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Internships are crucial for professional development, offering practical experience. My internship at Khanh Hoa Newspaper''''s Electronic Newsroom taught me journalism skills, teamwork, and the importance of ethical reporting.

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I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to intern atthe Electronic Newsroom of Khanh Hoa Newspaper during my studies in theEnglish Language program I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to theprofessors and teachers at the University of Culture, Sports and Tourism in ThanhHoa province for equipping me with valuable knowledge and skills that have beeninstrumental in my internship experience.

First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to mysupervisor, Ms Nguyen Thi Ha My, for her invaluable guidance and supportthroughout the internship Her expertise, patience, and dedication have beeninstrumental in shaping my learning experience She provided me with insightfulfeedback, offered constructive suggestions, and encouraged me to explore newideas and approaches I am truly grateful for her mentorship, as it has significantlycontributed to my personal and professional growth.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to the entire team at theElectronic Newsroom of Khanh Hoa Newspaper Their warm welcome, assistance,and willingness to share their knowledge and experiences have made my internshipan enriching and rewarding journey They generously provided me with access tovaluable data, allowed me to participate in various projects, and offered guidancewhenever needed Their support and encouragement have enhanced myunderstanding of the field and provided me with practical insights into the workingsof an electronic newsroom.

Additionally, I am grateful for the opportunities I had to contribute to theteam's work, whether it was researching, writing articles, or assisting in editing andproofreading These hands-on experiences have not only deepened myunderstanding of journalism and news production but have also honed my writingand communication skills.

I am truly fortunate to have been a part of the Electronic Newsroom team, asI have witnessed firsthand the dedication, professionalism, and passion that go intocreating quality news content This internship has allowed me to apply thetheoretical knowledge I acquired during my studies, develop a deeper appreciationfor the importance of accurate and ethical reporting, and gain practical experience ina professional newsroom environment.

In conclusion, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the professorsand teachers at the University of Culture, Sports and Tourism in Thanh Hoaprovince for providing me with a solid foundation in the English Languageprogram I am sincerely thankful to Ms Nguyen Thi Ha My for her exceptionalguidance, and I am immensely grateful to the entire team at the ElectronicNewsroom of Khanh Hoa Newspaper for their support and mentorship This

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internship has been a transformative experience, and I am confident that theknowledge and skills I have gained will serve me well in my future endeavors in thefield of journalism.

I am deeply grateful.Sincerely


Ho Nhan Tam

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1.1 About Khanh Hoa newspaper 6

1.2 Function and Task 7

2.1.1 Read international e-articles 13

2.1.2 Listen to and translate international news 15

2.1.3 Publish stories in English 16

2.2 My major tasks 18

2.3 Results 21

2.3.1.New skills acquired and skills improved 21

2.3.2 The knowledge gained after the internship 22

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Table 1: Number of officers and employees 11Table 2: Internship Plan 21

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Internships play a vital role in the professional development of students,offering them valuable opportunities to apply their knowledge and gain practicalexperience in their chosen field Throughout my internship at the ElectronicNewsroom of Khanh Hoa Newspaper, I had the privilege to immerse myself in theworld of journalism and experience firsthand the various roles and responsibilitieswithin a news organization.

The internship was structured into three main components Firstly, I wasintroduced to Khanh Hoa Newspaper as a whole, gaining insights into its history,mission, and core values This foundational knowledge provided me with acomprehensive understanding of the organization's objectives and journalisticprinciples.

The second part of the internship focused specifically on the ElectronicNewsroom, where I was assigned various tasks and projects This includedconducting research, writing articles, and assisting in editing and proofreading.These practical assignments allowed me to develop essential skills such as newswriting, information gathering, critical analysis, and effective communication I alsogained a deeper understanding of the editorial process and the importance ofaccuracy, impartiality, and ethical reporting in journalism.

Beyond the technical skills, the internship offered invaluable lessons andpersonal growth I learned the significance of time management, adaptability, andteamwork in a fast-paced newsroom environment I witnessed how journalistsnavigate tight deadlines, juggle multiple responsibilities, and collaborate seamlesslyto produce high-quality news content These experiences honed my organizationalskills, taught me to remain calm under pressure, and reinforced the importance ofeffective collaboration and professionalism.

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PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1 About Khanh Hoa newspaper

Khánh Hòa Newspaper is the official media agency of the Communist Party,the government, and the people of Khánh Hòa province Established on January 20,1946, it is one of the oldest local newspapers in Vietnam.

Khánh Hòa Newspaper publishes in Vietnamese and has two versions: printand electronic The print edition is released daily, weekly, and monthly, with anaverage circulation of 10,000 copies per issue The electronic edition is updatedcontinuously 24/7 and attracts millions of visitors each month.

Khánh Hòa Electronic Newspaper - Website: http://www.baokhanhhoa.vnPublisher: Khánh Hòa Provincial Party Committee | License for electronicpress operation: 06/GB-BTTTT on January 6, 2023

Editor-in-Chief: Thái Thị Lệ HằngDeputy Editor-in-Chief: Lê Hoàng Triều

Editorial Office: 77 Yersin - Nha Trang - Khánh Hòa - Telephone: (0258)3822019 Fax: (0258) 3562950 - Email: baokhanhhoadientu@gmail.com

History and Development:

Khánh Hòa Newspaper has a rich history of more than seven decades Sinceits establishment in 1946, it has been a reliable source of information and a voicefor the Party, the government, and the people of Khánh Hòa province Over theyears, the newspaper has played a crucial role in disseminating news, promotingsocial development, and fostering public awareness.

Throughout its history, Khánh Hòa Newspaper has continuously evolved andadapted to the changing media landscape It has embraced technologicaladvancements and expanded its reach through the introduction of the electronicedition The digital platform has allowed the newspaper to connect with a wideraudience, both within Vietnam and internationally, and deliver real-time news andupdates.

Khánh Hòa Newspaper has achieved significant milestones and garneredrecognition for its contributions to journalism and media Its commitment tojournalistic integrity, professionalism, and accurate reporting has earned the trustand respect of readers and the media industry.

The newspaper has received numerous awards and accolades for itsoutstanding journalism It has been recognized for its investigative reporting, in-depth analysis, and unbiased coverage of important events and issues Through itscomprehensive and informative articles, Khánh Hòa Newspaper has played a vitalrole in keeping the public informed and engaged.

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Additionally, the electronic edition of Khánh Hòa Newspaper has madesignificant strides in the digital media landscape Its user-friendly interface, timelyupdates, and diverse content have attracted a large and loyal readership Thenewspaper's online presence has facilitated greater accessibility to news andinformation, fostering a more connected and informed society.

In conclusion, Khánh Hòa Newspaper is a prominent media agency inVietnam, serving as the voice of the Party, the government, and the people ofKhánh Hòa province With a rich history, a commitment to journalistic excellence,and a strong digital presence, the newspaper has made significant contributions tothe media landscape Through its print and electronic editions, it continues toinform, educate, and engage readers, playing a vital role in shaping public opinionand driving social progress in the region.

1.2 Function and Task

1.2.1 Function

The Electronic Newsroom of Khánh Hòa Newspaper plays a crucial role indisseminating news and information to a wide audience through its digital platform.As the online counterpart to the print edition, the Electronic Newsroom serves as adynamic and interactive medium that engages readers, keeps them informed, andfosters a sense of community.

One of the primary functions of the Electronic Newsroom is to providetimely and up-to-date news coverage With its continuous 24/7 updates, the onlineplatform ensures that readers have access to the latest information on local, national,and international events Whether it's breaking news, political developments, socialissues, or cultural happenings, the Electronic Newsroom strives to delivercomprehensive and accurate coverage.

In addition to news reporting, the Electronic Newsroom offers a diverserange of content, catering to the varied interests and preferences of its readers Itfeatures in-depth articles, opinion pieces, interviews, feature stories, and multimediaelements such as videos and photo galleries This rich and multifaceted contentallows readers to delve deeper into a subject, gain different perspectives, andengage with the news in a more immersive way.

The Electronic Newsroom also serves as a platform for promoting publicparticipation and fostering dialogue Through its comment sections and social mediaintegration, readers have the opportunity to share their views, exchange ideas, andengage in discussions with fellow readers, journalists, and experts This interactiveelement helps create a sense of community and encourages civic engagement.

Furthermore, the Electronic Newsroom recognizes the importance of localnews and features dedicated sections that highlight the unique aspects of KhánhHòa province It covers local events, showcases the achievements and contributions

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of individuals and organizations in the community, and provides information onlocal businesses, tourism, and cultural events By focusing on local news, theElectronic Newsroom strengthens the connection between the newspaper and itsreaders, fostering a sense of identity and pride in the community.

Another function of the Electronic Newsroom is to adapt to the evolvingdigital landscape and leverage technological advancements It utilizes variousdigital tools and platforms to enhance the user experience and reach a broaderaudience The website is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring accessibility forreaders on the go It also leverages social media channels to share and promote itscontent, expanding its reach and attracting new readers.

Moreover, the Electronic Newsroom recognizes the importance ofmultimedia storytelling It incorporates videos, images, and interactive elements tocomplement its written articles, providing a more engaging and immersiveexperience for readers This multimedia approach caters to the preferences ofmodern audiences, who increasingly consume news and information through visualand interactive formats.

1.2.2 Task

The Electronic Newsroom of Khánh Hòa Newspaper has a clear mission tofulfill, aiming to serve as a reliable source of news and information, fostercommunity engagement, and promote social development With its digital platform,the Electronic Newsroom strives to achieve the following objectives:

Providing Accurate and Timely News:

The primary mission of the Electronic Newsroom is to deliver accurate andtimely news coverage to its readers It aims to be a trusted source of information,ensuring that readers are well-informed about local, national, and internationalevents By adhering to journalistic principles and professional standards, theElectronic Newsroom seeks to provide comprehensive and unbiased news reporting.

Promoting Civic Engagement:

The Electronic Newsroom recognizes the importance of engaging readersand promoting civic participation It aims to encourage dialogue, discussions, anddebates on various issues through its comment sections and social mediaintegration By providing a platform for readers to express their opinions andexchange ideas, the Electronic Newsroom fosters an active and informed citizenry,contributing to the democratic process.

Fostering Community Development:

The Electronic Newsroom has a responsibility to contribute to thedevelopment of the Khánh Hòa community It highlights local events,achievements, and initiatives that positively impact the region By showcasing theculture, traditions, and successes of the community, the Electronic Newsroom

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nurtures a sense of pride and identity among its readers It also provides informationon local businesses, tourism, and cultural events, supporting the local economy andpromoting Khánh Hòa as a vibrant and attractive destination.

Embracing Technological Advancements:

With the digital revolution, the Electronic Newsroom recognizes the need toadapt and leverage technological advancements It aims to provide a user-friendlyand accessible online platform, optimized for mobile devices, to cater to thechanging reading habits of its audience It embraces multimedia storytelling,incorporating videos, images, and interactive elements to enhance the reader'sexperience and deliver information in engaging formats.

Upholding Ethical Standards:

The Electronic Newsroom is committed to upholding ethical standards andprofessional integrity It adheres to a code of ethics that emphasizes fairness,accuracy, and accountability in reporting By maintaining high editorial standards,the Electronic Newsroom builds trust and credibility with its readers and the widercommunity.

Emphasizing Social Responsibility:

The Electronic Newsroom recognizes its social responsibility to addressimportant societal issues It aims to raise awareness and promote discussions ontopics such as environmental sustainability, social justice, and community well-being Through investigative reporting, in-depth analysis, and thought-provokingfeatures, the Electronic Newsroom contributes to a more informed and sociallyconscious society.

1.3 Organizational structure

The organizational structure of Khanh Hoa newspaper is determined byDecision No 875-QĐ/TU dated September 5, 2017, issued by the Provincial PartyCommittee It consists of the Editorial Board, which includes four members (oneEditor-in-Chief and four Deputy Editors-in-Chief) The rest of the organization iscomprised of leaders of specialized departments, reporters, editors, translators,technicians, and support staff serving in nine specialized departments Thesedepartments include the Editorial Secretary, Economy, Party Building and InternalAffairs, Culture and Society, Special Topics, Advertising, Readership, Digital, andGeneral Administration.

As for the Electronic Newsroom of Khanh Hoa newspaper , it is composedof five staff members, including one department head and four employees TheElectronic Newsroom operates under the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief,following the principles of collective leadership and individual responsibility, with afocus on democracy According to Article 23 of the Press Law, "The head of a pressagency is the Editor-in-Chief (for print and online newspapers) or the Director-

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General or Director (for radio and television)." Based on this regulation, theEditorial Board of Khanh Hoa newspaper serves as the highest leadership body ofthe newspaper, overseeing the comprehensive management of its political tasks.

The organizational structure of Khanh Hoa newspaper reflects a cleardivision of responsibilities and functions among its various departments andpersonnel The Editorial Board, headed by the Editor-in-Chief, is responsible forsetting the overall direction and editorial policies of the newspaper The specializeddepartments, such as Economy, Party Building and Internal Affairs, Culture andSociety, and others, focus on specific areas of coverage and content production.Reporters and editors play a crucial role in gathering news, conducting interviews,and writing articles Translators ensure the availability of bilingual content, whiletechnicians handle the technical aspects of the newspaper's operations Support staffassist in administrative and operational tasks to ensure the smooth functioning ofthe organization.

The Electronic Newsroom, as a specialized division within Khanh Hoanewspaper , focuses on the digital platform of the newspaper Its staff members areresponsible for managing and updating the online content, including news articles,multimedia elements, and interactive features They work closely with the EditorialBoard and other departments to ensure the seamless integration of the print andonline editions, providing readers with a comprehensive and engaging newsexperience.

1.4 The Staff

Table 1: Number of officers and employees

STT Department/Unit Number of Staff Percentage

3 Party Building and Internal Affairs 12 3.16%

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newspaper The following paragraphs provide an overview of the staffingcomposition and responsibilities of each department:

Editorial Secretary:

The Editorial Secretary department consists of one staff member,representing 1.05% of the total workforce This department serves as theadministrative backbone of the newspaper, responsible for managingcorrespondence, maintaining records, and providing logistical support to theEditorial Board and other departments.

The Economy department comprises 18 staff members, accounting for 4.21%of the workforce This team focuses on reporting and analyzing economic news,including business developments, market trends, and financial matters Theircoverage aims to provide readers with valuable insights into the local and nationaleconomy.

Party Building and Internal Affairs:

With 12 staff members, the Party Building and Internal Affairs departmentrepresents 3.16% of the total workforce This department is responsible for coveringParty-related activities, promoting Party ideology, and reporting on internal affairswithin the newspaper They play a vital role in fostering a strong organizationalculture and upholding the principles of the Party.

Culture and Society:

The Culture and Society department consists of 16 staff members,contributing to 6.32% of the workforce This team focuses on reporting culturalevents, social issues, and human-interest stories They bring attention to localtraditions, arts, and community initiatives, providing readers with a deeperunderstanding of the cultural fabric of the region.

Special Topics:

Comprising 14 staff members, the Special Topics department represents4.21% of the total workforce This team specializes in covering specific subjects orthemes of interest, such as environment, health, education, or sports They delveinto these topics in-depth, offering comprehensive coverage and analysis to thereaders.

The Advertising department consists of 10 staff members, accounting for5.26% of the workforce This team is responsible for generating revenue throughadvertising sales They collaborate with businesses and organizations to createeffective marketing campaigns that reach the target audience while supporting thefinancial sustainability of the newspaper.


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With 11 staff members, the Readership department represents 3.16% of thetotal workforce This team focuses on engaging with the readers, collectingfeedback, and maintaining a strong relationship with the audience They analyzereadership data, conduct surveys, and implement strategies to enhance readersatisfaction and loyalty.

The Digital department comprises 10 staff members, contributing to 4.21%of the workforce This team is responsible for managing the online presence of thenewspaper, including the website, social media platforms, and other digitalchannels They ensure the timely publication of online content, optimize the userexperience, and explore innovative ways to deliver news in the digital era.

General Administration:

The General Administration department, with 17 staff members, representsthe largest percentage of the workforce at 17.89% This department handles variousadministrative tasks, including human resources, finance, logistics, and facilitiesmanagement They provide essential support to all departments, ensuring thesmooth functioning of the organization.

In conclusion, Khanh Hoa newspaper has a diverse and dedicated workforce,distributed across departments responsible for editorial, administrative, advertising,and digital operations Each department plays a vital role in fulfilling thenewspaper's mission of delivering accurate news, engaging the readership, andcontributing to the social development of the Khanh Hoa community.

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PART II MAIN CONTENTS 2.1 Theoretical foundations

2.1.1 Read international e-articles

A Strong Foundation in English Language for Reading International OnlineArticles

In today's interconnected world, the ability to comprehend and analyzeinformation from international online sources is essential, especially for individualspursuing a career in fields like language studies, journalism, or global affairs As anintern at the Electronic Newsroom of Khanh Hoa newspaper, tasked with readingand analyzing international online articles, a robust foundation in the Englishlanguage is vital This essay will discuss the key aspects of English languageknowledge and skills that are necessary for effectively engaging with andunderstanding such content.

First and foremost, a strong grasp of English grammar is fundamental.Understanding the rules of grammar enables you to decode sentence structures,identify verb tenses, and comprehend the relationships between different parts of asentence It allows you to correctly interpret the intended meaning of the text andavoid misinterpretation or confusion Proficiency in grammar facilitates accuratecomprehension, ensuring that you can extract the main ideas and nuances from thearticles you read.

Vocabulary is another critical component of English language proficiency Awide-ranging vocabulary allows you to comprehend and interpret the meaning ofwords and phrases used in international online articles Additionally, it enables youto grasp the context and connotations embedded within the text Building a richvocabulary involves acquiring a broad range of words through extensive reading,engaging with various genres and topics It is important to develop strategies forlearning new words, such as utilizing context clues, employing online dictionaries,and creating personalized vocabulary lists.

Reading comprehension skills are paramount in effectively understandinginternational online articles Proficient reading comprehension involves the abilityto identify main ideas, recognize supporting details, and infer meaning fromcontext It also requires the capacity to identify rhetorical devices, such as figurativelanguage or persuasive techniques, employed by authors Developing effectivereading strategies, such as skimming and scanning for information, activelyengaging with the text through annotation or summarization, and identifying theauthor's purpose and tone, enhances reading comprehension abilities.

Cultural awareness and intercultural competence are essential when engagingwith international online articles Being aware of cultural differences and nuanceshelps you better understand the perspectives, values, and beliefs embedded within

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the text It enables you to recognize cultural references, symbols, and allusions,providing a deeper understanding of the content Developing interculturalcompetence involves expanding your knowledge of diverse cultures, engaging incross-cultural communication, and being open-minded and respectful towardsdifferent worldviews.

Critical thinking skills are invaluable for analyzing and evaluatinginternational online articles Being able to think critically allows you to assess thecredibility and reliability of sources, identify biases or fallacies in arguments, anddistinguish between fact and opinion Critical thinking empowers you to questionassumptions, draw logical conclusions, and form well-supported arguments.Developing critical thinking skills involves practicing evidence-based reasoning,evaluating sources for accuracy and objectivity, and engaging in intellectualdiscourse.

Effective note-taking strategies contribute to better comprehension andretention of information from international online articles Taking concise andorganized notes helps you capture key points, significant details, and supportingevidence It facilitates the synthesis of information and aids in the retrieval ofrelevant information when needed Implementing note-taking techniques, such asusing headings, bullet points, or visual diagrams, enhances the organization andaccessibility of information.

Lastly, developing effective online research skills is essential for accessingand navigating international online articles Proficiency in conducting onlineresearch enables you to locate reliable sources, access archives, and retrieverelevant information efficiently It involves utilizing search engines effectively,evaluating the credibility of websites, and employing advanced search techniques torefine search results Familiarity with online databases, academic journals, andreputable news sources enhances the quality and accuracy of the information yougather.

In conclusion, a strong foundation in the English language is crucial forsuccessfully reading and comprehending international online articles Proficiency ingrammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, cultural awareness, critical thinking,note-taking, and online research skills are the key components of this foundation.Developing these language skills will enable you to engage with diverseperspectives, analyze information critically, and extract meaningful insights frominternational online articles By continuously honing your English languageproficiency, you will enhance your effectiveness as an intern at the ElectronicNewsroom of Khanh Hoa newspaper and your ability to navigate the globallandscape of information.

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2.1.2 Listen to and translate international news

Developing a Strong English Language Foundation for Listening andTranslating International News Reports

As an intern at the Electronic Newsroom of Khanh Hoa newspaper , whereyou are engaged in listening to and translating international news reports, having asolid foundation in the English language is crucial

Listening comprehension skills are paramount when it comes tounderstanding international news reports Proficient listening involves the ability tocomprehend spoken English at various speeds, accents, and levels of complexity Itrequires the capacity to identify key details, main ideas, and supporting informationconveyed through verbal communication Developing effective listening strategies,such as paying attention to context clues, recognizing intonation and stress patterns,and practicing active listening through note-taking or summarization, enhanceslistening comprehension abilities.

Phonetics and phonology play a significant role in understanding spokenEnglish Knowledge of phonetics involves understanding the individual sounds(phonemes) of English and their production, while phonology deals with thepatterns and rules governing sound combinations and pronunciation Mastery ofphonetics and phonology enables you to accurately perceive and reproduce thesounds of English, facilitating better listening comprehension and pronunciation.

Vocabulary is a fundamental component of English language proficiencynecessary for translating international news reports A wide-ranging vocabularyallows you to comprehend and interpret the meaning of words and phrases used innews reports Additionally, it enables you to convey nuanced meanings andaccurately translate complex concepts from one language to another Building arobust vocabulary involves expanding word knowledge through extensive reading,engaging with various genres and topics, and utilizing vocabulary-buildingtechniques such as context clues, word families, and collocations.

Grammar proficiency is essential for accurate translation and effectivecommunication Understanding the rules of English grammar enables you toconstruct grammatically correct sentences, identify sentence structures, and conveythe intended meaning of the original text It ensures that your translations arecoherent, precise, and convey the appropriate information Developing grammarskills involves studying grammar rules, practicing sentence construction, andanalyzing sentence patterns in context.

Cultural awareness and intercultural competence are vital when translatinginternational news reports Being aware of cultural differences and nuances helpsyou better understand the perspectives, values, and beliefs embedded within thenews reports It enables you to accurately convey cultural references, idiomatic

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2024, 14:51
