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The internship program at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy provides students with practical experience, essential skills, and insights into the education industry, guided by experienced mentors, culminating in reflective learning and recommendations for future improvements.

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Address: Thanh Hóa

Instructor: Nguyen Thi Ha, M.A

Class: English language

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I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation for the invaluableknowledge and guidance I have received during my internship at HAVINA ThanhHoa Academy My time here has been truly enriching, thanks to the expertise andsupport of both my university professors and the professionals at HAVINA ThanhHoa.

First and foremost, I want to extend my sincere gratitude to the faculty of theUniversity of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Thanh Hoa Province Their dedicationto teaching has equipped me with a strong foundation in the field of Englishlanguage studies, preparing me for future challenges.

I would also like to express my deep appreciation to Ms Nguyen Thi Ha Myfor her invaluable guidance and mentorship throughout my internship Her insightsand encouragement have played a crucial role in shaping my understanding andskills in the field.

Furthermore, I am immensely thankful to the staff and colleagues atHAVINA Thanh Hoa Academy for their unwavering support, provision of data, andvaluable feedback during my internship Their willingness to share their expertiseand offer guidance has greatly contributed to my professional growth anddevelopment.

In conclusion, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to learn and growduring my internship experience The knowledge and skills I have acquired willundoubtedly serve as a solid foundation for my future endeavors in the field ofEnglish language studies Once again, thank you for your continuous support andguidance.

I am deeply grateful.Sincerely


Vu Viet


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1.1 About the Havina Thanh Hoa Academy 1

1.2 The roles and responsibilities of an intern of English language at Havina Academy 17


2.1 Theoretical background 22

2.1.1 An Overview of English language 22

2.1.2 Teaching English to young learners 28

2.2 My major tasks 32

2.3 Results 33

2.3.1.New skills acquired and skills improved 33

2.3.2 Problems encountered and how I address them 34

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Picture 1: Students reach the desired level 7

Picture 2: Rich training program 9

Picture 3: Board of Directors 14

Picture 4: Limitations of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy 15

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Internships play a crucial role in the academic journey of students, providingthem with invaluable experiences and insights that go beyond traditional classroomlearning By participating in internships, students have the chance to applytheoretical knowledge to real-world situations, acquire essential skills, and gainpractical experience in their chosen field.

The internship program at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy is designed to offerstudents a comprehensive understanding of the institution and its operations Itconsists of three main components, starting with an introduction to Havina ThanhHoa Academy, allowing students to familiarize themselves with its mission, values,and objectives.

The core of the internship program lies in the hands-on experience gainedthrough a variety of assigned tasks and responsibilities This includes acquiringfoundational knowledge about the education industry, gaining insights into theintricacies of English language education, and developing crucial skills likecommunication, teamwork, and problem-solving Throughout the internship,students receive guidance from experienced mentors who provide support andfeedback, facilitating their learning and personal growth.

Upon completion of the internship, students are required to reflect on theirexperiences and draw conclusions based on their observations and insights Thisreflective process enables students to consolidate their learning, identify areas forimprovement, and make recommendations for enhancing the internship program inthe future.

Overall, the internship program at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy offersstudents a platform to bridge the gap between theory and practice, equipping themwith the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary for success in their futurecareers Through meaningful engagement with the institution, students emerge witha deeper understanding of their field of study and a newfound confidence tonavigate the professional landscape.

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PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1About the Havina Thanh Hoa Academy

Havina Thanh Hoa Academy, a branch of the prestigious Havina Group, is alea Here is a 1000 word passage introducing Havina Language Academy in English:Havina Language Academy (HLA) is a member of the Havina Group,pioneering in personalizing Services & Training with the mission "Education forHappiness and Prosperity." HLA provides core educational services includinginternational standard English language training, IELTS, PTE, and Cambridge examadministration, and university preparation programs.

The HLA system currently has 15 training centers across 10 provinces andcities in Northern and Central Vietnam, as well as international representativeoffices in Singapore, Melbourne Australia, Leipzig Germany, and London UK.

HLA has been honored as the IELTS Diamond Associate of the Year 2023 by IDP Education (Australia) IELTS, and is a Silver Category Associateauthorized by the British Council (BC) for IELTS testing in Vietnam.

2022-Additionally, HLA is an authorized Pearson PTE Academic Associate andPTE Academic Registration Centre, administering the PTE Academic exam andonline PTE testing at its training centers across Vietnam.

English Training Model at HLA

Group Classes: Students are guided through dynamic, creative classroomlessons led by highly qualified native and Vietnamese teachers with extensiveexperience.

Tutoring/Online: Outside of core classes, students can attend weekly tutoringsessions with friendly teaching assistants and access online LMS classes to increaseEnglish practice time and group study.

English Clubs/Workshops/Seminars: Students are immersed in an Englishenvironment through fun club activities and monthly themed English workshopsand seminars.

Field Trips: Regular excursions provide multidimensional experiencesconnecting knowledge and language, thinking and skills, values and real-lifelessons.

HLA's core teaching methodology is based on the Natural Approachdeveloped by Dr Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell Through this approach,students naturally absorb and use English Havina puts learners at the center,encouraging them to express thoughts and opinions through presentations, groupwork on practical, everyday situations related to international study and work.

"We constantly innovate to deliver the highest quality training and services,providing students a multidimensional experience combining knowledge andlanguage, thinking and skills, core values and life lessons."

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The Natural Approach allows a smooth transition to using Englishspontaneously and confidently From the first day, comprehensive language inputthrough listening and reading is prioritized over production Lessons focus onconveying meanings in low-stress situations using familiar vocabulary andstructures Grammar is acquired naturally rather than explicitly taught.

As proficiency grows, activities transition to productive skills like speakingand writing Teachers ask open-ended questions to stimulate free conversation.Role-plays recreate real communicative situations calling for unrehearsed languageuse Mistakes are viewed as a natural part of the acquisition process.

The Natural Approach nurtures intrinsic motivation by tapping into students'interests and having them work on projects and discussions related to their goalsand life experiences As trust and self-confidence build in a supportive environment,the "affective filter" lowers, facilitating language acquisition.

HLA's proprietary materials, developed by a team of local and internationaleducators, are specifically designed for the Natural Approach Lessonssystematically recycle vocabulary and structures across diverse, engaging topics andtask types Guided discovery activities help students inductively figure out languagerules.

Beyond language skills, HLA classes develop global competencies byanalyzing cultural perspectives, fostering critical thinking, and honing collaborationabilities for international contexts Field trips and community service projectscultivate real-world problem-solving.

Multimodal formative assessments provide continuous feedback, whilesummative unit tests measure mastery of learning outcomes From beginner toadvanced, HLA's level benchmarks align with international standards such asCEFR.

To maximize engagement and personalization, HLA leverages ed-techincluding online workbooks, virtual classrooms, AI conversation practice, andcustomized learning analytics dashboards for students and instructors.

Through its learner-centric, comprehensive methodology, global standardcourse materials, and innovative use of educational technology, Havina LanguageAcademy equips students with the language proficiency, global competencies, and21st century skills for success in academics, careers, and life in our increasinglyinterconnected world.

Six core characteristics of Havina classroom

At Havina Academy, the English training program is built upon six corecharacteristics, creating a professional, effective, and practical learning environmentthat helps students develop comprehensive language proficiency and other

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The faculty at Havina undergoes systematic training and possesses extensiveteaching experience according to international standards They regularly participatein training courses and professional development programs to enhance both theirsubject matter expertise and pedagogical skills The teaching content is constantlyupdated and renewed based on the latest research and trends to ensure optimalteaching quality, providing students with the most practical and effectiveknowledge.

All program content aims to help students apply the knowledge and skillsthey have learned to real-life communication situations The lesson topics aredesigned to be relatable and closely aligned with the learning, working, andeveryday life contexts of the students The faculty team regularly exchanges ideas,evaluates, and adjusts the curriculum to enhance its practicality and relevance to thespecific needs of the students.

The teaching methodology at Havina is highly diverse, incorporating variousforms of learning activities such as group work, seminars, discussions, project work,language games, and extracurricular activities In addition to using textbooks,teachers integrate technology, applications, and online resources into their lessonsto create interest and increase interaction among students This helps maintain adynamic and creative teaching and learning process.

Havina not only prepares students with knowledge and skills during classhours but also creates conditions for them to develop self-learning and researchabilities after class Students have access to a wide range of learning resources andcan easily connect with teachers for guidance on suitable learning methods Regularextracurricular and online courses are organized, and the learning resource centerand library provide various electronic resources to support effective self-study.


Havina applies the Natural Approach in language teaching This approachcreates a familiar and friendly environment in which students can naturally absorband apply the language Communication situations in the lessons are designed basedon real-life contexts, making it easy for students to relate to and apply them inpractice Teachers actively encourage and provide opportunities for students toconfidently practice and use the language in a natural way.

To ensure quality, the learning process and progress of students are regularlymonitored and evaluated through competency assessments and detailed feedback

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from teachers These results are shared with students and their families to identifystrengths, weaknesses, and develop appropriate development plans Teachers alsorely on this information to adjust their teaching methods accordingly, ensuring thatthe set goals are consistently achieved after each stage.

With these six core characteristics, the English training program at HavinaAcademy not only helps students acquire knowledge and develop essential languageskills but also equips them with critical thinking, teamwork, problem-solvingabilities, and other key competencies for holistic development It meets therequirements of modern learning, professions, and life.

Key training courses of Havina Thanh Hoa AcademyENGLISH FOR PRIMARY (EP)

English for Primary (EP) is an English program specifically designed forprimary school students aged 6-11 years old, developed and implemented byHavina Academy in a professional and innovative manner This is the first programin Vietnam that harmoniously combines classroom learning activities withextracurricular experiential activities, aiming to help students developcomprehensive language proficiency and other important skills.

The EP program consists of 7 levels, ranging from beginner to intermediate,designed around the philosophy of "awakening potential" in children Each levelhas age-appropriate goals, content, and learning activities tailored to the students'cognitive level and needs All of these goals aim to help children developconfidence in English communication from an early age while nurturing essential21st-century skills such as social skills, personal-emotional skills, and life skills.

At EP, English learning is designed based on the natural acquisition method,simulating the process in which children acquire their mother tongue Students learnthrough songs, games, physical activities, and captivating English stories Thishelps children perceive English as something familiar, appealing, and easier toabsorb The dynamic and friendly learning environment also encourages students toactively interact with teachers, peers, ask questions, and actively participate inshared activities.

In addition to developing the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, andwriting, EP also focuses on developing critical thinking and creative thinkingthrough group work, problem-solving, presentations, and performances Childrenexperience various real-life communication situations suitable for their age to applytheir English skills flexibly and appropriately.

The teaching content at EP also aims to improve the character and qualitiesof young children Through fairy tales, short stories, children have access to moraland humanistic lessons, as well as valuable knowledge about the surrounding life.

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This helps children develop good values and a rich understanding of the worldbeyond language learning.

Another prominent feature of the EP program is the integration ofextracurricular activities with outdoor experiences Students regularly participate inpractical activities such as visiting museums, zoos, and amusement parks toexperience and learn in a real environment Outdoor activities not only help childrenconnect the English knowledge they have learned with practical situations but alsodevelop observation skills, teamwork, and necessary life skills.

The EP program also aims to help children achieve international Englishproficiency Students will learn and practice the complete knowledge and skillsaccording to the 6-level Common European Framework of Reference for Languages(CEFR) to confidently participate in and achieve high scores in internationalEnglish exams for young learners by Cambridge, such as Starters, Movers, Flyers,KET, and PET.

With its breakthrough philosophy and teaching methods, harmoniouslycombining classroom learning activities with real-life experiential activities, the EPprogram at Havina Academy promises to become the best educational environmentfor children to develop comprehensive language proficiency and essential skills.


English for Secondary (ES) is a special English program designed by HavinaAcademy specifically for secondary school students aged 12-16 It is not only acourse that helps students improve their language proficiency but also equips themwith a solid foundation of knowledge and essential skills to prepare them for futurestudies and the path of studying abroad.

The ES program harmoniously combines academic knowledge developmentand language skills in a modern, dynamic, and comfortable learning environment.Classroom activities are designed to be engaging, providing ample opportunities forstudents to practice and apply language skills flexibly through activities such aspair/group discussions, presentations, role-plays, and group projects.

In addition to strengthening their language foundation, ES also helps studentsdevelop critical thinking and independent learning skills necessary for achievinghigh results in international English exams such as IELTS Many problem-solvingactivities and problem analysis from various perspectives are integrated into thelessons to cultivate these abilities At the same time, students are also guided oneffective learning methods, self-study, teamwork, and time management - importantskills for their future study abroad journey.

A special feature of ES is the integration of social skills and soft skillsdevelopment such as teamwork, negotiation, leadership through group activities and

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simulated situations This helps students hone their interaction, persuasive, sharing, and collaborative skills to achieve common goals.

opinion-Furthermore, the ES program aims to comprehensively develop otherimportant life skills for students, such as creativity, citizenship skills, andtechnology skills Students will participate in various practical projects, bothindividual and group work, to apply creative thinking and problem-solving in waysthat are suitable for their own abilities Through this, students will experience andlearn how to use digital technologies and electronic resources to serve their learningand work At the same time, the spirit of citizenship responsibility andenvironmental awareness is also fostered and shaped.

The ES program utilizes diverse and rich teaching materials with acombination of online resources and textbooks to ensure richness, relevance, andpracticality ES teachers are experienced experts in the field of internationalstandard English education, selected and trained through regular specialized trainingcourses.

To assess progress and learning effectiveness, students participating in ESwill be regularly assessed through competency-based assessments and receivedetailed feedback and comments from instructors Progress will be updatedregularly to ensure monitoring and adjustment of learning methods to suit individualneeds.

With its advanced training philosophy, dynamic learning environment, anddiverse activities, ES promises to become a comprehensive educationalenvironment that contributes to shaping personalities and developing essential skillsfor secondary school students to best prepare for their future educational path.


At Havina Language Academy, the English curriculum is meticulouslydesigned to suit learners at each proficiency level, coupled with a moderncommunicative teaching approach delivered by highly qualified and experiencedinstructors The courses emphasize the four core skills of Listening, Speaking,Reading, and Writing, with a particular focus on the crucial Listening and Speakingabilities Grammar and Vocabulary are also prioritized by integrating them intoengaging activities and practical scenarios, enabling students to learn how to useEnglish accurately and appropriately.

The curriculum is built around interactive, task-based learning that mirrorsreal-life language use Rather than passively absorbing rules, students activelypractice English through:

Discussing high-interest topics and current issuesProblem-solving, debating, and critiquing

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Role-playing different situations, participating in meetings, and deliveringpresentations

Collaborating on group projects

This learner-centered approach creates an immersive environment wherestudents negotiate meaning, express opinions, and develop fluency The classroombecomes a dynamic communication hub bridging the gap between the classroomand the real world.

Havina's proprietary materials, created by a team of local and internationaleducators, systematically recycle language at multiple levels while exposingstudents to diverse contexts and genres like news reports, podcasts, stories, andacademic texts Lexical phrases, collocations, and functional language for differentsituations are deliberately taught.

Picture 1: Students reach the desired level

Lessons integrate all four skills through interconnected activities Forexample, students might listen to an audio recording, analyze the content, engage ina discussion, read a related text, then write a response - experiencing the smoothtransition between skills.

Grammar is taught inductively through guided discovery and meaningfulpractice rather than explicit rules By noticing patterns, formulating hypotheses,testing them in realistic exchanges, then receiving feedback, students build lastinggrammatical competence.

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Pronunciation and fluency development are also prioritized throughspecialized instruction and ample opportunities for spontaneous conversations,dialogues, and speeches Mistakes are viewed as a natural part of the learningprocess.

To develop autonomous learning abilities essential for long-term Englishmastery, the curriculum incorporates strategies like goal-setting, self-assessment,using language resources, and managing a learning portfolio Students learn how toidentify strengths, weaknesses, preferred styles, and appropriate learning strategies.

In addition to linguistic knowledge, the curriculum cultivates vital 21stcentury skills:

Critical thinking through analysis, evaluation, and problem-solving tasksCreativity and imagination by generating original ideas and content

Collaboration through pair work, group discussions, and project-basedlearning

Digital literacy by leveraging educational technologies and online resourcesGlobal competence by examining diverse cultural perspectives

Multimodal formative assessments provide continuous feedback loops, whilesummative assessments at the end of each module measure progress towardstargeted outcomes aligned with international benchmarks like CEFR.

The academic team of highly experienced teacher trainers provide ongoingprofessional development, ensuring teaching quality remains world-class Throughregular classroom observations, coaching, and workshops, instructors enhanceexpertise in areas like:

Lesson planning and classroom management

Using effective teaching techniques and educational technologyUnderstanding principles of language acquisition and learning stylesDeveloping materials and assessment tools

Providing constructive feedback to accelerate student progress

Complementing the core curriculum, Havina offers specialized Englishcourses tailored to specific needs like Intensive IELTS Preparation, BusinessEnglish, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) like IT, Hospitality, or Medicine, andEnglish Teaching Methodology for those pursuing a teaching career.

Outside of class, extensive co-curricular activities further boost languageacquisition through English Clubs, Workshops, Competitions, Field Trips, andCommunity Service - creating a vibrant English-speaking community.

By combining principled curriculum design, qualified educators, centered instruction, 21st century skill integration, and rich co-curricularopportunities, Havina's comprehensive English programs empower students to

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learner-achieve practical fluency and the global competencies crucial for academic success,professional growth, and effective international communication.

Picture 2: Rich training program

At Havina Thanh Hoa, learners have the opportunity to choose from a varietyof training programs tailored to their specific needs and goals Whether it'spreparing for the IELTS exam, improving international communication skills, ornurturing language proficiency at different educational levels, Havina Thanh Hoaprovides comprehensive and effective language training to support learners in theirlanguage learning journey.


Here is a 1000 word passage in English about Havina's IELTS PreparationProgram:

Havina's IELTS Preparation Program is meticulously designed to optimizeand personalize the entire learning journey for the IELTS exam Going beyond justclassroom instruction, students are equipped with comprehensive strategies,techniques, time management skills, and psychological preparation to perform theirbest on test day This holistic approach ensures students achieve their target scoresand personal goals.

The program follows a structured curriculum covering all four sections of theIELTS exam - Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking However, content

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delivery is customized based on detailed needs analysis and diagnostic testing foreach student intake This allows focusing on individual strengths and weaknessesfrom the outset.

For the Listening and Reading modules, a wide range of authentic practicematerials are utilized, analyzing the latest question types and exposing students todiverse accents and text genres Strategies for effectively managing time,comprehending details, and identifying key information are thoroughly practiced.

The Writing sections emphasize process writing with timed practice, robustfeedback cycles, and step-by-step guidance on accurately interpreting taskrequirements Students learn functional language, cohesive devices, and advancedgrammatical structures to elevate their writing abilities.

For Speaking, intensive pronunciation drilling using voice recognitionsoftware helps overcome mother-tongue influences Simulated interviews provide alow-stakes environment to practice fluency, coherence, lexical resource, anddeveloping ideas spontaneously.

In addition to comprehensive exam preparation, the program places a strongemphasis on developing long-term independent learning skills Students becomeadept at analyzing their own performance through teacher-guided error analysis,self-assessment rubrics, and individual learning plans Exploiting online resources,creating portfolios, and implementing customized study plans ensure continuedprogress.

To accommodate diverse schedules and learning preferences, the programoffers multiple timing options - evening, weekend, intensive, and fully onlinemodes are available Courseware combines Havina's proprietary digital materialswith supplemental authentic resources for well-rounded preparation.

All IELTS classes have an optimized size of 6-8 students per group to allowample individualized instructor attention The academic team comprisesexperienced IELTS experts who are meticulously trained using Havina's latestpedagogical approaches Through continual professional development, teachersenhance their classroom instruction techniques, semi-intensive & intensive teachingmethodologies, and integration of educational technologies.

Beyond just exam skills, the curriculum develops essential skills foracademic success such as critical thinking, research competencies, academic writingconventions, referencing skills, digital literacy and presentations Thiscomprehensive preparation ensures a smooth transition to rigorous universitylearning environments.

For those requiring an extra score boost, Havina offers supplementaryintensive packages with individualized coaching from Master Instructors These

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packages include error analysis, personalized study plans, writing feedbacksessions, mock tests, and focused practice for developing key competencies.

The program's effectiveness is backed by Havina's outstanding IELTS trackrecord year after year Test-takers consistently exceed their target scores, with theaverage overall score being 7.5+ This can be attributed to the robust curriculum,quality instruction, ample practice opportunities, and extensive learner supportservices.

To make IELTS accessible to all, Havina provides flexible paymentinstallments along with scholarships and discounts for high achievers Free levelassessment and comprehensive counseling ensure students choose the rightpreparatory path aligned with their needs and goals.

Beyond just exam preparation, Havina aims to develop lifelong Englishcommunication competence The IELTS program acts as a launchpad for studentsto seamlessly transition into further language programs for professional areas likeBusiness English, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) like IT or Medicine, ortargeted skills courses.

With small class sizes, customized instruction, skilled teacher support,cutting-edge materials, intensive practice opportunities, and robust learner resources- Havina's IELTS Preparation Program provides a complete, results-orientedsolution to unlock the potential of test-takers and accelerate their journey towardstheir dream academic destinations.

Extracurricular activities at Havina English Institute

At Havina, education extends far beyond just classroom instruction A richarray of co-curricular activities and international exposure programs providestudents with holistic development opportunities These initiatives nurture talents,build global competencies, and prepare learners for future success.

Clubs and Interest Groups Students can join various clubs aligning with theirpassions and interests such as music, dance, drama, sports, and more These student-led clubs provide platforms for skill development, self-discovery, friendshipbuilding, and nurturing a collaborative spirit Activities range from performancesand competitions to workshops, exhibitions, and community showcases.

Through clubs, students gain vital experience in areas like leadership, eventmanagement, teamwork, and public speaking They have the chance to explore theirunique talents and potential career avenues in an engaging environment Havinaprovides mentorship, facilities, and funding support to ensure the successfuloperation of these clubs.

Cultural Festivals and Career Fairs

Regular cultural festivals celebrate the diversity within Havina's internationalcommunity These vibrant events showcase traditional arts, cuisine, music, and

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customs from various nations through engaging performances, exhibitions, andinteractive workshops.

Career fairs and seminars expose students to different professional paths.Company representatives, alumni, and industry experts provide invaluable insightsinto emerging trends, desired skillsets, and recruitment processes Mock interviews,resume clinics, and mentor circles equip students with practical career readinessskills.

Community Engagement

Havina actively promotes citizenship and social responsibility throughcommunity outreach initiatives Students can volunteer and participate in causesaddressing areas like education, environmental conservation, underprivilegedcommunities, and more.

These experiences instill core values of empathy, selflessness whiledeveloping essential soft skills such as problem-solving, communications, andstakeholder management Community projects deepen students' connection withlocal cultures and expose them to diverse backgrounds Many find thesetransformative journeys shaping their personal growth and future aspirations.

Global Exchange Programs Havina facilitates immersive internationalexposure through exchange programs and study abroad opportunities in partnershipwith prestigious universities worldwide These range from short-term faculty-ledprograms during academic breaks to semester or year-long enrolments.

By living and studying alongside international peers, students exponentiallyenhance their cross-cultural understanding, communication abilities, independence,and adaptability The globally-oriented curriculum provides an authenticmulticultural classroom experience.

Hosted by caring buddies and homestay families, international students getan inside look into different lifestyles and traditions They navigate newenvironments, food, customs, social norms - returning with expanded worldviewsand irreplaceable personal growth.

Conversely, outbound Havina students become ambassadors, sharing theircultures while gaining unparalleled insights into diverse societies This bilateralexchange nurtures mutual understanding, breaks stereotypes, and forges lifelongfriendships across borders.

Virtual Global Classroom Havina's virtual global classroom connectsstudents worldwide through collaborative digital platforms and modern educationaltechnologies Learners participate in international virtual team projects, simulations,discussions, and competitions with partners from Havina's wide global network.

These authentic cross-cultural experiences hone multilingual communication,

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myriad backgrounds Students analyze real-world challenges from multiple lenseswhile developing crucial virtual workplace capabilities for tomorrow'sinterconnected world.

Internationalization at Home For those unable to go abroad, Havina recreatesan international experience within the campus itself through an innovative"Internationalization at Home" approach.

The truly global classroom compositions, with representatives from over 25nationalities, provide unparalleled cultural immersion daily International debates,cultural fairs, language cafes, and "Global Village" residential precincts celebratediversity.

By interacting with this multicultural community, students gain exposure toworldviews and communication styles that cannot be taught in a textbook Theylearn to transcend stereotypes, negotiate cultural differences respectfully, andbecome globally competent citizens prepared to thrive in the 21st century.

Through this holistic combination of co-curricular engagement, communityoutreach, virtual exchanges, comprehensive internationalization, and custom-designed global mobility programs - Havina ensures its students gain the critical21st century skills and expansive mindsets to confidently navigate diverse contexts.This unparalleled preparation equips them to become socially conscious leadersmaking positive impacts across cultures and borders.

Organizational structure

The organizational structure of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy serves as astrong foundation for its sustainable development and the delivery of high-qualityEnglish language education in the region The Academy takes pride in itsprofessional and efficient structure, which consists of key departments responsiblefor various aspects of its operations.

The Board of Directors, led by the Director, oversees the overall operationsof the Academy The Director sets strategic development directions, makesimportant decisions, and holds legal responsibility for all activities The DeputyDirector assists the Director in management and oversees specific areas of work asassigned The Heads of Departments are directly responsible to the Director/DeputyDirector and ensure the successful completion of tasks within their respectivedepartments.

The Academy has several dependent departments that play vital roles in itsfunctioning The Teacher Management Department handles the recruitment andmanagement of native and Vietnamese teacher teams They assess teachercompetencies, assign teaching schedules, provide training and professionaldevelopment opportunities, and resolve issues related to teachers.

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The Counseling and Admissions Department offers free consultation onsuitable English language programs based on students' needs and proficiency levels.They assess entry-level competencies, arrange classes and student divisions, handlecommunication, branding, and promotion of the Academy, and organize regularadmissions activities.

The Training Department is responsible for planning and organizing Englishlanguage courses based on approved training programs They manage students andacademic records, monitor and evaluate teaching and learning quality, provide studymaterials and textbooks, and organize English proficiency exams and assessments.

The Administration and Accounting Department manages administrative andoffice tasks, handles financial management and accounting, procures necessaryequipment and supplies, and oversees asset management, income, expenditure, andpayment processing.

The English-related departments work together to ensure the smoothfunctioning of the Academy The Teacher Management Department focuses onmaintaining a highly qualified and passionate teaching staff The Counseling andAdmissions Department engages potential students, provides consultation andsupport, and contributes to increasing the number of students at the Academy TheTraining Department directly manages the teaching and learning process, ensuringstandardized quality and helping students achieve their learning goals.

Picture 3: Board of Directors

While the organizational structure of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy sharessimilarities with other reputable English language centers, there are some notable

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management, ensuring a highly skilled and experienced teaching staff TheCounseling and Admissions Department operates professionally and effectively,providing free consultation services and supporting students in selecting suitablestudy programs Additionally, Havina Thanh Hoa applies modern teaching methodswith a focus on practical communication skills, enabling students to quickly graspknowledge and confidently use English in any situation.

Picture 4: Limitations of Havina Thanh Hoa Academy

While Havina Thanh Hoa Academy has gained recognition for its quality bilingual education, there are certain limitations and challenges that studentsand parents should be aware of One of the primary concerns is the additional costsbeyond tuition fees Students are required to pay various fees, such as facility feesand extracurricular activity fees, which can significantly increase the overall cost ofeducation These extra expenses may pose a financial burden for some families,making it difficult for them to afford the education offered by Havina Thanh HoaAcademy.

high-Another potential drawback is the large student population at the school.With a high number of students enrolled, the class sizes at Havina Thanh HoaAcademy tend to be larger than average This can have an impact on the quality ofteaching and the individual attention that each student receives from their teachers.In a crowded classroom, it may be challenging for teachers to cater to the specificneeds and learning styles of every student, potentially affecting the overall learning

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experience Moreover, a large student body means that opportunities forparticipation in extracurricular activities and access to school facilities may belimited, as students have to share resources and time slots.

The rigorous academic program at Havina Thanh Hoa Academy, whilebeneficial in many ways, can also lead to a heavy workload for students Theschool's curriculum is designed to be comprehensive and challenging, with studentsrequired to take a wide range of subjects and engage in numerous extracurricularactivities This packed schedule can be overwhelming for some students, leading tostress and potential burnout The demanding academic program may leave littletime for rest, relaxation, and personal pursuits, which are essential for maintaining ahealthy work-life balance Students may find it difficult to cope with the constantpressure to perform well academically while also participating in various co-curricular activities.

Furthermore, the highly competitive learning environment at Havina ThanhHoa Academy can have its downsides While healthy competition can motivatestudents to strive for excellence, excessive pressure to outperform peers can bedetrimental to mental well-being Students may feel intense stress and anxiety toconstantly achieve top grades and excel in every aspect of their school life Thispressure can be compounded by the tendency to compare oneself to high-achievingclassmates, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt The competitiveatmosphere may also foster a culture of individualism, where students prioritizepersonal success over collaboration and teamwork.

It is important to note that these limitations are not unique to Havina ThanhHoa Academy and are often present in many high-performing schools However, itis crucial for the school administration, teachers, and parents to be aware of thesechallenges and work together to mitigate their impact on students' well-being andoverall educational experience.

To address the issue of additional fees, Havina Thanh Hoa Academy couldconsider offering scholarships or financial aid programs to support students fromdisadvantaged backgrounds The school could also explore ways to streamline itsfees structure and ensure transparency in communicating the total cost of educationto parents.

Regarding class sizes, the school could consider hiring more teachers orcreating smaller study groups within larger classes to provide more personalizedattention to students Teachers should also be trained in effective classroommanagement techniques and differentiated instruction methods to cater to thediverse needs of students in a larger class setting.

To alleviate the stress caused by a heavy workload, Havina Thanh Hoa

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balanced approach The school could incorporate stress management workshops,mindfulness programs, and counseling services to help students cope with academicpressure and maintain mental well-being.

Finally, to foster a more supportive and collaborative learning environment,the school could encourage group projects, peer mentoring, and community-building activities Teachers can play a crucial role in promoting a growth mindsetand emphasizing the value of effort, resilience, and learning from failures, ratherthan solely focusing on grades and achievements.

By acknowledging these limitations and actively working to address them,Havina Thanh Hoa Academy can continue to provide a high-quality education whilealso prioritizing the holistic well-being of its students Open communication,flexibility, and a commitment to continuous improvement will be key inovercoming these challenges and ensuring that students can thrive academically,socially, and emotionally within the school's learning environment.

1.2 The roles and responsibilities of an intern of English language at HavinaAcademy

As an English language intern at Havina Academy, you will have theopportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience in the field of language education.Your roles and responsibilities will encompass a range of tasks that support thedelivery of high-quality English language instruction to students of diversebackgrounds and proficiency levels.

One of your primary responsibilities will be assisting the experiencedinstructors in lesson planning and curriculum development This will involveconducting research to identify relevant and engaging materials, creating interactiveactivities and exercises, and organizing resources to enhance the learningexperience You will work closely with the teaching team to ensure that lessonplans are aligned with the course objectives and cater to different learning styles andabilities.

During classroom sessions, you will play a crucial role in providing supportto the lead instructor This may involve assisting with classroom management toensure a conducive learning environment, monitoring student participation toidentify areas where additional support may be needed, and offering one-on-oneguidance to students who require extra help Your responsibilities may includeproviding feedback on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary usage, and languagepractice activities.

Grading and assessment are integral parts of the learning process, and as anintern, you will be involved in evaluating student performance This will involvegrading assignments, quizzes, and exams, reviewing written work, assessingspeaking and listening skills, and providing constructive feedback to students.

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2024, 22:20

