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My internship at Thanh Hoa Provincial Radio and Television Station enhanced my professional skills, particularly in English translation and editing. It was a valuable experience that provided insights into the industry and led to suggestions for improving future internships. ( Kỳ thực tập tại Đài Phát thanh và Truyền hình tỉnh Thanh Hóa đã giúp tôi nâng cao kỹ năng chuyên môn, đặc biệt trong việc dịch thuật tiếng Anh và biên tập. Đây là một trải nghiệm quý giá, cung cấp nhiều hiểu biết về ngành và giúp tôi đưa ra những đề xuất nhằm cải thiện chất lượng thực tập cho sinh viên trong tương lai.)

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Class: English language K11A2

Thanh Hoa, April 2024

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I would like to express my deep gratitude to the esteemed faculty members of theUniversity of Culture, Sports & Tourism in Thanh Hoa, especially those in the ForeignLanguage Department Their dedication and commitment to imparting invaluableknowledge to me throughout my university journey have left an indelible mark on myacademic and personal growth.

In particular, I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to Ms Nguyen Thi Ha My,whose direct guidance and mentorship played a pivotal role during my internship periodand the preparation of my internship report Her unwavering support and insightfulinstruction have been instrumental in shaping my learning experience and refining myskills.

Moreover, I am profoundly grateful to the teachers and staff at Thanh HoaProvincial Radio and Television Station Their assistance and encouragement enabledme to immerse myself fully in the internship experience, gain firsthand insights into theoperations of the station, actively participate in teaching sessions, and receiveinvaluable feedback on my internship report.

The support and guidance I received from my mentors, colleagues, and educatorsduring my internship have not only enhanced my understanding of the English languagebut have also contributed to my overall personal and professional development.Through their guidance, I have acquired a deeper level of knowledge and a heightenedsense of maturity, preparing me for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

While I have endeavored to fulfill my assigned tasks during the internship andpresent this report to the best of my abilities, I humbly acknowledge that errors orshortcomings may exist Therefore, I sincerely welcome any constructive feedback andinsights that will help me refine and improve the quality of my internship report Yourunderstanding and guidance are invaluable to my growth and development as a learnerand future professional.

I am deeply grateful.Sincerely


Nguyen Thi H

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1.1 General Information about Thanh Hoa Provincial Radio and Television Station 2

1.2 Functions and Responsibilities of Thanh Hoa Radio and Television Station 4

1.3 Organizational structure of the apparatus of Peace Radio and Television 7

1.4 Contents 12

1.5 Viewpoints, Development Goals 14


2.1 Theoretical background 16

2.1.1 Read international e-articles 16

2.1.2 Listen to and translate international news 18

2.1.3 Publish stories in English 19

2.2 My major tasks 22

2.3 Results 23

2.3.1.New skills acquired and skills improved 23

2.3.2.Management techniques observed 25

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Picture 1: Thanh Hoa radio and television news reported 2

Picture 2: Short report from Thanh Hoa Radio and Television Station 4

Picture 3: Fanpage official 13

Picture 4: International electronic articles 16

Picture 5: International news 18

Picture 6: Publishing stories in English 20

Picture 7: Translate world articles 22

Picture 8: Better translation skills 24

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During my internship at the Program Production Technical Department of theThanh Hoa Provincial Radio and Television Station, I was afforded the invaluableopportunity to immerse myself in real-world work scenarios, collaborate closely withcolleagues, and apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings This internshipexperience has truly been a cornerstone of my professional development.

Throughout the duration of the internship, I found myself delving deeper into theintricacies of the job, experiencing significant personal growth, and acquiring a wealthof knowledge One aspect in which I notably honed my skills was in Englishtranslation Assigned with the task of translating international news articles andinterpreting foreign news broadcasts, I was able to refine my translation abilities andbroaden my understanding of global events Additionally, I took on the responsibility ofediting segments for various projects within the Program Production TechnicalDepartment, further enhancing my proficiency in this area.

This internship report serves as a comprehensive reflection of my internshipjourney It not only provides an in-depth overview of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Radioand Television Station, encompassing its functions, tasks, organizational structure, andpersonnel, but also delves into the fundamental English language knowledge I acquiredduring the internship, along with the invaluable skills and experiences I gained alongthe way.

Furthermore, drawing from my internship experience, I have formulated severalsuggestions aimed at enhancing the quality of internships for English Languagestudents at the university These suggestions are geared towards better preparingstudents for the demands of the practical work environment they are likely to encounterupon graduation By implementing these recommendations, it is my hope that futureinterns will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in theirchosen field.

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Picture 1: Thanh Hoa radio and television news reported

History of formation and development:

The Radio and Television Station of Thanh Hoa Province was established byDecision No 346/QD-UB dated September 20, 1991, of the People's Committee ofThanh Hoa Province Through many ups and downs but with the attention of the twoNational Stations, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Council, theProvincial People's Committee, and the relevant central and local agencies, along withthe efforts of officials, employees, and workers in the industry, the radio and televisioncause of Thanh Hoa Province has been continuously consolidated and developed Up tonow, the Station has a system of relatively modern equipment.

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Regarding equipment:

Up to now, the equipment including film cameras, program production systems,master control, and storage systems for radio and television programs have beeninvested in synchronized digital technology according to HD standards.

Broadcasting equipment includes:

FM broadcasting transmitter with a power of 5 kW, frequency of 94 MHz,broadcasting 19 hours/day of VOV1 program of the Voice of Vietnam Televisionbroadcasting system:

The provincial television station operates 24/7 broadcasting programs of theVietnam Television Station and broadcasts provincial television programs at 18:30 onthe VINASAT-1 satellite system, MyTV, Viettel TV, FPT, and the DVB-T2 terrestrialdigital television infrastructure of VTV and TDPS Northern DTV Joint Stock Companywith HD image quality to serve the people.

Regarding organizational structure:

Board of Directors: 04 members, including: the Director, 01 Deputy Director incharge of Technical Department, 01 Deputy Director in charge of News and EditingDepartment, 01 Deputy Director in charge of Radio Broadcasting - IT and EthnicLanguage - Culture.

There are 8 specialized departments, including: Administration Department,Advertising Services Department, News Department, Editing Department, EthnicLanguage & Culture and Entertainment Department, Radio Broadcasting & ElectronicInformation Department, Technical and Technology Department, BroadcastingTransmission Technology Department The total number of officials and employees is108 (101 on the payroll; 7 contract-based) Educational qualifications: Master's degree:10%; Bachelor's degree: 69.3%; College degree: 15.9%; Intermediate level: 19.7%.Political theory qualifications: Senior level: 8 people; Intermediate level and equivalent:45 people State management qualifications: Senior specialists and equivalent: 3 people;Specialists and equivalent: 36 people Currently, the Party has 74 party members activein 7 Party cells, including the Administration and Advertising Services Party Cell, theTechnology Department Party Cell, the Editing Department Party Cell, the NewsDepartment Party Cell, the Radio Broadcasting & Electronic Information Party Cell, theEthnic Language - Culture and Entertainment Party Cell, and the BroadcastingTransmission Technology Party Cell.

Prominent professional activities:

Organizing training courses, workshops on journalism, radio and televisiontechniques, and sending officials, reporters, editors, and technicians to train in theprovince and at the central level.

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Organizing professional activities such as Radio and Television Festivals,cultural and artistic activities, sports on the occasion of anniversaries of the industry.

Participating in the National Radio and Television Festivals.

Implementing well the policies for laborers, enhancing marketing activities toattract advertising information, reviewing, amending, supplementing, and innovatingmanagement work in advertising activities to ensure compliance with state regulationsand increase revenue for the agency.

Commendations and awards:

Awarded the Third-class Labor Medal by the State (2003), Second-class LaborMedal (2012).

Commended twice by the Prime Minister.

Two specialized departments were awarded the Third-class Labor Medal by theState.

Three specialized departments were commended by the Prime Minister.Four individuals were awarded the Third-class Labor Medal by the State.

Twelve individuals were commended by the Prime Minister And manycommendations from the Ministry of Information & Communications, VTV, VOV

1.2 Functions and Responsibilities of Thanh Hoa Radio and Television Station

Picture 2: Short report from Thanh Hoa Radio and Television Station

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Position and Functions:

The Radio and Television Station of Thanh Hoa Province is the mouthpiece ofthe Party and the government, and the forum of the people of all ethnic groups in theprovince It has the function of providing information, disseminating the Party'sguidelines and policies, the State's laws, and the policies of the provincial PartyCommittee, government to the people of all ethnic groups in the province It identifies,encourages, and promotes new talents, advanced examples to contribute to educatingand improving the intellectual level to serve the spiritual life of the people Itpropagates the struggle against negative phenomena, violations of state regulations; itacts as a bridge between the people and the authorities at all levels, functional agenciesto resolve complaints, denunciations, negative issues, grievances, and legitimateaspirations of the people.

In addition, the Radio and Television Station of Thanh Hoa Province broadcaststelevision programs of the Vietnam Television Station, radio programs of the Voice ofVietnam It broadcasts provincial television programs via the VINASAT-1 satellite andterrestrial digital television DVB-T2, sends news, and broadcasts programs on the air ofthe Vietnam Television Station and the Voice of Vietnam.

The website hoabinhtv.vn of the Station effectively publishes television andradio programs, and many news articles based on closely following the political tasksand current affairs both nationally and locally.

The provincial Radio and Television Station is a press agency, directly managedby the Provincial People's Committee, responsible for press activities, for the frequencyof broadcasting radio and television programs according to the provisions of the PressLaw and current regulations; it is directed in its professional tasks by the Ministry ofInformation and Communications.

Duties and Powers:

Mastering the Party's lines and policies, the State's laws, closely following thepolitical tasks of the locality, to disseminate, educate, and raise awareness for the cadre,civil servants, and officials in the agency, while organizing the production andbroadcasting of radio and television programs with educational content on ideology andawareness; regularly renewing the quality of program content.

Deciding on the content and duration of broadcasting programs of the Radio andTelevision Station and the duration of transmission, broadcasting programs of theVietnam Television Station, the Voice of Vietnam Regularly sending news and articlesreflecting major events and the situation of activities in the political, economic, andsocial fields of the province on the air of the Voice of Vietnam, the Vietnam TelevisionStation, exchanging radio and television programs of the Radio and Television Station

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of Thanh Hoa Province with other provincial stations to improve program quality,update complete information to serve the people.

Building and developing radio and television programs in the Muong and Thaiethnic languages to serve the people of ethnic groups, while sending news, articles,reflections on the ethnic language television channel (VTV5) of the Vietnam TelevisionStation.

Developing long-term and annual plans for the development of the radio andtelevision cause in the province in accordance with the planning directions of thecentral ministries, branches, and the Provincial People's Committee, submitting them tothe competent authorities for approval, organizing the implementation of these plansafter approval.

Managing the technical equipment system of the provincial Radio and TelevisionStation to produce programs, transmit signals, and broadcast provincial and centralradio and television programs Organizing research and application of scientific andtechnological advances and new technologies in the production and transmission ofbroadcasts.

Implementing commendation and reward work, guiding, inspectingcommendation and reward work for the Provincial Radio and Television Center andInformation and Communication Centers of districts, cities, and specializeddepartments of the provincial Radio and Television Station Being responsible to theProvincial Commendation and Reward Council for the commendation and reward workof the provincial Radio and Television Station Regularly launching emulationmovements, promoting technical innovation initiatives to improve the effectiveness andefficiency and capacity of each individual, collective striving to build a strongorganization, Party organization, and Youth Union in all aspects.

Managing the organization, staffing, salaries, and wages; implementingcommendation, disciplinary policies, recruitment, promotion, and rotation of officialsand civil servants of the Station according to the decentralized management regulationsas prescribed by the current state regulations.

Training and enhancing professional skills for officials, reporters, editors, andtechnicians.

Managing the allocated budget, managing and developing other revenue sources,assets, materials, technical equipment, and physical facilities of the Station inaccordance with the Law; using state assets, equipment, and funds effectively andefficiently.

Establishing operating regulations; Democratic regulations; Internal expenditureregulations; Establishing editorial boards, technical councils, commendation and reward

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councils Annually reviewing, amending, supplementing provisions according to newregulations (if any) or amending inappropriate items to improve regulations and meetmission requirements Developing regulations on procedures, standards of professionalactivities for each field of the agency's work.

Organizing Information Advertising Services and other services as prescribed toensure revenue to improve program quality, develop the cause, and improve the lives ofofficials and civil servants.

Implementing regular and ad-hoc information reporting on the implementationof tasks and activities of the Station to the Provincial Party Committee, ProvincialPeople's Committee, and to competent central and local authorities.

Carrying out other tasks as assigned and directed by the Provincial PartyCommittee and the Provincial People's Committee.

1.3 Organizational structure of the apparatus of Peace Radio and Television

Director and 03 Deputy Directors.

The Director is responsible for the overall activities of the Radio and TelevisionStation of Thanh Hoa Province to the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council,People's Committee, Ministry of Information and Communications.

01 Deputy Director is in charge of the technical sector and is responsible to theDirector for the activities of the sector, managing the entire system of broadcasting andtelevision equipment, repairing, maintaining the safety of broadcasting and televisiontechnical equipment, ensuring operational service to the people.

01 Deputy Director is in charge of the content of news programs, special featuresections, responsible to the Director for the activities, direction, and orientation ofpropaganda content for the editorial departments, newsrooms.

01 Deputy Director is in charge of the content of ethnic language televisionprograms, cultural and entertainment programs, radio programs, and the electronicinformation website of the Station, responsible to the Director for the activities,direction, and orientation of propaganda content for the Ethnic Language and CultureDepartment, Radio Department.

Functions, tasks, and powers of the Organization and AdministrationDepartment:

Advise the Directorate in building plans, activity programs, preparing content,venues, and timing for organizing regular or ad-hoc meetings, conferences of theDirectorate, and implement tasks related to organizational and administrative work,implementation of regimes, policies, training, and capacity building for officials andcivil servants, internal political protection, internal security, financial work,

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management of state assets, internal and external relations, salary regimes, and othertasks.

Organize the implementation of clerical work, document archiving, drafting,document copying, statistics, summarizing the activities of the sector, assist theDirectorate in preparing monthly, quarterly, and annual reports, and ad-hoc reports tocompetent authorities.

Advise the Directorate in drafting documents, developing sector developmentprojects and government target programs on radio and television, support themanagement of specialized broadcasting and television technical systems and relatedtechniques of the Radio and Television Stations in districts and cities within theprovince, consult on the construction of infrastructure projects, technical equipment forthe provincial Radio and Television Station and district, city Radio and TelevisionStations.

Advise the Directorate in inspection and examination of procedures, regulations,rules for producing and broadcasting radio and television programs.

Summarize and implement the emulation and commendation work of the sector,the agency, and perform other tasks as required by the agency's leadership.

Functions, tasks, and powers of the Service & Advertising Department:

Advise the Directorate in developing annual and long-term plans for advertisingand developing radio and television services and organize the implementation ofapproved plans.

Organize the reception, editing, and production of advertising programs fororganizations, individuals (referred to as clients), and other radio and television servicesaccording to legal regulations.

Implement the buying, selling, and exchanging of movie programs,entertainment programs as requested and assigned by the Director.

Conduct direct transactions, negotiations, and implementation of contracts in thefield of advertising, television services, event organization, and other commercialbusinesses as directed by the Director to ensure compliance with legal regulations.

Coordinate closely with specialized departments in inviting, promoting,attracting revenue, and organizing the implementation of economic contracts in theadvertising and broadcasting services field.

Establish regulations on revenue and expenditure, be responsible to the Directorfor transparency in advertising service activities, urge customers to pay their debts ontime, and take responsibility for difficult-to-collect debts Develop specific tasks,regulations, working methods, and working relationships with specialized departmentsfor Director's approval.

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Exploit and translate international news bulletins, daily sports bulletins.

Functions, tasks, and powers of the Editorial Department:

Advise the leadership of the station in developing monthly, quarterly, and annualpropaganda plans, and establish a framework for daily, weekly, monthly, and yearlytelevision programs.

Coordinate closely with specialized departments in organizing the production,editing, and staging of daily television programs.

Organize the production of reports, specialized programs, and segments onpolitical, economic, socio-cultural, national defense, and security topics for provincialtelevision broadcasts and collaborate with Vietnam Television.

Organize talk shows, television game shows, and live coverage of importantevents as assigned by the Director for television broadcasts.

Design pre-production, post-production, titles, and artistic decorative elementsfor television programs, and record the presentation of announcers.

Implement television mailboxes.

Archive materials, exchange television programs with Radio and TelevisionStations nationwide.

Establish a system of collaborators.

Perform other tasks as assigned by the Director.

Functions, tasks, and powers of the Radio & Electronic InformationDepartment:

Advise the station's leadership in developing monthly, quarterly, and annualpropaganda plans, as well as in designing the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearlybroadcasting schedules Assist the Director in designing and developing the electronicinformation website to ensure attractiveness and richness of content Organize themanagement, exploitation, production, and editing of news, articles, audio-video clips,and radio and television programs produced by the station for timely posting on thewebsite.

Coordinate closely with specialized departments and local Radio and TelevisionStations to organize the production and editing of daily radio programs Organize theproduction of reports, specialized programs, and segments on political, economic,cultural, and social aspects for the province's radio broadcasts and collaborate with theVoice of Vietnam Radio Station.

Organize talk shows and live broadcasts of important events in the province onradio broadcasts.

Implement the "Let's Talk with Radio" program.

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Archive and exchange radio programs with Radio and Television Stationsthroughout the country.

Establish a network of collaborators.

Coordinate with specialized departments to broadcast live television signals, liveradio broadcasts, and other content on the internet network as required by the Director.

Coordinate with the Service and Advertising Department to advertiseinformational programs on the electronic information network.

Act as the focal point for receiving news and articles from specializeddepartments for cooperation with the Voice of Vietnam Radio Station, the Voice ofVietnam Television Station, and other media agencies via the electronic informationnetwork, and to transfer news, articles, programs, segments, etc., from local Radio andTelevision Stations through the electronic information network to specializeddepartments in a timely and accurate manner.

Handle the burning of discs for the station's programs as required.

Inspect, repair, and install computer equipment and office equipment for theagency when required.

Perform other duties as assigned by the Director.

Functions, tasks, and powers of the News Department:

Monitor the political, socio-economic, and national security and defensemissions of the locality to organize the production of daily television news broadcastsin accordance with regulations, ensuring promptness, accuracy, and timeliness.

Advise the Director in developing new programs and promoting the daily newsprogram.

Coordinate closely with the Radio Department to provide news for the effectiveproduction of radio programs.

Actively seek guidance from the Director on content, execution, and submissionof news to the Voice of Vietnam Television Station and other assigned tasks by theDirector.

Functions, tasks, and powers of the Ethnic Language & Cultural EntertainmentDepartment:

Advise the Director on planning and organizing the production of ethniclanguage programs for local radio and television broadcasts and the two nationalstations Develop plans and organize the production of cultural, children's, music, musicvideos, and other programs to be broadcast within the radio and television programstructure.

Research and innovate content, forms of expression, increase attractiveness, andgenerate interest from the people of ethnic groups in the province.

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Actively coordinate with relevant departments to organize the implementation ofworks and programs according to the ethnic language program schedule.

Explore folk tunes and dances of ethnic minorities to enrich programs andcontribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage of ethnic minorities.

Coordinate the production of news programs, special features, live televisionprograms, live radio broadcasts, and contribute news and articles to the ElectronicNewspaper, radio programs, and cooperate with the Voice of Vietnam TelevisionStation.

Build a network of ethnic language collaborators and perform other tasks asassigned by the leadership.

Coordinate with individuals, units, and localities in collecting, introducing,promoting, preserving, and enriching the cultural traditions of ethnic groups in theprovince.

Responsible for producing and promoting cultural and artistic radio andtelevision programs such as cultural and artistic programs, television entertainment,entertainment programs, and exploitation programs.

Coordinate closely with local cultural and artistic organizations when requestedand participate in festivals organized by the Voice of Vietnam Television Station,central ministries, and departments, and other tasks assigned by the agency's leadership.

Functions, tasks, and powers of the Technical and Technology Department:

Manage all technical facilities, equipment that have been equipped; organizesafe, efficient, and purposeful operation of technical equipment for the production ofprograms and broadcasting equipment.

Coordinate with specialized departments, sections to produce daily radio andtelevision programs according to technical procedures and quality standards.

Coordinate in producing titles, logos for sections, special features, news, andadvertising information.

Coordinate the production of news programs, special features, sections, livetelevision and radio programs, provide audio and lighting when required.

Manage the LAN network for the agency's information technology exploitation.Advise the Director on planning and organizing maintenance, repair,replacement of materials, components according to manufacturer standards andensuring safety for equipment systems, participating in the implementation of someindustry development projects, advanced training for professional staff, managementand development orientation of the industry, applying new technology equipment toofficials, civil servants, and employees in charge of program production in Thanh Hoaprovince.

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Functions, tasks, and powers of the Broadcasting Transmission TechnologyDepartment:

Organize the transmission and broadcasting of programs from the Voice ofVietnam Television Station, Voice of Vietnam Radio Station, and local radio andtelevision programs according to the plan.

Apply new technology techniques to transmission and broadcasting.Schedule arrangements according to shifts.

Manage all technical facilities and equipment that have been equipped, organizesafe, efficient, and purposeful operation of technical equipment to broadcast radio andtelevision programs in Thanh Hoa, transmit programs from the Voice of Vietnam RadioStation, Voice of Vietnam Television Station, VTC digital television programs asregulated.

Advise the Director on planning and organizing maintenance, repair,replacement of materials, components according to manufacturer standards, andperiodically check the system to ensure safety such as fire prevention, lightningprotection system, grounding wires and periodically check broadcasting masts.

Coordinate with specialized departments to implement live radio and televisionprograms and programs linking with local stations nationwide as directed by theDirector.

Participate in the implementation of some industry development projects onradio and television technical equipment, participate in training and improvingprofessional qualifications, development orientation of the industry, applying newtechnology equipment to the team of officials, civil servants serving broadcastingtransmission in Thanh Hoa province.

1.4 Contents

News Program: Daily production and broadcast of 05 television news bulletins,

03 radio news bulletins; 02 international news bulletins; providing a comprehensivecoverage of various sectors and regions within the province, reflecting events andactivities related to the province's socio-economic development in localities, unitsinside and outside the province.

Specialized Programs and Columns: Maintaining 20 specialized programs,

columns, and editorial sections, timely propagating effective new policies anddirections, acting as a bridge for radio and television audiences, such as: "Studying andFollowing Ho Chi Minh's Moral Example"; "Land and People of Thanh Hoa", "Peopleof Thanh and Brand Identity"

Annually, Thanh Hoa Provincial Radio and Television Station produces dozensof documentary films; among them, there are 05 films assigned by the Provincial

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People's Committee on historical issues and Thanh Hoa celebrities Additionally, thestation collaborates with departments, boards, sectors, and localities to produceadditional documentary films for major holidays, establishment days of sectors, etc.The historical documentary film sector of Thanh Hoa Radio and Television Stationstands out among regional stations in the Central coastal region; guest-invited programsare regularly organized, suitable for the trend of rapid information nowadays.

Picture 3: Fanpage official

Programs in Ethnic Minority Languages: Production and broadcasting of

radio and television programs in the languages of the Co Tu and Ca Dong ethnicminorities; reflecting political, social, economic, cultural development, sustainablepoverty reduction to ethnic minority communities within and outside the province.Actively collaborating on programs to broadcast on the national channel VTV5 -Vietnam Television.

Cultural and Entertainment Programs: Diverse and richly implemented,

ensuring the preservation and promotion of the cultural values of ethnic groups and thecultural identity of Thanh land, cultural and artistic activities - sports, serving the needsof fans inside and outside the province Many programs and columns such as: "Singingthe Land of Thanh", "Colors of Life", "Life Knowledge", "Literature and Arts","Melodies of Childhood" and large entertainment game shows such as: "Students of

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Thanh Land"; "My Hometown, Thanh Land" have demonstrated the characteristics ofThanh culture and people.

1.5 Viewpoints, Development Goals

General Perspective

Developing the Quang Nam Radio and Television Station based on inheritanceand innovation, comprehensively upgrading program content, human resources,operational methods, infrastructure, and technology to meet the strong digitaltransformation trend at present.

The Quang Nam Radio and Television Station is the media agency of the PartyCommittee and the People's Committee of Quang Nam Province, managed by theProvincial People's Committee, with significant influence in the Central coastal regionthrough the quality of program content, pioneering in the quality of human resources,operational methods, management, advanced infrastructure, equipment, and technology,actively contributing to information and propaganda tasks to serve the province'spolitical mission; promoting the image of Quang Nam during the current period ofintegration and development.

General Objectives

Developing the Quang Nam Radio and Television Station to have the capacity toproduce and broadcast high-quality, diverse radio and television programs; meeting therequirements for effectively implementing information and propaganda tasks of theprovince and meeting the increasing demands for information and entertainment of thepeople.

Specific Objectives

Focusing on innovation and improving the quality of program content,comprehensively reflecting the province's political, socio-economic, national defense,security activities; the voice of the people; being an important bridge between the PartyCommittee, the government, organizations, and the people Expanding the scope andcontent to reflect national and regional issues Actively producing programs incollaboration with Vietnam Television, the Voice of Vietnam, and some other stationsin the province and city.

Implementing in accordance with the roadmap under Plan No 7001 /KH-UBNDdated November 22, 2019 of the Provincial People's Committee on implementingDecision No 362/QD-TTg dated April 3, 2019 of the Prime Minister approving theDevelopment and Management Plan for the press nationwide until 2025.

Implementing according to Directive No 11/CT-UBND dated August 11, 2021of the Provincial People's Committee on improving the efficiency of information andpropaganda work to serve the essential information and political tasks of the provincial

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2024, 22:09


