hiệu chỉnh
Kỹ năng nhõn viờn
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
7979 79 79 79 79
0.924 10Item-Total Statistics Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted NV niem no KH 32.01 24.298 .785 .912
NV du hieu biet tra loi KH 31.93 25.718 .771 .913
NV tra loi thoa dang 31.97 24.861 .767 .913
NV quan tam KH 32.08 25.078 .730 .915
NV tao niem tin cho KH 32.02 25.425 .753 .914
NV giai quyet khieu nai nhanh chong 32.05 26.104 .732 .916
TT the cham soc KH tot 32.06 25.156 .705 .917
NV xu ly nghiep vu nhanh 32.01 26.106 .727 .916
NV hieu nhu cau KH 32.19 26.673 .557 .924
NV tich cuc giai quyet tro ngai 32.11 26.202 .599 .922
Phương tiện hữu hỡnh, giá cả dịch vụ
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 0.874 7
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if
Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Diem chap nhan the lon 21.2 13.842 .732 .845 Phi phu hop voi dich vu 21.23 13.517 .729 .845 Phi phu hop voi khach hang 21.33 13.722 .751 .843 Phi canh tranh voi NH khac 21.23 14.041 .703 .849 Nhieu chuong trinh khuyen
mai 21.24 14.916 .529 .871
NH co he thong ATM hien dai 21.35 14.431 .581 .865 Gio hd cac diem giao dich 21.41 13.924 .570 .869
Sự tin cọ̃y
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 0.756 5 Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
the JCB KH tin nhiem 15.05 4.433 .545 .708
8080 80 80 80 80
tien ich dung cam ket 15.25 4.124 .560 .699 thu tuc nhanh 15.19 4.184 .474 .730 TT hang hoa de dang 15.22 3.862 .549 .703 tien ich phong phu 14.96 4.179 .500 .720
Sự đảm bảo
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items 0.727 4
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Mean if
Item Deleted Scale Varianceif Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted Mau the dep 11.24 2.64 .548 .650 Do chinh xac cua gd 10.85 3.003 .481 .687 Ht POS hd thong suot 10.5 2.964 .602 .622 Ht POS than thien 10.53 3.197 .452 .702
8181 81 81 81 81