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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HO CHI MINH NATIONAL CADEMY OF POLITICS ADMINISTRATION ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION MAI YEN NGA APPLICATION OF HO CHI MINH IDEOLOGY IN POLITICAL THEORY EDUCATION AT DISTRICT - LEVEL POLITICAL TRAINING CENTERS IN VIETNAM Specialty: Philosophy Classification: 9229001 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS OF POLITICS HANOI - 2021 THE WORK WAS COMPLETED AT ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCE ADVISOR: ASSOC PROF DR NGUYEN VIET THONG ASSOC PROF DR NGUYEN ĐUC LUAN Examiner 1: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Chi Hieu Communist Review Examiner 2: Assoc Prof Dr Đang Quang Dinh Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Examiner 3: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Minh Hoan Academy of Journalism and Communication The Thesis will be defensed to The University’s Thesis Defense Council at Academy of Journalism and Communication at ……… hours ……………2021 The Thesis can be found at: - National Library of Vietnam, Hanoi - Academy of Journalism and Communication’s Library INTRODUCTION Rationales of the research Education plays an important role in the development of each country In particular, political theory education for grassroots cadres, party members and people is the foundation of a society's success Ho Chi Minh attached great importance to the work of political theory education and had a lot of guidance on political theory education for officials and Party members Applying his thoughts in political theory education, the training and fostering of political theories have achieved some important results, contributing to the development of the Party, the political system, socialeconomics and protection of our nation However, in recent years, the application of Ho Chi Minh Ideology on political theory education and awareness of the position, role, purpose as well as the organization of the theoretical education activities have shown misrepresented There are also some limitations and weaknesses in the training and fostering of political theory The expansion of the training and retraining scale has not been associated with quality improvement Contents and programs of training and retraining have been slowly renewed, supplemented or updated They’re still duplicated, failed to meet the requirements of improving the capacity of practical activities, political and ethical training, leadership and management The quality of lecturers and training managers still has limitations The material and technical conditions in many training institutions are poorly The above practice demands to improve the quality of education, especially the quality of political theory education at district-level political training centers This is to build a contingent of cadres, party members and members of socio-political organizations at grassroots level Making them have a solid political will, scientific belief in the renovation and construction of socialism, and firmly grasps the Party's paths and views, the policies and laws of the Party and The Goverment… Therefore, the study, research and application of Ho Chi Minh Ideology on political theory education and proposed solutions to change and improving the quality of theoretical education at district-level political training centers are important and necessary tasks For the above reasons I have chosen the topic: "Application of Ho Chi Minh Ideology in political theory education at district-level political training centers in Vietnam today" as the subject of a thesis in philosophy Objectives and tasks of the research 2.1 Objectives of the research The thesis clarifies the theoretical basis, the reality of applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology on district-level training centers of Political Theory in Vietnam nowadays We propose a number of basic solutions for innovating and improving the quality of education at district-level political training centers on the basis of applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology on Political Theory Education 2.2 Tasks of the research Overview of research works applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology in political theory education at district-level political training centers in Vietnam nowadays Clarifying some theoretical issues about applying Ho Chi Minh's thought in political theory education Assessing the current situation of application of Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on Political Theory education in district-level training centers of Political Theory Proposing some solutions to apply Ho Chi Minh's Ideology to improve the quality of political theory education at centers in the coming time Subjects and scope of the research 3.1 Subjects - The research subject is Application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on Political Theory Education at district-level political training centers 3.2 Scope of the research - Scientific Contents: Ho Chi Minh's Ideology includes a comprehensive and profound system of views on basic issues of the Vietnamese revolution, including educational contents However, in this thesis, the PhD student chooses Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education and the application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education in political theory education at district-level political training centers The focus is on the awareness of the position, role and purpose of theoretical education by educational subjects - and at the same time the subjects of application (party committees, propaganda boards at all levels, lecturers, students) Recognizing the organization and implementation of the principles, methods, mottos, contents of political theory education and how to organize and manage, the conditions to ensure political theory education activities at the centers on the basis of applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education - Space and time: The thesis surveyed the education of political theory at district-level political training centers in Vietnam from 2008 to present According to Regulation No 208 - QD/TW, dated November 8, 2019 of the Secretariat on the functions, tasks and organizational structure of the district-level political center, “district-level political training centers” has changed its name to " district level political center" Due to Regulation 208 QD/TW renaming the centers is also the time when the PhD student has decided on the name of the thesis, and at the same time, changing the name of the center does not affect the implementation content, so the thesis permission to use the name district-level political training centers The thesis uses the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and at the same time uses literary, statistical, comparative, analytical, synthesis, historical, logical, and descriptive methods sociology Rationales, practice and research method 4.1 Rationales and practice - The thesis is based on the principles of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Ideology, the Party’s viewpoints and guidelines, the policies and laws of the State on the education of political theory - The thesis is conducted based on the practice of the education of political theory at district-level political training centers in Vietnam from 2008 to present 4.2 Research method The thesis used the following research methods: logic, historic, analyticsynthetic, inspecting, survey sampling, systematizing, and generalizing methods and methods of the ideological work, psychology, education and sociology such as systemic-structural, expert panel, practice summarizing, statistic, comparative and information collecting methods New scientific contribution of the thesis - The thesis contributes to clarify the definitions of political theory education and the application of Ho Chi Minh Ideology in education of political theory at district-level political training centers - Contributing to clarifying the current situation and proposing some solutions to apply Ho Chi Minh's thought to improve the quality of political theory education at centers Theoretical and practical meaning of the thesis - The thesis contributes to systematically and clarifies a number of theoretical issues about the application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at district-level political training centers in Vietnam today - The research results of the thesis will provide a scientific basis for the renewal and improvement of the quality of political theory education at district-level political training centers on the basis of applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology - The research results of the thesis will be distilled into a report to propose to the Central Propaganda Department to develop plans and solutions to improve the quality of political theory education at district-level political training centers - The thesis can also be used as a reference for the research and teaching of related issues Thesis structure Apart from the introduction, conclusion, overview, reference and appendix, the thesis is structured into chapters, covering 13 class periods Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH IN CONNECTION WITH THE THESIS TOPIC 1.1 Researches on the education of political theory In the world (mainly in the Soviet Union, China, Laos) and in our country, there are quite a few research works on political theory education These works have clarified the position, role, content, methods and situation of political theory education There are quite a few works that have provided highly feasible solutions to innovate and improve the quality of political theory education 1.2 Researches on Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on Political Theory education and application of political theory education These studies have explained quite clearly the role, importance and inevitability of applying Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on Political Theory education In which, there are a number of works that have surveyed, investigated and evaluated the situation of political theory education at a number of universities and political schools in the process of applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology on political theory education The authors of these works have found and explained a number of limitations and causes and proposed some basic solutions to overcome the limitations 1.3 Summary of research results 1.3.1 Main results of the research works - Research works have achieved certain achievements when systematizing a number of theoretical issues in political theory education: Concepts, purposes, contents, principles, mottos, teaching methods and factors affecting political theory education The position and role of political theory education in the formation of worldview, methodology, ideology of a class Explain the basic contents of educational activities of political theory - Research works have confirmed the position and role of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education in the orientation of political theory education activities The importance of applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education in renewing and improving the quality of political theory education - A number of works have assessed the situation, found out the causes, determined the conditions, proposed basic solutions to apply Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education in a number of universities, political institutes and schools To renew and improve the quality and effectiveness of political theory education - A number of works have initially pointed out the actual situation of political theory education at the centers and proposed some solutions to improve the quality of political theory education of the centers Contents has not been clarified by the relevant researches - The concept of political theory education has not been clarified, the application of Ho Chi Minh Ideology in political theory education in the district-level political training centers - The research works have not analyzed, clarified the current situation and identified the problems posed in applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education in the district-level political training centers nowadays - Research works not have solutions to apply Ho Chi Minh's thought to improve the quality of political theory education at centers However, from the different approaches of the above studies, it gives a variety of views and researches, which can be considered as a valuable source of material for the study of the thesis topic 1.3.2 Some problems raised for the thesis From an overview of the research situation of the works related to the thesis topic, it can be seen that, from a philosophical perspective, there is no in-depth and comprehensive research work, systematically clarifying the application content There has been no in-depth and comprehensive research, systematically clarifying the entire content of applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology in political theory education at the district-level political training centers in Vietnam Therefore, it is very necessary to have more in-depth research works applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology in the education On the basis of inheriting the research results of the works mentioned above, especially the studies of Ho Chi Minh Ideology on political theory education and the application of Ho Chi Minh Ideology in theoretical education activities The thesis focuses on researching and clarifying the following issues: - First, clarifying some theoretical issues about the application of Ho Chi Minh Ideology on political theory education in political theory education activities at district-level political training centers - Second, analyzing ang clarifying the current situation and identifying the problems posed in applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology on political theory education in political theory education activities at district-level political training centers -Third, proposing some basic solutions to improve the quality of political theory education at district-level political centers on the basis of applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology Chapter SOME THEORETICAL ISSUES ABOUT THE APPLICATION OF HO CHI MINH'S IDEOLOGY IN POLITICAL THEORY EDUCATION AT DISTRICT LEVEL POLITICAL CENTER 2.1 Ho Chi Minh Ideology in political theory education 2.1.1 Background shaping Ho Chi Minh Ideology in political theory education Nguyen Tat Thanh (Ho Chi Minh) grew up, while the national salvation movement was in the most difficult period There are so many examples of heroes, patriotic martyrs, with different ways of fighting, being resilient and heroic, but in the end they all failed It was that situation that prompted Nguyen Tat Thanh (Ho Chi Minh) in 1911 to go find a new way to save the country Through the process of wandering abroad, both working and learning about the struggles for independence and freedom of the nations, Ho Chi Minh gradually came into contact with revolutionary theories The theory that, as Ho Chi Minh later affirmed: "Now there are many theories, many theories, but the most genuine, most certain, most revolutionary ideology is Leninism" Also from here, when exposed to revolutionary theory, he was deeply aware of the importance of revolutionary theory A revolutionary party that wants to succeed must be equipped with avant-garde theory, the theory of Marxism-Leninism At the same time, it was in the process of both leading the revolution and directly "training" in political theory for cadres and party members, Nguyen Ai Quoc - Ho Chi Minh gradually formed the idea of the role, purposes, contents, programs, principles, methods, mottos, organization and conditions of political theory education Stemming from patriotism, by practical activities, with special political sensitivity, President Ho Chi Minh was the first person in our country to be interested in revolutionary theory and persistent practice the education of revolutionary theory for generations of Vietnamese patriots The system of Ho Chi Minh's ideas on political theory education has formed a philosophy of Ho Chi Minh's political theory education 2.1.2 The basic contents of Ho Chi Minh Ideology on the education of political theory Ho Chi Minh Ideology on the political theory and political theory education Ho Chi Minh's thought on political theory education occupies an important position in the revolutionary cause He left us with a comprehensive and profound system of views on the basics of political theory education That is the thought about the role and purpose of political theory education; on subjects, objects, contents, programs, principles, methods, mottos, ways of organization and management, facilities and conditions to ensure political theory education activities That legacy can be considered as Ho Chi Minh's educational philosophy on political theory Ho Chi Minh Ideology on the role and purpose of political theory education - According to Ho Chi Minh, political theory education has a particularly important role: + Orienting activities, creating political and ideological unity within the Party, consensus among the people on the goals and the way up of the country + Equip the proletariat's stance, so that cadres, party members and people can improve their political skills, build worldview, and scientific methodology + Cultivate and practice revolutionary morality to build a solid foundation, the "root" of revolutionary cadres + Determining scientific belief in Marxism-Leninism, the Party's line and policies, the Goverment's policies and laws and confidence in the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation - The purpose of political theory education is “Learning to work, to be people, to be officers Learning to serve organizations, class and the people, homeland and humanity” [99, 208] Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on the subjects involved in political theory education The Party, State, teachers and learners are the main subjects who play 11 Regarding the mission of the center, before 2019, according to Decision 185-QD/TW, the centers has five basic tasks: Firstly, the primary training in political - administrative theory; fostering political programs for regulated entities; guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State for cadres and party members in the district Secondly, fostering and updating new knowledge about the profession of Party development, State management, the National Front and sociopolitical organizations and some other fields for cadres Party (as the grassroots member level), government officials, the National Front and grassroots mass organizations Third, provide political fostering for reserve staff; new party members; professional party work for the grassroots member level Fourth, organize information on current affairs, policies for the team of reporters and communicators at the grassroots level Fifth, perform a number of other tasks under the direction of the district Party committee Since November 2019, in Regulation 208-QD/TW, the Secretariat changed the name of district-level political training centers to political centers and added two more tasks: First, propaganda and education on Party history and local Party committee history Secondly, to participate in the coordination in the work of practical review, theoretical research, scientific research as required by the Party committee and for teaching and learning Subjects and objects of political theory education activities at district-level political training centers - The subjects directing political theory education activities of the centers are the Party Committees at all levels from the Central to the provincial and district levels In particular, the Central Propaganda Department, the provincial and district propaganda boards are the agencies that advise, orient, guide and check the orientation of political theory education at the centers The provincial political school provides professional guidance and teaching methods for political theory lecturers at the centers The "trainer", lecturers at the centers include: full-time lecturers and part-time lecturers Full-time lecturers are comrades on staff at the center, fully qualified and qualified according to the Regulation 1853-QD/BTGTW 12 of the Central Committee for Propaganda and Training, in charge of teaching; Part-time lecturers are key leaders at the district level, participating in teaching at the center, and are considered and decided by the committee Students: are cadres and Party members in the political system at grassroots levels in the district, not subject to training and retraining of the political schools of provinces or centrally-run cities Students of all classes are often heterogeneous in terms of age and knowledge In the same class, there are young people (16 to 18 years old), some elderly people, past working age (over 60 years old); Some people have just graduated from junior high school, some are masters, and doctors These are the differences of the target group compared to the national education system Curriculum at district-level political training centers Currently, the training centers is teaching 21 programs compiled by the Central Propaganda Department In addition, the center also organizes to implement a number of other programs requested by the Party Committee These programs are divided into specific categories as follows: - Training programs, fostering basic political theory (Including the program for fostering party recruits, the training program for new party members, and the elementary program of political theory) + Specialized training programs (including topics: Education of Vietnamese patriotism, National issues and national policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Religious issues and religious policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Thematic Ho Chi Minh Ideology, Proactive and active international integration, Revolutionary moral education in the new period) + Professional training program (includes documents: Fostering Party work for Party cell secretaries and grassroots members, Fostering teaching methods of political theory for lecturers of District-level political training center, Training in propaganda skills education in the field of research, education in political theory, professional training in grassroots propaganda, fostering in oral propaganda and reporter) + Program of political and professional theory for the National Front and socio-political organizations (including the following programs: Training in political and professional theory for grassroots National Front 13 officers, Political and professional training for grassroots Women's Union officers, and Political and professional theory training for grassroots trade union officials, Political and professional theory training for grassroots Veterans Association officers, Political and professional theory training for cadres of the Vietnam Farmers' Union, Political and professional training for cadres of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union at grassroots level) + Program on fostering and updating knowledge for public servants and Party members at all levels (includes articles) Forms and ways of educating political theory The classes opened at the center are mainly short-term refresher courses, in the form of open classes, learning directly at the center Currently, due to the epidemic situation and social distancing, the Central Propaganda Department has instructed centers to enhance online teaching to ensure the education, dissemination and updating of key theoretical knowledge for cadres, party members and the masses at grassroots level The teaching method in district centers is still mainly the presentation method (traditional teaching method) The work of examining and evaluating students learning results at political centers is often in the form of writing articles in the form of selfessay 2.2.2 Factors affecting and some basic requirements in applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology Factors affecting the application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at centers a Favorable factors - The innovative policies and policies of the Party and State in the field of education and training, especially political theory education, have initially taken effect - The implementation of the functions and duties of the district-level political training centers has been adjusted, supplemented and developed - The achievements of innovation have been creating a favorable environment for political theory education - The achievements of science and technology create the basis and conditions for political theory education 14 b Difficulties, challenges - The world is increasingly changing, unpredictable, posing many problems for people and society from many different perspectives - The intrusion of trends, ideological tendencies, political tendencies - Theoretical works are slow to innovate and out of date - The limitations in the management and administration of socioeconomic development - The resistance of hostile forces to the regime and nation Concepts and some basic requirements of applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in education at the district-level political training centers a) The concept of applying Ho Chi Minh's thought on political theory education at the district-level political training centers We believe that the application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at district-level political training centers is the work of the educational subjects - and also the subjects of application (the propaganda committee of the levels, district committees, lecturers, students) must organize and implement the introduction of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education into political theory education activities at the center with different ways methods and methods suitable to current actual conditions and situations That is, the committees, propaganda committees at all levels, lecturers and students must study, organize and strictly implement Ho Chi Minh's Ideology system on political theory education That is Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on the position, role, purpose, content, program, principles, methods and motto of political theory education; how to build a team of lecturers and the organization and management, ensuring the physical conditions for political theory education activities at the centers b) The requiments for applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology in education of political theory at district-level political training centers In order for the application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education at the centers to be ensured, the educational subjects - at the same time the subjects of application (the Propaganda committee at all levels, the district committees, the lecturers, students) must be able to determine the content, method and effectiveness of the application 15 First, the application content requirements The requirements on applied content require educational subjects to identify and strictly implement Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education in education activities at centers In which, the focus is on the awareness and establishment of the position, role and purpose of political theory education; on contents, principles, methods, mottos, ways of organization and management and conditions to ensure educational activities according to Ho Chi Minh's Ideology Second, requirements on how to apply The requirements of this principle require that the research, organization and implementation of Ho Chi Minh's views and thoughts on political theory need to be placed in space and time, with historical and specific existence circumstances, must have a dialectical, comprehensive, systematic, focused, focused and practical point of view The application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education at the centers must fight against stereotypes, dogmas and must take into account the historical and concrete conditions of the application The principles, contents, methods of political theory education must be applied creatively and realistically with specific objects and situations Third, the requirement for the effectiveness of the application To ensure the effective application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at centers, committees, propaganda committees at all levels, lecturers, and students - educational subjects need to overcome the limitations of the political system institutions, weaknesses, solving problems posed in the past time in political theory education at the centers The effectiveness of the application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at the centers must be aimed at improving the quality, meeting the requirements of building a contingent of cadres and party members at grassroots level quality, capacity and prestige, on par with tasks 16 Chapter THE CURRENT SITUATION AND PROBLEMS OF APPLYING HO CHI MINH IDEOLOGY IN EDUCATION OF POLITICAL THEORY AT DISTRICT-LEVEL POLITICAL TRAINING CENTERS IN VIETNAM TODAY 3.1 The current situation of applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology in political theory education 3.1.1 Some outstanding results of applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at district-level political training centers The awareness of the Party committees at all levels about political theory education and the application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at political training centers is increasing day by day The determination of the position, role and purpose of this work is increasingly important Party committees at all levels have become more and more aware of the position, role and importance of political theory education for cadres, party members and the masses at grassroots level Considering political theory education as "an urgent task" as an "important task", "the original work of the Party"; clearly define the purpose of learning: “Learning to work, to be a person, to be an officer Learning to serve the Union, the class and the people, the Fatherland and humanity” [99,208] in accordance with the guiding thought of Ho Chi Minh The Resolution of the 4th Party Central Committee, the 12th term of the Party, considered laziness to study and being afraid to study political theory as one of the manifestations of the deterioration of political thought, morality and lifestyle Correctly identify and ensure the principles, methods and mottos of political theory education Basically, the principles of President Ho Chi Minh's education have been implemented relatively well in all stages From the development of the content, the program to the implementation of teaching and learning as well as evaluating the results The district centers have actively renewed teaching methods and evaluated students, initially meeting the requirements of improving the 17 quality of education Lecturers have focused on linking reasoning with practice in teaching and have many vivid illustrations They have focused more on building a democratic learning environment, real self-study and lifelong learning The teaching motto is practical, specific, suitable to the audience, with practice has initially been focused The building of a democratic learning environment, self-study and lifelong learning has gradually been implemented at the centers The content of political theory education adheres to the spirit and thought of Ho Chi Minh, ensuring layers of knowledge The educational contents according to Ho Chi Minh's Ideology have been taught in the centers However, according to the requirements and characteristics of learners, these contents are included in each specific program with different volumes - The basic political theoretical knowledge of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Ideology, the Party's Ideology is mainly shown in 05 programs: Primary program of political theory, Program for students of the target class admitted to the Party, Program for fostering new party members, Program fosters knowledge update for public servants and Party members at grassroots level; The program fosters professional and political theory for the National Front and socio-political organizations Statistics of the lessons in the curriculum at the center, there are 17/111 articles providing basic political theory knowledge about Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought accounts for 15.3% - Content of ethical standards is shown relatively comprehensively and deeply in all programs taught at the centers There is a program of writing about morality such as the program "Education of revolutionary morality in the new era", there is a program that shows through the content of one or two articles or there is a program shown in the content of a article (such as the training program for enrollees to the Party, the training of new party members, the topic of patriotism education, the elementary program of political theory, etc.) There are 11/111 articles (accounting for 9.9%) providing knowledge about moral education in the curriculum at the center - The educational content of the Party's guidelines and guidelines, and the State's policies and laws are taught in the programs, but the main focus is 18 on five programs: Ethnic issues and ethnic policies of the State Communist Party of Vietnam; Religious issues and religious policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam; International integration; Program on fostering subjects for admission to the Party, Program on fostering new Party members; Training program to update knowledge for officials and party members at all levels There are 34/111 articles (accounting for 30.6%) providing knowledge about the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies and laws of the State in the curriculum at the centers - Knowledge of the Party's history is included in a number of programs such as the Program on fostering party admissions, the elementary program on political theory, the thematic program on patriotism education There are 6/111 articles providing knowledge about the history of the Party and the nation, accounting for 5.4% - Provide professional knowledge in the following programs: Fostering Party work for Party cell secretaries and grassroots members; Professional training in propaganda in the field of political theory; Professional training in oral communication; Professional training in propaganda at grassroots level; Program to foster political theory and professional skills for the Vietnam National Front and socio-political organizations Statistics show that 43/111 articles (accounting for 38.7%) provide knowledge about business operations General assessment: The contents of the training and retraining programs at the centers have initially applied relatively well the direction of President Ho Chi Minh The content of political and professional theory has been relatively complete according to the guiding thought of President Ho Chi Minh; The proportion of knowledge is also quite suitable The content of the programs is more and more suitable to the audience, gradually simplified, partly overcome the duplication, scholasticism, away from reality, ensuring a relative logic between the topics , between chapters, sections, headings The building of staff and lecturers has been paid attention and gradually consolidated The team of full-time lecturers at the centers are growing in quantity and quality Over 50% of the center's staff are full-time lecturers The working capacity and teaching skills of the lecturers have gotten better and better, partly meeting the requirements of political theory education activities 19 at the grassroots level The organization and management of the classroom is increasingly scientific and orderly; pay attention to investment in facilities, material and technical equipment to ensure the operation of the center - The direction, organization and management at the centers have been carried out in accordance with the guiding ideology of President Ho Chi Minh, the Party committees and the propaganda boards at all levels are the agencies that manage, orient, guide, examine the political theory education at the centers - Centers open many types of training and retraining; The number of students in the class is basically not too large - The assurance of facilities and equipment for educational activities has been paid attention and invested Most of the centers have independent campuses and offices 3.1.2 The limitations in applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology Determining the position, role and purpose of political theory education according to Ho Chi Minh's Ideology has not been set at the right level and task requirements - Some Party committees are not aware of the position, role and importance of the center in political theory education There has not been a worthy investment in human resources as well as material and technical foundations to ensure political theory education activities - A number of documents defining the location of the center as well as directing its activities are still inconsistent, inconsistent, and overlapping, causing difficulties for the center's political theory education activities - Lecturers as well as students have not been properly aware of the position, role, goals and objectives of political theory education according to Ho Chi Minh's Ideology Considering the study of political theory lightly, the purpose of learning has been shown to be skewed The direction, management and administration of political theory education activities at political training centers have not been consistent and synchronous In the past years, the direction and positioning of the center are sometimes inconsistent and overlapping in leadership and direction; lack of 20 consensus on organizational model The working relationship and management mechanism of the center's educational activities are also unclear Directives and instructions have not yet clarified the tasks of committees and propaganda boards at all levels in directing, managing, inspecting and supervising the center's activities The coordination between departments, branches and mass organizations in training and fostering political theory is sometimes not close and synchronous Especially in the appraisal and approval of training programs and plans of centers The content of teaching and learning political theory is still duplicated, heavily scholastic, lacking in update and current affairs - The educational content on local traditions, culture, and history that is built and taught is still small, and the proportion is not commensurate with other contents - Many programs are scholastic, out of date, have not really kept up with the changes of requirements and tasks, have not yet answered the current problems of life, lack of persuasion, lack of practical exercises, not yet creating real excitement for learners - The program is not really streamlined, there is overlap; There is no consensus, synchronization, and linkage between programs The application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in determining the principles, mottos and educational methods of political theory is not clear, smooth, and inconsistent Some contents of the program as well as the teaching process of the lecturers, the unity between the party character, the science, between theory and practice has not yet been clearly demonstrated In terms of methods, Ho Chi Minh's motto of political theory education has introduced very new and very modern conceptions of how to learn and teach political theory However, in the centers, the use of teaching methods is still outdated Students have little opportunity to exchange and discuss The implementation of the motto "practical, specific", "suitable with the subject, with reality" or "build a democratic educational environment", train students to think independently, creatively, self-study, lifelong learning according to Ho Chi Minh's Ideology that has not performed well 21 The work of building a team of theoretical educators has not met the practical requirements set forth - Many committees at all levels have not yet developed a strategy for developing lecturers, and have not yet formed a team of experts with sharp political thinking, profound theoretical knowledge and good teaching experience - The work of fostering lecturers has not been properly invested, the standardization of staffs still has many shortcomings The organization and management of training and retraining is not systematic and scientific The assurance of physical facilities and equipment is not commensurate with the requirements and tasks - A number of classrooms are still crowded, and have not yet organized some training programs - In most of the centers, equipment and facilities to ensure teaching and learning are lacking, outdated, not meeting the requirements in applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in education 3.1.3 Causes of results and limitations in applying Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at district-level political training centers Cause of the achievements First, the awareness of political theoretical educational subjects is increasingly clear about the position, role and importance of education Second, the implementation of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education in the centers is increasingly serious and methodical The cause of the limitations First, the management agencies, directing agencies, teachers as well as students are not fully aware of Ho Chi Minh's ideology on the position, role, goals, purposes and tasks of main theoretical education Second, the direction and organization of the implementation of Ho Chi Minh ideology in practice are inconsistent, confusing and unclear Third, facilities and conditions to ensure educational activities requirements have not been met 3.2 Problems in applying Ho Chi Minh Ideology on political theory education in the district-level political training centers 3.2.1 Leaders, managers, lecturers and academies need to be fully 22 aware of the position, role and importance of political theory education 3.2.2 Directing uniformly and synchronously in the system of documents, in the organization, personnel, payroll, regimes and policies for lecturers and students; renovate the operation mechanism, develop the coordination regulation among relevant agencies in the educational work of political theory 3.2.3 Renovate the content and program, ensure it is concise, basic and modern, linking theory with practice and suitable for target audience 3.2.4 Ensure smooth and unified implementation of the promotion of democracy, initiative, creativity and active self-study of learners according to Ho Chi Minh's thought 3.2.5 There is a plan to build a teaching staff of political theory in a methodical and strategic way 3.3.6 Renovate the organization and management of training and retraining activities, strengthen material and technical foundations, ensure funding according to training and retraining requirements, commensurate with requirements and tasks CHAPTER APPLYING HO CHI MINH IDEOLOGY TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF POLITICAL THEORY EDUCATION AT DISTRICT LEVEL POLITICAL CONTACT CENTER - SOME SOLUTIONS 4.1 Solutions for raising awareness of the subjects involved in the political theory educational activities - Raising awareness of both Party committees and political system about the position and role of political theory education - Raising awareness and responsibility of lecturers in teaching activities - Raise awareness, spirit, attitude, and purpose in political theory learning of students 4.2 Solutions for innovating methods of leadership and direction of political theory education - Renovate the mechanism of advising, directing and managing districtlevel political training centers in the direction of unity from top to bottom 23 - Developing a close and effective coordination mechanism between the responsible agencies and organizations - Consolidating and rearrange the organizational system of political theory to ensure streamlining and efficiency 4.3 Solutions for improving the quality of contents, programs - The program content must be shown the most basic issues of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's Ideology, associated with reality - Reviewing and appropriately determine block knowledge for different object files - Build and implement the system in an advanced, modern, streamlined, easy-to-understand direction, linked with practice, learning in parallel with reality 4.4 Solutions for change new teaching methods - Ensuring the principles of the Party’s nature the scientific and the reality in teaching - Promoting actively, proactively and creatively learners, taking learners-centered, helping students continue to self-study, automatically improve knowledge - Renovate teaching methods, focus on the flexible and effective use of methods - Change the new format exams, check, rating, use the technology information 4.5 Solutions for building a contingent of staff and lecturers - Developing training and fostering plans to improve the quality of the contingent of staff and lecturers - Strengthen the organizational structure, renew mechanisms and policies for remuneration for lecturers 4.6 Solutions for security conditions, facilities to improve the quality of political theory education - The Central government needs to develop a complete and clear set of criteria for facilities and equipment for the centers - Increase investment budget for political theory education - Step by step modernizing material and technical foundations for training and fostering 24 CONCLUSION On the basis of Researching the basic contents political theory education in President Ho Chi Minh's Ideological heritages, applying those to the innovation and improvement of the political theory education quality in the district-level political training centers in Vietnam today is a matter of profound theoretical and practical significance On the basis of clarifying theoretical issues about the application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at district-level political training centers, the thesis has conducted a survey, analysis and evaluation situation and identify problems posed in the application of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology in political theory education at the centers over the past time From that scientific and practical basis, the thesis has proposed groups of solutions to apply Ho Chi Minh's Ideology to improve the quality of political theory education at the centers in the coming time With suitable and feasible solutions, if used as a reference and put into practice in the formulation of plans and solutions to improve the quality of political theory education at centers, The project will make certain contributions in improving the quality of political theory education at the centers in the coming time Today, in the context of Vietnam increasingly integrating into the world economy and being affected by the fourth industrial revolution, the study and affirmation of the theoretical and practical values of Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education is even more important, especially for centers Centers in particular and educational institutions of political theory in general, need to continue to seriously grasp the study and follow Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on political theory education, and at the same time apply them Being creative and flexible in the new context and practical conditions, the quality of political theory education at the centers will be increasingly improved, meeting the requirements of the cause of national construction and defense./ LIST OF AUTHOR'S SCIENCE WORKS RELATED TO THE THESIS Mai Yen Nga: “"District level political training center - to look back over the last 20 years", Journal of Propaganda and Education issue 6/2016 Mai Yen Nga: “Some new points in our Party's perception of socialist democracy", Journal of Propaganda and Education issue 9/2016 Mai Yen Nga: “The initial effect from the model of the head of the district-level propaganda department is the director of the political center", Journal of Propaganda and Education issue 10/2020 Mai Yen Nga: “Educating political theory for grassroots cadres and Party members in the Party's propaganda work”, Central Committee for Propaganda and Education, 90 years of the glorious journey of the Party's propaganda work - achievements and visions, The ational science conference celebrates the 90th anniversary of the propaganda tradition (01/8/1930 - 01/8/2020) National Political Publishing House, H 2020 Mai Yen Nga, Nguyen Mai Thao Nhung: “Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on education and its application in management and theory teaching at district-level political centers”, National Political Publishing House, Education Management Academy “Ho Chi Minh's Ideology on educational management”, Proceedings of the National Scientific Conference National Political Publishing House, H 2020 ... process Ho Chi Minh' s Ideology on principles, mottos and methods of political theory education a) Ho Chi Minh' s Ideology on principles According to President Ho Chi Minh, the principle in... education at centers in particular b) Ho Chi Minh' s Ideology on mottos and methods Regarding the method and motto of political theory education, President Ho Chi Minh has given very new and very modern... Vietnamese patriotism, National issues and national policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Religious issues and religious policies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Thematic Ho Chi Minh

Ngày đăng: 25/12/2021, 05:43


