Building your brand is a lengthy journey that requires continuous development and strategic planning There are numerous factors to consider in order to optimize your business strategy effectively The success story of modern-day Detroit, as highlighted in the book “Irrational Persistence,” serves as an inspiring catalyst for entrepreneurs seeking motivation and direction.
In "Irrational Persistence," the founders of Garden Fresh share their journey of building a recognizable brand through strategic advantages and unwavering determination This inspiring narrative highlights how two entrepreneurs from Detroit overcame financial challenges and achieved market leadership The book emphasizes the significance of "irrational persistence" in making tough decisions and personal sacrifices for brand development Ultimately, Garden Fresh Gourmet serves as a motivational story, illustrating the critical role that effective strategies play in business success.
The book offers valuable lessons on "irrational persistence" from two entrepreneurs, which inspired me to translate it into Vietnamese Their insights provide essential strategies and experiences that can help you enhance and develop your brand effectively.
Aims and Objectives
Reflecting on my four years at Duy Tan University, I cherish the memories and invaluable support from my teachers and friends This graduation paper will encapsulate the academic competencies and skills I developed during this transformative journey.
In this graduation paper, my goal is to effectively communicate the author's intentions to readers while also gaining valuable insights from my instructor's feedback, ultimately striving to become an exceptional translator.
To complete my graduation paper, I set my goal as follows:
- Applying knowledge of translation theory to research papers.
- Analyzing difficult words, phrases, and sentence structures to escape the author's meaning.
- Grasping the meaning through the translation of the business field.
- Having the suggested translation be fluent and natural.
Scope of the Study
For my graduation project, I have selected "Irrational Persistence" by Dave Zilko, a book that deeply inspires me in the realm of business This paper will highlight the challenging vocabulary and complex structures I have encountered during my translation and analysis of the text.
“Irrational Persistence: Seven Secrets That Turned a Bankrupt Startup Into a $231,000,000 Business” reveals valuable insights from two Detroit entrepreneurs, offering essential methods and strategies for effective branding This book emphasizes the importance of resilience and determination in transforming a failing startup into a thriving enterprise.
In Chapter 2, we explore the concept of "irrational persistence" through the experiences of two entrepreneurs, highlighting how this mindset can illuminate your path to making sound decisions in challenging situations This chapter serves as a reminder that maintaining high standards in branding is essential to defining your identity and standing out in any circumstance.
Chapter 2 of "Irrational Persistence" by Dave Zilko, titled "Find Your Place In This World," explores the journey of self-discovery and the importance of identifying one's unique role in life Through insightful narratives and practical advice, Zilko encourages readers to embrace their individuality and pursue their passions, ultimately leading to personal fulfillment and success This chapter serves as a guide for those seeking to navigate their path and make meaningful contributions to the world around them.
“Irrational Persistence” has 7 chapters, and I have chosen chapter 2 “Find Your Place In This World” to translate and do my graduation project is presented through the following main parts:
Chapter 1: Introduction includes rationale, aims and objectives, scope, and method of the Study.
Chapter 2: Theoretical background includes translation theory, principles and methods of translation.
Chapter 3: Suggested translation includes original version, suggested version.
Chapter 4: Analysis includes vocabulary and structures.
In this section, we will address the challenges faced during the graduation project and the effective solutions we implemented By highlighting these difficulties and corresponding strategies, we aim to provide clarity and facilitate a smoother completion of this thesis.
In this section, I will summarize the insights and experiences gained from writing my graduation paper, while also presenting proposals for the Faculty of English and my University.
In "Irrational Persistence: Seven Secrets That Turned a Bankrupt Startup Into a $231,000,000 Business," author Dave Zilko shares his journey of transforming a failing startup into a thriving enterprise valued at $231 million This insightful book, published by Wiley in 2016, outlines seven key strategies that contributed to this remarkable turnaround I discovered this valuable resource at the Nguyen Van Linh branch of Duy Tan University library.
Method of the Study
In order to have a complete thesis, I used a variety of methods And in which the translation and analytical methods are the primary supporting methods.
- Reading the whole text to grasp the content and meaning the author expressed in the text.
- Perusing the chapter chosen to translate to understand the meaning of height and depth from that story.
- Taking notes on difficult expressions, and structures of the text while translating it.
- Consulting your instructors, friends, and also on the Internet about how to express the meaning of the text.
A successful graduation project effectively conveys the author's intentions and clarifies the core messages within the book's stories To achieve this, employing analytical techniques such as word choice, sentence structure, and clause analysis is essential for comprehending the narrative and its underlying themes By utilizing these methods, readers can enhance their understanding of English grammar and the story's meaning.
Translation Theory
In a world rich with diverse languages, effective communication can be challenging, making translation essential for bridging linguistic gaps Translation facilitates global interactions, allowing people to connect and understand one another better, regardless of language differences Its significance spans all sectors, especially in our rapidly evolving society Accuracy in translation is crucial, as the success of any translation hinges on how closely it mirrors the original content Therefore, aspiring translators and students of translation should prioritize understanding the theoretical foundations of the profession to ensure high-quality, meaningful translations.
There are many translation concepts given by some well-known linguistic experts as follows:
Peter Newmark defines translation as a craft focused on replacing a written message or statement in one language with an equivalent message or statement in another language.
Nguyen Manh Quang defines translation as the process of conveying the meaning of a text into another language while preserving the author's original intent.
Whereas Ian Tudor explains that translation is the process of conveying messages across linguistic and cultural barriers.
A more definition from J.C Catford is that translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).”
E.g M Foster states “translation is an act through which the content of a text is transferred from the source language in to the target language.”
Kirsten Malmkjổr and Kevin Windle believe that translation is an activity that aims at conveying meaning or meanings of a given linguistic discourse from one language to another.
Toward Advanced Oxford Dictionary translation is the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language
Houbert defines translation as the process of linguistically transforming a message from a specific source language so that it can be understood by readers of the target language.
The concepts of translation support the idea that a translation process is complex and requires theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
Types of Categories
J.C Catford makes categories of translation in terms of extent, levels, and ranks Therefore, there are many methods to translate and a considerable variation in the types of translations produced by translators; however, my graduation paper used some types among of them.
Translators often encounter two primary challenges: the dilemma of translating everything versus leaving certain sections untranslated J.C Catford categorizes translation into two types: full translation and partial translation.
- A full translation submits the entire text to the translation process, that is, the TL text material replaces every part of the SL.
For example : - The price of petrol is coming down.
Giá xăng dầu đang giảm
- The price of gas will be stable in the time to come.
Giá xăng dầu sẽ ổn định trong thời gian tới.
In partial translation, only select portions of the source language text (SLT) are translated into the target language text (TLT) This approach involves incorporating elements from the SLT into the TLT, often due to their perceived untranslatability, to add 'local color,' or because they are so commonly used that translation is deemed unnecessary.
For example: - Good luck with that!
- There has been a sharp decline in share prices.
Giá cổ phiếu đã bị giảm mạnh.
This distinction refers to the different levels of language that are used in translation
In "total" translation, the source language text is entirely substituted with target language content However, the term "full" translation can be misleading, as it implies a complete equivalence that is not achieved at all levels, despite the comprehensive nature of the replacement.
The grammar and lexis of the source language are replaced with corresponding grammar and lexis of the target language in "total" translation.
The phonology and graphology of the source language are replaced with equivalents in the target language.
For example: She sheds floods of tears whenever she is upset
Cô ấy khóc như mưa mỗi khi cô ấy buồn
Restricted translation involves substituting the source language (SL) text with equivalent target language (TL) text at a single level For instance, certain English words may lack direct translations in Vietnamese, highlighting the challenges of this translation method.
For example: wardrobe Garde-manger Tủ gạc-măng-rê
In this translation, the source language's phonology is replaced with the corresponding phonology of the target language, with minimal other alterations The grammar and vocabulary largely stay consistent, with only a few exceptions.
In graphological translation, the source language's graphology is replaced with its target language equivalent, maintaining the original meaning This process can be challenging due to the limited range of graphic elements used in different writing systems.
For example: Brasil Braxin; Zero Dêrô
Transliteration is the process of transferring a word from the alphabet of one language to another Transliteration aids in the pronunciation of foreign words and names.
For example: Bangladesh Băng-la-đét
2.2.6 Free, Literal, and Word-for-word Translation
A free translation is always different from a "word-for-word" translation.
In the case of a "literal" translation, the goal is to start from a "word-for- word" translation and then change its structure and grammar in accordance with the target language.
For example: Love me, love my dog
Yêu tôi, yêu chú chó của tôi (Word-for-word translation)
Yêu tôi thì hãy yêu cả những người thân của tôi (Literal translation)
Yêu nhau yêu cả đường đi (ghét nhau ghét cả tông chi họ hàng) (Free translation)
Principles and Methods of Translation
Nguyen Manh Quang emphasizes that translations must accurately convey the original text's meaning, ensuring that no elements are added or omitted without purpose, even if some meaning may occasionally be transposed.
When you're translating, you should always ask yourself the questions The following questions will be extremely beneficial.
Is the meaning of the original text clear? If not, where does the uncertainty lie?
Is the meaning of the original text unequivocally?
Are any words loaded, namely, are there any underlying implications?
Is the dictionary meaning of a particular word the fittest one?
Is there anything in the translation that sounds forced or unnatural?
When translating legal documents such as contracts and guarantees, it is crucial to maintain the original order of words and ideas as closely as possible However, the inherent differences in language structure often require adjustments in word form and sequence To ensure clarity and accuracy, it is advisable to emphasize the key terms from the original text when uncertainties arise.
For example: Just finished the exam, she burst into tears because she couldn't do the test.
Vừa thi xong thì cô ấy bật khóc vì không làm được bài.
Languages vary significantly in formality depending on the context, such as in business letters To effectively bridge these differences, translators must identify formal and personal expressions, as these choices influence the tone set by the writer or speaker.
For example: We would like to express our deep gratitude for your generous support
Chúng tôi muốn bày tỏ lòng biết ơn sâu sắc với sự hỗ trợ nhiệt tình của các bạn.
A frequent critique of translation is that it often lacks naturalness, as translators may be overly influenced by the source language (SL) To mitigate this effect, a helpful technique is to temporarily set the original text aside and translate a few sentences from memory This approach can reveal more natural thought patterns in the target language, which might be overlooked when focusing solely on the source text.
For example: 1) I hope her soul will rest in peace in paradise.
Tôi mong linh hồn cô bình yên nơi chốn thiên đường
2) Anh ấy đã tử trận trong Thế chiến thứ hai.
He was killed in World War Two
The translation should maintain the original style, but if the text is poorly written or features repetitive elements, the translator is permitted to make corrections for the reader's benefit.
For example: Their proposal puts us in a difficult position.
Lời đề nghị của họ đặt chúng tôi vào thế khó xử.
Idiomatic expressions, including similes, metaphors, proverbs, slang, and phrasal verbs, are often difficult to translate directly To effectively convey their meaning, consider using contextual equivalents or explanations that capture the essence of the original phrases.
- Retain the original word in inverted commas
For example: ''Ao dai'' is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women.
Áo dài là trang phục truyền thống của phụ nữ Việt Nam, biểu tượng cho vẻ đẹp và văn hóa của đất nước Với thiết kế thanh lịch và tinh tế, áo dài không chỉ thể hiện sự dịu dàng mà còn tôn vinh nét đẹp của người phụ nữ Việt.
- Retain the original expression, with a literal explanation in brackets.
For example: 1) When in the Rome, do as the Romans do
2) Every day is not Sunday
Sông có khúc người có lúc
- Use a non-idiomatic or plain prose translation
For example: He's over the moon.
Anh ấy sung sướng vô cùng.
When translating idioms, it's important to keep in mind that “the rule is if the idiom does not work in the TL, do not force it into the translation."
Translation approaches for English learners vary widely, reflecting diverse perceptions of the process This diversity allows for the classification of translation into several distinct viewpoints Below are some of the most common types of translation.
Word-for-word translation involves translating the source language literally, preserving its original word order while interpreting each word by its most common meaning, often without considering the context This method is primarily utilized to analyze the grammatical structures of the source language or to dissect challenging texts as a preliminary step in the translation process.
For example: She was reminded by her father.
Cô ấy bị nhắc nhỡ bởi bố cô ấy.
A literal translation involves translating each word individually without considering the context or structure of phrases and sentences This method often results in awkward and ineffective communication While literal translations can aid in learning the source language, they offer limited value to speakers of the target language who seek to grasp the intended meaning of the original text.
For example: He is as strong as a buffalo
Anh ấy khoẻ như trâu
A faithful translation requires accuracy in conveying the original meaning and grammatical structure However, we can adaptively translate the source text into the target language by focusing on contextual meaning, while still adhering to the grammatical rules of the target language.
For example: Tôi cho rằng anh ta là thủ phạm.
I think that he is the culprit.
(It should be “I assume he is the culprit.”)
This method emphasizes the aesthetic quality of the source language text, prioritizing a beautiful and natural sound While it may sacrifice some meaning when necessary, it ensures that assonance, wordplay, and repetition do not disrupt the final version Consequently, semantic translation offers greater flexibility than faithful translation, allowing for creative liberties and the translator's instinctive adjustments to the original text.
For example: 1) A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets.
Trái tim người đàn bà chính là một đại dương sâu thẳm, vô vàn những điều thầm kín.
2) Send me away with the words of a love song
(From “If I Die Young”- The Band Perry) Tiễn đưa con bằng câu hát của bản tình ca
The most liberated form of translation is often employed for plays and poetry, where the themes, characters, and plots are maintained while adapting the source language culture to the target language culture This approach involves rewriting the text to resonate with the new audience.
For example: 1) She Walks In Beauty
2) My Love Is Like To Ice
My love is like to ice, and I to fire:
How comes it then that this her cold so great
Tôi hoá lửa trước người yêu băng giá Nàng lạnh lùng tôi chẳng hiểu vì sao.
(Translation of Hoang Nguyen Chuong)
Free translation prioritizes conveying meaning over adhering to the original linguistic structure of the source language Often referred to as paraphrasing, this approach allows for greater flexibility in translation While it can enhance understanding, this freedom may sometimes lead to a more casual interpretation of the original text.
For example: 1) I'd like to go for a walk
2) You had me at hello
Tôi đã yêu em từ cái nhìn đầu tiên (tình yêu sét đánh)
Larson defines idiomatic translation as a meaning-focused approach that strives to convey the original message of the source language (SL) text using natural expressions in the receptor language While this method aims to replicate the essence of the original, it may inadvertently alter subtle meanings by prioritizing colloquialisms and idiomatic phrases that are not present in the source material.
For example: 1) On the horns of a dilemma
2) The first step is the hardest
Vạn sự khởi đầu nan
Communicative translation attempts to reader the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both language and substance are acceptable and understandable.
For example: 1) Rise and shine!
[1] “I remember very clearly Steve announcing that our goal is not just to make money but to make great products.”
- Jonathan Ive, Steve Jobs biography by Walter Issacson, page 340
[2] One of the first dark rooms that
Jack, Annette, and I found ourselves in revolved around our very essence as a company.
Every product, service, or business must address a crucial question: what promise are you making to your customers? Ensuring that this promise is upheld consistently across all facets of the customer experience—whether through the product, service, or overall company interaction—is essential for building trust and satisfaction.
And how can you ensure that that promise will be maintained over time?
[1] “Tôi nhớ rất rõ điều mà Steve tuyên bố mục tiêu của chúng ta không chỉ là để kiếm tiền mà còn tạo ra những sản phẩm tuyệt vời”.
- Jonathan Ive, Tiểu sử Steve Jobs của Walter Isaacson, trang 340
[2] Một trong những căn phòng tối đầu tiên mà Jack, Annette và tôi nhận thấy bản thân mình xoay quanh những trở ngại ở công ty.
Mọi sản phẩm, dịch vụ và doanh nghiệp đều phải đối mặt với thách thức giữ lời hứa với khách hàng Để đảm bảo rằng lời hứa đó được thực hiện trong từng khía cạnh của trải nghiệm người tiêu dùng, doanh nghiệp cần có chiến lược rõ ràng và nhất quán Hơn nữa, việc duy trì và củng cố lời hứa này theo thời gian là điều cần thiết để xây dựng lòng tin và sự trung thành từ phía khách hàng.
Finding our place in the world required us to establish a clear standard for our brand and its products.
In numerous ways, we felt disoriented and overwhelmed, grappling with uncertainty about our identities and the paths we should pursue, as well as our origins.
We consistently encountered challenges in upholding the quality of our products, particularly when it came to distributing them beyond our Midwest base Additionally, we faced tough decisions regarding whether to alter our flavor profile to sustain our profit margins.
[7] We were searching for our North
Star, a light that would illuminate our dark rooms The standard that would guide us through all the decisions that lay before us It was
Để xác định vị trí của mình trong thế giới, chúng ta cần phát triển một tiêu chuẩn cho thương hiệu tổng thể và từng sản phẩm cụ thể Việc này giúp chúng ta hiểu rõ hơn về vị trí hiện tại của mình và hướng đi trong tương lai.
Chúng tôi cảm thấy lạc lối và mơ hồ trong bóng tối, không chắc chắn về bản thân và liên tục đặt câu hỏi về mọi thứ xung quanh Sự tìm kiếm này thúc giục chúng tôi phải suy nghĩ về cách tiếp cận phù hợp, bất kể nguồn gốc của chúng tôi.
Chúng tôi liên tục đối mặt với thách thức trong việc duy trì chất lượng sản phẩm, đặc biệt là trong phân phối ra ngoài khu vực Trung Tây Đồng thời, chúng tôi cũng phải cân nhắc liệu có nên điều chỉnh hồ sơ hương vị để bảo vệ tỷ suất lợi nhuận của mình hay không.
Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm ngôi sao Bắc Đẩu, một nguồn sáng sẽ chiếu rọi vào những góc tối trong cuộc sống của chúng tôi Ngôi sao này không chỉ dẫn dắt chúng tôi qua những quyết định quan trọng mà còn mang lại sự an tâm trong những khoảnh khắc khó khăn.
During a Garden Fresh board meeting, I led a discussion on the increasing competition from Fortune 500 food companies entering the deli market, which raised concerns among board members about our ability to compete effectively.
“I don't care who we're going up against We make great products.” she exclaimed.
Annette's remarkable strength and defiance left a lasting impression on me; while most would retreat in the face of fierce competition, she remained undeterred For her, the quality of our products was paramount, overshadowing any concerns about rivalry.
[11] I was genuinely moved by the spirit of the moment “Annette's cuối cùng chính Annette cũng đã tạo cơ hội cho chúng tôi.
Tôi thường chủ trì các cuộc họp hội đồng quản trị của Garden Fresh, và trong một cuộc họp gần đây, chúng tôi đã thảo luận về việc 500 công ty thực phẩm trong danh sách Fortune đang bắt đầu gia nhập thị trường quầy thức ăn của chúng tôi Điều này khiến cuộc sống của chúng tôi trở nên khó khăn hơn, và các thành viên trong hội đồng đã bày tỏ sự lo lắng về khả năng cạnh tranh của chúng tôi.
[9] Annette đã không nản lòng.
Cô ấy đã thốt lên: “Tôi không quan tâm chúng ta sẽ đối đầu với ai Chúng ta sẽ tạo ra những sản phẩm tốt”.
Trước sức mạnh và thách thức phi lý của Annette, tôi đã cảm thấy im lặng Trong bối cảnh cạnh tranh khốc liệt, việc thu mình lại có vẻ là lựa chọn hợp lý Tuy nhiên, đối với Annette, điều đó không có ý nghĩa gì Điều quan trọng nhất với cô ấy là sản phẩm của chúng tôi thực sự tuyệt vời.
At this moment, I truly resonate with that spirit I concur that our products are exceptional and stand out as the best in the market We must maintain our belief in their superiority, as it ensures our place in the world.
[12] We adopted that mantra, as long as we're the best, there is going to a place for us in this world, as our brand standard.
[13] It served as our guide, what we reverted to whenever we were faced with a critical decision regarding our company, our brand: we were promising to be the best.
[14] Once you commit to your place in this world, though, you can’t compromise from there At Garden
Fresh, there was one promise we simply had to keep: to be the best products on the market.
Chúng tôi không thể tưởng tượng được rằng việc đạt được tiêu chuẩn đó lại khó khăn đến vậy Annette đã nói đúng: "Sản phẩm của chúng tôi không chỉ tốt mà còn đứng đầu thị trường Chỉ cần chúng ta tin tưởng vào khả năng của mình, chúng ta sẽ có một vị trí xứng đáng trên thế giới."