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The internship program at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy helps students apply theory to practice, develop skills, and gain experience. Guided by mentors, students undertake various tasks and reflect on their learning to improve the program for the future.

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Instructor: Nguyen Thi Ha, MA

Class: English language K11A2

Thanh Hoa, April 2024

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I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable knowledgeand guidance I have received during my internship Throughout my time at HavinaThanh Hoa Academy, I have had the privilege of benefiting from the expertise andsupport of both my professors at the university and the professionals at HavinaThanh Hoa.

First and foremost, I extend my sincere appreciation to the faculty of theUniversity of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Thanh Hoa Province for equipping mewith a solid foundation of knowledge in the field of English language studies Yourdedication to teaching has truly enriched my learning experience and prepared mefor the challenges ahead.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Ms Nguyen Thi Ha My for herinvaluable guidance and mentorship during the internship period Her insights andencouragement have been instrumental in shaping my understanding and skills inthe field.

Additionally, I am deeply thankful to the staff and colleagues at HavinaThanh Hoa Academy for their unwavering support, provision of data, and valuablefeedback throughout the internship Your willingness to share your expertise andoffer guidance has been immensely beneficial to my professional growth anddevelopment.

In conclusion, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to learn and growduring my internship experience The knowledge and skills I have gained willundoubtedly serve as a solid foundation for my future endeavors in the field ofEnglish language studies Thank you once again for your support and guidance.

I am deeply grateful.Sincerely


Nguyen Hong Anh

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1.1 About the internship unit 6

1.2 Key training courses of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy 7

1.3 Organizational structure 9

1.4 Number of teachers, staff 10

1.5 Number of students studying at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy 11

1.6 The strengths of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy 12


2.1 Theoretical background 14

2.1.1 Consulting English courses 14

2.1.2 Communicate with English teachers 15

2.1.3 Participate in the development of entrance tests and placement assessments according to the student's English proficiency 16

2.1.4 Teaching English classes 18

2.1.5 The importance of English in today's environment 19

2.2 My major tasks 21

2.3 Results 24

2.3.1.New skills acquired and skills improved 24

2.3.2 The knowledge gained after the internship 25

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Table 1: Number of teachers, staff 10

Table 2: Number of students studying at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy 11

Table 3: Internship Plan 21

Picture 1: Opened Havina branch in Thanh Hoa 5

Picture 2: Giving gifts to Students on the occasion of the opening 6

Picture 3: Let's discuss the learning content 7

Picture 4: Training courses at Havina 8

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Internships play a pivotal role in a student's academic journey, offeringinvaluable experiences and insights that extend beyond the classroom By engagingin internships, students have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, develop essential skills, and gain practical experience in theirchosen field.

The internship program at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy is structured toprovide students with a comprehensive understanding of the institution and itsoperations Divided into three main components, the internship curriculum beginswith an introduction to Havina Thanh Hoa Academy, allowing students tofamiliarize themselves with its mission, values, and objectives.

The core of the internship program lies in the hands-on experience gainedthrough various tasks and responsibilities assigned to students This includesacquiring foundational knowledge about the educational industry, understanding theintricacies of English language education, and honing essential skills such ascommunication, teamwork, and problem-solving Throughout the internship,students are guided by experienced mentors who provide support and feedback,facilitating their learning and growth.

At the conclusion of the internship, students are required to reflect on theirexperiences and draw conclusions based on their observations and insights gained.This reflective process allows students to consolidate their learning, identify areasfor improvement, and make recommendations for enhancing the internship programin the future.

Overall, the internship program at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy offersstudents a platform to bridge the gap between theory and practice, equipping themwith the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to succeed in their futurecareers Through meaningful engagement with the institution, students emerge witha deeper understanding of their field of study and a newfound confidence tonavigate the professional landscape.

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1.1About the internship unit

Havina Thanh Hoa Academy, a branch of the renowned Havina Group, is apioneering educational institution dedicated to personalized training services inVietnam Established in 2011 in Singapore, Havina Group has been at the forefrontof reshaping the landscape of education in Vietnam, aiming to empower theyounger generation to excel globally through education.

Picture 1: Opened Havina branch in Thanh Hoa

With a focus on career-oriented services and educational guidance, Havina iscommitted to helping Vietnamese youth achieve international English proficiencystandards, including IELTS certification, 21st-century soft skills, and globalmindset standards for international study, scholarships, internships, and settlement.Havina Language Academy, headquartered in Hanoi, boasts a team of highlyqualified native and Vietnamese instructors, rich in experience and expertise, withmeticulously designed curriculum content In addition to English languageinstruction, the Academy regularly organizes extracurricular activities, creating animmersive English environment for students to practice communication skills.

The establishment of the Havina Thanh Hoa branch contributes significantlyto meeting the demand for English language education according to internationalstandards for students of all ages in the province It also enhances the quality ofEnglish teaching and learning in the region With two branches located at No 129Le Loi Boulevard and No 18 Tran Phu Street in Thanh Hoa City, Havina ThanhHoa aims to elevate English proficiency and enhance the quality of life for itsstudents.

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Picture 2: Giving gifts to Students on the occasion of the opening

Through Havina Thanh Hoa Academy, individuals in Thanh Hoa Provincehave access to world-class English language education, paving the way for greateropportunities and a brighter future Havina Thanh Hoa - Elevating English,Elevating Lives!

Havina Language Academy (HLA) is a member of Havina Group, a pioneerin personalizing Services & Training with the mission of "Education for Happinessand Prosperity" HLA provides key educational services including:

International standard English trainingIELTS, PTE and Cambridge examsPre-Study Abroad

The HLA system currently has 15 training centers in 10 provinces and citiesin the North and Central of Vietnam, and international representative offices inSingapore, Melbourne, Australia, Leipzig, Germany and London, United Kingdom.

The HLA system has been named the best IELTS DIAMOND partner 2023 by IDP (Australia) IELTS and an authorised SILVER partner by the BritishCouncil (BC) for IELTS in Vietnam.

2022-1.2 Key training courses of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy

Havina Thanh Hoa offers a range of training programs catered to differentlanguage learning needs One of the popular courses is the IELTS PreparationCourse, designed to optimize and personalize the entire learning process forindividuals preparing for the IELTS exam In addition to classroom knowledge,students are equipped with various resources and techniques to enhance theirperformance in the exam The course covers all sections of the IELTS test,

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including listening, reading, writing, and speaking, providing comprehensivetraining and practice opportunities.

Picture 3: Let's discuss the learning content

For those seeking to improve their international communication skills, theEnglish for International Communication (EC) course is a perfect fit This programis carefully designed to cater to learners at different proficiency levels, with amodern teaching approach delivered by experienced instructors who holdqualifications and expertise from Havina The course focuses on developingpractical communication skills, enabling students to effectively interact in variousreal-life situations and contexts.

Furthermore, Havina Thanh Hoa offers the English for Secondary (ES)program, specifically tailored for students aged 12 to 16 This English languagecourse provides a solid foundation and prepares students for the IELTS exam in thefuture It equips them with essential language skills, including listening, speaking,reading, and writing, while also nurturing their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

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Picture 4: Training courses at Havina

In addition to secondary education, Havina Thanh Hoa also offers theEnglish for Primary (EP) program, which is the first of its kind in Vietnam Thisunique program combines in-class activities with outdoor excursions, integratingthem into the core curriculum The English for Primary course focuses on fosteringa love for English learning among young learners, building their languageproficiency, and enhancing their creativity and social skills.

At Havina Thanh Hoa, learners have the opportunity to choose from a varietyof training programs tailored to their specific needs and goals Whether it'spreparing for the IELTS exam, improving international communication skills, ornurturing language proficiency at different educational levels, Havina Thanh Hoaprovides comprehensive and effective language training to support learners in theirlanguage learning journey.

Board of Directors:

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Director: Leads the overall operations of the Academy, sets strategicdevelopment directions, makes important decisions, and holds legal responsibilityfor all activities Deputy Director: Assists the Director in management, overseesspecific areas of work as assigned Heads of Departments: Directly responsible tothe Director/Deputy Director for the activities of their respective departments,ensuring successful completion of assigned tasks.

Dependent Departments:

Teacher Management Department:

Functions: Recruitment and management of native and Vietnamese teacherteams Assessment of teacher competencies and classification Assignment andcoordination of teaching schedules Training and professional development forteachers Resolution of issues related to teachers.

Counseling and Admissions Department:

Functions: Free consultation on suitable English language programs based onstudents' needs and proficiency levels Assessment of entry-level competenciesthrough tests or interviews Class arrangement and student division according toproficiency levels Communication, branding, and promotion of the Academy.Organization of regular admissions activities.

Training Department:

Functions: Planning and organizing English language courses according toapproved training programs Management of students and academic records.Monitoring and evaluating teaching and learning quality Provision of studymaterials and textbooks for students Organization of English proficiency examsand assessments.

Administration and Accounting Department:

Functions: Management of administrative and office tasks Financialmanagement and accounting for the Academy Procurement of necessary equipmentand supplies Asset management for the Academy Income and expenditure,payment processing.

Functional Analysis of English-related Departments:

Teacher Management Department: Ensures a highly qualified, experienced,and passionate teaching staff to effectively deliver English language programs.Counseling and Admissions Department: Engages and attracts potential students,provides free consultation and support for students in selecting suitable programs,contributing to increasing the number of Academy students Training Department:Directly manages the teaching and learning process, ensuring standardized Englishlanguage education quality and helping students achieve their learning goals.

Comparison with Other English Language Centers:

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The organizational structure of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy is similar toother reputable English language centers, but with some differences:

Havina Thanh Hoa places greater emphasis on teacher quality management,ensuring a highly skilled and experienced teaching staff The Counseling andAdmissions Department of Havina Thanh Hoa operates professionally andeffectively, providing free consultation services and supporting students in choosingsuitable study programs Havina Thanh Hoa applies modern teaching methods,focusing on practical communication, enabling students to quickly grasp knowledgeand confidently use English in any situation.

1.4 Number of teachers, staff

Table 1: Number of teachers, staff

The Board of Directors comprises 5% of the total workforce, indicating asmall but essential leadership team responsible for overseeing the overallmanagement and strategic direction of the academy.

Functional Departments represent 30% of the total workforce, suggesting asignificant portion of staff dedicated to various administrative, operational, andsupport functions within the organization These departments play crucial roles inmanaging day-to-day operations, implementing policies, and supporting theacademic and extracurricular activities of the academy.

Teachers constitute the majority of the workforce, accounting for 65% of thetotal This highlights the pivotal role of educators in delivering high-qualityeducation and fostering student learning and development With a significantportion of the workforce dedicated to teaching, Havina Thanh Hoa demonstrates astrong commitment to academic excellence and student success.

1.5 Number of students studying at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy

Table 2: Number of students studying at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy

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2 English for International Communication (EC) 308 30%

The data reveals a diverse student body, with the highest enrollment in theIELTS Preparation Course, comprising 40% of the total student population Thisindicates a significant demand for English language proficiency certification amongstudents at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy.

Following closely is the English for International Communication (EC)program, with 30% of students enrolled This program caters to students seeking toenhance their English language skills for global communication and interaction,reflecting the academy's commitment to preparing students for internationalopportunities.

Picture 5: Qualifications achieved by taking the course IELTS

The English for Secondary (ES) program accounts for 20% of the studentpopulation, targeting secondary school students aiming to strengthen their Englishlanguage proficiency for academic and personal development.

Lastly, the English for Primary (EP) program, designed for primary schoolstudents, constitutes 10% of the total enrollment, highlighting the academy's effortsto instill English language competency from an early age.

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Overall, the enrollment statistics underscore the diverse educational offeringsat Havina Thanh Hoa Academy, catering to students' varying needs and aspirationsfor English language proficiency and academic success.

1.6 The strengths of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy

Havina Thanh Hoa Academy, located in the heart of Thanh Hoa Province,Vietnam, has established itself as a leading educational institution, renowned for itscomprehensive curriculum, dedicated faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities Theacademy's strengths lie in its commitment to providing students with a well-roundededucation that prepares them for success in both their academic and personal lives.

One of the most significant strengths of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy is itshighly qualified and experienced faculty The academy boasts a team of skillededucators who are passionate about their subjects and dedicated to fostering a lovefor learning in their students These teachers bring a wealth of knowledge andexpertise to the classroom, employing innovative teaching methods andtechnologies to engage students and promote critical thinking skills The lowstudent-to-teacher ratio ensures that each student receives personalized attention andsupport, allowing them to thrive in their academic pursuits.

Another key strength of the academy is its diverse and rigorous curriculum.Havina Thanh Hoa Academy offers a wide range of subjects, from traditionalacademic disciplines such as mathematics, science, and literature, to morespecialized courses in technology, art, and foreign languages The curriculum isdesigned to challenge students, encouraging them to explore their interests anddevelop their talents The academy also places a strong emphasis on practical,hands-on learning experiences, with well-equipped laboratories, workshops, andstudios that allow students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts.

In addition to its academic offerings, Havina Thanh Hoa Academy iscommitted to providing students with a holistic education that nurtures theirphysical, social, and emotional well-being The academy boasts an impressive arrayof extracurricular activities and clubs, ranging from sports teams and musicensembles to debate societies and community service organizations These activitiesprovide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, cultivatefriendships, and explore their passions outside of the classroom The academy alsoplaces a strong emphasis on character education, instilling values such as integrity,respect, and responsibility in its students.

The academy's modern, well-maintained facilities are another significantstrength The campus features spacious classrooms equipped with the latesteducational technology, as well as state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, andcomputer centers The academy also boasts extensive sports facilities, including aswimming pool, basketball courts, and a soccer field, promoting physical fitness

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and healthy lifestyles among its students The safe, secure, and aestheticallypleasing learning environment fostered by these facilities contributes to the overallwell-being and success of the academy's students.

Finally, Havina Thanh Hoa Academy benefits from strong partnerships withlocal and international educational institutions, as well as with businesses andcommunity organizations These partnerships provide students with uniqueopportunities for academic collaboration, cultural exchange, and career exploration.The academy's commitment to community engagement and global citizenshipprepares its students to become active, informed, and compassionate members ofsociety, ready to make a positive impact in their local communities and beyond.

In conclusion, Havina Thanh Hoa Academy's strengths lie in its dedicatedfaculty, comprehensive curriculum, holistic approach to education, modernfacilities, and strong partnerships By providing its students with a challenging,supportive, and enriching learning environment, the academy equips them with theknowledge, skills, and values they need to succeed in an increasingly complex andinterconnected world.

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PART II MAIN CONTENTS 2.1 Theoretical background

2.1.1 Consulting English courses

In the realm of English language consultation for course advising, a robustunderstanding of various factors is essential to effectively guide students towardssuitable English language courses At Havina Thanh Hoa Academy, where a diverserange of English language programs are offered, including IELTS PreparationCourse, English for International Communication (EC), English for Secondary(ES), and English for Primary (EP), advisors must possess a comprehensive graspof English language education, student psychology, and program specifics toprovide tailored recommendations.

First and foremost, advisors must have a solid understanding of the Englishlanguage itself Proficiency in English enables advisors to effectively communicatewith students, understand their needs and goals, and provide accurate guidance onsuitable courses Additionally, advisors should possess a deep knowledge of thevarious English language proficiency exams, such as the IELTS, TOEFL, andCambridge exams, to advise students on exam preparation strategies and courseselection.

Furthermore, advisors must be well-versed in the content and objectives ofeach English language course offered at the academy For instance, the IELTSPreparation Course focuses on equipping students with the necessary skills andstrategies to excel in the IELTS exam, while the English for InternationalCommunication program emphasizes practical English language skills for globalcommunication and interaction Understanding the distinct features and goals ofeach course enables advisors to match students with the most suitable programbased on their proficiency level, objectives, and learning preferences.

Moreover, a nuanced understanding of student psychology is crucial inguiding course selection Advisors must be able to empathize with students'concerns, motivations, and learning styles to provide personalizedrecommendations By recognizing factors such as individual learning preferences,time constraints, and areas of interest, advisors can tailor their advice to meet theunique needs of each student, ultimately enhancing their learning experience andoutcomes.

In addition to technical knowledge, effective communication andinterpersonal skills are paramount for English language advisors Clear and concisecommunication facilitates understanding and trust between advisors and students,allowing for meaningful discussions about course options and learning strategies.Moreover, active listening skills enable advisors to empathize with students'

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concerns and preferences, fostering a supportive and collaborative advisingenvironment.

Furthermore, staying abreast of developments and trends in the field ofEnglish language education is essential for providing informed and up-to-dateadvice to students Continuous professional development through workshops,conferences, and networking opportunities ensures that advisors remainknowledgeable about new methodologies, technologies, and resources in Englishlanguage teaching and learning.

In conclusion, English language consultation for course advising at HavinaThanh Hoa Academy requires a multifaceted approach that integrates linguisticproficiency, program knowledge, student psychology, communication skills, andongoing professional development By leveraging a comprehensive understandingof these factors, advisors can effectively guide students towards fulfilling andsuccessful English language learning experiences.

2.1.2 Communicate with English teachers

Effective communication with English teachers is crucial for successfullanguage learning and academic progress As a student undergoing internship atHavina Thanh Hoa Academy, it's imperative to understand the foundationalknowledge required to engage in meaningful interactions with English teachers.This entails not only linguistic competence but also an understanding ofcommunication strategies, cultural sensitivity, and effective learning techniques.

First and foremost, linguistic competence forms the cornerstone ofcommunication with English teachers A solid grasp of English grammar,vocabulary, pronunciation, and syntax enables students to articulate their thoughts,ask questions, and express concerns with clarity and accuracy Moreover,proficiency in English facilitates comprehension of teacher instructions, feedback,and explanations, fostering a productive learning environment in the classroom.

In addition to linguistic competence, students must develop effectivecommunication strategies to engage with English teachers Active listening skillsare essential for understanding teacher instructions, clarifications, and explanations.By attentively listening to teachers' spoken language and nonverbal cues, studentscan better comprehend lesson content and participate actively in classroomdiscussions Furthermore, asking questions and seeking clarification when uncertaindemonstrates proactive engagement and a commitment to learning, therebyenhancing the quality of student-teacher communication.

Cultural sensitivity is another crucial aspect of communication with Englishteachers, particularly in multicultural and diverse learning environments Studentsmust be aware of cultural differences in communication styles, norms, and etiquetteto avoid misunderstandings and promote respectful interactions with teachers By

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2024, 10:25
