving learning outcomes andcontributing to meeting the requirements of general education reforming in this day and age
3 Research objects and subjects
3.1 Research objects: The process of teaching Natural and Social subject at the primary level.
3.2 Research subjects: Measures to develop problem-solving competencies for primary
school students in teaching Natural and Social subject
4 Scientific hypothesis
If proposed measures in developing problem-solving competencies for students inteaching Natural and Social subject ensure certain principles, suiting with the goals, content,and teaching methods of the subjects in the direction of building development process;selecting and using appropriate teaching methods; building criteria and assessment tools,they will develop problem-solving competencies for students
6.1 Scope of research content: Developing problem-solving competencies for students in
teaching Natural and Social subject in grades 2 and 3 in primary schools
6.2 Research area: Primary schools in Nghe An province: Vinh, Cua Lo, Nghi Loc, Dien
Chau, Yen Thanh, Quynh Luu, Tan Ky, Nghia Dan, Quy Chau, Que Phong
Trang 66.3 Research period: Period to research the current situation and experiment in the 2022
-2023 school year and the first semester of the -2023 - 2024 school year
7 Research approaches and methods
7.1 Approaches: Practical approach, competency approach, systematic approach, development
7.2 Research methods: theoretical research methods group, practical research methods
group and statistical methods, data processing
8 Arguments that need to be defended
- Developing problem-solving competencies is a process carried out from low to high,from simple to complex Developing problem-solving competencies for students in teachingNatural and Social subject requires developing the elements of discovering, clarifyingproblems, proposing and choosing methods to solve problems, implementing and evaluatingproblem-solving The development of students’ problem-solving competencies in teachingNatural and Social subject is greatly influenced by factors of teachers, students and thelearning environment
- The current situation of developing problem-solving competencies in teaching Naturaland Social subject for primary school students still has many limitations Therefore, the level ofproblem-solving competencies of students in teaching Natural and Social subject is currentlynot high
- The measures to develop problem-solving competencies for primary school students
in teaching Natural and Social subject proposed in the thesis are feasible and effective
9 New contributions of the thesis
9.1 Theoretical contributions
- The thesis has contributed to clarifying some problems in problem-solvingcompetencies and developing problem-solving competencies in teaching Natural and Socialsubject, evaluating problem-solving competencies, evaluation criteria, evaluating problem-solving competencies of students in teaching Natural and Social subject’ level
- The thesis has proposed some solutions in developing problem-solving competenciesfor students in teaching Natural and Social subject This is the crucial outcome of researchand have values for primary teachers in the process of teaching Natural and Social subject
9.2 Practical contributions
- Analyze the current situation of developing problem-solving competencies inteaching Natural and Social subject in primary schools as a practical basis for proposingsolutions to develop problem-solving competencies in the thesis
Trang 7- The research results of the thesis have the referential meaning for primary schools inadjusting school curriculum, content, and teaching Natural and Social subject methods tomeet the requirements of the 2018 general education curriculum.
10 Structure of the thesis
In addition to the introduction, conclusions and recommendations, references andappendices, the main content of the thesis is structured into 4 chapters:
Chapter 1 Theoretical basis for developing problem-solving competencies forprimary school students in teaching Natural and Social subject
Chapter 2 Current situation of developing problem-solving competencies forprimary school students in teaching Natural and Social subject
Chapter 3 Measures to develop problem-solving competencies for primary schoolstudents in teaching Natural and Social subject
Chapter 4 Pedagogical experiments
NATURAL AND SOCIAL SUBJECT 1.1 Overview of research studies related to the thesis’ topic
1.1.1 Studies on students’ problem-solving competencies in teaching
*) Studies on the role of problem-solving competencies: Many research studies in the
world and in Vietnam believe that problem-solving competencies are important, corecompetencies of students Research by Ergen (2020) has shown that students withinterpersonal problem-solving competencies from childhood can establish goodrelationships in life and students being proficient in problem-solving competencies willsolve problems in studying and daily life more easily
*) Studies on the definition of competency, particularly problem-solving competency: There have been many research studies on competency and problem-
solving competency Research stuies on competency have approached by various means,but basically, there are three main approaches: the first group defines competence based onpsychological traits signs, the second group relies on the components of structure ofcompetence, and the third group relies on the origins of competence
*) Studies on the structure of problem-solving competencies: Regarding structure from
Trang 8the development perspective, competencies is made up of knowledge, competencies, andattitudes to appear in a certain context Authors Bernd Meier and Nguyen Van Cuongdescribe the general structure of competency as a combination of four competencycomponents: speacialzation competency, methodological competency, social competency,and individual competency The general curriculum offers a competency structure according
to the iceberg model including the doing layer, the thinking layer and the desire layer
define competency structure consisting of the following three main components:Component; Element; Behavior Regarding the structure of problem-solving competencies,the authors include the following elements: Researching the problem, Establishing theproblem space, Planning and implementing evaluation solutions, and Reflecting on thesolution Studies have also provided behavioral indicators for each competency component
1.1.2 Studies on developing problem-solving competencies for students in teaching subjects
*) Studies on the necessity of developing problem-solving competencies: Many domestic
and international studies have affirmed that problem-solving competencies are competenciesthat need to be formed and developed for high school students
*) Studies on teaching methods and forms to develop problem-solving competencies:
Many international and domestic studies have shown that project-based teaching method,problem-solving teaching method, hands-on method, role-playing method, STEM-orientedteaching method, and experiencing developing problem-solving competencies for studentsteaching method
*) Studies on development measures: There are many studies proposing measures to
develop problem-solving competencies The studies mainly propose measures to developproblem-solving competencies in teaching specific subjects such as mathematics, physics,chemistry, biology, history and geography There is little research study on measures todevelop problem-solving competencies in teaching Natural and Social subject
*) Studies on steps to develop problem-solving competencies: The authors point out that
problem-solving competencies can be considered independently or combined with creativecompetencies Studies by Phan Khac Nghe, Nguyen Trong Duc, Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc allconfirm that students’ problem-solving competencies develop in a progress from low to high,
to a certain sequence Nguyen Trong Duc has proposed a teaching process to develop solving competencies in 5 steps: Researching the overall curriculum, Researching thecurriculum and the school’s selected Geography textbooks, Choosing a teaching space,Building lesson plans, Organizing teaching Currently, there is no study on how to developproblem-solving competencies for primary school students
Trang 9problem-* Studies on assessing the development of problem-solving competencies: Studies have
presented definitions, roles, forms of competency assessment, and its tools Studies onassessing problem-solving competencies include authors Le Thu Phuong, Phan Anh Tai,Nguyen Thi Lan Phuong, Tran Ngoc Thang Studies focus on methods, tools, levels, andassessment criteria to evaluate students’ problem-solving competencies in different subjects
* Studies on factors affecting the development of problem-solving competencies: Factors
affecting the development of problem-solving competencies have not yet been fully andcompletely researched There are only a few studies that mention and deeply analyze the impacts
of each type of factor on problem-solving competencies, for example: learning environment;language; cognitive characteristics; educational experiences; educational technology; educationalattitude However, studies on existence and correlation between factors affecting problem-solvingcompetencies are generally very limited, especially at the primary level
1.1.3 General assessment: There have been many research studies on problem-solving
competencies and developing problem-solving competencies Although studies haveapproached different aspects of developing problem-solving competencies, they all had thefollowing outstanding common points: researching the definitions of competencies andproblem-solving competencies; identifying the structure of problem-solving competencies ingeneral education; proposing measures to develop competencies; appling and verifing detailedmethods and measures in general education’s teaching to develop problem-solvingcompetencies, including: problem-solving teaching, project teaching, hands-on teaching,experienmental teaching, STEM-orientated teaching to develop problem-solvingcompetencies; assessing problem-solving competencies in general education schools Studiesfocus on researching many different subjects Currently, studies focus much on developingproblem-solving competencies for students in high school subjects There are very few in-depth studies on primary school subjects, especially Natural and Social subject
1.2 Theory on problem solving competencies of primary school students
1.2.1 Definition of problem-solving competencies Definition of competency
According to the 2018 general education program, “Competencies is a personal
attribute formed and developed due to existed qualities and the process of learning and training, allowing people to mobilize and synthesize knowledge, competencies and other personal attributes such as interest, belief, will, etc., to successfully perform a certain type
of activity and achieve desired results under specific conditions”. Definition of problem:
Trang 10A problem is a task posed to the subject, in which contains challenges that they aredifficult to overcome immediately Definition of problem-solving competencies:
Problem-solving competencies are individual’ competencies in mobilizing andsynthesize knowledge, skills, experiences to solve natural and social problems in specificcontext in which there have not been immediately solved solutions
1.2.2 Characteristics of problem-solving competencies of early primary school students
Regarding thinking, at primary school age, the higher nervous system is functionallycompleting, hence children’s thinking gradually shifts from concrete intuition to abstract,generalized thinking Therefore, children are very interested in new knowledge and scientificknowledge; The children are curious and eager to learn Based on this characteristic, whendeveloping problem-solving competencies, it is necessary to build activities that stimulatechildren’s need to explore and detect problems
The percepetual capacities of early primary school students are often rich in emotions.The intuitive, brilliant and vivid images are perceived more clearly than symbolic and sketchyones In the early primary grades, children’s perceptions are often linked to their actions andpractical activities Therefore, when developing problem-solving competencies for students, it
is necessary to pay attention to building activities associated with students’ practicality,creating conditions for them to have the opportunity to experience problem solving
1.2.3 Structure of problem-solving competencies of primary school students
The problem-solving competencies structure has been studied by many authors.Depending on the characteristics of each subject and the approach, each author gives adifferent problem-solving competencies structure of students in each subject Based on the
2018 Natural and Social subject program and consulting experts, the author of the thesisproposes a problem-solving competencies structure in teaching Natural and Social subject,including 4 components and 8 behavioral manifestations: Detecting problems related toNature and Society that need to be solved (Asking questions about tasks related to Naturaland Society that need to be solved, Detecting problems about objects, phenomena,relationships in the surrounding Nature and Society and the tasks that need to carried out tosolve the problem; Proposing solutions to solve problems related to Nature and Society(Proposing solutions to solve problems about the surrounding Natural and Social objects,phenomena, and relationships, Choosing the optimal solution to solve problems related toNature and Society); Implementing solving problems related to Nature and Society (Statingthe order of solving problems about objects, phenomena, and relationships in the surroundingNature and Society orally or in writing, Carrying out actions, speeches, deeds to solve
Trang 11problems related to Nature and Society); Commenting, evaluating methods to solve problemsrelated to Nature and Society (Commenting, evaluating ways to solve problems related toNature and Society, Stating the conclusion of the problem or the lesson learned to solve theproblem about the objects, phenomena, and relationships in the surrounding Nature andSociety).
1.3 Overview of Natural and Social subject in primary schools
1.3.1 Natural and Social subject program in primary schools: Natural and Social subject in
primary schools are built as an competency development program, hence program’scharacteristics, goals, expected outcomes, teaching content, teaching methods and assessmentmethods are all aimed at developing students’ competencies
1.3.2 Advantages of the Nature and Society program for developing solving competencies for primary school students
problem-Firstly, the goal of teaching Natural and Social subject in primary schools aims atdeveloping students’ competencies and qualities Problem-solving competencies are generaland important competencies in the Nature and Social curriculum that need to be formed and
developed for students Secondly, Natural and Social subject create opportunities to explore and
discover the Nature and Social world and appling learned knowledge into practice whichis,hence favorable for developing elements of problem-solving competencies development.Thirdly, the content of knowledge in the topics of Nature and Social is closely related tostudents’ real life such as behavioral skills in family, school and safety skills in using housingappliances, poisoning prevention, fire prevention, hygiene, personal health care skills.Therefore, students often face familiar problems in life and solve them, from which problem-
solving competencies have the opportunity to form and develop Fourthly, knowledge of Nature
and Social subject is closely related to knowledge of some of the other subjects Therefore,students have the opportunity to apply synthesized interdisciplinary knowledge to solvecomplex problems in reality, problem-solving competencies has the opportunity to be formed
and developed Fifth, the Natural and Social subject encourages experiential learning, students
are able to directly learn and explore knowledge through observation, discussion, practice, andproject works, so students have many opportunities to develop problem-solving competencies
1.4 Theory on developing problem-solving competencies for students in teaching Natural and Social subject
1.4.1 Definition of developing problem-solving competencies
Developing problem solving competencies is the process of improving and enhancingproblem solving competencies through mobilizing synthesizing knowledge, skills,experiences, efforts, and cooperation to solve students’ problems in learning
Trang 121.4.2 The goal of developing problem-solving competencies for students in teaching Natural and Social subject
The general goal of developing problem-solving competencies for students is to help studentsdevelop their thinking competencies, creative thinking; develop the competencies to adapt to life;overcome all difficulties in learning Natural and Social subjects positively, proactively and easily
The specific goal of developing problem-solving competencies in teaching Natural and Socialsubject in primary schools is to contribute to the formation and development of students’competencies to researching and collect information to discover and clarify problems; competencies
to propose solutions and choose the correct solution to solve problems and evaluate effectivelyproblem solving
1.4.3 Content of developing problem-solving competencies for students in teaching Natural and Social subject
(+) Developing detecting and clarifying problems related to Natural and Social competencies:
- Students recognize problems about behavioral competencies in the family; poisoningprevention issues, fire prevention issues; safety ensurance and hygiene at home, school,environmental protections và issues on personal health care, plant, animal protection
- Learning and collecting information about objects and phenomena in nature andsociety surrounding students
(+) Developing proposing solutions to problems related to Natural and Social competencies: Proposing simple ways to solve problems of behavioral competencies in the
family; poisoning prevention issues, fire prevention issues; safety ensurance and hygiene athome, at school, environmental protections and issues on personal health care, plant, animalprotection
(+) Developing implementing solving problems related to Natural and Social competencies: Taking actions to solve behavioral competencies in the family; poisoning
prevention issues, fire prevention issues; safety ensurance and hygiene at home, school,environmental protections và issues on personal health care, plant, animal protection
(+) Developing evaluating problem-solving related Natural and Social competencies:
Reviewing, commenting on behavioral competencies in the family; poisoning preventionissues, fire prevention issues; safety ensurance and hygiene at home, school, environmentalprotections và issues on personal health care, plant, animal protection
1.4.4 Methods of developing problem-solving competencies for primary school students in
Trang 13teaching Natural and Social subject
There are many advantageous teaching methods and forms to develop problem-solvingcompetencies in teaching Natural and Social subject such as discussion, role-playing,investigation, case teaching, hands-on teaching, problem-solving teaching, project teaching,experiential teaching, STEM-oriented teaching, etc Within the scope of this thesis research,the author only explores in-depth some specific teaching methods and forms to developproblem-solving competencies in teaching Nature and Social subjects such as: problem-solving teaching, project teaching, hands-on teaching, role-playing teaching
1.4.5 Steps in developing problem-solving competencies for students in teaching Natural and Social subject
Step 1: Planning developing problem-solving competencies in teaching Natural and Social subject.
Step 2: Identifing procress and designing tools to develop problem-solving competencies.
Step 3: Organizing training to developing competency components of problem-solving competencies.
Step 4: Assessing the development of problem-solving competencies of students
school students in teaching Natural and Social subject
*) Assessment’s purposes: To monitor students’ progress in developing
problem-solving competencies, identifying well-performed and unwell-performed behaviors for teachers to timely adjust teaching methods and students to timely adjust learning methods to gain high results in the progress of teaching Natural and Social subject, developing problem-solving competencies for students.
*) Assessment’s content: Assessing problem-solving competencies and forming
and developing level regarding 4 competency components: identifying and clarifying problems competency,proposing and choosing solutions to problems competency, implementing problem-solving competency, assessing problem-solving competency The assessment will focus on the level of students’ development in problem-solving competencies in Natural and Social subject.
*) Assessment’s methods: Assessment will be conducted based on criteria and
Trang 14using various methods, including questioning, portfolio, observation, academic products and testing assessment
1.5 Factors affecting the process of developing problem-solving competencies in teaching Natural and Social subject
1.5.1 Teachers’ awareness and capacity: Teachers with professional knowledge will create
high quality situations/problems that are close to reality, manageable and appropriate tostudents' perception, using appropriate methods and diverse content to stimulate students’
internal learning motivation, hence stimulating positive learning attitudes for them
1.5.2 Cognitive characteristics, motivation, and learning attitudes of students: Learning
attitude has directly positive impacts on the problem-solving competencies of primary schoolstudents Learning motivation has positive impacts on learning attitude when faced with thetask of solving problems of primary school students
1.5.3 Environment: Schoenfeld has asserted that a problem-solving-based learning
environment allows students to gain deep knowledge and enables them to pursue their ownpassion for learning Annable has also revealed that problem-solving strategies wereemphasized in the learning environment and discussed among students to contribute to the
development of their problem-solving competencies
Conclusion of Chapter 1
Problem-solving competence are critical competencies that should be prioritized todevelop in the teaching process in primary schools By analyzing the structure of problem-solving competencies, this thesis identifies four essential components to be developed instudents: identifying problems related to Natural and Social subject, proposing solutions tothese problems, implementing these solutions, and evaluating the solutions
Furthermore, a deep understanding of the structure, content, and advantages of teachingmethods designed to develop students' problem-solving competencies through Natural and Socialsubject is of paramount importance This understanding enables teachers to identify problematicsituations in developing students' competencies Understanding of the psychologicalcharacteristics and cognitive capabilities of primary school students are crucial guidelines forteachers in proposing effective strategies to develop students' problem-solving competencies
Trang 152.1 Overview of the current situation survey
2.1.1 Survey’s purpose: Assessing the current situation of students’ problem-solving
competencies and the current situation of development of problem-solving competencies forprimary school students in teaching Natural and Social subject in primary schools to serve as
a practical basis for proposing solutions to develop problem-solving competencies for primaryschool students in teaching Natural and Social subject rationably and effectively
2.1.2 Survey’s content
To find out the current situation of developing problem-solving competencies forprimary school students in teaching Natural and Social subject, the thesis conduct a survey onthe following 4 contents:
+ Current situation of primary school students’ problem-solving competencies
+ Current situation of primary school teachers’ awareness of problem-solvingcompetencies and developing problem-solving competencies
+ Current situation of developing problem-solving competencies for primary schoolstudents in teaching Natural and Social subject
+ Evaluation of factors affecting the process of developing problem-solvingcompetencies for primary school students in teaching Natural and Social subject
2.1.3 Subjects, time, areas of survey Survey’s subjects, area
- 52 managerial staffs who are experts from the Education department, principals, viceprincipals, and head of specialist department in Nghe An area
- 318 teachers in 32 primary schools in Nghe An province with different teachingconditions
- 572 students in grades 2 and 3 in primary schools in Nghe An province Time: In 2022-2023 school year
2.1.4 Survey’s method: Questionnaire survey method; Observation method; In-depth
interview method; Products’ operation researching method; Consulting experts method
2.1.5 Criteria and tools for measuring problem-solving competencies of primary school students
Trang 16Criteria assessing students’ problem-solving competencies include 8 criteria, each adheres tobehavior manifestations of problem-solving competencies Each criteria assess to 3 level:Level 1: Has not been implemented (1 point); Level 2: Have been implemented (2 points);Level 3: Have been implemented well (3 points); using tools of assessing teachers’ problem-solving competencies form and self-assessing students’ problem-solving competencies form
2.2 Results of the current situation survey
2.2.1 Current situations of primary school teachers' awareness of problem-solving competencies in teaching Natural and Social subject Teachers' perceptions of the role of problem-solving competencies in primary students in teaching Natural and Social subjects: The majority of teachers perceive that
problem-solving competencies are very important and extremely important for primarystudents Primary teachers' perceptions of the characteristics of problem-solving competencies: Only 4.8% of surveyed teachers incorrectly identified the characteristics of
problem-solving competencies Primary teachers' perceptions of the structure of problem-solving competencies: Of
the 312 surveyed teachers, 48.7% correctly identified the structure of problem-solvingcompetencies The number of teacher not having identified competency structure correctlyaccouted for pretty high percentage 51,3% This is the obstacle in students’ problem-solvingcompetencies in teaching Natural and Social subject
2.2.2 Current situation of problem-solving competencies of primary school students in teaching Natural and Social subject The results of the Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test for the variables in the entire problem-solving competencies scale: Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient = 0.919 ≥ 0.8, so the
measurement scale is very good Statistics demonstrating the average score of problem-solving competencies according to criteria
Statistical results demonstrating the average score of problem-solving competenciesare shown in chart 2.2
Chart 2.2 Statistics demonstrating the average score of problem-solving competencies
(based on criteria)