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Duong Thanh Tinh et al Tap chi KHOA HQC & CONG NGHE 82(06): 119- 124 DEVELOPING PIG FARMS IN PHO YEN DISTRICT, THAI NGUYEN PROVINCE TOWARD ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION Duong Thanh Tinh', Do Xuan Luan^* ' College of Economics & Business Administration - TNU ' College ofAgriculture and Forestry - TNU SUMMARY Based on the survey that took place in 2009 Pho Yen district had 20 pig farms, which met the criteria under Circular No 74/2003/TT-BNN on 07/04/2003 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Apart from this achievements, the production of the farms also caused serious environmental pollution On average, the pig farm annually gave off around 1,146,328 tons of manure and millions m of sewage, over 30% of which was not treated To develop the farms toward environmental conservation, the researchers proposed five niajor measures: Planning concentrated breeding areas; seeking capital solutions; training and improving professional knowledge and management skills for the farm owners and workers; widely applying biotechnology; and building the villages' genera) regulations on environmental protection Key words: environmental pollution, pigfarms, Pho Yen, Thai Nguyen STATEMENT AND RATIONALE OF THE STUDY In recent years, Pho Yen district livestock always accounted for a high proportion of the value structure of agricultural production In the period of 2006-2009, the proportion got an average of 34.97%, higher than that of the whole province The development of farms producing exported lean hogs was recognized, leading the increase of pig farms in this region However, animal husbandry caused alarming problems of environment and disease prevention and treatment For many different reasons, environment preservation in pig farms were not adequately concerned, which direcfiy influenced people's living environment and the sustainable growth As a contribution to the environment conservafion and the stable development of the pig farms in Pho Yen district Thai Nguyen province, the author chose the research topic as "Developing pig farms in Pho Yen district, Thai Nguyen province toward environmental preservation " Tel: 0985 946507 AND RESEARCH CONTENT METHODOLOGY Content of the research This research focused on the following issues: The factual features of pig farms in Pho Yen in terms of potentials, results and effectiveness of the production; environmental pollution and solutions; advantages, disadvantages and their causes in developing the farms Based on analysis of the above features, the researchers proposed solutions for developing pig farms in Pho Yen in the orientation toward environmental protection Research methodology Methods of information collection For secondary information: the related documents presented in departments of statistics and research sectors, results of studies on the same topic such as Vu Dinh Ton (2007), A study on waste process in pig husbandry to reduce environment pollution and take advantages of biological energy For primary information: according to the reports of Pho Yen Department of Statistics and 19 Duong Thanh Tinh et al T»p chi KHOA HQC & CONG NGHE Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, up to 2009, in the district, there had been 20 pig farms which met the criteria under Circular No 74/2003ArT-BNN on 07/04/2003 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Therefore, to get the primary information, the authors investigated all of the farms with questionnaires which were prepared carefully Methods of information process and analysis After collecting enough data, the researchers rechecked and deleted all wrong information All data were generalized and processed by the appl ication of the software Excel During the data processing and analysis, the researchers asked for advice from scientists, local staff and managers FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The facts on the development of pig farms and environment pollution Resources of the farms (see table 1) Land: on the average, each farm was occupying 0.924 of cultivated land, of which only 76% were assigned for long-term use Financial resources: capital was an extremely important resource, a condition to develop production and invest on pollution treatment The average capital of each farm was 241.519 million VND, 18.4%) higher compared to the average capita of Thai Nguyen's pig farm The amount of money for pollution processing (mostly building biogas) was 10.33 million VND, accounting for 4.28% of the whole capital Regarding the capital structure, farm owners' self-fund accounted for 84.4%, only 14.5% of which was borrowed money (including 92.5%i of bank loans) Thus, the business capital of the pig farms was mostly their own fund, which reflected the ability to mobilize domestic resources for development However, 78%) households claimed that although they lacked money, they could not borrow from banks Indeed, lending procedures and documents of banks were always major obstacle to the farm 120 82(06): 119-124 owners On the other hand, banks generally gave short-term loans with a small amount of money but a high interest, so the farm owners could not meet the sufficient time for capital turnover Labor resources: on the average, there were 3.48 full-time employees and 2.22 part-time ones (at the highest level in the year) in each farm All of the farms rented local people who they had known and who were at low educational levels to hard work They did not employ technicalworkers and managers Labor hire was only through oral agreement between farm owners and employees The employees did not receive any bonus except their wages An employee in farms got an average annual income of to million VND, which was twice as a peasant did However, the fanning workers were mostly unskilled; they could only simple work such as preparing food and cleaning cages Owners' educational levels: most of the farm owners did not have any professional degrees (70%)), only 12% of them had ever studied at intermediate vocational schools or studied higher levels This fact showed the limitation of management ability, scientific and technological knowledge, awareness and capacity for application of advanced techniques and scientific inventions into prouuction and pollution treatment in those farms Economic effects of the farms (see table 2) Economic effects of the farms were not sufficient to make a decision on the existence and development of the farms The average income of each farm was 151.623 million VND Calculated results revealed that if farm owners will give one dong for material and labor hire, they would get an interest of 0.48 dong Regarding the relationship between income and invested capital, we saw that from each invested dong, they received 0.63 dong On the other hand, average income of each fulltime worker was 43.6 million VND Duong Thanh Tinh et al Tap chi KHOA HQC & CONG NGHE 82(06): 119-124 Table Resources of the farms No 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 41.1 4.1.2 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Criteria Average area of cultivated land Available capital Farm owners' self-fund Loans Others Invested capital Farm owners' self-fund Loans Others Employees Full-time employees Domestic workers Full-time hired workers Part-time employees Farm owners* educational levels No degree Elementary Vocational schools Intermediate Vocational schools University and colleges Unit m^ Million VND Million VND Million VND Million VND Million VND Million VND Million VND Million VND People People People people people Quantity 9.240 241.519 203.815 35.074 2.63 58.741 41.333 17.037 0.370 5.7 3.48 2.33 1.15 2.22 % % % % 70 18 (According to the authors' investigation data) Table Economic effects of the farms No -5 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Criteria Production value (PV) Intermediate expenditure (IE) (lE/PV)* 100% Added value (AV) (AV/PV)* 100% Mixed income (MI) (M1/PV)*100 Value of commodities Ratio of value of commodities (%) Production effects Ml/1 invested dong Ml/1 spent dong Ml/1 full-time worker Ml/ domestic workers Unit Million VND Million VND % Million VND % Million VND % Million VND % Quantity 475.612 316.282 66.5 159.330 33.5 151.623 31.9 461.207 97 Times Times Million VND Million VND 0.63 0.48 43.6 651 (According to the authors' investigation data)) In terms of environment problem, production and business efficiency is a condition for farm reproduction and expansion and investment in pollution treatment However, for the pig farms in Pho Yen, due to limited awareness, the farmers only focus on increasing profit without properly concerning environmental issues Environment pollution and its solutions Animal waste was divided into three forms: solid, liquid and gas which consisted of gases causing greenhouse effects such as CO2 and NH3 According to research results, it was estimated that on the average, a pig consumed a total of 257.5 kg of food and released an amount of waste accounting for 54% of food eaten Pho Yen district had 20 pig farms with 137.5 pigs per 121 Duong Thanh Tinh et al 82(06):I19-124 T^p chi KHOA HQC & C N G NGHg farm With the above rate of waste dispose, total manure ofa litter of pigs was 382.109 tons On the other hand, the pig farms in Pho Yen generally marketed three litters of pigs a year Thus, a pig farm released about 1,146, 328 tons of manure annually The liquid waste included urine and cleaning water and bathing water for pig On average, each farm gave off to m^ of wastewater daily Results of the investigation showed that almost all of unprocessed waste was direcfiy poured into lakes and residential area surrounding the farms Thus, the number of intestinal, optical and gynecological diseases, petechial fever and respiratory tract infections in children had a tendency to increase and occur more frequently Some farm owners realized damages of environment pollution, but they could not have a great deal of money to invest in waste processing system Moreover, due to economic profit, they continued expanding their farms As a result, environment contamination in the farms has become an alarming problem Strengths, weaknesses and their causes Strengths - The farms provided a large amount of goods for the market, gave employments and remarkable income for a part of labors in the countryside Economic development of the farms had a contribution to mobilization of idle capital in the population and the improvement of the efficiency of capital use Weaknesses and their causes Apart from the achievements, some notable weaknesses still existed Most of the farms developed under the guiding principle of "shortterm feeds long term and based on their extensive farming experiences, they did not get high effects Especially, the development of the farms was not stable because it did not connect to environment preservation These disadvantages were the results of such factors as follows: Lack of planning on concentrated livestock areas Farm owners' limitation of management and professional skills and awareness of environment conservation Shortage of capital invested in production and pollution treatment Main solutions for development of pig farms in Pho Yen in the direction towards friendly environment Planning on concentrated livestock areas The authorities should have a plan to develop farming economy in each area in accordance with the rural development program of the disfrictand the province They should build up concentrated production areas, limit to the lowest level of unsustainably spontaneous development causing environmental pollution Table Annual amount of waste TT „ Criteria Amount of food per pig Amount of waste per pig Ratio of releasing waste ( 3=2:1) Number of farms Number of pigs a year Total amount of waste per litter of pigs (6 = *3*4*5) Number of litters Total amount of waste per year In details: - processed by biogas - unprocessed Unit Quantity kg kg Farms Pigs Ton Litters Ton 257.50 127.05 0.54 20 137.4 382.109 1,146.328 % % 68 32 (According to the authors' investigation data) 122 Duong Thanh Tinh et al Tap chi KHOA HQC & CONG NGHE Capital solutions Many owners would like to invest in production and pollution treatment but they lacked money Thus, banks need to simplify lending procedures, guide and help the farm owners to make capital projects towards practical, feasible orientation, thereby support them to implement investment projects effectively Training and improving technical and management skills for farm owners and workers Training should focus on practical knowledge and experiences in production organization and management, access to the market economy, processing and taking advantages of livestock waste as well as reaching to advanced science and technology Broad application of biotechnology Today, there have been many modem techniques to deal with environment pollution Depending on features of each area and type of farms, the farmers use different methods In Pho Yen, the technique expected to have the most advantages is construction of biogas tanks Building up the villages common regulations of environment protection Districts and communes need to closely monitor the implementation of the environmental commitment of the farms and strictly handle violating farms In addition, it is necessary to encourage villages to put environmental problems in their conventions In the past, our ancestors had the phrase "defeat of the king allowed the village"; the role of the common regulations of the villages is very important CONCLUSION Up to the time of the investigation in 2009, Pho Yen district had had 20 pig farms meeting the criteria under Circular No 74/2003/TT-BNN on 07/04/2003 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development On average, each farm used 82(06):119-124 0.924 of cultivated land, 3.48 full-time labors and 2.22 part-time ones; its total capital was 241.519 million VND, of which the owners' selffund accounted for 84.4%), loans accounted for 14.5% The average production value was 475.612 million VND; ratio of value of commodities was 91% A farm got a mixed income of 151.623 million VND while a fijll-time worker's annual income was 43.6 million VND From one invested dong, the farms received 0.48 dong in mixed income The production and business of the farms also caused serious environment problems Annually, the farms released averagely around 1,146,328 tons of manure and millions m^ of liquid waste, 30% of which had not been processed The development of pig farms in Pho Yen got many achievements, but some considerable weaknesses remained To develop the farms in the direction towards friendly environment, the researchers proposed major solutions: Planning on concentrated livestock areas; Capital solutions; Training and improving technical and management skills for farm owners and workers; Broad application of biotechnology; and Building up the villages' common regulations of environment protection REFERENCES [1] Doan Quang Thieu (2001), 'Farming economy: facts and sollutions" Journal offigures and events General Statistics Office of Vietnam (1- ) , [2] Le Huu Anh, Nguyen Cong Tiep, (2000), 'Sollutions for economic development of farms in Soc Son district - Hanoi", Journal of Agricultural Economy, 10 (28) [3] Circular No 74/2003/TT-BNN on 07/04/2003 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development [4] Vu Dinh Ton, (2007), Research on processing waste of pig husbandary in order to reduce environment pollution and take advantages of biological energy, Hanoi 123 Duong Thanh Tinh et al Tgp chi KHOA HQC & CONG NGHg 82(06): 119 - 124 TOM TAT ' PHAT TRifeN CAC M HiNH TRANG TR^I CHAN NUOI LQ[N TH]T HUYf N P H YfeN, TiNH THAI NGUYEN THEO HU^6NG THAN THIfN MOI TRU'OfNG Du'O-ng Thanh Tmh', Do Xuan Luan^ 'Tru&ng Dgi hgc KT&QTKD - DHTN, 'Tru&ng Dgi hgc Nong ldm - DHTN Tinh den th6i diem dieu tra nam 2009, to^n huy^n Ph6 Yen c6 20 trang trai chSn nuoi Ign thjt dat tieu chi theo Th6ng tu s6 74/2003/TT-BNN, ngiy 4/7/2003 cua B0 N6ng n^hi?p & PTNT Ngoii nhOng uu di6m, vifc san xuat kinh doanh ciia cic trang trgi cung gay nhiJng \kn d6 m6i trudng nghiem trgng Binh quan mOt nim cic trang tr?ii Ign thjt thii khoing 1.146,328 tin phan chuong vi hing tri^u m^ nuac thii, d6 tren 30% chat thai chua qua xii ly DS phit triSn cic trang trgi niy theo hudng than thiSn moi trudng, de tii di d£ xuit giii phip Idn: Quy ho^ich viing chin nuoi tap trung; giii phip ve v6n; ting eudng dio tao, bdi dudng ky thuat nghifp vy vi quin ly cho cic chii trang trai vi ngudi lao d$ng cic trang trai; ip dyng rgng rai eong ngh? sinh hgc; xay dy-ng cic quy djnh chung ciia thdn xdm ve bio ve moi trudng Tu- kh6a: nhiim moi tru&ng, trang trgi chdn nuoi Igrn, Pho Yen, Thdi Nguyen Tel: 0985 946507 124 ... Yen c6 20 trang trai chSn nuoi Ign thjt dat tieu chi theo Th6ng tu s6 74/2003/TT-BNN, ngiy 4/7/2003 cua B0 N6ng n^hi?p & PTNT Ngoii nhOng uu di6m, vifc san xuat kinh doanh ciia cic trang trgi... quan mOt nim cic trang tr?ii Ign thjt thii khoing 1.146,328 tin phan chuong vi hing tri^u m^ nuac thii, d6 tren 30% chat thai chua qua xii ly DS phit triSn cic trang trgi niy theo hudng than thiSn... cic chii trang trai vi ngudi lao d$ng cic trang trai; ip dyng rgng rai eong ngh? sinh hgc; xay dy-ng cic quy djnh chung ciia thdn xdm ve bio ve moi trudng Tu- kh6a: nhiim moi tru&ng, trang trgi

Ngày đăng: 24/11/2022, 21:59


