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The internship at Hello Kids Education Company provided valuable experiences in English language education, enhancing my practical skills and understanding, which will support my future career as an English language professional. (Thực tập tại Công ty Giáo dục Hello Kids đã mang lại cho tôi những trải nghiệm quý báu trong lĩnh vực giáo dục tiếng Anh, giúp tôi nâng cao kỹ năng thực hành và hiểu biết, hỗ trợ cho sự nghiệp tương lai của tôi trong ngành giảng dạy tiếng Anh.)

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Student’s full name: Hoang Thi Mai Instructor: Nguyen Thi Ha, MA

Class: English language K11A2

Thanh Hoa, April 2024

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I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the knowledge and skillsthat you have equipped me with during my time as an intern at Hello KidsEducation Company As a student majoring in English Language Studies, theguidance and education I received from the esteemed faculty at Thanh HoaUniversity have been invaluable to my personal and professional growth.

First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to NguyenThi Ha My for her exceptional guidance and support throughout my internship Herexpertise, patience, and dedication have been instrumental in shaping myunderstanding of the English language teaching field Under her mentorship, I havegained practical experience and developed a deeper understanding of effectiveteaching methodologies.

I would also like to express my gratitude to the entire team at Hello KidsEducation Company Their assistance, provision of data, and valuable feedbackhave tremendously contributed to my learning experience The opportunity to workalongside experienced professionals in the field has provided me with real-worldinsights and enhanced my practical skills in teaching English to young learners.

The supportive environment and collaborative spirit at Hello Kids EducationCompany have been instrumental in my professional development The team'swillingness to share their expertise, offer guidance, and provide constructivecriticism have fostered an environment conducive to growth and learning I am trulygrateful for their mentorship and the valuable contributions they have made to myeducation.

In conclusion, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the facultymembers at Thanh Hoa University of Culture, Sports, and Tourism for providingme with a solid academic foundation I am also immensely grateful to Nguyen ThiHa My for her exceptional guidance, as well as the entire team at Hello KidsEducation Company for their support and assistance during my internship Theknowledge and experience gained during this period will undoubtedly shape myfuture career as an English language educator.

Thank you once again for your dedication to education and for equipping mewith the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in my chosen field.

I am deeply grateful.Sincerely


Hoang Thi Mai

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1.3 Company English Courses 4

1.4 Number of teachers, staff 9

1.5 Number of classes and students at Hello Kids Education Co., Ltd 10


2.1 Theoretical background 12

2.1.1 History and Development of the English Language 12

2.1.2 English Phonology 13

2.1.3 English Gramar 14

2.1.4 Vocabulary Development in English 15

2.1.5 Theories and Methods of Teaching English 17

2.1.6 English teaching methods 18

2.1.7 English test skills for classes at Hello Kids Education Company 19

2.1.8 English for preschoolers aged 3 to 5 21

2.1.9 Elementary English: 6 - 10 years old 24

2.1.10 Teen English: 11 - 18 years old 24

2.1.11 Preparing for international Cambridge certification exams, IELTS, and TOEIC exams … 26

2.2 My major tasks 27

2.3 Results 28

2.3.1.New skills acquired and skills improved 28

2.3.2.Management techniques observed 29

2.3.3.Classroom skills employed 29

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Table 1: Number of teachers, staff 9

Table 2: Number Pupils in Hello Kids Education Co., Ltd 10

Table 3: Internship plan 27

Picture 1: Organizational structure 3

Picture 2: English for Kids 5

Picture 3: Classes 6-8 years old 6

Picture 4: Classroom imagery 7

Picture 5: Prestige and quality center 8

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Internship plays a crucial role in the development of students, offering themvaluable experiences and a range of benefits During my internship at Hello KidsEducation Company, I had the opportunity to gain practical knowledge and enhancemy skills, which will greatly contribute to my future career as an English languageprofessional.

The internship consisted of three main components Firstly, I was introducedto Hello Kids Education Company, where I learned about its organizationalstructure, establishment history, and personnel This provided me with acomprehensive understanding of the company's operations and its commitment toproviding quality English language training.

The second part of the internship involved actively participating in advisingEnglish language training courses at the company I had the chance to connect withforeign teachers, contribute to contract negotiations, and support the teaching ofEnglish classes This hands-on experience allowed me to apply the theoreticalknowledge I acquired in my studies and gain a deeper understanding of the practicalaspects of language education.

One of the highlights of my internship was the opportunity to deliver Englishlanguage lessons to students This experience not only improved my teaching skillsbut also helped me develop effective classroom management techniques and adaptmy teaching style to meet the needs of different learners It was a rewardingexperience to witness the progress and growth of the students under my guidance.

In conclusion, my internship at Hello Kids Education Company has been aninvaluable experience It has provided me with a platform to apply my theoreticalknowledge in a real-world setting, develop essential skills, and gain practicalinsights into the field of English language education The internship has enhancedmy confidence, professionalism, and ability to work effectively as part of a team.

I would like to express my gratitude to Hello Kids Education Company forproviding me with this opportunity, as well as to the faculty members of myuniversity for their guidance and support The internship has equipped me with thenecessary skills and experiences to embark on a successful career in Englishlanguage teaching.

Moving forward, I recommend that future interns be given moreopportunities to actively participate in curriculum design, assessment development,and student progress evaluation This would further enhance their understanding ofthe holistic aspects of language education and strengthen their ability to contributeto the field.

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Once again, I am grateful for the invaluable experiences and knowledgegained during my internship I am confident that these experiences will serve as asolid foundation for my future endeavors in the English language education sector.

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PART I INTRODUCTION 1.1About the Hello Kids Education Co., Ltd

Hello Kids Education Company, officially registered as HELLO KIDS EDUCO., LTD with the tax code 0108271904, is a dynamic educational institutiondedicated to nurturing young minds in Hanoi, Vietnam Established on May 14,2018, and commencing operations on May 11, 2018, Hello Kids is committed toproviding a holistic approach to education, preparing children for success in theglobalized 21st century.

Educational Philosophy: In the 21st century, globalization demandsconfidence and adaptability from young learners At Hello Kids, we go beyondteaching English through Nintendo games; we aim to enhance six essential skillsvital for future success: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, CriticalThinking, Digital Literacy, and Self-reflection.

We believe in fostering creativity, critical thinking, communication skills,self-reflection, collaboration, and digital literacy through interactive and engagingactivities Each skill is carefully integrated into our curriculum to ensure thatchildren not only excel academically but also thrive in real-world situations.

Teaching Methodology: At Hello Kids, we adopt the "English throughEnglish" teaching methodology Instead of translating English into Vietnamese, oureducators immerse students in an English-only environment This approach mirrorsthe natural language acquisition process, similar to how native speakers learn theirmother tongue.

By eliminating the reliance on translation, we empower students tocommunicate confidently in English, both verbally and in writing Our goal is tocultivate fluency and proficiency in English language skills, preparing students tonavigate a globalized world with ease.

Evaluation and Progress Tracking: We believe in comprehensive progressevaluation tailored to each student's individual needs and strengths Our assessmentcriteria extend beyond mere vocabulary memorization to include critical thinking,confidence, communication, creativity, and more Rather than ranking students, wefocus on personal growth and improvement, encouraging each child to strive forcontinuous progress.

Each course includes three progress assessments: at the beginning, midpoint,and end of the term Additionally, parents receive personalized feedback throughvideo recordings of their child's interactions with teachers, providing insight intotheir language proficiency and overall development.

Qualified Instructors and Modern Facilities: Our team of educatorscomprises certified teachers with international English teaching qualifications and a

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passion for nurturing young minds They are supported by experienced teachingassistants, ensuring a professional and engaging learning environment.

Hello Kids boasts modern facilities equipped with state-of-the-art technologyto enhance the learning experience Our flexible classroom layouts promoteinteractive group activities, fostering collaboration and creativity among students.Furthermore, our curriculum aligns with international standards, offering a diverserange of learning materials and resources.

Engagement Beyond the Classroom: In addition to in-class instruction, HelloKids offers extracurricular activities to supplement learning and promote Englishlanguage proficiency Our English Club for Kids provides a fun and interactiveplatform for students to practice conversational English, build confidence, andexpand their vocabulary.

Furthermore, we provide online learning resources, allowing students tocontinue their language development outside the classroom With unlimited accessto digital materials, students can reinforce their English skills at their own pace,supported by both teachers and parents.

Commitment to Excellence: At Hello Kids, we are dedicated to deliveringhigh-quality English education that exceeds expectations We guarantee free re-enrollment for students who do not meet proficiency standards, provided theydemonstrate active participation and meet attendance requirements.

We believe that learning English should be a joyful experience, ignitingchildren's passion and curiosity By transforming English learning into a favoritepastime, we empower students to embrace language acquisition as a lifelongjourney towards global citizenship and success.

In conclusion, Hello Kids Education Company is not just a language school;it's a gateway to a world of opportunities, where children learn, grow, and thrive inan English-speaking environment that nurtures their potential and prepares them fora bright futu

1.2 Organizational structure

Hello Kids Education Company is an established organization in the field ofEnglish language education With a well-structured organizational framework, thecompany effectively manages its operations and strives to provide quality languagetraining Let's delve into the various departments and their functions within HelloKids Education Company.

The Board of Directors serves as the highest governing body, responsible forsetting the company's vision, strategies, and policies They provide overall directionand guidance, ensuring the company's growth and success in the competitiveeducation industry.

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Picture 1: Organizational structure

Under the Board of Directors, Hello Kids Education Company comprisesseveral key departments, each playing a crucial role in the delivery of Englishlanguage programs and services.

Teacher Management Department: This department focuses on recruiting,hiring, and managing teachers They are responsible for ensuring the quality andexpertise of the teaching staff They handle teacher contracts, performanceevaluations, and professional development programs The Teacher ManagementDepartment plays a vital role in maintaining a highly qualified and motivatedteaching team.

Counseling and Enrollment Department: This department is responsible forproviding guidance and assistance to prospective students and parents They offercounseling services, assess students' language proficiency, arrange class schedules,and handle communication and marketing activities The Counseling andEnrollment Department helps students make informed decisions about theirlanguage learning journey at Hello Kids Education Company.

Training Department: The Training Department is responsible for designingand organizing English language courses They develop curriculum plans, createteaching materials, and ensure the smooth operation of classes This department also

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to deliver effective and engaging language training to meet the diverse needs of thestudents.

Administrative and Accounting Department: This department handles theadministrative and financial aspects of the company They manage day-to-dayoperations, maintain records, handle financial transactions, and ensure compliancewith regulatory requirements The Administrative and Accounting Departmentplays a crucial role in maintaining organizational efficiency and financial stability.

These departments work in synergy to create a cohesive and effectiveenvironment for English language education Collaboration among the departmentsensures smooth communication, efficient resource allocation, and the delivery ofhigh-quality services to students.

Furthermore, within most English language centers, including Hello KidsEducation Company, these departments are essential for the successful operation oflanguage programs By managing teachers, providing counseling and enrollmentservices, organizing training programs, and handling administrative and accountingtasks, the company can create a conducive learning environment for students andmaintain its reputation as a leading language education provider.

In conclusion, Hello Kids Education Company has a well-organizedorganizational structure with key departments that fulfill specific functions in thedelivery of English language programs The Board of Directors sets the overalldirection, while departments like Teacher Management, Counseling andEnrollment, Training, and Administrative and Accounting contribute to thecompany's success by ensuring the quality of teaching, student enrollment,curriculum design, and administrative efficiency.

Overall, the well-defined organizational structure and functional departmentsof Hello Kids Education Company enable the company to provide comprehensivelanguage education services and meet the diverse needs of students seeking toenhance their English language proficiency.

1.3 Company English Courses

Hello Kids Education Company offers a comprehensive range of Englishlanguage courses designed to cater to learners of different age groups Let's explorethe details of each course:

English for Kids (Ages 3-5):

The English for Kids course is specifically tailored for young learnersbetween the ages of 3 and 5 This course provides a fun and engaging environmentwhere children can develop their English language skills through age-appropriateactivities, games, songs, and stories The curriculum focuses on introducing basicvocabulary, phonics, and simple sentence structures Our experienced teachers use

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interactive teaching methods to encourage active participation and foster a love forlearning English at an early age.

Picture 2: English for Kids

English for Young Learners (Ages 6-8):

The English for Young Learners course is designed for children aged 6 to 8.This course builds upon the foundation established in the English for Kids courseand further enhances language skills through more challenging activities Studentsengage in interactive exercises, role-plays, and group discussions to develop theirlistening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities The curriculum is designed topromote language fluency, vocabulary expansion, and basic grammarunderstanding Our dedicated teachers ensure that each young learner receivesindividual attention and support to foster their language development.

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Picture 3: Classes 6-8 years old

English for Pre-teens (Ages 9-11):

The English for Pre-teens course caters to learners between the ages of 9 and11 At this stage, students are ready to delve deeper into English language learning.The course focuses on strengthening their language skills in all areas, includingreading comprehension, writing, grammar, and communication Students engage ininteractive projects, presentations, and collaborative activities to enhance theirlanguage proficiency and critical thinking abilities Our experienced teachersemploy a communicative approach, encouraging students to express themselvesconfidently and effectively.

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Picture 4: Classroom imagery

English for Teens (Ages 12-14):

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The English for Teens course is specifically designed for students aged 12 to14, who are entering their teenage years This course aims to equip teens with thenecessary language skills to succeed in academic and social contexts Thecurriculum focuses on advanced vocabulary, grammar structures, reading strategies,and writing skills Students engage in discussions, debates, and presentations toenhance their critical thinking and communication abilities Our dedicated teacherscreate a supportive and dynamic learning environment that fosters personal growthand prepares teens for future challenges.

Picture 5: Prestige and quality center

English for Adults (Ages 15+):

The English for Adults course is tailored to meet the language learning needsof individuals aged 15 and above Whether learners are beginners or advancedspeakers, this course provides comprehensive instruction to improve their Englishproficiency The curriculum covers various aspects of language learning, includinggrammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension, speaking skills, and writing Ourexperienced instructors utilize engaging materials, authentic resources, and real-lifescenarios to enhance practical language usage The course aims to develop fluency,accuracy, and confidence in English communication for personal, academic, andprofessional purposes.

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1.4 Number of teachers, staff

Table 1: Number of teachers, staff

The Teacher Management Department consists of 20 employees, making up24.69% of the total workforce This department is responsible for recruiting, hiring,and managing teachers They ensure the selection of highly qualified educators whopossess the necessary skills and expertise to deliver effective language instruction.The Teacher Management Department also oversees teacher contracts, performanceevaluations, and professional development programs to maintain a competent andmotivated teaching team.

The Consulting and Recruitment Department comprises 25 employees,accounting for 30.86% of the workforce This department plays a vital role inproviding counseling and enrollment services to prospective students and parents.They guide individuals through the process of choosing appropriate languagecourses, assess students' language proficiency, arrange class schedules, and handlecommunication and marketing activities to attract new students The Consulting andRecruitment Department serves as a bridge between the company and its potentiallearners, ensuring a smooth enrollment process.

The Training Department, with 18 employees, constitutes 22.22% of the totalworkforce This department is responsible for designing and organizing Englishlanguage courses They develop curriculum plans, create teaching materials, andensure the smooth operation of classes The Training Department focuses ondelivering engaging and effective language training, catering to the diverse needs ofthe students They also monitor student progress, evaluate learning outcomes, andmake necessary adjustments to enhance the quality of instruction.

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The Administrative and Accounting Department, with 18 employees, alsoaccounts for 22.22% of the total workforce This department handles theadministrative and financial aspects of the company They manage day-to-dayoperations, maintain records, handle financial transactions, and ensure compliancewith regulatory requirements The Administrative and Accounting Departmentplays a crucial role in maintaining organizational efficiency, supporting otherdepartments, and ensuring financial stability.

In total, Hello Kids Education Company has a workforce of 81 employeesacross these departments Each department's responsibilities are essential for thesuccessful operation of the language education programs The combined efforts ofthe Teacher Management Department, Consulting and Recruitment Department,Training Department, and Administrative and Accounting Department contribute tothe overall success of the company.

The distribution of employees in each department reflects the company'semphasis on maintaining a balance between teaching, student enrollment,curriculum development, and administrative functions This ensures that all aspectsof the organization are adequately staffed to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded learning experience for students.

By having dedicated professionals in each department, Hello Kids EducationCompany can efficiently manage its operations, deliver high-quality languageeducation services, and meet the diverse needs of students seeking to enhance theirEnglish language skills.

1.5 Number of classes and students at Hello Kids Education Co., Ltd Table 2: Number Pupils in Hello Kids Education Co., Ltd

Number ofStudents

Average ClassSize

English for Young Learners

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Hello Kids Education Company offers a range of English language coursestailored to different age groups, catering to the diverse needs of learners Let'sexplore the number of classes, number of students, and average class sizes for eachcourse.

The English for Kids course, designed for ages 3-5, consists of 15 classeswith a total of 135 students With an average class size of 9, this course provides anurturing and interactive environment where young learners can develop theirEnglish language skills at their own pace.

For young learners aged 6-8, the English for Young Learners coursecomprises 20 classes with a total of 180 students Similar to the English for Kidscourse, the average class size is 9, ensuring individual attention and ampleopportunities for active participation and engagement.

The English for Pre-teens course targets learners aged 9-11 and consists of18 classes with a total of 162 students With an average class size of 9, this coursefocuses on building a strong foundation in English language skills whileincorporating age-appropriate activities and materials.

The English for Teens course caters to students aged 12-14 It comprises 12classes with a total of 108 students, maintaining an average class size of 9 Thiscourse aims to enhance language proficiency, communication skills, and criticalthinking abilities, preparing teens for academic and social contexts.

The English for Adults course is designed for learners aged 15 and above,consisting of 10 classes with a total of 218 students The average class size for thiscourse is 22, offering a more dynamic and interactive learning experience, whereadults can engage in discussions, debates, and collaborative activities to refine theirlanguage skills.

In total, Hello Kids Education Company offers 75 classes with a combinedstudent population of 903 learners across all courses The average class size acrossall courses is 12.04, indicating a balanced student-to-teacher ratio and facilitatingeffective classroom management and personalized attention.

This distribution of classes, students, and average class sizes demonstratesthe company's commitment to providing quality education and ensuring an optimallearning environment for all age groups The small class sizes allow teachers toaddress individual needs, provide timely feedback, and foster a supportive learningatmosphere.

Furthermore, the diversity of course offerings reflects Hello Kids EducationCompany's comprehensive approach to language education, catering to learners atdifferent stages of development By tailoring courses to specific age groups, thecompany can provide age-appropriate content, teaching methodologies, andlearning outcomes, ensuring the best possible learning experience for each student.

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PART II MAIN CONTENTS 2.1 Theoretical background

During my internship at Hello Kids Education Company, I was exposed tothe curriculum, teaching methods, and assessment techniques of the trainingcourses Specifically:

2.1.1 History and Development of the English Language

The English language has a rich and complex history that spans overthousands of years, reflecting the cultural and historical evolution of the people whospoke it.

Early Development:

The roots of the English language can be traced back to the migration ofGermanic tribes to Britain during the early medieval period These tribes, includingthe Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, brought with them their language, which eventuallyevolved into Old English Old English, spoken from the 5th to the 11th century, washeavily influenced by the languages of the indigenous Celtic peoples and Latin dueto the Roman occupation of Britain.

Middle English Period:

The Norman Conquest of 1066 brought French influence to England,resulting in the emergence of Middle English During this period, English borrowedextensively from French, resulting in a significant transformation of vocabulary andgrammar The works of authors like Geoffrey Chaucer helped to standardize thelanguage and establish English as a literary medium.

Early Modern English:

The invention of the printing press by William Caxton in the late 15thcentury played a crucial role in the standardization and spread of the Englishlanguage The Great Vowel Shift, which occurred between the 14th and 17thcenturies, led to significant changes in pronunciation The Renaissance alsocontributed to the enrichment of the English vocabulary through the borrowing ofwords from Latin and Greek.

Modern English:

The 17th and 18th centuries saw further expansion and standardization of theEnglish language The British Empire played a significant role in spreading Englisharound the world, leading to the development of various dialects and accents TheIndustrial Revolution brought about technological advancements and newterminologies, further enriching the language.

Throughout its history, several factors have influenced the development ofthe English language.

Geographical and Political Influences:

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The geographical location of Britain made it susceptible to invasion andmigration, resulting in the blending of various linguistic influences.

The Norman Conquest and subsequent French influence significantlyimpacted the vocabulary and grammar of English.

The expansion of the British Empire spread English to different parts of theworld, leading to the development of new dialects and variations.

Technological and Cultural Influences:

The invention of the printing press facilitated the standardization anddissemination of the English language.

The Renaissance and Enlightenment periods brought about intellectual andcultural advancements, leading to the enrichment of the English vocabulary.

The Industrial Revolution introduced new technologies and terminologies,further shaping the development of the language.

2.1.2 English Phonology

Phonology is the study of the sounds of a language, including how thosesounds are produced, perceived, and patterned In English phonology, there are twomain categories of sounds: vowels and consonants.

Vowels are sounds produced with an open vocal tract and no constriction.English has a relatively large vowel inventory compared to other languages Vowelsin English can be classified based on tongue height, tongue advancement, and liprounding.

Tongue Height: English vowels can be high, mid, or low depending on the

position of the tongue in the mouth Examples of high vowels in English include /i:/as in "beet", /u:/ as in "boot", and /ɪ/ as in "bit".

Tongue Advancement: Vowels can also be front, central, or back depending

on the position of the tongue in the mouth For example, /i:/ and /ɪ/ are front vowels,while /u:/ is a back vowel.

Lip Rounding: English vowels can be rounded or unrounded Rounded

vowels involve rounding of the lips, while unrounded vowels do not For example, /u:/ is a rounded vowel, while /ɪ/ is unrounded.

English vowels can also be short or long, with vowel length playing asignificant role in distinguishing between words For example, the difference inlength between the vowels in "ship" /ɪ/ and "sheep" /i:/ changes the meaning of theword.

Consonants are sounds produced with a partial or complete constriction ofthe vocal tract English has a variety of consonant sounds, which can be classified

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Manner of Articulation: Consonants can be classified based on how the

airflow is obstructed English consonants can be stops, fricatives, affricates, nasals,or approximants For example, /p/, /t/, and /k/ are stops, while /s/ and /ʃ/ arefricatives.

Place of Articulation: Consonants can also be classified based on where in

the vocal tract the airflow is obstructed English consonants can be bilabial,labiodental, dental, alveolar, post-alveolar, palatal, velar, or glottal For example, /p/is a bilabial consonant, while /t/ is an alveolar consonant.

Pronunciation Rules and Varieties:

English pronunciation is governed by a set of rules that determine howsounds are produced and pronounced in different contexts These rules include rulesfor stress patterns, intonation, and syllable structure.

Furthermore, English has many varieties and accents, which can lead tovariations in pronunciation and phonological features Varieties such as BritishEnglish, American English, Australian English, and others exhibit differences invowel and consonant sounds, stress patterns, and intonation.

2.1.3 English Gramar

English grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition ofclauses, phrases, and words in the English language Understanding Englishgrammar is essential for effective communication and writing.

Sentence Structure:

English sentences typically follow a subject-verb-object (SVO) word order,although this can vary depending on the context The basic structure of an Englishsentence is as follows:

Subject: The person, thing, or idea that is doing or being something.Verb: The action or state of being.

Object: The person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb.For example:

Subject: MaryVerb: is

Object: reading a book.Nouns:

Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas In English,nouns can be singular or plural, and they can be categorized into common nouns,proper nouns, countable nouns, and uncountable nouns.

Common Nouns: Refer to general, non-specific people, places, or things(e.g., book, city, person).

Proper Nouns: Refer to specific people, places, or things and are capitalized(e.g., London, Mary, Coca-Cola).

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2024, 22:23


