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Bc thực tập ngôn ngữ anh sa international english center

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SA International English Center, operated by AEC-W Co., Ltd., is a leading language institution offering diverse courses for all ages. During my internship, I explored English language teaching theories and methodologies, especially for young learners. As a teaching assistant, I supported lesson delivery and student engagement, enhancing my teaching and communication skills. The experience, despite challenges, taught me adaptability and resilience, preparing me for a career in English language education and instilling a passion for lifelong learning.

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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the teachers at Thanh HoaUniversity of Culture, Sports, and Tourism for their guidance and supportthroughout my studies at the university.

I am truly grateful to the faculty members of the English Department forequipping me with fundamental knowledge of the English language The knowledgeI gained from them has been invaluable in both my personal life and professionalendeavors.

I would like to extend a special thank you to Ms Tao Thi Thu Thao, M.A.,for her dedicated guidance and supervision during my internship and report writingprocess Her meticulous instruction and support have been instrumental in mygrowth and development.

I would also like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Ms Nguyen ThuyLinh Linh, the director of SA International English Center, under AEC-W Co., Ltd.,for providing me with the opportunity to intern at the center Her guidance andmentorship throughout the internship have been invaluable in my learning journey.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the teachers and staff members at Thanh HoaUniversity of Culture, Sports, and Tourism for their tireless efforts in creating aconducive learning environment Their commitment to education and theirdedication to students' success have made a profound impact on me.

Once again, thank you to all the teachers and staff members who have playeda significant role in my educational journey I am truly grateful for the knowledge,guidance, and support I have received from each and every one of you.


Nguyen Khanh

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1.1 Introduction of SA International English Center, under AEC-W Co., Ltd 1

1.2 Functions and responsibilities 1

1.3 Courses at UPPER International Education Joint Stock Company 2

Advantages of learning English at SA English Language Center 8

Activities to improve English at SA English Language Centre 9

1.4 Teaching English Internship and its role in English language training programat SA International English Center 14


2.1 Theoretical background 17

An Overview of English Language 17

Importance of English 17

English Language Learning 17

Grammar and Sentence Structure 18

Vocabulary and Word Formation 19

Language Variation and Dialects 19

Teaching English to young learners 21

Teaching English in Internship program of English language 23

2.2 My major tasks 25

English teaching assistant at SA English Center 25

The meaning of my tasks at SA English Center 27

2.3 Rerults 30

New skills acquired and skills improved 30

Problems encountered and how I address them 31

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SA International English Center, operating under AEC-W Co., Ltd., is arenowned language institution that offers a wide range of courses The center hasestablished itself as a leader in English language education, providing high-qualityinstruction to learners of all ages The courses offered at SA International EnglishCenter are designed to cater to the diverse needs of students, from young learners toadult professionals With a team of experienced and qualified teachers, the centerensures that students receive comprehensive language training that equips themwith the necessary skills for academic, personal, and professional success.

During my internship at SA International English Center, I had theopportunity to delve into the theoretical foundations of English language teaching.This included gaining an understanding of the English language itself, itsintricacies, and its significance as a global means of communication Additionally, Iexplored the specific approaches and methodologies used in teaching English toyoung learners This knowledge equipped me with valuable insights into tailoringlessons to meet the needs and learning styles of young students.

As an English teaching assistant at SA English Center, my main tasksinvolved supporting the main teacher in delivering lessons and engaging students inmeaningful language activities I played a crucial role in facilitating classroominteractions, providing individual attention, and creating a positive and inclusivelearning environment These tasks not only enhanced my practical teaching skillsbut also allowed me to develop strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Throughout the internship, I encountered various challenges, ranging frommanaging diverse student needs to handling unexpected classroom situations.However, I embraced these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning Isought guidance from experienced mentors and utilized my problem-solving skillsto address these challenges effectively This experience taught me the importance ofadaptability, resilience, and continuous professional development in the field ofEnglish language education.

The internship at SA International English Center has been immenselyrewarding It has provided me with new skills, including lesson planning, classroommanagement, and effective communication with students I have also gained adeeper understanding of the intricacies of English language education and thesignificance of creating a supportive and engaging learning environment forstudents The internship has not only prepared me for a career in English languageteaching but has also instilled in me a passion for lifelong learning and professionalgrowth.

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1.1 Introduction of SA International English Center, under AEC-W Co., Ltd

The SA English Center System, under the ACE-W company, has its mainheadquarters located in Hanoi Address: 01-C7 Nguyen Cong Thai, Dai Kim UrbanArea, Hoang Mai, Hanoi.

Established in February 2010, initially known as AEH English Center, as ofJune 2023, the system has developed for 13 years and has a total of 62 affiliatedtraining centers nationwide.

With a general vision for education-oriented development and focusedtraining programs, combined with providing international program consultingsupport to schools in the area, the centers share a common vision, orientation,philosophy, and educational goals The focus is on developing learners' capabilities,placing students at the center and continuously updating replicable, modern, andprogressive educational methods.

The SA English Center System in Thanh Hoa established its first branch inThanh Hoa in 2018, in But Son Town, Hoang Hoa By 2022, SA English ThanhHoa has a total of 5 centers throughout the province SA English Vincom - ThanhHoa City officially commenced operations on January 1, 2022.

The center focuses on early education development following the originalFinnish education philosophy, incorporating Montessori x STEAM integratedmethods, CLIL integration, and intelligent teaching methods combining Industry4.0 technology and mind development tools The goal is to develop both EQ and IQevenly while aiming for a higher goal of using English for scientific learning.

1.2 Functions and responsibilities

SA International Language Center , under the AEC-W LLC company, playsa vital role in providing high-quality language and computer education to meet thediverse needs of learners Here are the key functions and responsibilities of thecenter:

Organizing and implementing training programs, courses, and workshops toenhance language and computer skills, catering to the diverse needs of learners.

Conducting student recruitment and managing the overall learner experience,ensuring a supportive and conducive learning environment.

Developing or selecting appropriate teaching materials and resources thatalign with the program learning outcomes and cater to the specific needs andbackgrounds of the learners.

Conducting assessments, evaluations, and issuing certificates of completionfor the language and computer training programs organized by the center.Additionally, the center is responsible for administering national language and

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computer proficiency exams and awarding recognized certifications when meetingthe requirements set by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Providing related services such as translation, interpretation, programming,and software installation to support the language and computer education offerings.

Organizing professional development opportunities and training programsfor the center's staff and instructors, enhancing their subject matter expertise andpedagogical skills.

Conducting research and development initiatives to drive innovation,continuous improvement, and enhance the quality of education provided by thecenter.

Ensuring transparency by publicly disclosing information related to thecenter's quality assurance measures and educational standards.

Determining and publicly announcing tuition fees for each course orprogram, ensuring alignment with the quality of education and training provided.

Developing internal regulations, policies, and defining the roles andresponsibilities of various departments within the center Additionally, the center isresponsible for managing, recruiting, and developing a team of skilledadministrators and instructors in line with its strategic growth plans.

Managing the center's finances, assets, and benefiting from any applicablesupport or incentive policies as per legal regulations.

Undertaking any additional responsibilities and exercising rights asmandated by applicable laws and regulations.

Through these comprehensive functions and responsibilities, theInternational Language Center SA aims to provide learners with high-qualityeducation, foster personal and professional growth, and contribute to thedevelopment of a skilled and globally competitive workforce.

1.3 Courses at UPPER International Education Joint Stock Company

General Communication English Course

The General English Communication course at the SA International EnglishCenter is designed to cater to learners of all proficiency levels, from beginners toadvanced, providing a comprehensive learning experience tailored to individualneeds and goals.

Suitability for All Levels: Whether you are a complete beginner or have anadvanced command of the English language, our General English Communicationcourse offers a structured and engaging learning path The course is meticulouslydesigned to accommodate various starting points, ensuring that each learnerreceives personalized instruction and support to maximize their languageacquisition journey.

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Comprehensive Skill Development: The course curriculum is carefullycrafted to foster the development of all four language skills: listening, speaking,reading, and writing Through a balanced approach that integrates these essentialcomponents, learners can expect to make significant progress in their overallEnglish proficiency Interactive activities, engaging materials, and targeted practicesessions ensure that learners gain confidence and fluency in using English acrossdifferent contexts.

Essential Grammar and Vocabulary: Effective communication relies heavilyon a solid foundation of grammar and vocabulary Our General EnglishCommunication course provides learners with a comprehensive understanding ofessential grammatical structures and a rich vocabulary repertoire By masteringthese core elements, learners can communicate with greater accuracy, clarity, andconfidence in everyday situations.

Experienced and Enthusiastic Native-Speaking Instructors: One of the keystrengths of our course is the team of highly qualified and experienced nativeEnglish-speaking instructors These professionals bring not only their linguisticexpertise but also a deep understanding of cultural nuances and idiomaticexpressions Their enthusiasm and passion for teaching create a dynamic andmotivating learning environment, encouraging learners to actively participate andengage with the language.

Beyond the core curriculum, our General English Communication courseoffers a range of supplementary resources and activities to enhance the learningexperience These may include access to online platforms, language labs,conversation clubs, and cultural immersion opportunities, allowing learners topractice their skills in authentic settings and gain a deeper appreciation for thelanguage and its cultural contexts.

Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personalgrowth, our General English Communication course at the SA International EnglishCenter provides a comprehensive and engaging learning experience With itstailored approach, experienced instructors, and focus on practical communicationskills, this course empowers learners to unlock new opportunities and confidentlynavigate the global landscape.

IELTS Preparation Course

If you are aspiring to pursue higher education, immigration, or scholarshipopportunities abroad, achieving a high score in the IELTS (International EnglishLanguage Testing System) exam is often a crucial requirement At the SAInternational English Center, we offer a comprehensive IELTS Preparation coursedesigned to equip you with the necessary skills and strategies to excel in thisglobally recognized English proficiency test.

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Tailored for IELTS Success: Our IELTS Preparation course is specificallytailored for learners who aim to achieve high scores in the IELTS exam Whetheryou are a student seeking admission to prestigious universities, a professionallooking to enhance career prospects, or an individual seeking permanent residencyin an English-speaking country, this course will provide you with the focusedtraining and support you need to reach your target IELTS score.

Structured Curriculum Aligned with IELTS Format: Our experiencedinstructors have meticulously designed the course curriculum to closely mirror theactual IELTS exam format Through a well-structured learning path, you willreceive comprehensive training in all four sections of the IELTS test: Listening,Reading, Writing, and Speaking Each component is thoroughly covered, ensuringthat you develop the necessary skills and strategies to tackle even the mostchallenging questions with confidence.

Expert IELTS Instructors: Our IELTS Preparation course is taught by a teamof highly qualified and experienced IELTS experts These instructors possess in-depth knowledge of the exam format, marking criteria, and effective test-takingstrategies With their guidance and personalized feedback, you will gain invaluableinsights into the nuances of the IELTS exam, enabling you to maximize yourperformance on test day.

Comprehensive and Up-to-Date Study Materials: To complement theclassroom instruction, we provide our learners with a comprehensive range of studymaterials and resources These include up-to-date practice tests, sample questions,and supplementary materials that closely resemble the actual IELTS exam Byregularly practicing with these materials, you will familiarize yourself with theexam format, develop time management skills, and identify areas for improvement,ensuring you are well-prepared for the real test.

At the SA International English Center, we understand the significance of theIELTS exam and its impact on your future endeavors Our IELTS Preparationcourse is designed to provide you with the tools, strategies, and support needed toachieve your desired IELTS score With our expert instructors, structuredcurriculum, and comprehensive study materials, you can embark on your IELTSjourney with confidence and maximize your chances of success in this highlycompetitive exam.

English courses for kids:

At the SA International English Center, we understand the importance ofintroducing English language education at an early age Our English for Childrenprogram is designed to provide a fun and engaging learning experience for younglearners aged 3 to 12, fostering a love for the language and developing their

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Tailored for Young Learners: Our English for Children program isspecifically tailored to cater to the unique needs and abilities of children in differentage groups We offer age-appropriate classes that ensure a comfortable andstimulating learning environment for each child, allowing them to explore theEnglish language in a way that aligns with their cognitive and social development.

Nurturing Language Development and Curiosity: Our program focuses onnurturing children's language development and fostering a genuine interest inlearning English from an early age Through interactive and engaging activities, weintroduce new vocabulary, grammatical structures, and pronunciation in a fun andmemorable way By cultivating their curiosity and love for the language, we aim tolay a strong foundation for their future language learning journey.

Dynamic Teaching Methodology: Our experienced instructors employ adynamic and child-friendly teaching methodology that combines engaging games,songs, storytelling, and hands-on activities This approach not only makes learningenjoyable but also caters to different learning styles, ensuring that each child canactively participate and absorb new concepts effectively The classroomenvironment is designed to be vibrant and stimulating, encouraging children toexplore the English language through play and creativity.

Native-Speaking Instructors with Expertise in Child Psychology: OurEnglish for Children program is taught by a team of highly qualified native English-speaking instructors who possess a deep understanding of child psychology anddevelopment These professionals are not only fluent in the language but alsoskilled in creating a nurturing and supportive learning environment that fostersconfidence and motivation in young learners Their expertise allows them to adapttheir teaching methods to meet the individual needs and learning styles of eachchild, ensuring a personalized and effective learning experience.

At the SA International English Center, we believe that introducing Englishlanguage education at an early age can provide children with a significant advantagein today's globalized world Our English for Children program not only equipsyoung learners with valuable language skills but also cultivates their curiosity,creativity, and love for learning By fostering a positive and engaging learningenvironment, we aim to inspire a lifelong passion for the English language and laythe foundation for future academic and personal success.

Online English Course

In the fast-paced world we live in, finding time to attend traditionalclassroom-based English language courses can be a challenge for busy individuals.At the SA International English Center, we understand the demands of modern lifeand have designed a comprehensive Online English program to provide a flexibleand convenient learning experience for those with hectic schedules.

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Flexibility for Busy Learners: Our Online English program is tailored forlearners who juggle multiple responsibilities, such as work, family, or othercommitments, making it difficult to attend regular in-person classes With ouronline platform, you can learn English at your own pace, fitting your study sessionsinto your busy schedule and eliminating the need for commuting to a physicallocation.

Learn Anytime, Anywhere: With our Online English program, you canaccess your learning materials and attend virtual classes from anywhere in theworld, as long as you have an internet connection and a smart device Whetheryou're at home, at the office, or on the go, our user-friendly online platform ensuresa seamless and accessible learning experience, enabling you to study English atyour convenience.

Live Online Instruction with Native-Speaking Teachers: One of the keyadvantages of our Online English program is the opportunity to interact with nativeEnglish-speaking instructors in real-time Through virtual classrooms, you canengage in live sessions, ask questions, receive immediate feedback, and benefitfrom the guidance of experienced language teachers This interactive approachmimics the traditional classroom experience, providing a dynamic and personalizedlearning environment.

Comprehensive and High-Quality Learning Materials: To support youronline learning journey, we provide a comprehensive range of high-quality learningmaterials tailored to your specific needs and goals These materials may includeinteractive e-books, multimedia resources, quizzes, and practice exercises, alldesigned to enhance your understanding and reinforce the concepts covered duringthe virtual classes.

Our Online English program offers a range of course options, catering todifferent proficiency levels and areas of focus Whether you're a beginner seeking tobuild a strong foundation or an advanced learner looking to refine your skills, ourexperienced instructors will guide you through a structured curriculum that alignswith your learning objectives.

At the SA International English Center, we are committed to providing anexceptional online learning experience that combines flexibility, accessibility, andquality instruction With our Online English program, you can unlock the doors tofluency in the English language without sacrificing your personal or professionalcommitments Embrace the convenience of online learning and take the first steptowards achieving your language goals today.

English courses for business

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In today's globalized business landscape, effective communication in Englishis a crucial skill for professionals across various industries At the SA InternationalEnglish Center, we understand the unique language needs of businesses and havedesigned a comprehensive English for Business program tailored to meet thespecific requirements of corporate professionals.

Tailored for Corporate Professionals: Our English for Business program isdesigned specifically for office employees, managers, and business leaders whorequire advanced English language skills to thrive in their respective roles Whetheryou are a mid-level manager or an executive, this program will equip you with thenecessary linguistic competencies to communicate effectively in a professionalsetting.

Enhancing Workplace Communication Skills: Effective communication isthe cornerstone of success in any business environment Our program focuses ondeveloping essential skills such as business writing, email etiquette, presentationskills, negotiation strategies, and cross-cultural communication By mastering theseskills, professionals can confidently navigate various business scenarios, from clientmeetings to international conferences, and convey their messages with clarity andimpact.

Industry-Specific Content: We understand that different industries have theirunique terminology, jargon, and communication styles Our English for Businessprogram incorporates industry-specific content and materials, ensuring that learnersreceive relevant and practical training tailored to their respective fields Whetheryou work in finance, technology, healthcare, or any other sector, our instructors willprovide you with the specialized vocabulary and language skills necessary to excelin your profession.

Experienced Instructors with Business Expertise: Our team of instructorsconsists of highly qualified and experienced professionals with extensiveknowledge in both English language teaching and the corporate world Theseinstructors not only possess native-level English proficiency but also have a deepunderstanding of business practices, protocols, and cultural nuances Their expertiseallows them to provide relevant examples, case studies, and real-world scenarios,ensuring that the learning experience is practical and immediately applicable to yourprofessional life.

At the SA International English Center, we recognize the value of continuousprofessional development and the competitive advantage that effective Englishcommunication skills can provide Our English for Business program is designed toempower professionals with the language skills they need to succeed in a globalbusiness environment Through a combination of practical instruction, industry-specific content, and experienced instructors, we strive to equip our learners with

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the confidence and competence to communicate effectively, forge successfulbusiness relationships, and achieve their professional goals.

Advantages of learning English at SA English Language Center

Choosing the right English language center is crucial for achieving yourlanguage learning goals effectively At the SA International English Center, we takepride in offering a comprehensive and enriching learning experience that sets usapart from the competition Here are some of the key advantages of studyingEnglish with us:

Experienced and Passionate Native-Speaking Instructors: Our team ofinstructors consists of highly qualified and experienced native English speakers whoare not only fluent in the language but also passionate about teaching They bring awealth of knowledge, cultural insights, and proven teaching methodologies to theclassroom, ensuring an engaging and immersive learning experience for ourstudents.

Modern and Effective Teaching Approaches: We are committed to staying atthe forefront of language teaching methodologies by adopting modern and effectiveapproaches Our instructors incorporate communicative language teachingtechniques, task-based learning, and interactive activities that encourage activeparticipation and real-world language use This student-centered approach fosters adynamic and engaging learning environment, enabling our students to developpractical language skills.

Diverse Program Offerings: At the SA International English Center, weunderstand that every learner has unique goals and needs That's why we offer adiverse range of English language programs tailored to cater to different proficiencylevels, age groups, and interests Whether you're a beginner, an advanced learner, abusiness professional, or a young student, we have a program that fits your specificrequirements and aspirations.

Modern Facilities and Comfortable Learning Environment: We believe that aconducive learning environment plays a crucial role in facilitating effectivelanguage acquisition Our center boasts modern facilities equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including language labs, multimedia classrooms, andcomfortable study areas These resources, combined with a welcoming andinclusive atmosphere, create an optimal setting for our students to immersethemselves in the language learning experience.

Reasonable Tuition Fees and Attractive Discounts: We strive to make qualityEnglish language education accessible to learners from all backgrounds Our tuitionfees are competitively priced and offer excellent value for the high-qualityinstruction and resources provided Additionally, we offer attractive discounts and

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payment plans to accommodate the diverse needs of our students, ensuring that costis never a barrier to pursuing their language learning goals.

At the SA International English Center, we are committed to providing acomprehensive and transformative English language learning experience With ourdedicated team of instructors, modern teaching approaches, diverse programofferings, state-of-the-art facilities, and affordable tuition fees, we empower ourstudents to achieve their language goals and unlock new opportunities in theirpersonal and professional lives.

Activities to improve English at SA English Language Centre

At the SA International English Center, we understand that effectivelanguage learning goes beyond merely imparting knowledge; it requires anengaging and interactive classroom environment that fosters active participation,collaboration, and practical application of the language Our instructional approachfocuses on creating a dynamic learning atmosphere that motivates and empowersstudents to develop their English language skills Here are some key aspects of ourclassroom activities:

Diverse Teaching Methodologies: We recognize that every learner hasunique preferences and learning styles To cater to this diversity, our instructorsemploy a range of modern teaching methodologies, including communicativelanguage teaching, group discussions, presentations, project-based learning, andmore By incorporating various techniques, we ensure that students are exposed to avariety of learning experiences, enhancing their engagement, retention, and overallenjoyment of the learning process.

Interactive Learning Environment: At our center, we prioritize creating aninteractive and participatory learning environment Our instructors activelyencourage students to engage in discussions, ask questions, and practice usingEnglish during class time Through group activities, role-plays, and peerinteractions, students have ample opportunities to apply their language skills insimulated real-world situations, building their confidence and fluency.

Integration of Technology: We embrace the power of technology to enhancethe learning experience Our classrooms are equipped with modern technologicaltools, such as interactive whiteboards, projectors, and multimedia resources Thesetools not only make lessons more engaging and visually appealing but also provideopportunities for instructors to incorporate authentic materials, videos, and onlineresources, exposing students to a wide range of language contexts and culturalreferences.

Comprehensive Learning Materials: To support our students' languagelearning journey, we provide a comprehensive range of high-quality learningmaterials These include textbooks, workbooks, reference materials, and

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supplementary resources carefully curated to align with our curriculum and ensure awell-rounded learning experience Our learning materials are regularly updated toreflect the latest teaching methodologies and incorporate authentic languagesamples from diverse sources.

In addition to the classroom activities, we encourage our students toparticipate in various extra-curricular activities, such as conversation clubs,language exchange programs, and cultural events These opportunities allowstudents to practice their English language skills in a more relaxed and socialsetting, fostering cross-cultural connections and furthering their understanding ofthe language within real-world contexts.

At the SA International English Center, we believe that creating an engagingand interactive classroom environment is crucial for effective language acquisition.By combining diverse teaching methodologies, fostering an interactive learningatmosphere, integrating technology, and providing comprehensive learningmaterials, we aim to empower our students with the skills, confidence, andmotivation to become proficient English language users, capable of communicatingeffectively in personal, academic, and professional settings.

English Clubs:

The center organizes English clubs with various themes such as movies,music, sports, etc., to facilitate student interaction, enhance their English languageskills, and broaden their knowledge of foreign cultures These clubs providestudents with a platform for language practice and cultural exchange, creating avibrant and engaging learning environment.

English Workshops:

SA International English Center regularly conducts English workshopsfeaturing participation from experts in the field of English language teaching Theseworkshops serve as valuable opportunities for students to stay updated with thelatest language learning trends and enhance their English skills The workshopscover a wide range of topics, including language proficiency, effectivecommunication strategies, and language acquisition techniques.

English Competitions:

learning spirit, the center organizes English competitions in various formssuch as debates, English singing contests, and more These competitions encouragestudents to demonstrate their English abilities and serve as motivation forcontinuous improvement Participating in these events also helps students buildconfidence and develop important skills such as public speaking and criticalthinking.

Cultural Exchange Programs:

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SA International English Center arranges cultural exchange programs withinternational schools and foreign organizations These programs provide studentswith real-life English communication opportunities and allow them to learn aboutdifferent cultures Students engage in activities such as joint projects, culturalperformances, and language immersion experiences The programs promoteintercultural understanding, global awareness, and appreciation for diversity.

Field Trips:

The center organizes educational field trips to various locations of culturaland historical significance These trips offer students the chance to explore English-speaking environments, practice their language skills in real-life contexts, anddeepen their understanding of the English language and culture Visiting museums,historical sites, and cultural landmarks enhances students' language learningexperience and provides a broader perspective on the English-speaking world.

Community Service Projects:

SA International English Center encourages students to actively engage incommunity service projects Through initiatives such as volunteering at localorganizations, participating in charity events, and organizing language learningprograms for underprivileged communities, students develop a sense of socialresponsibility while applying their English language skills in practical settings.These activities promote empathy, teamwork, and a sense of contribution amongstudents.

Study Consultation:

SA International English Center provides free study consultation services tostudents, assisting them in selecting suitable courses and developing effectivelearning pathways The center's experienced staff members offer guidance andadvice to students, considering their language proficiency, learning goals, andindividual needs This personalized approach ensures that students make informeddecisions and embark on a successful learning journey.

Online Learning Support:

Recognizing the importance of flexible learning options, the center offers anonline learning platform that allows students to study anytime, anywhere Thisplatform facilitates review and reinforcement of lessons after each class, enablingstudents to practice and consolidate their English language skills Additionally, theonline system provides access to a wealth of learning resources and referencematerials, allowing students to look up information and expand their Englishknowledge.

English Library Services:

SA International English Center maintains an English library with a widerange of books, newspapers, and magazines in English The library serves as a

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valuable resource for students to enhance their English language proficiency andskills Students have access to a diverse collection of reading materials, coveringvarious genres and topics The library environment encourages independentlearning, reading comprehension, and vocabulary expansion.

Language Support:

The center offers language support services to assist students in overcominglanguage barriers and enhancing their language skills Dedicated language supportsessions provide additional practice opportunities, focusing on areas such aspronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension Students receivepersonalized feedback and guidance from language instructors, enabling them toaddress specific language challenges and improve their overall languageproficiency.

Progress Monitoring:

SA International English Center implements a comprehensive progressmonitoring system to track students' language development Regular assessmentsand progress checks are conducted to evaluate students' language skills and identifyareas that require further attention The center provides detailed feedback andprogress reports to students, enabling them to monitor their own growth and makeinformed decisions about their learning strategies.

Extra Help Sessions:

To address individual learning needs, the center offers extra help sessionswhere students can seek additional support and clarification on challengingconcepts or skills These sessions provide a platform for students to ask questions,receive one-on-one assistance from teachers, and engage in targeted practiceactivities The extra help sessions contribute to a supportive learning environment,ensuring that students receive the necessary guidance to overcome difficulties andachieve their learning goals.

In conclusion, SA International English Center is committed to providingcomprehensive support to its students Through study consultation, online learningsupport, access to an English library, language support services, progressmonitoring, and extra help sessions, the center ensures that students receive thenecessary assistance and resources to excel in their English language learningjourney These support activities aim to empower students, foster their confidence,and facilitate their overall language development.

Volunteer Initiatives:

SA International English Center organizes volunteer activities such asproviding free English lessons to underprivileged children and donating gifts toorphanages These initiatives allow students to demonstrate a sense of responsibility

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setting By volunteering their time and expertise, students contribute to thebetterment of society and gain valuable experiences that foster empathy andcompassion.

Participation in Education Fairs:

The center actively participates in education fairs to showcase its Englishlanguage courses and provide guidance to students in selecting suitable programs.Education fairs serve as platforms for students and parents to explore variouseducational opportunities The center's representatives offer valuable insights,answer queries, and provide information about the center's curriculum, teachingmethods, and learning outcomes By engaging with prospective students, the centerhelps individuals make informed decisions about their language learning journey.

Collaboration with Local Schools:

SA International English Center collaborates with local schools to promoteEnglish language learning and cultural exchange Through partnerships withschools, the center conducts language workshops, organizes extracurricularactivities, and supports English language clubs These collaborations providestudents with opportunities to practice their English skills, interact with native orproficient English speakers, and gain exposure to different cultures The center'sinvolvement in local schools enhances the learning experiences of students andstrengthens ties within the community.

Environmental Awareness Initiatives:

Recognizing the importance of environmental sustainability, the centerengages in initiatives focused on raising awareness and promoting eco-friendlypractices Activities such as tree planting campaigns, recycling drives, andenvironmental education workshops are organized to instill a sense ofenvironmental responsibility and stewardship among students Through theseinitiatives, students learn about the impact of their actions on the environment anddevelop a commitment to preserving and protecting the natural world.

Social Events and Fundraisers:

SA International English Center hosts social events and fundraisers tosupport charitable causes and community initiatives These events provideopportunities for students, teachers, and community members to come together,celebrate achievements, and contribute to meaningful causes Whether it's a charityrun, a cultural festival, or a talent show, these events foster a sense of community,encourage teamwork, and create a positive impact on society.

In conclusion, SA International English Center actively engages incommunity activities to promote social responsibility, cultural exchange, andenvironmental awareness Through volunteer initiatives, participation in educationfairs, collaboration with local schools, environmental awareness programs, and

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social events, the center encourages students to make a difference in theircommunities while honing their English language skills These communityengagement activities foster a sense of civic duty, empathy, and global citizenshipamong students, preparing them to be responsible and active members of society.

1.4 Teaching English Internship and its role in English language trainingprogram at SA International English Center

The Teaching English Internship Program at SA International English Center(SA EIC) plays a crucial role in training and developing high-quality humanresources for the field of English teaching The program provides students with theopportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting while honingthe necessary skills to become professional English teachers.

Provide students with practical teaching experience: The program allowsstudents to directly teach English classes to learners at different proficiency levels,enabling them to develop teaching skills, classroom management, lesson planning,and student assessment By engaging in hands-on teaching, students gain valuableexperience and apply theoretical knowledge in a real classroom environment.

Develop essential soft skills for English teachers: The program helpsstudents cultivate soft skills such as communication, presentation, teamwork,problem-solving, and time management These skills are essential for effectiveteaching and creating a positive learning environment for students.

Enhance subject knowledge and expertise: The program provides studentswith opportunities to learn from experienced English teachers at SA EIC, enablingthem to stay updated on the latest teaching methods and enhance their subjectknowledge in English Through mentorship and guidance from experiencedprofessionals, students expand their understanding of language acquisition,curriculum design, and effective instructional strategies.

Prepare students for the job market: The program equips students with thenecessary skills and experiences to become highly competitive English teachers inthe job market By participating in the internship program, students develop theability to adapt to different teaching contexts, understand learner needs, andimplement effective teaching techniques This prepares them for the demands andchallenges of the English teaching profession.

Supplementing Theoretical Training:

The internship program serves as a valuable complement to the theoreticaltraining provided at SA EIC By allowing students to apply their knowledge andskills in real-world settings, the program reinforces their understanding andenhances the effectiveness of their training It bridges the gap between theory andpractice, enabling students to gain practical experience and develop a deeper

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Developing Practical Skills for Students:

The program offers students the opportunity to develop practical skillsnecessary to become professional English teachers Through hands-on teachingexperiences, students refine their classroom management abilities, pedagogicaltechniques, and student assessment skills They learn to adapt their teachingmethods to cater to diverse learner needs and enhance student engagement Byengaging in real teaching scenarios, students become more confident and preparedfor their future teaching careers.

Enhancing the Quality of Human Resources:

The internship program contributes to the development of high-qualityEnglish teachers who can meet the increasing demands of the job market Byproviding students with practical teaching experiences, mentorship fromexperienced instructors, and exposure to current teaching methodologies, theprogram equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the fieldof English education This, in turn, enhances the overall quality of English languageteaching professionals.

Contributing to the Reputation of SA EIC:

An effective internship program enhances the reputation and credibility ofSA EIC in the field of English language training As students gain valuable teachingexperience and develop their skills under the guidance of experienced instructors,SA EIC's commitment to providing quality education becomes evident Theprogram showcases the center's dedication to producing competent and highlyskilled English teachers, further solidifying SA EIC's position as a reputableinstitution in the English language teaching industry.

The Benefits of the Program for StudentsEnhancing Teaching Skills:

One of the key benefits of the internship program is the opportunity forstudents to enhance their teaching skills Through hands-on experience, studentsdevelop essential teaching skills such as lesson planning, classroom management,effective teaching methods, and student assessment They learn how to createengaging and interactive lessons that cater to different learning styles and levels.The program provides a supportive environment for students to practice and refinetheir teaching techniques, resulting in increased confidence and competence asEnglish teachers.

Developing Soft Skills:

In addition to teaching skills, the internship program also focuses ondeveloping students' soft skills Effective communication, presentation skills,teamwork, problem-solving, and time management are crucial in the teachingprofession Through the program, students have the opportunity to hone these skills,

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both in the classroom and in their interactions with colleagues and mentors Thesesoft skills not only contribute to their success as English teachers but also enhancetheir overall professional development and employability in various fields.

Enhancing Subject Knowledge and Expertise:

The program provides students with access to experienced English teachersat SA EIC, allowing them to learn from professionals with rich expertise in thefield Students can benefit from the knowledge and insights shared by theseinstructors, gaining exposure to the latest teaching methods, materials, andapproaches This exposure helps students stay updated with current trends inEnglish language teaching and enhances their subject knowledge in Englishlinguistics, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation As a result, students develop asolid foundation in the subject matter and become well-equipped to deliver high-quality English lessons.

Opportunities for Employment:

Upon successful completion of the internship program, students have theopportunity to be recruited by SA EIC as English teachers This presents a valuableemployment opportunity for students, as they can apply the skills and knowledgegained during the program in a professional teaching environment Being employedby SA EIC not only provides students with a platform to further enhance theirteaching skills but also offers stability and professional growth within an establishedinstitution.

In conclusion, the internship program at SA EIC plays a vital role in theEnglish training curriculum By supplementing theoretical training, developingpractical skills, enhancing the quality of human resources, and contributing to SAEIC's reputation, the program ensures that students receive a comprehensive andwell-rounded education Through this program, SA EIC continues to producecompetent and confident English language teachers who are prepared to make apositive impact in the field of English education.

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PART II MAIN CONTENTS2.1 Theoretical background

An Overview of English Language

During the Renaissance, English underwent a significant transformation as itbecame the language of literature, science, and politics The works of famousplaywrights like William Shakespeare and poets like Geoffrey Chaucer shaped thelanguage and contributed to its richness and complexity.

Spread and Influence

English spread across the globe through the British Empire, which at itsheight covered a quarter of the world's land surface British colonization led to theestablishment of English-speaking communities in North America, Australia, NewZealand, and parts of Africa and Asia This global influence has contributed toEnglish becoming the lingua franca of international communication.

English has also been greatly influenced by other languages It has borrowedwords from Latin, French, and Greek, as well as from languages of countries withwhich the British had significant contact This borrowing of words has enriched theEnglish vocabulary and made it a highly adaptable language.

Importance of English

English has become the language of global business and commerce It is thelanguage of international trade, finance, and tourism Proficiency in English ishighly valued in the job market, as it opens up opportunities for employment andcareer advancement.

English is also the language of science and technology The majority ofscientific research is published in English, and proficiency in English is essential forscientists to collaborate and share knowledge globally.

In addition, English is the language of the internet The vast majority ofonline content is in English, making it crucial for accessing information andparticipating in the digital world.

English is also an important language for education Many universitiesaround the world offer courses taught in English, and proficiency in English is oftena requirement for international students.

Furthermore, English has a significant cultural influence English literature,music, films, and television shows have a global reach and impact UnderstandingEnglish allows individuals to engage with and appreciate these cultural offerings.

English Language Learning

Given the importance of English, there is a high demand for Englishlanguage learning worldwide English language schools, online courses, andlanguage exchange programs cater to learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2024, 22:05

