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Internships are crucial for applying theoretical knowledge, developing professional and soft skills, building networks, and exploring career paths. They provide real-world experience and help evaluate and refine career goals.( Thực tập rất quan trọng để áp dụng kiến thức lý thuyết, phát triển kỹ năng chuyên môn và mềm, xây dựng mạng lưới, khám phá nghề nghiệp và đánh giá, hoàn thiện mục tiêu nghề nghiệp)

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First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers atthe University of Culture, Sports, and Tourism in Thanh Hoa province Theknowledge they have imparted has not only helped me develop personally but hasalso opened wide doors of knowledge and understanding.

In particular, I would like to extend special thanks to Mr Le Quoc Nguyen,who dedicated time and passion to guide me during my internship His dedicationand expertise helped me overcome challenges and continuously develop myself.

I cannot overlook the invaluable support from the brothers and sisters at theIELTS Champions Center Their data, suggestions, and encouragement not onlyhelped me excel in my internship but also served as a great source of motivation tostrive and improve myself.

Lastly, I want to express profound gratitude to all those who havecontributed to my development during this time Their small actions have leftindelible marks on my educational journey and career Sincerely, thank you!

I am deeply grateful.Sincerely


Ha Thi Kim

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1.1 About IELTS Champions Centre 6

1.2 Functions and tasks of the Company 7

1.2.1 Function 7

1.2.2 Task 8

1.3 Organizational structure 9

1.4 Number of teachers, staff 10

1.5 Number of students studying at IELTS Champions Centre 11


2.1 Theoretical foundations 13

2.1.1 Consulting English courses 13

2.1.2 Communicate with English teachers (especially foreign teachers) 14

2.1.3 Participate in the development of entrance tests and placement assessments according to the student's English proficiency 17

2.1.4 Teaching English classes 18

2.2 My major tasks 19

2.3 Results 21

2.3.1.New skills acquired and skills improved 21

2.3.2 The knowledge gained after the internship 23

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Table 1: Number of teachers, staff 10

Picture 1: Prestige and quality center 6

Picture 2: One hour of listening lessons 13

Picture 3: English Practice 14

Picture 4: Skills gained 15

Picture 5: Take the exam confidently IELTS 16

picture 6: Communicate confidently 23

Picture 7: Better listening skills 24

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The role of internship for me is highly significant and valuable in the processof learning and preparing for future careers Internship provides me with a practicalopportunity to apply the knowledge learned in a real working environment.

1 Application of theoretical knowledge: Internship helps me apply andfamiliarize myself with theoretical knowledge learned in a real-world setting I havethe opportunity to see the connection between theory and practice, and gain a betterunderstanding of how to apply knowledge to work.

2 Development of professional skills: Internship helps me develop and honethe professional skills related to my field of study I can learn how to performspecific tasks, work with industry-specific technology and tools, and master thework processes in that field.

3 Building soft skills: Through internship, I have the opportunity to developimportant soft skills such as communication, teamwork, time management, andproblem-solving At the same time, I can also cultivate confidence, sharpness, andadaptability to new work environments.

4 Building networks and relationships: Through internship, I have theopportunity to meet and work with experts, lecturers, and staff in the industry Thishelps me build a network of relationships and expand job opportunities in thefuture I can also receive guidance and advice from experienced professionals.

5 Self-exploration and career direction: The internship process helps meexplore and understand more about the field of interest and determine my careerdirection I have the opportunity to experience real job tasks, explore different rolesand industries, thereby helping me identify a suitable direction based on myinterests and abilities.

The internship report is divided into three main sections:

1 Introduction to the internship unit: In this section, I am introduced to theunit or organization where I interned This includes information about the field ofactivity, goals, and mission of the unit I also have the opportunity to learn about theorganizational structure, departments, and roles of each department within theorganization.

2 Main content of the internship process: This section focuses on the contentand main activities during the internship process I am trained and involved inactivities related to my field of study These activities may include participating inprojects, performing specific tasks, participating in the unit's work processes, andlearning from experts in the field During this process, I can learn foundationalknowledge, apply theoretical knowledge to practice, and master professional skillsrelated to my field of study I also have the opportunity to develop soft skills andenhance my ability to work independently and in teams.

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3 Conclusion and recommendations: The conclusion and recommendationssection focuses on evaluating the internship process and providing appropriateconclusions and recommendations I can write about the lessons learned andexperiences gained, the challenges faced and how to overcome them, as well as mystrengths and weaknesses during the internship process I can also makerecommendations to improve the internship process or contribute constructivefeedback to the internship unit.

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PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 About IELTS Champions Centre

1 IELTS CHAMPIONS Center is a reputable and highly regarded institutionin the field of English education in Thanh Hoa Established in 2018 with themission of "Elevating the quality of English education in Thanh land," the centerhas tirelessly strived to assert its position Under the leadership of CEO Le HongNhung, a TESOL master's degree holder from Northumbria University, UnitedKingdom, IELTS CHAMPIONS has become a trusted destination for thousands ofparents and students.

Picture 1: Prestige and quality center

2 Based at HH08 Vinhome Star City, Dong Hai Ward, Thanh Hoa City,IELTS CHAMPIONS has become the first and only IELTS certification testinglocation in Thanh Hoa As a gold partner of IDP (International English LanguageTesting System), this center has achieved remarkable success throughout itsoperation.

3 The teaching team at IELTS CHAMPIONS is highly esteemed, with 100%holding international English teaching certification (TESOL) and extensive teachingexperience Their creative, flexible, and language application-oriented teachingmethods have helped thousands of students at this center easily grasp knowledgeand develop their language skills.

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4 IELTS CHAMPIONS is also proud of its streamlined and effectivetraining roadmap, from basic to advanced courses, aiming to enhance Englishproficiency to international IELTS standards of 6.5 and above Not only a place forlearning, IELTS CHAMPIONS is also a comprehensive educational ecosystemfrom primary school to IELTS certificate preparation, study abroad consultation,and English for businesses.

5 The impressive achievements of this center are undeniable, with over5,000 trained students and thousands of students achieving IELTS scores rangingfrom 5.5 to 8.5 Many students have had the opportunity to study abroad in leadingdeveloped countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia withsubstantial scholarships.

6 With the goal of spreading its brand and improving training quality,IELTS CHAMPIONS has expanded its branch system with Branch 2 at HH18 -15A Vinhomes Star City and Branch 3 at HH08 Vinhomes Star City In April 2023,the center also officially opened Branch 04 at Him Lam Van Phuc, Ha Dong, Hanoi,marking a new and significant step in elevating the quality of English education inThanh Hoa and Vietnam as a whole.

1.2 Functions and tasks of the Company

1.2.1 Function

The IELTS CHAMPIONS Center is not only a conventional English trainingvenue but also a valuable resource and a unique academic community for EnglishLanguage students Its function extends beyond delivering high-quality IELTScourses; it creates a positive learning environment, providing support andencouragement for students in their pursuit of goals.

One of the most crucial functions of IELTS CHAMPIONS is to providequality and effective IELTS courses With an experienced team of internationallycertified English teachers, the center ensures that each student is guided andsupported with dedication and professionalism Courses are designed flexibly andtailored to the needs and proficiency levels of individual students, from basic toadvanced levels, enabling comprehensive and efficient development of Englishskills.

Moreover, IELTS CHAMPIONS plays an important role in providing richlearning resources and materials for students The center's library houses thousandsof books, materials, and sample tests, allowing students to access additionalresources for self-study and skill enhancement Additionally, the center regularlyorganizes seminars, workshops, and events on IELTS to expand knowledge andprovide the latest information to students.

Another function of IELTS CHAMPIONS is to create a positive learningenvironment and encourage students It is not just a place of learning but also a

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vibrant academic community where students share knowledge, experiences, andsupport each other in their learning journey Through interaction and collaboration,students have the opportunity to develop communication skills, teamwork, andconfidence in using English.

Especially, IELTS CHAMPIONS also plays a crucial role in preparing andsupporting students to confidently and effectively participate in the IELTS exam.The center not only provides students with sample tests and simulated practicesessions to familiarize them with the format and requirements of the exam but alsooffers courses and individual counseling sessions to support students in improvingtheir scores and achieving their goals.

Lastly, IELTS CHAMPIONS also plays a significant role in creatingopportunities and conditions for students to develop their careers and educationafter completing the courses The center regularly organizes study abroadconsultations and guides students on scholarship opportunities and study programsin English-speaking countries Additionally, the center provides recommendationsand support for students in building and updating resumes, writing essays, andpreparing for study abroad interviews Thanks to these functions, IELTSCHAMPIONS is not just a place of learning but also a reliable and supportivedestination for those aiming to conquer IELTS and develop their careers in English.

1.2.2 Task

The IELTS CHAMPIONS Center is more than just a language teachingfacility; it is a comprehensive educational destination aimed at enhancing Englishproficiency The core mission of the center is to equip individuals with the skills,knowledge, and confidence necessary to excel in the internationally recognizedEnglish proficiency test known as IELTS.

First and foremost, IELTS CHAMPIONS is committed to providing quality IELTS preparation courses, tailored to meet the diverse needs and goals ofstudents Through comprehensive programs designed by experienced teachers,students are immersed in a profound learning environment that encourages languageabsorption, critical thinking, and effective communication skills These courses notonly focus on mastering the English language but also develop strategies andtechniques essential for success in the IELTS exam.

high-Furthermore, IELTS CHAMPIONS serves as a resource and support centerfor those aspiring to achieve their desired scores in the IELTS exam The center'slibrary offers a range of study materials, textbooks, and sample tests, enablingstudents to self-study and enhance their skills comprehensively and diversely.Additionally, the center organizes counseling sessions, seminars, and events onIELTS to expand knowledge and provide the latest information to students.

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Another crucial aspect of IELTS CHAMPIONS' mission is to foster apositive learning environment and support for students The center createsopportunities for students to explore interests, develop abilities, and buildconfidence in their learning journey Guidance and support from experiencedteachers help students overcome challenges, set goals, and reflect on their learningprocess.

Moreover, IELTS CHAMPIONS also serves as a platform to promotecollaboration and teamwork among students with the common goal of enhancingEnglish proficiency and teaching skills Through interaction and collaboration inreal projects, students have the opportunity to develop communication skills,teamwork, and confidence in using English.

Finally, IELTS CHAMPIONS supports students in advancing their careersand education after completing the program The center organizes study abroadconsultations and guides students on scholarship opportunities and study programsin English-speaking countries Additionally, the center provides support in buildingresumes, writing essays, and preparing for study abroad interviews Thanks to thesefunctions, IELTS CHAMPIONS is not only a place of learning but also a reliableand supportive destination for those aiming to conquer IELTS and develop theircareers in English.

1.3 Organizational structure

The organizational structure of IELTS CHAMPIONS CENTER is structuredand systematic to ensure the efficient and smooth operation of the center With anexecutive board and specific functional departments, the center has created aprofessional working environment and comprehensive support for both students andstaff.

The Executive Board plays a crucial role in leading and managing the to-day activities of the IELTS CHAMPIONS CENTER They have overallresponsibility for building development strategies, shaping the future, andoverseeing the operations of various departments They ensure that all decisions andguidance are implemented consistently and aligned with the center's goals andvalues.

day-The Teacher Management Department is responsible for recruiting,managing, and developing the center's teaching staff They ensure that teachers areprofessionally trained and experienced in teaching IELTS Additionally, thisdepartment manages task assignment, monitors work progress, and evaluatesteacher performance to ensure teaching quality.

The Counseling and Admissions Department plays a vital role in interactingwith students and creating a conducive learning environment They provideinformation and counseling to students about study programs, career orientation,

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and issues related to study and IELTS exams Furthermore, this department isresponsible for organizing admission events, promotions, and communications toattract new students.

The Training Department is where effective and organized programimplementation is promoted They plan and organize classes, allocate students toappropriate classes based on their level and learning objectives Additionally, thisdepartment ensures that teaching materials and curriculum are updated and alignedwith the requirements of the IELTS exam.

The Administration - Accounting Department is responsible for managingthe administrative and financial activities of the center They handle administrativeprocedures, manage student records, and perform accounting tasks such as payroll,financial transactions, and financial reporting Moreover, this department is alsoresponsible for ensuring compliance with regulations and laws related to the center'sactivities.

1.4 Number of teachers, staff

Table 1: Number of teachers, staff

6 Administrative - Human Resources Department 6 4.0%

2 Admissions, Training, Teacher Management, Accounting, Administration- Human Resources, Marketing - Communications Departments: Accounting for atotal of 40.0%, these functional departments ensure specialized operations andsupport for student teaching and learning This is a critical part of the organizationalstructure, ensuring excellence and quality in all aspects of the center.

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3 Teachers: Accounting for the largest proportion of the total staff, thisgroup is pivotal in ensuring the quality of teaching and learning for students Thishigh proportion reflects the center's focus on investing in and developing a highlyskilled and experienced teaching team.

4 Other staff: Accounting for 10.7%, this group ensures support andoperation of auxiliary services for the center Although the proportion is not high,they still play an important role in maintaining the center's daily operations.

Overall, the organizational structure of IELTS CHAMPIONS CENTER isestablished in a reasonable and balanced manner, ensuring smooth and efficientoperations The focus on improving teaching quality, supporting students, andmaintaining a lean management system are important factors contributing to thecenter's effective operation and sustainable development.

1.5 Number of students studying at IELTS Champions CentreTable 2: Number of students

Analyzing the number of students at IELTS CHAMPIONS CENTER revealsa clear picture of diversity and richness in the English language programs offered bythe center The English communication and English for children programs are thetwo most popular programs, accounting for the largest proportion of students at53.4% This indicates the significant interest and broad demand in the communityfor learning English across different age groups.

The demand for English language proficiency exams such as IELTS andTOEIC is also highly valued, representing 26.7% of the total number of students.This is a sign of students' interest in enhancing their English proficiency to preparefor important international exams like IELTS and TOEIC.

However, the basic English program attracts the fewest students, accountingfor only 20.0% of the total number of students This may be due to lower demandfrom students who already have a strong English proficiency level or due toinsufficient promotion and advertising for this program.

In assessing the effectiveness of the center's operations, the large number ofstudents, estimated at around 1500, is a clear indicator that the center has attracted

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attention and trust from the community in learning English The relatively evendistribution of students across each program is also a positive sign, indicating thatthe center meets the learning needs of students at different levels and purposes Thisdemonstrates that the center has built and developed diverse and flexible learningprograms, while providing a suitable learning environment for students to developtheir English skills comprehensively.

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PART II MAIN CONTENTS 2.1 Theoretical foundations

2.1.1 Consulting English courses

Counseling English courses at IELTS CHAMPIONS CENTER involve notonly introducing courses but also creating a solid knowledge foundation andproviding detailed information for students to understand their options clearly Thisrequires counselors to have deep knowledge of the courses, understanding ofEnglish, and empathy towards learners' psychology Below is an analysis of thenecessary knowledge base for counseling English courses:

Knowledge of English courses:

To counsel effectively, counselors need a clear understanding of the Englishcourses offered by the center This includes knowledge of the content, objectives,teaching methods, and difficulty levels of each course They need to differentiatebetween courses for beginners, IELTS or TOEIC preparation, and specializedcourses in professional skills This helps them suggest the most suitable coursesbased on each student's needs and learning goals.

Picture 2: One hour of listening lessonsUnderstanding of English:

Counselors need to have deep knowledge of English to address inquiries andprovide detailed information about the courses They should be familiar withgrammar structures, vocabulary, pronunciation, and language culture to explain

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clearly and understandably to students This helps build trust from students andensures they receive accurate and reliable information.

Understanding of learner psychology:

Beyond simply introducing courses, it's about creating a supportive andencouraging environment for students Counselors need to understand learners'psychology, comprehend their difficulties, and concerns when learning English.They should know how to listen and empathize to provide the most suitable adviceand solutions for each specific case.

Picture 3: English PracticeCommunication and counseling skills:

Lastly, counselors need good communication and counseling skills tointeract and build good relationships with students They should know how toconvey information clearly and flexibly, while also actively listening and interactingwith students to help them have the best learning experience.

2.1.2 Communicate with English teachers (especially foreign teachers)

Communicating with English teachers, especially foreign teachers, requiresstudents to have a solid foundation of English knowledge to understand and interacteffectively In the context of IELTS CHAMPIONS CENTER, where learningEnglish is at the core of the educational experience, this knowledge base becomesparticularly crucial and diverse Below is a detailed analysis of the English

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knowledge foundation in communicating with English teachers, especially foreignones:

Grammar and Vocabulary Knowledge:

To comprehend and engage in conversations with English teachers, studentsneed to have a firm grasp of grammar and vocabulary This includes understandingsentence structures, tenses in English, as well as the ability to use appropriatevocabulary in various communication situations.

Picture 4: Skills gained

Listening and Responding Skills:

Communicating with English teachers requires students to have goodlistening comprehension skills They need to understand what the teacher is saying

Ngày đăng: 02/08/2024, 14:31
